webspehere 基础与 RAD wsInstallApp 任务问题
我正在尝试运行 wsInstallApp 任务将我的 war 文件部署到 网络圈。 我收到错误“无法解析 setupCmdLine: null\bin\setupCmdLine.bat(系统找不到指定的路径。)”
<property name="ear.file" value="../archive/DocProcessing.war" />
There is no attribute for war
Here is the code SNIPPET:
<target name="init">
<path id="lib.ref">
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\lib">
<include name="*.*jar" />
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\bin">
<include name="*.*bat" />
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\plugins">
<include name="*.*jar" />
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\java\lib">
<include name="*.*jar" />
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\deploytool\itp\plugins">
<include name="*.*jar" />
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}">
<include name="*.*jar" />
<taskdef name="wsStartServer" classpathref="lib.ref"
classname="com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.StartServer" />
<taskdef name="wsInstallApp" classpathref="lib.ref"
classname="com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.InstallApplication" />
<target name="StartServer" depends="init">
<exec dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\bin" executable="cmd">
<arg line="/c startServer.bat server1 -profileName AppSrv01" />
<target name="installEar" depends="StartServer">
<echo message="EAR File located: ${ear.file}" />
<wsInstallApp ear="${ear.file}" wasHome="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}"
conntype="${remoteConnType}" host="${remoteHostName}" user="${remoteUserId}"
password="${remotePassword}" />
properties set are:
<property name="remoteHostName" value="localhost" />
<property name="remoteConnType" value="SOAP" />
<property name="remotePort" value="8880" />
<property name="remoteUserId" value="wasadmin" />
<property name="remotePassword" value="wasadmin" />
path set for wasHome ="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer"
我可以 不知道这有什么问题。虽然我是 websphere 的新手,但我是 试图找出安装应用程序并启动的解决方案 使用ant脚本的应用程序。请向我提供解决方案 把它设置好。
Hi All,
I am trying to run wsInstallApp task to deploy my war file into
I am getting the error "Unable to parse setupCmdLine:
null\bin\setupCmdLine.bat (The system cannot find the path specified.)"
<property name="ear.file" value="../archive/DocProcessing.war" />
There is no attribute for war
Here is the code SNIPPET:
<target name="init">
<path id="lib.ref">
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\lib">
<include name="*.*jar" />
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\bin">
<include name="*.*bat" />
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\plugins">
<include name="*.*jar" />
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\java\lib">
<include name="*.*jar" />
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\deploytool\itp\plugins">
<include name="*.*jar" />
<fileset dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}">
<include name="*.*jar" />
<taskdef name="wsStartServer" classpathref="lib.ref"
classname="com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.StartServer" />
<taskdef name="wsInstallApp" classpathref="lib.ref"
classname="com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.InstallApplication" />
<target name="StartServer" depends="init">
<exec dir="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}\bin" executable="cmd">
<arg line="/c startServer.bat server1 -profileName AppSrv01" />
<target name="installEar" depends="StartServer">
<echo message="EAR File located: ${ear.file}" />
<wsInstallApp ear="${ear.file}" wasHome="${env.classpath.WAS_HOME}"
conntype="${remoteConnType}" host="${remoteHostName}" user="${remoteUserId}"
password="${remotePassword}" />
properties set are:
<property name="remoteHostName" value="localhost" />
<property name="remoteConnType" value="SOAP" />
<property name="remotePort" value="8880" />
<property name="remoteUserId" value="wasadmin" />
<property name="remotePassword" value="wasadmin" />
path set for wasHome ="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer"
I could
not findout what is wrong in this .Though i am new to websphere i am
trying to find out the solution to install application and start
application using ant script .Please kindly provide me the solution to
get it set right .
Thanx in advance
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

You have to set 'user.install.root' property, here is an example:
是 was 应用程序的安装位置。Yes, we needed to add the following:
would be the location where your was application is installed.我今天遇到了这个错误。并且找到了答案!!!
添加 profileName="[配置文件名称]",在我的例子中 profileName="wp_profile",并且它有效!
I had this error today. And found the answer!!!
Add profileName="[name of the profile]", in my case profileName="wp_profile", And it works!
此过程很可能运行 ws_ant.bat,后者又调用 setupcmdline 来初始化所有变量。在我的安装中,该行是这样的:
这可能与您的服务器/RAD 配置无效有关,或者该项目没有为其分配默认服务器?
当您通过命令行在 RAD 之外运行它时会发生什么,它是否仍然以同样的方式失败?
This process most probably runs ws_ant.bat which in turn calls setupcmdline to initialise all the variables. In my installation the line is like this:
Could it be something to do with your server/RAD configuration being invalid, or the project not having a default server assigned to it?
What happens when you run it outside of RAD through the command line, does it still fail in the same way?
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