paypal 的货币汇率

发布于 2024-08-04 02:15:27 字数 980 浏览 2 评论 0原文

有谁知道如何获取 paypal 的货币汇率吗?

我们有定制的购物车并使用 Paypal(网站支付标准)来处理付款。 我们的“本国”货币是欧元,但我们希望向客户提供以不同货币(美元、加元、澳元和英镑)支付的选项。

PayPal 提供以下选项:
    a) 在结帐时自动将我们的欧元报价转换为美元
    b) 直接以美元结账

使用选项 a)

  • 我们以欧元付款,客户支付货币兑换费用()。
  • 在结账之前,客户并不知道他/她将以美元支付多少费用。 (


  • 客户以美元付款,然后将货币转换为欧元,我们支付货币兑换费用。
  • 客户永远不必担心不同的货币(优秀
  • 我们不知道 PayPal 将使用的汇率,因此我们无法向客户报出正确的价格(showstopper) >)

 有人知道如何获取 PayPal 汇率吗?


PayPal 每天更新汇率 2 次。 (至少,他们是这么说的)。他们使用 ??? 提供的银行间汇率并在该汇率之上加上 2.5% 的利差来确定其零售外汇汇率。 不幸的是,银行间汇率因来源和时间而异。
我们一直在监控 PayPal 汇率,并与以下提供的官方参考汇率进行交叉引用欧洲中央银行。结果差异很大,从 1% 到 6%!...

Does anyone know a way to get the currency exchange rates for paypal?

We have custom shopping cart and use Paypal (Website Payments Standard) to handle payments.
Our 'home' currency is Euro, but we would like to present our customers the option to pay in different currencies (USD, CAD, AUD and GBP).

PayPal offers the option to:
    a) automatically convert our Euro quoted prices to, for example, USD upon checkout
    b) checkout in USD directly

With option a):

  • We get paid in Euro, the customer pays for the currency exchange (good).
  • The customer does not know what he/she is going to be charged in USD until checkout. (bad)

With option b)

  • The customer pays in USD, then the currency is converted into EUR and we pay the the currency exchange.
  • The customer never has to worry about the different currencies (excellent)
  • We do not know the exchange rate PayPal is going to use so we cannot quote the correct prices to our customer (showstopper)

So my question is:
  Does anybody know a way to get the PayPal exchange rates?
  Does anybody know how to make a good estimate?

PayPal updates it's exchange rate 2 times a day. (at least, that is what they state). They use the Interbank Exchange Rate provided by ??? and add a 2.5% spread above this rate to determine their retail foreign exchange rates.
Unforunately, there the Interbank Exchange Rates vary from source to source and from minute to minute.
We have been monitoring the PayPal exchange rates and cross referenced them with the Official reference rates provides by the European Central Bank. the results vary widely, somewhere from 1 to 6 ! percent...

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行雁书 2024-08-11 02:15:27 -bin/webscr?cmd=_convert-currency-withdrawal 是 Paypal 上的一个(需要登录)页面,您可以在其中按照 Paypal 的汇率进行货币兑换。 is a (needs login) page on Paypal where you can perform currency conversions at Paypal's rates.

霊感 2024-08-11 02:15:27

我刚刚发现这个: (此链接是现在坏了)

所以看起来你可以使用一些东西 (此链接现已损坏) /DOC-1401 (此链接现已损坏)

我也发现了这个 php?sid=paypal&id=nvp_adpay&ac=convertcurrency (此链接现在似乎也已损坏)

PayPal 自适应支付 ConvertCurrency API 的 PHP 示例

I just found this: (This link is now broken)

so it look like there is something you could use (This link is now broken) (This link is now broken)

I also found this (This link is now appears to be broken also)

and there is someone that already posted a question about that
PHP example for PayPal Adaptive Payments ConvertCurrency API

白色秋天 2024-08-11 02:15:27

关于获得良好的估计; PayPal 表示这里是他们的基地他们的汇率以“银行间汇率”为准,并且“客户可以使用这些汇率作为参考”。



我想您可以每天自己支付 0.01 美元,并观察所应用的汇率 - 但即使如此,也假设他们每天只更新汇率。

Regarding getting a good estimate; PayPal says here that they base their rate on the "Interbank Exchange Rate" and that "Customers may use these rates as a reference".

However they of course go on to say that these rates are not guaranteed, and if you want the precise rate you need to see what rate they apply in the transaction.

I am not aware of any way of obtaining the precise rate programmatically.

I suppose you could make your own payment of $0.01 every day and observe the exchange rate applied - but even that assumes they only update their rate every day.

夏尔 2024-08-11 02:15:27

我联系了他们的客户服务,他们解释说,至少在我所在的地区,他们在 汇率的基础上加了 3.5%。我能够将其交给我的会计师,并将其用作可免税业务费用的证据。

I contacted their customer service and they explained, that at least in my region, they added 3.5% over the exchange rates. I was able to hand this to my accountant and use it as evidence of a tax-deductible business expense.

霓裳挽歌倾城醉 2024-08-11 02:15:27

如果您对欧元的兑换非常感兴趣,欧洲中央银行有一个每天更新的公共(免费)xml 文档: -daily.xml


foreach($XML->Cube->Cube->Cube as $rates){
  if($rates["currency"] == 'USD'){
    $rate = ''.$rates["rate"];
    // do your thing with it here

If you are strictly interested in conversion from and to Euro, the European Central Bank has a public (and free) xml document that is updated daily:

Parsing it is easy:

foreach($XML->Cube->Cube->Cube as $rates){
  if($rates["currency"] == 'USD'){
    $rate = ''.$rates["rate"];
    // do your thing with it here
中性美 2024-08-11 02:15:27

他们的汇率比我使用的货币(泰铢/美元)的每日即期汇率低约 10%。尽管我有美元银行账户,但他们拒绝将美元转入我的美元账户。不确定这是否是他们对所有国家/所有货币的政策,但对于泰铢/美元,他们是不灵活的。

使用 PayPal 时需要注意的另一件事 - 他们的“卖家保护”受到限制,具体取决于您销售的产品和通过哪些渠道。换句话说,您需要自己进行一定数量的欺诈检查,以避免将货物运送给使用被盗信用卡#的客户。

Their exchange rates are ~10% off the daily spot rates in the currencies I use (THB/USD). And although I have USD bank accounts they refuse to transfer USD to my USD accounts. Not sure if that is their policy for all countries / all currencies though, but for THB/USD they are inflexible.

Another thing to be aware of when using paypal - their "seller protection" is limited depending on what you sell and through what channels. In other words, you need to do a certain amount of fraud checking yourself to avoid shipping to customers who have used stolen credit card #s.

对不⑦ 2024-08-11 02:15:27

正如你所说,他们将“PayPal汇率”基于“最近的货币兑换率”。根据我的经验,他们会增加 3-4%。

我发现唯一可以获取 PayPal 汇率的地方是 此处 但需要您登录。

我创建了一个公开可见的 列出历史汇率的 Google 文档

这使您可以跟踪 PayPal 汇率,以便您知道何时最好提取或转账。请通过将今天的费率添加到此数据来贡献数据形式

As you say, they base the "PayPal exchange rate" on the "recent currency conversion rate". In my experience, they add 3-4%.

The only place I found to get the PayPal exchange rate is here but it needs you to be logged in.

I've created a publicly visible Google doc that lists the historical rates.

This allows you to track the PayPal exchange rates so that you know when best to withdraw or transfer your money. Please contribute to the data by adding today's rates into this form.

痴情 2024-08-11 02:15:27

我发现贝宝自适应支付服务可以在网站上集成货币汇率,但它在真实账户上无法正常工作。您可以通过链接 https://developer 查看详细信息 payments/

I found paypal adaptive payment service to integrate currency exchange rates on website but it is not working correctly on live account. You can go through the details from the link

淡紫姑娘! 2024-08-11 02:15:27

Well, the following service should be useful for the conversion: Our company uses this for many live projects including an Chrome extension which seems running so far.

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