subversion ankhsvn 文件从解决方案资源管理器中消失
我使用的是 Visual Studio 2008。每隔一段时间,我的几个类库根目录中存在的文件就会从 Visual Studio 上的解决方案资源管理器中消失。
Im using Visual studio 2008. Every once in a while files that exist in the root of couple of my class libraries disapear from the solution explorer on visual studio.
Files exist on subversion. I could not understand the reason of this and it just happened again..
Any one has experienced this problem also?
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TFS 用户也报告了此问题(请参阅 google),因此它很可能是 Visual Studio 错误。如果有人找到重现此问题的方法,那就太好了。这最终将使微软能够解决这个问题。
This issue is also reported by TFS users (See google), so it is most likely a Visual Studio bug. It would be nice if somebody found out a way to reproduce this issue. That would finally enable Microsoft to fix this issue.