Distinct 不适用于 LINQ to Objects

发布于 2024-08-03 19:23:04 字数 2312 浏览 3 评论 0原文

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        List<Book> books = new List<Book> 
            new Book
                Name="C# in Depth",
                Authors = new List<Author>
                    new Author 
                        FirstName = "Jon", LastName="Skeet"
                     new Author 
                        FirstName = "Jon", LastName="Skeet"
            new Book
                Name="LINQ in Action",
                Authors = new List<Author>
                    new Author 
                        FirstName = "Fabrice", LastName="Marguerie"
                     new Author 
                        FirstName = "Steve", LastName="Eichert"
                     new Author 
                        FirstName = "Jim", LastName="Wooley"

        var temp = books.SelectMany(book => book.Authors).Distinct();
        foreach (var author in temp)
            Console.WriteLine(author.FirstName + " " + author.LastName);


public class Book
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<Author> Authors { get; set; }
public class Author
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return true;
        //if (obj.GetType() != typeof(Author)) return false;
        //else return ((Author)obj).FirstName == this.FirstName && ((Author)obj).FirstName == this.LastName;


这是基于“LINQ in Action”中的示例。清单 4.16。

这会打印 Jon Skeet 两次。为什么?我什至尝试过重写 Author 类中的 Equals 方法。 Still Distinct 似乎不起作用。我缺少什么?

编辑: 我也添加了 == 和 != 运算符重载。仍然没有帮助。

 public static bool operator ==(Author a, Author b)
        return true;
    public static bool operator !=(Author a, Author b)
        return false;
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        List<Book> books = new List<Book> 
            new Book
                Name="C# in Depth",
                Authors = new List<Author>
                    new Author 
                        FirstName = "Jon", LastName="Skeet"
                     new Author 
                        FirstName = "Jon", LastName="Skeet"
            new Book
                Name="LINQ in Action",
                Authors = new List<Author>
                    new Author 
                        FirstName = "Fabrice", LastName="Marguerie"
                     new Author 
                        FirstName = "Steve", LastName="Eichert"
                     new Author 
                        FirstName = "Jim", LastName="Wooley"

        var temp = books.SelectMany(book => book.Authors).Distinct();
        foreach (var author in temp)
            Console.WriteLine(author.FirstName + " " + author.LastName);


public class Book
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<Author> Authors { get; set; }
public class Author
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return true;
        //if (obj.GetType() != typeof(Author)) return false;
        //else return ((Author)obj).FirstName == this.FirstName && ((Author)obj).FirstName == this.LastName;


This is based on an example in "LINQ in Action". Listing 4.16.

This prints Jon Skeet twice. Why? I have even tried overriding Equals method in Author class. Still Distinct does not seem to work. What am I missing?

I have added == and != operator overload too. Still no help.

 public static bool operator ==(Author a, Author b)
        return true;
    public static bool operator !=(Author a, Author b)
        return false;

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素衣风尘叹 2024-08-10 19:23:04

当涉及到自定义对象时,LINQ Distinct 并不那么聪明。


一种解决方法是实现 IEquatable 接口,如此处所示。

如果你像这样修改你的 Author 类,它应该可以工作。

public class Author : IEquatable<Author>
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

    public bool Equals(Author other)
        if (FirstName == other.FirstName && LastName == other.LastName)
            return true;

        return false;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        int hashFirstName = FirstName == null ? 0 : FirstName.GetHashCode();
        int hashLastName = LastName == null ? 0 : LastName.GetHashCode();

        return hashFirstName ^ hashLastName;

尝试使用 DotNetFiddle

LINQ Distinct is not that smart when it comes to custom objects.

All it does is look at your list and see that it has two different objects (it doesn't care that they have the same values for the member fields).

One workaround is to implement the IEquatable interface as shown here.

If you modify your Author class like so it should work.

public class Author : IEquatable<Author>
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

    public bool Equals(Author other)
        if (FirstName == other.FirstName && LastName == other.LastName)
            return true;

        return false;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        int hashFirstName = FirstName == null ? 0 : FirstName.GetHashCode();
        int hashLastName = LastName == null ? 0 : LastName.GetHashCode();

        return hashFirstName ^ hashLastName;

Try it as DotNetFiddle

怀里藏娇 2024-08-10 19:23:04

Distinct() 方法检查引用类型的引用相等性。这意味着它正在寻找字面上相同的重复对象,而不是包含相同值的不同对象。


如果您希望 Author 通常表现得像普通对象(即仅引用相等性),但为了通过名称值进行区分检查相等性,请使用 IEqualityComparer。如果您始终希望根据名称值比较 Author 对象,请重写 GetHashCode 和 Equals,或实现 IEquatable

IEqualityComparer 接口上的两个成员是 EqualsGetHashCode。确定两个 Author 对象是否相等的逻辑似乎是“名字”和“姓氏”字符串是否相同。

public class AuthorEquals : IEqualityComparer<Author>
    public bool Equals(Author left, Author right)
        if((object)left == null && (object)right == null)
            return true;
        if((object)left == null || (object)right == null)
            return false;
        return left.FirstName == right.FirstName && left.LastName == right.LastName;

    public int GetHashCode(Author author)
        return (author.FirstName + author.LastName).GetHashCode();

The Distinct() method checks reference equality for reference types. This means it is looking for literally the same object duplicated, not different objects which contain the same values.

There is an overload which takes an IEqualityComparer, so you can specify different logic for determining whether a given object equals another.

If you want Author to normally behave like a normal object (i.e. only reference equality), but for the purposes of Distinct check equality by name values, use an IEqualityComparer. If you always want Author objects to be compared based on the name values, then override GetHashCode and Equals, or implement IEquatable.

The two members on the IEqualityComparer interface are Equals and GetHashCode. Your logic for determining whether two Author objects are equal appears to be if the First and Last name strings are the same.

public class AuthorEquals : IEqualityComparer<Author>
    public bool Equals(Author left, Author right)
        if((object)left == null && (object)right == null)
            return true;
        if((object)left == null || (object)right == null)
            return false;
        return left.FirstName == right.FirstName && left.LastName == right.LastName;

    public int GetHashCode(Author author)
        return (author.FirstName + author.LastName).GetHashCode();
沉溺在你眼里的海 2024-08-10 19:23:04

不实现 IEquatableEqualsGetHashCode 的另一种解决方案是使用 LINQs GroupBy 方法并选择第一项来自 IGrouping。

var temp = books.SelectMany(book => book.Authors)
                .GroupBy (y => y.FirstName + y.LastName )
                .Select (y => y.First ());

foreach (var author in temp){
  Console.WriteLine(author.FirstName + " " + author.LastName);

Another solution without implementing IEquatable, Equals and GetHashCode is to use the LINQs GroupBy method and to select the first item from the IGrouping.

var temp = books.SelectMany(book => book.Authors)
                .GroupBy (y => y.FirstName + y.LastName )
                .Select (y => y.First ());

foreach (var author in temp){
  Console.WriteLine(author.FirstName + " " + author.LastName);
£噩梦荏苒 2024-08-10 19:23:04


YourList.GroupBy(i => i.Id).Select(i => i.FirstOrDefault()).ToList();


There is one more way to get distinct values from list of user defined data type:

YourList.GroupBy(i => i.Id).Select(i => i.FirstOrDefault()).ToList();

Surely, it will give distinct set of data

思念绕指尖 2024-08-10 19:23:04

Distinct() 对可枚举对象执行默认的相等比较。如果您尚未覆盖 Equals()GetHashCode(),然后它使用 object 上的默认实现来比较引用。

简单的解决方案是添加 Equals()GetHashCode() 到参与您正在比较的对象图的所有类(即 Book 和 Author)。

IEqualityComparer 界面非常方便,允许您实施Equals()< /a> 和 GetHashCode()< /a> 在单独的类中,当您无法访问需要比较的类的内部结构,或者您正在使用不同的比较方法时。

Distinct() performs the default equality comparison on objects in the enumerable. If you have not overridden Equals() and GetHashCode(), then it uses the default implementation on object, which compares references.

The simple solution is to add a correct implementation of Equals() and GetHashCode() to all classes which participate in the object graph you are comparing (ie Book and Author).

The IEqualityComparer interface is a convenience that allows you to implement Equals() and GetHashCode() in a separate class when you don't have access to the internals of the classes you need to compare, or if you are using a different method of comparison.

野心澎湃 2024-08-10 19:23:04

您已经重写了 Equals(),但请确保您也重写了 GetHashCode()

You've overriden Equals(), but make sure you also override GetHashCode()

|煩躁 2024-08-10 19:23:04

正如 MSDN 上所述,Distinct 返回默认的 Equator,如所述,Default 属性检查类型 T 是否实现 System.IEquatable 接口,如果是,则返回使用该实现的 EqualityComparer。 否则,它会返回一个 EqualityComparer,该 EqualityComparer 使用 T 提供的 Object.Equals 和 Object.GetHashCode 的重写

这意味着只要重写 Equals 就可以了。


请参阅 https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/bb348436(v =vs.100).aspxhttps://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms224763(v=vs.100).aspx

The Above answers are wrong!!!
Distinct as stated on MSDN returns the default Equator which as stated The Default property checks whether type T implements the System.IEquatable interface and, if so, returns an EqualityComparer that uses that implementation. Otherwise, it returns an EqualityComparer that uses the overrides of Object.Equals and Object.GetHashCode provided by T

Which means as long as you overide Equals you are fine.

The reason you're code is not working is because you check firstname==lastname.

see https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/bb348436(v=vs.100).aspx and https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms224763(v=vs.100).aspx

み格子的夏天 2024-08-10 19:23:04


var temp = books.SelectMany(book => book.Authors).Distinct();

var temp = books.SelectMany(book => book.Authors).DistinctBy(f => f.Property);

Instead of

var temp = books.SelectMany(book => book.Authors).Distinct();


var temp = books.SelectMany(book => book.Authors).DistinctBy(f => f.Property);
Hello爱情风 2024-08-10 19:23:04


1.您可以实现 IEquatable 接口,如下所示Enumerable.Distinct 方法 或者您可以查看 @skalb 在这篇文章中的回答

2. 如果您的对象没有唯一键,您可以使用 GroupBy 方法来获得不同的对象列表,您必须对对象的所有属性,然后选择第一个对象。


var distinctList= list.GroupBy(x => new {
                            Name= x.Name,
                            Phone= x.Phone,
                            Email= x.Email,
                            Country= x.Country
                        }, y=> y)
                       .Select(x => x.First())

MyObject 类如下所示:

public class MyClass{
       public string Name{get;set;}
       public string Phone{get;set;}
       public string Email{get;set;}
       public string Country{get;set;}

3. 如果您的对象具有唯一键,则只能在分组依据中使用它。

例如,我的对象的唯一键是 Id。

var distinctList= list.GroupBy(x =>x.Id)
                      .Select(x => x.First())

You can achieve this several ways:

1. You may to implement the IEquatable interface as shown Enumerable.Distinct Method or you can see @skalb's answer at this post

2. If your object has not unique key, You can use GroupBy method for achive distinct object list, that you must group object's all properties and after select first object.

For example like as below and working for me:

var distinctList= list.GroupBy(x => new {
                            Name= x.Name,
                            Phone= x.Phone,
                            Email= x.Email,
                            Country= x.Country
                        }, y=> y)
                       .Select(x => x.First())

MyObject class is like as below:

public class MyClass{
       public string Name{get;set;}
       public string Phone{get;set;}
       public string Email{get;set;}
       public string Country{get;set;}

3. If your object's has unique key, you can only use the it in group by.

For example my object's unique key is Id.

var distinctList= list.GroupBy(x =>x.Id)
                      .Select(x => x.First())
无言温柔 2024-08-10 19:23:04

您还可以更改扩展方法以支持 IEnumerable。


public class Employee{
public string Name{get;set;}
public int Age{get;set;}

List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>();
employees.Add(new Employee{Name="XYZ", Age=30});
employees.Add(new Employee{Name="XYZ", Age=30});

employees = employees.Unique(); //Gives list which contains unique objects. 


    public static class LinqExtension
            public static List<T> Unique<T>(this List<T> input)
                HashSet<string> uniqueHashes = new HashSet<string>();
                List<T> uniqueItems = new List<T>();

                input.ForEach(x =>
                    string hashCode = ComputeHash(x);

                    if (uniqueHashes.Contains(hashCode))


                return uniqueItems;

            private static string ComputeHash<T>(T entity)
                System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider sh = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
                string input = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entity);

                byte[] originalBytes = ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(input);
                byte[] encodedBytes = sh.ComputeHash(originalBytes);

                return BitConverter.ToString(encodedBytes).Replace("-", "");

You can use extension method on list which checks uniqueness based on computed Hash.
You can also change extension method to support IEnumerable.


public class Employee{
public string Name{get;set;}
public int Age{get;set;}

List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>();
employees.Add(new Employee{Name="XYZ", Age=30});
employees.Add(new Employee{Name="XYZ", Age=30});

employees = employees.Unique(); //Gives list which contains unique objects. 

Extension Method:

    public static class LinqExtension
            public static List<T> Unique<T>(this List<T> input)
                HashSet<string> uniqueHashes = new HashSet<string>();
                List<T> uniqueItems = new List<T>();

                input.ForEach(x =>
                    string hashCode = ComputeHash(x);

                    if (uniqueHashes.Contains(hashCode))


                return uniqueItems;

            private static string ComputeHash<T>(T entity)
                System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider sh = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
                string input = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entity);

                byte[] originalBytes = ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(input);
                byte[] encodedBytes = sh.ComputeHash(originalBytes);

                return BitConverter.ToString(encodedBytes).Replace("-", "");
GRAY°灰色天空 2024-08-10 19:23:04


public bool Equals(Author other)
    if (FirstName == other.FirstName && LastName == other.LastName)
        return true;

    return false;

public override bool Equals(Object obj)
    var other = obj as Author;

    if (other is null)
        return false;

    if (FirstName == other.FirstName && LastName == other.LastName)
        return true;

    return false;

The Equal operator in below code is incorrect.


public bool Equals(Author other)
    if (FirstName == other.FirstName && LastName == other.LastName)
        return true;

    return false;


public override bool Equals(Object obj)
    var other = obj as Author;

    if (other is null)
        return false;

    if (FirstName == other.FirstName && LastName == other.LastName)
        return true;

    return false;
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