使用 jQuery 和 jdMenu 插件创建多级可滚动菜单
在我们的应用程序中,我们使用 jdMenu 插件 从嵌套无序列表创建分层菜单。
为了解决这个问题,我更新了插件(实际上是positionBy插件是 jdMenu 的要求),以便当发现长菜单时,插件会降低菜单的高度(ul),应用溢出:隐藏并尝试再次放置它。然后,它将 mousemove 事件附加到菜单,以便当用户上下移动鼠标时,菜单滚动,允许他们看到隐藏的项目。像这样:
(打印屏幕不会捕获指针,但在左侧屏幕上它位于 当它是层次结构中的最后一个菜单且如上所示
或者,是否有更合适的 jQuery 插件可以让我做类似的事情?
In our application we're using jdMenu plugin to create a hierarchical menu from nested unordered lists.
This works well until there are so many items in a menu that it is forced off the screen.
In an attempt to fix this I've updated the plugin (actually the positionBy plugin that is a requirement of jdMenu) so that when a long menu is discovered the plugin reduces the height of the menu (ul), applies overflow:hidden and attempts to place it again. It then attaches a mousemove event to the menu so that when the users moves their mouse up and down the menu scrolls allowing them to see the hidden items. Like so:
(print screen doesn't capture pointer but on the left screen it's at the top of the menu, on the right it's at the bottom)
This works when it is the last menu in the hierarchy that is too long as above, however if a menu further up the hierarchy is too long then it's sub-menus are not displayed because of the overflow:hidden which has been applied.
So, my question is... is there another way to achieve this effect without using overflow:hidden (or can I use it in a better way)?
Alternatively, is there a more suitable jQuery plugin which will allow me to do something similar?
Let me know if you need any further clarification. Thanks loads.
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还有一件事:不要变成这样! :)
Someone else already answered something like this:
You are actually doing it not so bad, but can I suggest using some other way to do this? More menues? A multi step action?
You have this structure now:
If I had to use drop down menus, I'd do the same thing.
But you could make a popup with a "Client" textbox/dropdownbox (only for a small ammount of clients), with autocomplete.
Once you've got the client selected, you'd have a listbox (for small ammounts) of a search feature for searching all the contracts belonging to the client. You could even search by name, date, number, etc.
Once you've selected and checked the contract is the one you are looking for, pressing OK would result in the same action you had.
Of course this seems a bit cumbersome next to dropdown menus, but consider that with that ammount of nesting, "search" is faster.
One more thing: Don't end up like this! :)
(source: mac.com)
除了使用自动完成功能之外,为什么不列出最近选择的 5 个客户呢?因此,如果您在应用程序周围的项目之间切换,您始终可以找到您选择的最新客户端。
As well as using Autocomplete, why not also list the 5 most recent selected Clients. So if your switching between items around the application, you can always find the most recent client you selected.
It would be interesting to do some user testing with different solutions to this problem, use some screen recording software and see how you could improve the user-experience.
这个 jQuery ListMenu 可能适合您。它不是一个多级菜单系统,但使用字母表组织列表可能会更清晰。
This jQuery ListMenu might be an idea for you.. it's not a multi-level menu system, but it might be cleaner to organize your list using the alphabet.