
发布于 2024-08-02 11:31:24 字数 1359 浏览 5 评论 0 原文


df1 = data.frame(CustomerId = c(1:6), Product = c(rep("Toaster", 3), rep("Radio", 3)))
df2 = data.frame(CustomerId = c(2, 4, 6), State = c(rep("Alabama", 2), rep("Ohio", 1)))

#  CustomerId Product
#           1 Toaster
#           2 Toaster
#           3 Toaster
#           4   Radio
#           5   Radio
#           6   Radio

#  CustomerId   State
#           2 Alabama
#           4 Alabama
#           6    Ohio


  • 内部联接 df1 和 df2:
  • df1外连接 >df2
  • df1 的左外连接(或简称左连接) df2
  • df1右外部联接 和 <代码>df2


如何执行 SQL 样式的 select 语句?

Given two data frames:

df1 = data.frame(CustomerId = c(1:6), Product = c(rep("Toaster", 3), rep("Radio", 3)))
df2 = data.frame(CustomerId = c(2, 4, 6), State = c(rep("Alabama", 2), rep("Ohio", 1)))

#  CustomerId Product
#           1 Toaster
#           2 Toaster
#           3 Toaster
#           4   Radio
#           5   Radio
#           6   Radio

#  CustomerId   State
#           2 Alabama
#           4 Alabama
#           6    Ohio

How can I do database style, i.e., sql style, joins? That is, how do I get:

  • An inner join of df1 and df2:
    Return only the rows in which the left table have matching keys in the right table.
  • An outer join of df1 and df2:
    Returns all rows from both tables, join records from the left which have matching keys in the right table.
  • A left outer join (or simply left join) of df1 and df2
    Return all rows from the left table, and any rows with matching keys from the right table.
  • A right outer join of df1 and df2
    Return all rows from the right table, and any rows with matching keys from the left table.

Extra credit:

How can I do a SQL style select statement?

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烟─花易冷 2024-08-09 11:31:24

通过使用 merge 函数及其可选参数:

内连接: merge(df1, df2) 适用于这些示例是因为 R 自动通过公共变量名称连接框架,但您很可能希望指定 merge(df1, df2, by = "CustomerId") 以确保您仅匹配您想要的领域。如果匹配变量在不同的数据框中具有不同的名称,您还可以使用 by.xby.y 参数。

外连接: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = "CustomerId", all = TRUE)

左外层: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = "CustomerId", all.x = TRUE)

右外层:< /em> merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = "CustomerId", all.y = TRUE)

交叉联接:< /strong> merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = NULL)

就像内部联接一样,您可能希望将“CustomerId”显式传递给 R 作为匹配变量. 我认为最好是明确声明要合并的标识符;如果输入 data.frames 意外更改,则更安全,并且以后更易于阅读。

您可以通过给by一个向量来合并多列,例如by = c("CustomerId", "OrderId")

如果要合并的列名称不同,您可以指定,例如 by.x = "CustomerId_in_df1", by.y = "CustomerId_in_df2",其中 CustomerId_in_df1 是第一个数据框中的列名称,CustomerId_in_df2 是第二个数据框中的列名称。 (如果您需要合并多列,这些也可以是向量。)

By using the merge function and its optional parameters:

Inner join: merge(df1, df2) will work for these examples because R automatically joins the frames by common variable names, but you would most likely want to specify merge(df1, df2, by = "CustomerId") to make sure that you were matching on only the fields you desired. You can also use the by.x and by.y parameters if the matching variables have different names in the different data frames.

Outer join: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = "CustomerId", all = TRUE)

Left outer: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = "CustomerId", all.x = TRUE)

Right outer: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = "CustomerId", all.y = TRUE)

Cross join: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = NULL)

Just as with the inner join, you would probably want to explicitly pass "CustomerId" to R as the matching variable. I think it's almost always best to explicitly state the identifiers on which you want to merge; it's safer if the input data.frames change unexpectedly and easier to read later on.

You can merge on multiple columns by giving by a vector, e.g., by = c("CustomerId", "OrderId").

If the column names to merge on are not the same, you can specify, e.g., by.x = "CustomerId_in_df1", by.y = "CustomerId_in_df2" where CustomerId_in_df1 is the name of the column in the first data frame and CustomerId_in_df2 is the name of the column in the second data frame. (These can also be vectors if you need to merge on multiple columns.)

转角预定愛 2024-08-09 11:31:24

您还可以使用 Hadley Wickham 出色的 dplyr 包进行连接。


#make sure that CustomerId cols are both the same type
#they aren’t in the provided data (one is integer and one is double)
df1$CustomerId <- as.double(df1$CustomerId)

变异连接:使用 df2 中的匹配将列添加到 df1

inner_join(df1, df2)

#left outer
left_join(df1, df2)

#right outer
right_join(df1, df2)

#alternate right outer
left_join(df2, df1)

#full join
full_join(df1, df2)

过滤连接:过滤掉 df1 中的行,不修改列

#keep only observations in df1 that match in df2.
semi_join(df1, df2)

#drop all observations in df1 that match in df2.
anti_join(df1, df2)

You can do joins as well using Hadley Wickham's awesome dplyr package.


#make sure that CustomerId cols are both the same type
#they aren’t in the provided data (one is integer and one is double)
df1$CustomerId <- as.double(df1$CustomerId)

Mutating joins: add columns to df1 using matches in df2

inner_join(df1, df2)

#left outer
left_join(df1, df2)

#right outer
right_join(df1, df2)

#alternate right outer
left_join(df2, df1)

#full join
full_join(df1, df2)

Filtering joins: filter out rows in df1, don't modify columns

#keep only observations in df1 that match in df2.
semi_join(df1, df2)

#drop all observations in df1 that match in df2.
anti_join(df1, df2)
感性不性感 2024-08-09 11:31:24

我建议您查看 Gabor Grothendieck 的 sqldf 包,它可以让您用SQL来表达这些操作。


## inner join
df3 <- sqldf("SELECT CustomerId, Product, State 
              FROM df1
              JOIN df2 USING(CustomerID)")

## left join (substitute 'right' for right join)
df4 <- sqldf("SELECT CustomerId, Product, State 
              FROM df1
              LEFT JOIN df2 USING(CustomerID)")

我发现 SQL 语法比其 R 语法更简单、更自然(但这可能只是反映了我对 RDBMS 的偏见)。

有关联接的更多信息,请参阅 Gabor 的 sqldf GitHub

I would recommend checking out Gabor Grothendieck's sqldf package, which allows you to express these operations in SQL.


## inner join
df3 <- sqldf("SELECT CustomerId, Product, State 
              FROM df1
              JOIN df2 USING(CustomerID)")

## left join (substitute 'right' for right join)
df4 <- sqldf("SELECT CustomerId, Product, State 
              FROM df1
              LEFT JOIN df2 USING(CustomerID)")

I find the SQL syntax to be simpler and more natural than its R equivalent (but this may just reflect my RDBMS bias).

See Gabor's sqldf GitHub for more information on joins.

我的鱼塘能养鲲 2024-08-09 11:31:24

有一种用于内部联接的 data.table 方法,该方法非常节省时间和内存(对于某些较大的 data.frame 来说是必需的):

dt1 <- data.table(df1, key = "CustomerId") 
dt2 <- data.table(df2, key = "CustomerId")

joined.dt1.dt.2 <- dt1[dt2]

merge 也适用于数据。表(因为它是通用的并调用merge.data.table

merge(dt1, dt2)

如何执行 data.table 合并操作< br>
将外键上的 SQL 连接转换为 R 数据。表语法
合并较大数据帧的有效替代方案 R
如何进行基本左移R 中与 data.table 的外连接?

还有一个选项是 plyr 包。 [2022 年注意事项:plyr 现已退役,并已被 dplyr 取代此答案中描述了 dplyr 中的联接操作。]


join(df1, df2,
     type = "inner")

#   CustomerId Product   State
# 1          2 Toaster Alabama
# 2          4   Radio Alabama
# 3          6   Radio    Ohio

type 的选项: 内部


There is the data.table approach for an inner join, which is very time and memory efficient (and necessary for some larger data.frames):

dt1 <- data.table(df1, key = "CustomerId") 
dt2 <- data.table(df2, key = "CustomerId")

joined.dt1.dt.2 <- dt1[dt2]

merge also works on data.tables (as it is generic and calls merge.data.table)

merge(dt1, dt2)

data.table documented on stackoverflow:
How to do a data.table merge operation
Translating SQL joins on foreign keys to R data.table syntax
Efficient alternatives to merge for larger data.frames R
How to do a basic left outer join with data.table in R?

Yet another option is the join function found in the plyr package. [Note from 2022: plyr is now retired and has been superseded by dplyr. Join operations in dplyr are described in this answer.]


join(df1, df2,
     type = "inner")

#   CustomerId Product   State
# 1          2 Toaster Alabama
# 2          4   Radio Alabama
# 3          6   Radio    Ohio

Options for type: inner, left, right, full.

From ?join: Unlike merge, [join] preserves the order of x no matter what join type is used.

久光 2024-08-09 11:31:24

有一些很好的例子可以完成此操作R 维基。我将在这里窃取一些:


由于您的键名称相同,因此执行内部联接的简短方法是 merge():

merge(df1, df2)


merge(df1, df2, all=TRUE)

df1 和 df2 的左外连接:

merge(df1, df2, all.x=TRUE)

df1 和 df2 的右外连接:

merge(df1, df2, all.y=TRUE)



使用下标方法将 df1 放在左侧的左外连接将是:

df1[,"State"]<-df2[df1[ ,"Product"], "State"]

可以通过混合左外连接下标示例来创建外连接的其他组合。 (是的,我知道这相当于说“我把它留给读者作为练习......”)

There are some good examples of doing this over at the R Wiki. I'll steal a couple here:

Merge Method

Since your keys are named the same the short way to do an inner join is merge():

merge(df1, df2)

a full inner join (all records from both tables) can be created with the "all" keyword:

merge(df1, df2, all=TRUE)

a left outer join of df1 and df2:

merge(df1, df2, all.x=TRUE)

a right outer join of df1 and df2:

merge(df1, df2, all.y=TRUE)

you can flip 'em, slap 'em and rub 'em down to get the other two outer joins you asked about :)

Subscript Method

A left outer join with df1 on the left using a subscript method would be:

df1[,"State"]<-df2[df1[ ,"Product"], "State"]

The other combination of outer joins can be created by mungling the left outer join subscript example. (yeah, I know that's the equivalent of saying "I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader...")

神爱温柔 2024-08-09 11:31:24

更新用于连接数据集的 data.table 方法。请参阅以下每种连接类型的示例。有两种方法,一种来自 [.data.table ,将第二个 data.table 作为第一个参数传递给子集,另一种方法是使用 merge 函数,该函数分派到快速数据.表方法。

df1 = data.frame(CustomerId = c(1:6), Product = c(rep("Toaster", 3), rep("Radio", 3)))
df2 = data.frame(CustomerId = c(2L, 4L, 7L), State = c(rep("Alabama", 2), rep("Ohio", 1))) # one value changed to show full outer join


dt1 = as.data.table(df1)
dt2 = as.data.table(df2)
setkey(dt1, CustomerId)
setkey(dt2, CustomerId)
# right outer join keyed data.tables

setkey(dt1, NULL)
setkey(dt2, NULL)
# right outer join unkeyed data.tables - use `on` argument
dt1[dt2, on = "CustomerId"]

# left outer join - swap dt1 with dt2
dt2[dt1, on = "CustomerId"]

# inner join - use `nomatch` argument
dt1[dt2, nomatch=NULL, on = "CustomerId"]

# anti join - use `!` operator
dt1[!dt2, on = "CustomerId"]

# inner join - using merge method
merge(dt1, dt2, by = "CustomerId")

# full outer join
merge(dt1, dt2, by = "CustomerId", all = TRUE)

# see ?merge.data.table arguments for other cases

以下基准测试基于 R、sqldf、dplyr 和 data.table。
基准测试是在 50M-1 行数据集上执行的,连接列上有 50M-2 个公共值,因此可以测试每个场景(内部、左、右、完整),并且连接执行起来仍然不简单。它是强调连接算法的连接类型。计时截至 sqldf:0.4.11dplyr:0.7.8data.table:1.12.0

# inner
Unit: seconds
   expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
   base 111.66266 111.66266 111.66266 111.66266 111.66266 111.66266     1
  sqldf 624.88388 624.88388 624.88388 624.88388 624.88388 624.88388     1
  dplyr  51.91233  51.91233  51.91233  51.91233  51.91233  51.91233     1
     DT  10.40552  10.40552  10.40552  10.40552  10.40552  10.40552     1
# left
Unit: seconds
   expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max 
   base 142.782030 142.782030 142.782030 142.782030 142.782030 142.782030     
  sqldf 613.917109 613.917109 613.917109 613.917109 613.917109 613.917109     
  dplyr  49.711912  49.711912  49.711912  49.711912  49.711912  49.711912     
     DT   9.674348   9.674348   9.674348   9.674348   9.674348   9.674348       
# right
Unit: seconds
   expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max
   base 122.366301 122.366301 122.366301 122.366301 122.366301 122.366301     
  sqldf 611.119157 611.119157 611.119157 611.119157 611.119157 611.119157     
  dplyr  50.384841  50.384841  50.384841  50.384841  50.384841  50.384841     
     DT   9.899145   9.899145   9.899145   9.899145   9.899145   9.899145     
# full
Unit: seconds
  expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
  base 141.79464 141.79464 141.79464 141.79464 141.79464 141.79464     1
 dplyr  94.66436  94.66436  94.66436  94.66436  94.66436  94.66436     1
    DT  21.62573  21.62573  21.62573  21.62573  21.62573  21.62573     1

请注意,您还可以使用 data.table 执行其他类型的联接:
- 连接更新 - 如果您想将另一个表中的值查找到主表
- 加入时聚合 - 如果您想聚合您正在加入的键,则不必实现所有连接结果
- 重叠连接 - 如果您想按范围合并
- 滚动连接 - 如果您希望合并能够通过向前或向后滚动来匹配前一行/后一行中的值
- 非等值连接 - 如果您的连接条件为非等值


sapply(c("sqldf","dplyr","data.table"), packageVersion, simplify=FALSE)

n = 5e7
df1 = data.frame(x=sample(n,n-1L), y1=rnorm(n-1L))
df2 = data.frame(x=sample(n,n-1L), y2=rnorm(n-1L))
dt1 = as.data.table(df1)
dt2 = as.data.table(df2)

mb = list()
# inner join
microbenchmark(times = 1L,
               base = merge(df1, df2, by = "x"),
               sqldf = sqldf("SELECT * FROM df1 INNER JOIN df2 ON df1.x = df2.x"),
               dplyr = inner_join(df1, df2, by = "x"),
               DT = dt1[dt2, nomatch=NULL, on = "x"]) -> mb$inner

# left outer join
microbenchmark(times = 1L,
               base = merge(df1, df2, by = "x", all.x = TRUE),
               sqldf = sqldf("SELECT * FROM df1 LEFT OUTER JOIN df2 ON df1.x = df2.x"),
               dplyr = left_join(df1, df2, by = c("x"="x")),
               DT = dt2[dt1, on = "x"]) -> mb$left

# right outer join
microbenchmark(times = 1L,
               base = merge(df1, df2, by = "x", all.y = TRUE),
               sqldf = sqldf("SELECT * FROM df2 LEFT OUTER JOIN df1 ON df2.x = df1.x"),
               dplyr = right_join(df1, df2, by = "x"),
               DT = dt1[dt2, on = "x"]) -> mb$right

# full outer join
microbenchmark(times = 1L,
               base = merge(df1, df2, by = "x", all = TRUE),
               dplyr = full_join(df1, df2, by = "x"),
               DT = merge(dt1, dt2, by = "x", all = TRUE)) -> mb$full

lapply(mb, print) -> nul

Update on data.table methods for joining datasets. See below examples for each type of join. There are two methods, one from [.data.table when passing second data.table as the first argument to subset, another way is to use merge function which dispatches to fast data.table method.

df1 = data.frame(CustomerId = c(1:6), Product = c(rep("Toaster", 3), rep("Radio", 3)))
df2 = data.frame(CustomerId = c(2L, 4L, 7L), State = c(rep("Alabama", 2), rep("Ohio", 1))) # one value changed to show full outer join


dt1 = as.data.table(df1)
dt2 = as.data.table(df2)
setkey(dt1, CustomerId)
setkey(dt2, CustomerId)
# right outer join keyed data.tables

setkey(dt1, NULL)
setkey(dt2, NULL)
# right outer join unkeyed data.tables - use `on` argument
dt1[dt2, on = "CustomerId"]

# left outer join - swap dt1 with dt2
dt2[dt1, on = "CustomerId"]

# inner join - use `nomatch` argument
dt1[dt2, nomatch=NULL, on = "CustomerId"]

# anti join - use `!` operator
dt1[!dt2, on = "CustomerId"]

# inner join - using merge method
merge(dt1, dt2, by = "CustomerId")

# full outer join
merge(dt1, dt2, by = "CustomerId", all = TRUE)

# see ?merge.data.table arguments for other cases

Below benchmark tests base R, sqldf, dplyr and data.table.
Benchmark tests unkeyed/unindexed datasets.
Benchmark is performed on 50M-1 rows datasets, there are 50M-2 common values on join column so each scenario (inner, left, right, full) can be tested and join is still not trivial to perform. It is type of join which well stress join algorithms. Timings are as of sqldf:0.4.11, dplyr:0.7.8, data.table:1.12.0.

# inner
Unit: seconds
   expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
   base 111.66266 111.66266 111.66266 111.66266 111.66266 111.66266     1
  sqldf 624.88388 624.88388 624.88388 624.88388 624.88388 624.88388     1
  dplyr  51.91233  51.91233  51.91233  51.91233  51.91233  51.91233     1
     DT  10.40552  10.40552  10.40552  10.40552  10.40552  10.40552     1
# left
Unit: seconds
   expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max 
   base 142.782030 142.782030 142.782030 142.782030 142.782030 142.782030     
  sqldf 613.917109 613.917109 613.917109 613.917109 613.917109 613.917109     
  dplyr  49.711912  49.711912  49.711912  49.711912  49.711912  49.711912     
     DT   9.674348   9.674348   9.674348   9.674348   9.674348   9.674348       
# right
Unit: seconds
   expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max
   base 122.366301 122.366301 122.366301 122.366301 122.366301 122.366301     
  sqldf 611.119157 611.119157 611.119157 611.119157 611.119157 611.119157     
  dplyr  50.384841  50.384841  50.384841  50.384841  50.384841  50.384841     
     DT   9.899145   9.899145   9.899145   9.899145   9.899145   9.899145     
# full
Unit: seconds
  expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
  base 141.79464 141.79464 141.79464 141.79464 141.79464 141.79464     1
 dplyr  94.66436  94.66436  94.66436  94.66436  94.66436  94.66436     1
    DT  21.62573  21.62573  21.62573  21.62573  21.62573  21.62573     1

Be aware there are other types of joins you can perform using data.table:
- update on join - if you want to lookup values from another table to your main table
- aggregate on join - if you want to aggregate on key you are joining you do not have to materialize all join results
- overlapping join - if you want to merge by ranges
- rolling join - if you want merge to be able to match to values from preceeding/following rows by rolling them forward or backward
- non-equi join - if your join condition is non-equal

Code to reproduce:

sapply(c("sqldf","dplyr","data.table"), packageVersion, simplify=FALSE)

n = 5e7
df1 = data.frame(x=sample(n,n-1L), y1=rnorm(n-1L))
df2 = data.frame(x=sample(n,n-1L), y2=rnorm(n-1L))
dt1 = as.data.table(df1)
dt2 = as.data.table(df2)

mb = list()
# inner join
microbenchmark(times = 1L,
               base = merge(df1, df2, by = "x"),
               sqldf = sqldf("SELECT * FROM df1 INNER JOIN df2 ON df1.x = df2.x"),
               dplyr = inner_join(df1, df2, by = "x"),
               DT = dt1[dt2, nomatch=NULL, on = "x"]) -> mb$inner

# left outer join
microbenchmark(times = 1L,
               base = merge(df1, df2, by = "x", all.x = TRUE),
               sqldf = sqldf("SELECT * FROM df1 LEFT OUTER JOIN df2 ON df1.x = df2.x"),
               dplyr = left_join(df1, df2, by = c("x"="x")),
               DT = dt2[dt1, on = "x"]) -> mb$left

# right outer join
microbenchmark(times = 1L,
               base = merge(df1, df2, by = "x", all.y = TRUE),
               sqldf = sqldf("SELECT * FROM df2 LEFT OUTER JOIN df1 ON df2.x = df1.x"),
               dplyr = right_join(df1, df2, by = "x"),
               DT = dt1[dt2, on = "x"]) -> mb$right

# full outer join
microbenchmark(times = 1L,
               base = merge(df1, df2, by = "x", all = TRUE),
               dplyr = full_join(df1, df2, by = "x"),
               DT = merge(dt1, dt2, by = "x", all = TRUE)) -> mb$full

lapply(mb, print) -> nul
伊面 2024-08-09 11:31:24

2014 年新增功能:

特别是如果您还对一般数据操作(包括排序、过滤、取子集、汇总等)感兴趣,那么您绝对应该看看 dplyr,它提供了多种功能全部功能旨在促进您专门处理数据框架和某些其他数据库类型的工作。它甚至提供了相当复杂的 SQL 接口,甚至还有一个将(大多数)SQL 代码直接转换为 R 的函数。

dplyr 包中的四个与连接相关的函数是(引用):

  • inner_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...):返回来自
    x 中 y 中存在匹配值,以及 x 和 y 中的所有列
  • left_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...):返回 x 中的所有行,以及所有x 和 y 中的列
  • semi_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...):返回 x 中存在匹配值的所有行
    y,仅保留 x 中的列。
  • anti_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...):返回 x 中的所有行
    如果 y 中没有匹配的值,则仅保留 x 中的列

这都是 这里非常详细。

选择列可以通过 select(df,"column") 来完成。如果这对您来说还不够 SQL-ish,那么可以使用 sql() 函数,您可以按原样输入 SQL 代码,它会执行您指定的操作,就像您在其中编写的那样R 一直(有关更多信息,请参阅 dplyr/databases小插图)。例如,如果应用正确,sql("SELECT * FROM hflights") 将从“hflights”dplyr 表(“tbl”)中选择所有列。

New in 2014:

Especially if you're also interested in data manipulation in general (including sorting, filtering, subsetting, summarizing etc.), you should definitely take a look at dplyr, which comes with a variety of functions all designed to facilitate your work specifically with data frames and certain other database types. It even offers quite an elaborate SQL interface, and even a function to convert (most) SQL code directly into R.

The four joining-related functions in the dplyr package are (to quote):

  • inner_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...): return all rows from
    x where there are matching values in y, and all columns from x and y
  • left_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...): return all rows from x, and all columns from x and y
  • semi_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...): return all rows from x where there are matching values in
    y, keeping just columns from x.
  • anti_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...): return all rows from x
    where there are not matching values in y, keeping just columns from x

It's all here in great detail.

Selecting columns can be done by select(df,"column"). If that's not SQL-ish enough for you, then there's the sql() function, into which you can enter SQL code as-is, and it will do the operation you specified just like you were writing in R all along (for more information, please refer to the dplyr/databases vignette). For example, if applied correctly, sql("SELECT * FROM hflights") will select all the columns from the "hflights" dplyr table (a "tbl").

风吹雪碎 2024-08-09 11:31:24

dplyr 自 0.4 起实现了所有这些连接,包括 outer_join,但值得注意的是,对于 0.4 之前的前几个版本,它过去不提供 outer_join,并且结果,之后相当长一段时间里出现了很多非常糟糕的 hacky 解决方法用户代码(你仍然可以在那个时期的 SO、Kaggle 答案、github 中找到这样的代码。因此这个答案仍然有一个有用的目的。)


v0.5 (6/2016)

  • 处理 POSIXct 类型、时区、重复项、不同因素级别。更好的错误和警告。
  • 新的后缀参数用于控制重复变量名称接收的后缀 (#1296)

v0.4.0 (1/2015)

  • 实现右连接和外连接 (#96)
  • 变异连接,将新变量从另一个表中的匹配行添加到一个表中。过滤连接,根据一个表中的观察值是否与另一表中的观察值匹配来过滤观察值。

v0.3< /strong> (10/2014)

  • 现在可以通过每个表中的不同变量进行 left_join: df1 %>% left_join(df2, c("var1" = "var2"))

v0.2 (5/2014)

  • *_join() 不再对列名称重新排序 (#324)

v0.1.3 (4/2014)

根据 hadley 在该问题中的评论,解决方法

  • 是: right_join(x,y) 在行方面与 left_join(y,x) 相同,只是列的顺序不同。使用 select(new_column_order) 轻松解决
  • outer_join 基本上是 union(left_join(x, y), right_join(x, y)) - 即保留两个数据框中的所有行。

dplyr since 0.4 implemented all those joins including outer_join, but it was worth noting that for the first few releases prior to 0.4 it used not to offer outer_join, and as a result there was a lot of really bad hacky workaround user code floating around for quite a while afterwards (you can still find such code in SO, Kaggle answers, github from that period. Hence this answer still serves a useful purpose.)

Join-related release highlights:

v0.5 (6/2016)

  • Handling for POSIXct type, timezones, duplicates, different factor levels. Better errors and warnings.
  • New suffix argument to control what suffix duplicated variable names receive (#1296)

v0.4.0 (1/2015)

  • Implement right join and outer join (#96)
  • Mutating joins, which add new variables to one table from matching rows in another. Filtering joins, which filter observations from one table based on whether or not they match an observation in the other table.

v0.3 (10/2014)

  • Can now left_join by different variables in each table: df1 %>% left_join(df2, c("var1" = "var2"))

v0.2 (5/2014)

  • *_join() no longer reorders column names (#324)

v0.1.3 (4/2014)

Workarounds per hadley's comments in that issue:

  • right_join(x,y) is the same as left_join(y,x) in terms of the rows, just the columns will be different orders. Easily worked around with select(new_column_order)
  • outer_join is basically union(left_join(x, y), right_join(x, y)) - i.e. preserve all rows in both data frames.
稚气少女 2024-08-09 11:31:24

对于具有 0..*:0..1 基数的左连接或具有 0..1:0..* 基数的右连接的情况可以将连接器(0..1 表)中的单边列直接分配到连接器(0..* 表)上,从而避免创建全新的数据表。这需要将连接器中的键列匹配到连接器中,并相应地对连接器的行进行索引和排序以进行分配。

如果键是单列,那么我们可以使用对 match() 进行匹配。这就是我将在这个答案中介绍的情况。

这是一个基于 OP 的示例,只不过我向 df2 添加了一个额外的行,其 id 为 7,以测试连接器中不匹配键的情况。这实际上是 df1 左连接 df2:

df1 <- data.frame(CustomerId=1:6,Product=c(rep('Toaster',3L),rep('Radio',3L)));
df2 <- data.frame(CustomerId=c(2L,4L,6L,7L),State=c(rep('Alabama',2L),'Ohio','Texas'));
df1[names(df2)[-1L]] <- df2[match(df1[,1L],df2[,1L]),-1L];
##   CustomerId Product   State
## 1          1 Toaster    <NA>
## 2          2 Toaster Alabama
## 3          3 Toaster    <NA>
## 4          4   Radio Alabama
## 5          5   Radio    <NA>
## 6          6   Radio    Ohio

在上面我硬编码了一个假设,即键列是两个输入表的第一列。我认为,一般来说,这并不是一个不合理的假设,因为,如果您有一个带有关键列的 data.frame,如果它没有被设置为 data.frame 的第一列,那会很奇怪一开始。您始终可以对列重新排序以实现此目的。这种假设的一个有利结果是键列的名称不必进行硬编码,尽管我认为它只是用一个假设替换另一个假设。简洁是整数索引的另一个优点以及速度。在下面的基准测试中,我将更改实现以使用字符串名称索引来匹配竞争实现。




  • 低效的串联。例如 match(interaction(df1$a,df1$b),interaction(df2$a,df2$b)),或与 paste() 相同的想法。
  • 低效的笛卡尔连词,例如 outer(df1$a,df2$a,`==`) &外部(df1$b,df2$b,`==`)
  • 基本 R merge() 和等效的基于包的合并函数,它们总是分配一个新表来返回合并结果,因此不适合基于就地分配的解决方案。

例如,请参阅匹配多个不同数据帧上的列并获取其他列作为结果匹配两个列与其他两列多列匹配< /a>,以及这个问题的欺骗,我最初提出了就地解决方案,在 R 中合并两个行数不同的数据框





solSpecs <- list(
        inner=function(df1,df2,key) merge(df1,df2,key),
        left =function(df1,df2,key) merge(df1,df2,key,all.x=T),
        right=function(df1,df2,key) merge(df1,df2,key,all.y=T),
        full =function(df1,df2,key) merge(df1,df2,key,all=T)
        inner=function(dt1,dt2,key) dt1[dt2,on=key,nomatch=0L,allow.cartesian=T],
        left =function(dt1,dt2,key) dt2[dt1,on=key,allow.cartesian=T],
        right=function(dt1,dt2,key) dt1[dt2,on=key,allow.cartesian=T],
        full =function(dt1,dt2,key) merge(dt1,dt2,key,all=T,allow.cartesian=T) ## calls merge.data.table()
        inner=function(dt1,dt2) dt1[dt2,nomatch=0L,allow.cartesian=T],
        left =function(dt1,dt2) dt2[dt1,allow.cartesian=T],
        right=function(dt1,dt2) dt1[dt2,allow.cartesian=T],
        full =function(dt1,dt2) merge(dt1,dt2,all=T,allow.cartesian=T) ## calls merge.data.table()
    sqldf.unindexed=list(testFuncs=list( ## note: must pass connection=NULL to avoid running against the live DB connection, which would result in collisions with the residual tables from the last query upload
        inner=function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from df1 inner join df2 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')'),connection=NULL),
        left =function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from df1 left join df2 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')'),connection=NULL),
        right=function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from df2 left join df1 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')'),connection=NULL) ## can't do right join proper, not yet supported; inverted left join is equivalent
        ##full =function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from df1 full join df2 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')'),connection=NULL) ## can't do full join proper, not yet supported; possible to hack it with a union of left joins, but too unreasonable to include in testing
    sqldf.indexed=list(testFuncs=list( ## important: requires an active DB connection with preindexed main.df1 and main.df2 ready to go; arguments are actually ignored
        inner=function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from main.df1 inner join main.df2 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')')),
        left =function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from main.df1 left join main.df2 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')')),
        right=function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from main.df2 left join main.df1 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')')) ## can't do right join proper, not yet supported; inverted left join is equivalent
        ##full =function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from main.df1 full join main.df2 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')')) ## can't do full join proper, not yet supported; possible to hack it with a union of left joins, but too unreasonable to include in testing
        inner=function(df1,df2,key) join(df1,df2,key,'inner'),
        left =function(df1,df2,key) join(df1,df2,key,'left'),
        right=function(df1,df2,key) join(df1,df2,key,'right'),
        full =function(df1,df2,key) join(df1,df2,key,'full')
        inner=function(df1,df2,key) inner_join(df1,df2,key),
        left =function(df1,df2,key) left_join(df1,df2,key),
        right=function(df1,df2,key) right_join(df1,df2,key),
        full =function(df1,df2,key) full_join(df1,df2,key)
        left =function(df1,df2,key) { cns <- setdiff(names(df2),key); df1[cns] <- df2[match(df1[,key],df2[,key]),cns]; df1; },
        right=function(df1,df2,key) { cns <- setdiff(names(df1),key); df2[cns] <- df1[match(df2[,key],df1[,key]),cns]; df2; }

getSolTypes <- function() names(solSpecs);
getJoinTypes <- function() unique(unlist(lapply(solSpecs,function(x) names(x$testFuncs))));
getArgSpec <- function(argSpecs,key=NULL) if (is.null(key)) argSpecs$default else argSpecs[[key]];

initSqldf <- function() {
    sqldf(); ## creates sqlite connection on first run, cleans up and closes existing connection otherwise
    if (exists('sqldfInitFlag',envir=globalenv(),inherits=F) && sqldfInitFlag) { ## false only on first run
        sqldf(); ## creates a new connection
    } else {
        assign('sqldfInitFlag',T,envir=globalenv()); ## set to true for the one and only time
    }; ## end if
}; ## end initSqldf()

setUpBenchmarkCall <- function(argSpecs,joinType,solTypes=getSolTypes(),env=parent.frame()) {
    ## builds and returns a list of expressions suitable for passing to the list argument of microbenchmark(), and assigns variables to resolve symbol references in those expressions
    callExpressions <- list();
    nms <- character();
    for (solType in solTypes) {
        testFunc <- solSpecs[[solType]]$testFuncs[[joinType]];
        if (is.null(testFunc)) next; ## this join type is not defined for this solution type
        testFuncName <- paste0('tf.',solType);
        argSpecKey <- solSpecs[[solType]]$argSpec;
        argSpec <- getArgSpec(argSpecs,argSpecKey);
        argList <- setNames(nm=names(argSpec$args),vector('list',length(argSpec$args)));
        for (i in seq_along(argSpec$args)) {
            argName <- paste0('tfa.',argSpecKey,i);
            argList[[i]] <- if (i%in%argSpec$copySpec) call('copy',as.symbol(argName)) else as.symbol(argName);
        }; ## end for
        callExpressions[[length(callExpressions)+1L]] <- do.call(call,c(list(testFuncName),argList),quote=T);
        nms[length(nms)+1L] <- solType;
    }; ## end for
    names(callExpressions) <- nms;
}; ## end setUpBenchmarkCall()

harmonize <- function(res) {
    res <- as.data.frame(res); ## coerce to data.frame
    for (ci in which(sapply(res,is.factor))) res[[ci]] <- as.character(res[[ci]]); ## coerce factor columns to character
    for (ci in which(sapply(res,is.logical))) res[[ci]] <- as.integer(res[[ci]]); ## coerce logical columns to integer (works around sqldf quirk of munging logicals to integers)
    ##for (ci in which(sapply(res,inherits,'POSIXct'))) res[[ci]] <- as.double(res[[ci]]); ## coerce POSIXct columns to double (works around sqldf quirk of losing POSIXct class) ----- POSIXct doesn't work at all in sqldf.indexed
    res <- res[order(names(res))]; ## order columns
    res <- res[do.call(order,res),]; ## order rows
}; ## end harmonize()

checkIdentical <- function(argSpecs,solTypes=getSolTypes()) {
    for (joinType in getJoinTypes()) {
        callExpressions <- setUpBenchmarkCall(argSpecs,joinType,solTypes);
        if (length(callExpressions)<2L) next;
        ex <- harmonize(eval(callExpressions[[1L]]));
        for (i in seq(2L,len=length(callExpressions)-1L)) {
            y <- harmonize(eval(callExpressions[[i]]));
            if (!isTRUE(all.equal(ex,y,check.attributes=F))) {
                ex <<- ex;
                y <<- y;
                solType <- names(callExpressions)[i];
                stop(paste0('non-identical: ',solType,' ',joinType,'.'));
            }; ## end if
        }; ## end for
    }; ## end for
}; ## end checkIdentical()

testJoinType <- function(argSpecs,joinType,solTypes=getSolTypes(),metric=NULL,times=100L) {
    callExpressions <- setUpBenchmarkCall(argSpecs,joinType,solTypes);
    bm <- microbenchmark(list=callExpressions,times=times);
    if (is.null(metric)) return(bm);
    bm <- summary(bm);
    res <- setNames(nm=names(callExpressions),bm[[metric]]);
    attr(res,'unit') <- attr(bm,'unit');
}; ## end testJoinType()

testAllJoinTypes <- function(argSpecs,solTypes=getSolTypes(),metric=NULL,times=100L) {
    joinTypes <- getJoinTypes();
    resList <- setNames(nm=joinTypes,lapply(joinTypes,function(joinType) testJoinType(argSpecs,joinType,solTypes,metric,times)));
    if (is.null(metric)) return(resList);
    units <- unname(unlist(lapply(resList,attr,'unit')));
    res <- do.call(data.frame,c(list(join=joinTypes),setNames(nm=solTypes,rep(list(rep(NA_real_,length(joinTypes))),length(solTypes))),list(unit=units,stringsAsFactors=F)));
    for (i in seq_along(resList)) res[i,match(names(resList[[i]]),names(res))] <- resList[[i]];
}; ## end testAllJoinTypes()

testGrid <- function(makeArgSpecsFunc,sizes,overlaps,solTypes=getSolTypes(),joinTypes=getJoinTypes(),metric='median',times=100L) {

    res <- expand.grid(size=sizes,overlap=overlaps,joinType=joinTypes,stringsAsFactors=F);
    res[solTypes] <- NA_real_;
    res$unit <- NA_character_;
    for (ri in seq_len(nrow(res))) {

        size <- res$size[ri];
        overlap <- res$overlap[ri];
        joinType <- res$joinType[ri];

        argSpecs <- makeArgSpecsFunc(size,overlap);


        cur <- testJoinType(argSpecs,joinType,solTypes,metric,times);
        res[ri,match(names(cur),names(res))] <- cur;
        res$unit[ri] <- attr(cur,'unit');

    }; ## end for


}; ## end testGrid()

这是基于我之前演示的 OP 的示例基准测试:

## OP's example, supplemented with a non-matching row in df2
argSpecs <- list(
        df1 <- data.frame(CustomerId=1:6,Product=c(rep('Toaster',3L),rep('Radio',3L))),
        df2 <- data.frame(CustomerId=c(2L,4L,6L,7L),State=c(rep('Alabama',2L),'Ohio','Texas')),
## prepare sqldf
sqldf('create index df1_key on df1(CustomerId);'); ## upload and create an sqlite index on df1
sqldf('create index df2_key on df2(CustomerId);'); ## upload and create an sqlite index on df2


##    join    merge data.table.unkeyed data.table.keyed sqldf.unindexed sqldf.indexed      plyr    dplyr in.place         unit
## 1 inner  644.259           861.9345          923.516        9157.752      1580.390  959.2250 270.9190       NA microseconds
## 2  left  713.539           888.0205          910.045        8820.334      1529.714  968.4195 270.9185 224.3045 microseconds
## 3 right 1221.804           909.1900          923.944        8930.668      1533.135 1063.7860 269.8495 218.1035 microseconds
## 4  full 1302.203          3107.5380         3184.729              NA            NA 1593.6475 270.7055       NA microseconds

这里我对随机输入数据进行基准测试,尝试两个输入表之间不同的尺度和不同的键重叠模式。该基准测试仍然仅限于单列整数键的情况。此外,为了确保就地解决方案适用于同一表的左连接和右连接,所有随机测试数据都使用 0..1:0..1 基数。这是通过在生成第二个data.frame的关键列时对第一个data.frame的关键列进行采样而不替换来实现的。

makeArgSpecs.singleIntegerKey.optionalOneToOne <- function(size,overlap) {

    com <- as.integer(size*overlap);

    argSpecs <- list(
            df1 <- data.frame(id=sample(size),y1=rnorm(size),y2=rnorm(size)),
            df2 <- data.frame(id=sample(c(if (com>0L) sample(df1$id,com) else integer(),seq(size+1L,len=size-com))),y3=rnorm(size),y4=rnorm(size)),
    ## prepare sqldf
    sqldf('create index df1_key on df1(id);'); ## upload and create an sqlite index on df1
    sqldf('create index df2_key on df2(id);'); ## upload and create an sqlite index on df2


}; ## end makeArgSpecs.singleIntegerKey.optionalOneToOne()

## cross of various input sizes and key overlaps
sizes <- c(1e1L,1e3L,1e6L);
overlaps <- c(0.99,0.5,0.01);
system.time({ res <- testGrid(makeArgSpecs.singleIntegerKey.optionalOneToOne,sizes,overlaps); });
##     user   system  elapsed
## 22024.65 12308.63 34493.19


我使用样条插值来显示每个解决方案/连接类型组合的平滑曲线,并使用单独的 pch 符号绘制。连接类型由 pch 符号捕获,使用点表示内部,使用左尖括号和右尖括号表示左和右,使用菱形表示完整。解决方案类型由颜色捕获,如图例所示。

plotRes <- function(res,titleFunc,useFloor=F) {
    solTypes <- setdiff(names(res),c('size','overlap','joinType','unit')); ## derive from res
    normMult <- c(microseconds=1e-3,milliseconds=1); ## normalize to milliseconds
    joinTypes <- getJoinTypes();
    cols <- c(merge='purple',data.table.unkeyed='blue',data.table.keyed='#00DDDD',sqldf.unindexed='brown',sqldf.indexed='orange',plyr='red',dplyr='#00BB00',in.place='magenta');
    pchs <- list(inner=20L,left='<',right='>',full=23L);
    cexs <- c(inner=0.7,left=1,right=1,full=0.7);
    NP <- 60L;
    ord <- order(decreasing=T,colMeans(res[res$size==max(res$size),solTypes],na.rm=T));
    ymajors <- data.frame(y=c(1,1e3),label=c('1ms','1s'),stringsAsFactors=F);
    for (overlap in unique(res$overlap)) {
        x1 <- res[res$overlap==overlap,];
        x1[solTypes] <- x1[solTypes]*normMult[x1$unit]; x1$unit <- NULL;
        xlim <- c(1e1,max(x1$size));
        xticks <- 10^seq(log10(xlim[1L]),log10(xlim[2L]));
        ylim <- c(1e-1,10^((if (useFloor) floor else ceiling)(log10(max(x1[solTypes],na.rm=T))))); ## use floor() to zoom in a little more, only sqldf.unindexed will break above, but xpd=NA will keep it visible
        yticks <- 10^seq(log10(ylim[1L]),log10(ylim[2L]));
        yticks.minor <- rep(yticks[-length(yticks)],each=9L)*1:9;
        plot(NA,xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,xaxs='i',yaxs='i',axes=F,xlab='size (rows)',ylab='time (ms)',log='xy');
        for (joinType in rev(joinTypes)) { ## reverse to draw full first, since it's larger and would be more obtrusive if drawn last
            x2 <- x1[x1$joinType==joinType,];
            for (solType in solTypes) {
                if (any(!is.na(x2[[solType]]))) {
                    xy <- spline(x2$size,x2[[solType]],xout=10^(seq(log10(x2$size[1L]),log10(x2$size[nrow(x2)]),len=NP)));
                }; ## end if
            }; ## end for
        }; ## end for
        ## custom legend
        ## due to logarithmic skew, must do all distance calcs in inches, and convert to user coords afterward
        ## the bottom-left corner of the legend will be defined in normalized figure coords, although we can convert to inches immediately
        leg.cex <- 0.7;
        leg.x.in <- grconvertX(0.275,'nfc','in');
        leg.y.in <- grconvertY(0.6,'nfc','in');
        leg.x.user <- grconvertX(leg.x.in,'in');
        leg.y.user <- grconvertY(leg.y.in,'in');
        leg.outpad.w.in <- 0.1;
        leg.outpad.h.in <- 0.1;
        leg.midpad.w.in <- 0.1;
        leg.midpad.h.in <- 0.1;
        leg.sol.w.in <- max(strwidth(solTypes,'in',leg.cex));
        leg.sol.h.in <- max(strheight(solTypes,'in',leg.cex))*1.5; ## multiplication factor for greater line height
        leg.join.w.in <- max(strheight(joinTypes,'in',leg.cex))*1.5; ## ditto
        leg.join.h.in <- max(strwidth(joinTypes,'in',leg.cex));
        leg.main.w.in <- leg.join.w.in*length(joinTypes);
        leg.main.h.in <- leg.sol.h.in*length(solTypes);
        leg.x2.user <- grconvertX(leg.x.in+leg.outpad.w.in*2+leg.main.w.in+leg.midpad.w.in+leg.sol.w.in,'in');
        leg.y2.user <- grconvertY(leg.y.in+leg.outpad.h.in*2+leg.main.h.in+leg.midpad.h.in+leg.join.h.in,'in');
        leg.cols.x.user <- grconvertX(leg.x.in+leg.outpad.w.in+leg.join.w.in*(0.5+seq(0L,length(joinTypes)-1L)),'in');
        leg.lines.y.user <- grconvertY(leg.y.in+leg.outpad.h.in+leg.main.h.in-leg.sol.h.in*(0.5+seq(0L,length(solTypes)-1L)),'in');
        leg.sol.x.user <- grconvertX(leg.x.in+leg.outpad.w.in+leg.main.w.in+leg.midpad.w.in,'in');
        leg.join.y.user <- grconvertY(leg.y.in+leg.outpad.h.in+leg.main.h.in+leg.midpad.h.in,'in');
        text(leg.cols.x.user,leg.join.y.user,joinTypes,cex=leg.cex,pos=4L,offset=0,srt=90); ## srt rotation applies *after* pos/offset positioning
        for (i in seq_along(joinTypes)) {
            joinType <- joinTypes[i];
        }; ## end for
        readline(sprintf('overlap %.02f',overlap));
    }; ## end for
}; ## end plotRes()

titleFunc <- function(overlap) sprintf('R merge solutions: single-column integer key, 0..1:0..1 cardinality, %d%% overlap',as.integer(overlap*100));

R-merge -benchmark-single-column-integer-key-optional-one-to-one-99


R -merge-benchmark-single-column-integer-key-Optional-one-to-one-1

这是第二个大规模基准测试,在键的数量和类型方面更加繁重列,以及基数。对于此基准测试,我使用三个关键列:一个字符、一个整数和一个逻辑列,基数没有限制(即 0..*:0..*)。 (一般来说,由于浮点比较的复杂性,不建议使用双精度或复数值定义键列,而且基本上没有人使用原始类型,更不用说键列了,所以我没有将这些类型包含在键中另外,为了提供信息,我最初尝试通过包含 POSIXct 键列来使用四个键列,但由于某种原因,POSIXct 类型与 sqldf.indexed 解决方案不能很好地配合。由于浮点比较异常,所以我将其删除。)

makeArgSpecs.assortedKey.optionalManyToMany <- function(size,overlap,uniquePct=75) {

    ## number of unique keys in df1
    u1Size <- as.integer(size*uniquePct/100);

    ## (roughly) divide u1Size into bases, so we can use expand.grid() to produce the required number of unique key values with repetitions within individual key columns
    ## use ceiling() to ensure we cover u1Size; will truncate afterward
    u1SizePerKeyColumn <- as.integer(ceiling(u1Size^(1/3)));

    ## generate the unique key values for df1
    keys1 <- expand.grid(stringsAsFactors=F,
        ##idPOSIXct=as.POSIXct('2016-01-01 00:00:00','UTC')+sample(u1SizePerKeyColumn)

    ## rbind some repetitions of the unique keys; this will prepare one side of the many-to-many relationship
    ## also scramble the order afterward
    keys1 <- rbind(keys1,keys1[sample(nrow(keys1),size-u1Size,T),])[sample(size),];

    ## common and unilateral key counts
    com <- as.integer(size*overlap);
    uni <- size-com;

    ## generate some unilateral keys for df2 by synthesizing outside of the idInteger range of df1
    keys2 <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=F,
        ##idPOSIXct=as.POSIXct('2016-01-01 00:00:00','UTC')+u1SizePerKeyColumn+sample(uni)

    ## rbind random keys from df1; this will complete the many-to-many relationship
    ## also scramble the order afterward
    keys2 <- rbind(keys2,keys1[sample(nrow(keys1),com,T),])[sample(size),];

    ##keyNames <- c('idCharacter','idInteger','idLogical','idPOSIXct');
    keyNames <- c('idCharacter','idInteger','idLogical');
    ## note: was going to use raw and complex type for two of the non-key columns, but data.table doesn't seem to fully support them
    argSpecs <- list(
            df1 <- cbind(stringsAsFactors=F,keys1,y1=sample(c(F,T),size,T),y2=sample(size),y3=rnorm(size),y4=replicate(size,paste(collapse='',sample(letters,sample(4:12,1L),T)))),
            df2 <- cbind(stringsAsFactors=F,keys2,y5=sample(c(F,T),size,T),y6=sample(size),y7=rnorm(size),y8=replicate(size,paste(collapse='',sample(letters,sample(4:12,1L),T)))),
    ## prepare sqldf
    sqldf(paste0('create index df1_key on df1(',paste(collapse=',',keyNames),');')); ## upload and create an sqlite index on df1
    sqldf(paste0('create index df2_key on df2(',paste(collapse=',',keyNames),');')); ## upload and create an sqlite index on df2


}; ## end makeArgSpecs.assortedKey.optionalManyToMany()

sizes <- c(1e1L,1e3L,1e5L); ## 1e5L instead of 1e6L to respect more heavy-duty inputs
overlaps <- c(0.99,0.5,0.01);
solTypes <- setdiff(getSolTypes(),'in.place');
system.time({ res <- testGrid(makeArgSpecs.assortedKey.optionalManyToMany,sizes,overlaps,solTypes); });
##     user   system  elapsed
## 38895.50   784.19 39745.53


titleFunc <- function(overlap) sprintf('R merge solutions: character/integer/logical key, 0..*:0..* cardinality, %d%% overlap',as.integer(overlap*100));


R-merge-benchmark -assorted-key-optional-many-to-many-50


For the case of a left join with a 0..*:0..1 cardinality or a right join with a 0..1:0..* cardinality it is possible to assign in-place the unilateral columns from the joiner (the 0..1 table) directly onto the joinee (the 0..* table), and thereby avoid the creation of an entirely new table of data. This requires matching the key columns from the joinee into the joiner and indexing+ordering the joiner's rows accordingly for the assignment.

If the key is a single column, then we can use a single call to match() to do the matching. This is the case I'll cover in this answer.

Here's an example based on the OP, except I've added an extra row to df2 with an id of 7 to test the case of a non-matching key in the joiner. This is effectively df1 left join df2:

df1 <- data.frame(CustomerId=1:6,Product=c(rep('Toaster',3L),rep('Radio',3L)));
df2 <- data.frame(CustomerId=c(2L,4L,6L,7L),State=c(rep('Alabama',2L),'Ohio','Texas'));
df1[names(df2)[-1L]] <- df2[match(df1[,1L],df2[,1L]),-1L];
##   CustomerId Product   State
## 1          1 Toaster    <NA>
## 2          2 Toaster Alabama
## 3          3 Toaster    <NA>
## 4          4   Radio Alabama
## 5          5   Radio    <NA>
## 6          6   Radio    Ohio

In the above I hard-coded an assumption that the key column is the first column of both input tables. I would argue that, in general, this is not an unreasonable assumption, since, if you have a data.frame with a key column, it would be strange if it had not been set up as the first column of the data.frame from the outset. And you can always reorder the columns to make it so. An advantageous consequence of this assumption is that the name of the key column does not have to be hard-coded, although I suppose it's just replacing one assumption with another. Concision is another advantage of integer indexing, as well as speed. In the benchmarks below I'll change the implementation to use string name indexing to match the competing implementations.

I think this is a particularly appropriate solution if you have several tables that you want to left join against a single large table. Repeatedly rebuilding the entire table for each merge would be unnecessary and inefficient.

On the other hand, if you need the joinee to remain unaltered through this operation for whatever reason, then this solution cannot be used, since it modifies the joinee directly. Although in that case you could simply make a copy and perform the in-place assignment(s) on the copy.

As a side note, I briefly looked into possible matching solutions for multicolumn keys. Unfortunately, the only matching solutions I found were:

  • inefficient concatenations. e.g. match(interaction(df1$a,df1$b),interaction(df2$a,df2$b)), or the same idea with paste().
  • inefficient cartesian conjunctions, e.g. outer(df1$a,df2$a,`==`) & outer(df1$b,df2$b,`==`).
  • base R merge() and equivalent package-based merge functions, which always allocate a new table to return the merged result, and thus are not suitable for an in-place assignment-based solution.

For example, see Matching multiple columns on different data frames and getting other column as result, match two columns with two other columns, Matching on multiple columns, and the dupe of this question where I originally came up with the in-place solution, Combine two data frames with different number of rows in R.


I decided to do my own benchmarking to see how the in-place assignment approach compares to the other solutions that have been offered in this question.

Testing code:


solSpecs <- list(
        inner=function(df1,df2,key) merge(df1,df2,key),
        left =function(df1,df2,key) merge(df1,df2,key,all.x=T),
        right=function(df1,df2,key) merge(df1,df2,key,all.y=T),
        full =function(df1,df2,key) merge(df1,df2,key,all=T)
        inner=function(dt1,dt2,key) dt1[dt2,on=key,nomatch=0L,allow.cartesian=T],
        left =function(dt1,dt2,key) dt2[dt1,on=key,allow.cartesian=T],
        right=function(dt1,dt2,key) dt1[dt2,on=key,allow.cartesian=T],
        full =function(dt1,dt2,key) merge(dt1,dt2,key,all=T,allow.cartesian=T) ## calls merge.data.table()
        inner=function(dt1,dt2) dt1[dt2,nomatch=0L,allow.cartesian=T],
        left =function(dt1,dt2) dt2[dt1,allow.cartesian=T],
        right=function(dt1,dt2) dt1[dt2,allow.cartesian=T],
        full =function(dt1,dt2) merge(dt1,dt2,all=T,allow.cartesian=T) ## calls merge.data.table()
    sqldf.unindexed=list(testFuncs=list( ## note: must pass connection=NULL to avoid running against the live DB connection, which would result in collisions with the residual tables from the last query upload
        inner=function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from df1 inner join df2 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')'),connection=NULL),
        left =function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from df1 left join df2 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')'),connection=NULL),
        right=function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from df2 left join df1 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')'),connection=NULL) ## can't do right join proper, not yet supported; inverted left join is equivalent
        ##full =function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from df1 full join df2 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')'),connection=NULL) ## can't do full join proper, not yet supported; possible to hack it with a union of left joins, but too unreasonable to include in testing
    sqldf.indexed=list(testFuncs=list( ## important: requires an active DB connection with preindexed main.df1 and main.df2 ready to go; arguments are actually ignored
        inner=function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from main.df1 inner join main.df2 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')')),
        left =function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from main.df1 left join main.df2 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')')),
        right=function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from main.df2 left join main.df1 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')')) ## can't do right join proper, not yet supported; inverted left join is equivalent
        ##full =function(df1,df2,key) sqldf(paste0('select * from main.df1 full join main.df2 using(',paste(collapse=',',key),')')) ## can't do full join proper, not yet supported; possible to hack it with a union of left joins, but too unreasonable to include in testing
        inner=function(df1,df2,key) join(df1,df2,key,'inner'),
        left =function(df1,df2,key) join(df1,df2,key,'left'),
        right=function(df1,df2,key) join(df1,df2,key,'right'),
        full =function(df1,df2,key) join(df1,df2,key,'full')
        inner=function(df1,df2,key) inner_join(df1,df2,key),
        left =function(df1,df2,key) left_join(df1,df2,key),
        right=function(df1,df2,key) right_join(df1,df2,key),
        full =function(df1,df2,key) full_join(df1,df2,key)
        left =function(df1,df2,key) { cns <- setdiff(names(df2),key); df1[cns] <- df2[match(df1[,key],df2[,key]),cns]; df1; },
        right=function(df1,df2,key) { cns <- setdiff(names(df1),key); df2[cns] <- df1[match(df2[,key],df1[,key]),cns]; df2; }

getSolTypes <- function() names(solSpecs);
getJoinTypes <- function() unique(unlist(lapply(solSpecs,function(x) names(x$testFuncs))));
getArgSpec <- function(argSpecs,key=NULL) if (is.null(key)) argSpecs$default else argSpecs[[key]];

initSqldf <- function() {
    sqldf(); ## creates sqlite connection on first run, cleans up and closes existing connection otherwise
    if (exists('sqldfInitFlag',envir=globalenv(),inherits=F) && sqldfInitFlag) { ## false only on first run
        sqldf(); ## creates a new connection
    } else {
        assign('sqldfInitFlag',T,envir=globalenv()); ## set to true for the one and only time
    }; ## end if
}; ## end initSqldf()

setUpBenchmarkCall <- function(argSpecs,joinType,solTypes=getSolTypes(),env=parent.frame()) {
    ## builds and returns a list of expressions suitable for passing to the list argument of microbenchmark(), and assigns variables to resolve symbol references in those expressions
    callExpressions <- list();
    nms <- character();
    for (solType in solTypes) {
        testFunc <- solSpecs[[solType]]$testFuncs[[joinType]];
        if (is.null(testFunc)) next; ## this join type is not defined for this solution type
        testFuncName <- paste0('tf.',solType);
        argSpecKey <- solSpecs[[solType]]$argSpec;
        argSpec <- getArgSpec(argSpecs,argSpecKey);
        argList <- setNames(nm=names(argSpec$args),vector('list',length(argSpec$args)));
        for (i in seq_along(argSpec$args)) {
            argName <- paste0('tfa.',argSpecKey,i);
            argList[[i]] <- if (i%in%argSpec$copySpec) call('copy',as.symbol(argName)) else as.symbol(argName);
        }; ## end for
        callExpressions[[length(callExpressions)+1L]] <- do.call(call,c(list(testFuncName),argList),quote=T);
        nms[length(nms)+1L] <- solType;
    }; ## end for
    names(callExpressions) <- nms;
}; ## end setUpBenchmarkCall()

harmonize <- function(res) {
    res <- as.data.frame(res); ## coerce to data.frame
    for (ci in which(sapply(res,is.factor))) res[[ci]] <- as.character(res[[ci]]); ## coerce factor columns to character
    for (ci in which(sapply(res,is.logical))) res[[ci]] <- as.integer(res[[ci]]); ## coerce logical columns to integer (works around sqldf quirk of munging logicals to integers)
    ##for (ci in which(sapply(res,inherits,'POSIXct'))) res[[ci]] <- as.double(res[[ci]]); ## coerce POSIXct columns to double (works around sqldf quirk of losing POSIXct class) ----- POSIXct doesn't work at all in sqldf.indexed
    res <- res[order(names(res))]; ## order columns
    res <- res[do.call(order,res),]; ## order rows
}; ## end harmonize()

checkIdentical <- function(argSpecs,solTypes=getSolTypes()) {
    for (joinType in getJoinTypes()) {
        callExpressions <- setUpBenchmarkCall(argSpecs,joinType,solTypes);
        if (length(callExpressions)<2L) next;
        ex <- harmonize(eval(callExpressions[[1L]]));
        for (i in seq(2L,len=length(callExpressions)-1L)) {
            y <- harmonize(eval(callExpressions[[i]]));
            if (!isTRUE(all.equal(ex,y,check.attributes=F))) {
                ex <<- ex;
                y <<- y;
                solType <- names(callExpressions)[i];
                stop(paste0('non-identical: ',solType,' ',joinType,'.'));
            }; ## end if
        }; ## end for
    }; ## end for
}; ## end checkIdentical()

testJoinType <- function(argSpecs,joinType,solTypes=getSolTypes(),metric=NULL,times=100L) {
    callExpressions <- setUpBenchmarkCall(argSpecs,joinType,solTypes);
    bm <- microbenchmark(list=callExpressions,times=times);
    if (is.null(metric)) return(bm);
    bm <- summary(bm);
    res <- setNames(nm=names(callExpressions),bm[[metric]]);
    attr(res,'unit') <- attr(bm,'unit');
}; ## end testJoinType()

testAllJoinTypes <- function(argSpecs,solTypes=getSolTypes(),metric=NULL,times=100L) {
    joinTypes <- getJoinTypes();
    resList <- setNames(nm=joinTypes,lapply(joinTypes,function(joinType) testJoinType(argSpecs,joinType,solTypes,metric,times)));
    if (is.null(metric)) return(resList);
    units <- unname(unlist(lapply(resList,attr,'unit')));
    res <- do.call(data.frame,c(list(join=joinTypes),setNames(nm=solTypes,rep(list(rep(NA_real_,length(joinTypes))),length(solTypes))),list(unit=units,stringsAsFactors=F)));
    for (i in seq_along(resList)) res[i,match(names(resList[[i]]),names(res))] <- resList[[i]];
}; ## end testAllJoinTypes()

testGrid <- function(makeArgSpecsFunc,sizes,overlaps,solTypes=getSolTypes(),joinTypes=getJoinTypes(),metric='median',times=100L) {

    res <- expand.grid(size=sizes,overlap=overlaps,joinType=joinTypes,stringsAsFactors=F);
    res[solTypes] <- NA_real_;
    res$unit <- NA_character_;
    for (ri in seq_len(nrow(res))) {

        size <- res$size[ri];
        overlap <- res$overlap[ri];
        joinType <- res$joinType[ri];

        argSpecs <- makeArgSpecsFunc(size,overlap);


        cur <- testJoinType(argSpecs,joinType,solTypes,metric,times);
        res[ri,match(names(cur),names(res))] <- cur;
        res$unit[ri] <- attr(cur,'unit');

    }; ## end for


}; ## end testGrid()

Here's a benchmark of the example based on the OP that I demonstrated earlier:

## OP's example, supplemented with a non-matching row in df2
argSpecs <- list(
        df1 <- data.frame(CustomerId=1:6,Product=c(rep('Toaster',3L),rep('Radio',3L))),
        df2 <- data.frame(CustomerId=c(2L,4L,6L,7L),State=c(rep('Alabama',2L),'Ohio','Texas')),
## prepare sqldf
sqldf('create index df1_key on df1(CustomerId);'); ## upload and create an sqlite index on df1
sqldf('create index df2_key on df2(CustomerId);'); ## upload and create an sqlite index on df2


##    join    merge data.table.unkeyed data.table.keyed sqldf.unindexed sqldf.indexed      plyr    dplyr in.place         unit
## 1 inner  644.259           861.9345          923.516        9157.752      1580.390  959.2250 270.9190       NA microseconds
## 2  left  713.539           888.0205          910.045        8820.334      1529.714  968.4195 270.9185 224.3045 microseconds
## 3 right 1221.804           909.1900          923.944        8930.668      1533.135 1063.7860 269.8495 218.1035 microseconds
## 4  full 1302.203          3107.5380         3184.729              NA            NA 1593.6475 270.7055       NA microseconds

Here I benchmark on random input data, trying different scales and different patterns of key overlap between the two input tables. This benchmark is still restricted to the case of a single-column integer key. As well, to ensure that the in-place solution would work for both left and right joins of the same tables, all random test data uses 0..1:0..1 cardinality. This is implemented by sampling without replacement the key column of the first data.frame when generating the key column of the second data.frame.

makeArgSpecs.singleIntegerKey.optionalOneToOne <- function(size,overlap) {

    com <- as.integer(size*overlap);

    argSpecs <- list(
            df1 <- data.frame(id=sample(size),y1=rnorm(size),y2=rnorm(size)),
            df2 <- data.frame(id=sample(c(if (com>0L) sample(df1$id,com) else integer(),seq(size+1L,len=size-com))),y3=rnorm(size),y4=rnorm(size)),
    ## prepare sqldf
    sqldf('create index df1_key on df1(id);'); ## upload and create an sqlite index on df1
    sqldf('create index df2_key on df2(id);'); ## upload and create an sqlite index on df2


}; ## end makeArgSpecs.singleIntegerKey.optionalOneToOne()

## cross of various input sizes and key overlaps
sizes <- c(1e1L,1e3L,1e6L);
overlaps <- c(0.99,0.5,0.01);
system.time({ res <- testGrid(makeArgSpecs.singleIntegerKey.optionalOneToOne,sizes,overlaps); });
##     user   system  elapsed
## 22024.65 12308.63 34493.19

I wrote some code to create log-log plots of the above results. I generated a separate plot for each overlap percentage. It's a little bit cluttered, but I like having all the solution types and join types represented in the same plot.

I used spline interpolation to show a smooth curve for each solution/join type combination, drawn with individual pch symbols. The join type is captured by the pch symbol, using a dot for inner, left and right angle brackets for left and right, and a diamond for full. The solution type is captured by the color as shown in the legend.

plotRes <- function(res,titleFunc,useFloor=F) {
    solTypes <- setdiff(names(res),c('size','overlap','joinType','unit')); ## derive from res
    normMult <- c(microseconds=1e-3,milliseconds=1); ## normalize to milliseconds
    joinTypes <- getJoinTypes();
    cols <- c(merge='purple',data.table.unkeyed='blue',data.table.keyed='#00DDDD',sqldf.unindexed='brown',sqldf.indexed='orange',plyr='red',dplyr='#00BB00',in.place='magenta');
    pchs <- list(inner=20L,left='<',right='>',full=23L);
    cexs <- c(inner=0.7,left=1,right=1,full=0.7);
    NP <- 60L;
    ord <- order(decreasing=T,colMeans(res[res$size==max(res$size),solTypes],na.rm=T));
    ymajors <- data.frame(y=c(1,1e3),label=c('1ms','1s'),stringsAsFactors=F);
    for (overlap in unique(res$overlap)) {
        x1 <- res[res$overlap==overlap,];
        x1[solTypes] <- x1[solTypes]*normMult[x1$unit]; x1$unit <- NULL;
        xlim <- c(1e1,max(x1$size));
        xticks <- 10^seq(log10(xlim[1L]),log10(xlim[2L]));
        ylim <- c(1e-1,10^((if (useFloor) floor else ceiling)(log10(max(x1[solTypes],na.rm=T))))); ## use floor() to zoom in a little more, only sqldf.unindexed will break above, but xpd=NA will keep it visible
        yticks <- 10^seq(log10(ylim[1L]),log10(ylim[2L]));
        yticks.minor <- rep(yticks[-length(yticks)],each=9L)*1:9;
        plot(NA,xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,xaxs='i',yaxs='i',axes=F,xlab='size (rows)',ylab='time (ms)',log='xy');
        for (joinType in rev(joinTypes)) { ## reverse to draw full first, since it's larger and would be more obtrusive if drawn last
            x2 <- x1[x1$joinType==joinType,];
            for (solType in solTypes) {
                if (any(!is.na(x2[[solType]]))) {
                    xy <- spline(x2$size,x2[[solType]],xout=10^(seq(log10(x2$size[1L]),log10(x2$size[nrow(x2)]),len=NP)));
                }; ## end if
            }; ## end for
        }; ## end for
        ## custom legend
        ## due to logarithmic skew, must do all distance calcs in inches, and convert to user coords afterward
        ## the bottom-left corner of the legend will be defined in normalized figure coords, although we can convert to inches immediately
        leg.cex <- 0.7;
        leg.x.in <- grconvertX(0.275,'nfc','in');
        leg.y.in <- grconvertY(0.6,'nfc','in');
        leg.x.user <- grconvertX(leg.x.in,'in');
        leg.y.user <- grconvertY(leg.y.in,'in');
        leg.outpad.w.in <- 0.1;
        leg.outpad.h.in <- 0.1;
        leg.midpad.w.in <- 0.1;
        leg.midpad.h.in <- 0.1;
        leg.sol.w.in <- max(strwidth(solTypes,'in',leg.cex));
        leg.sol.h.in <- max(strheight(solTypes,'in',leg.cex))*1.5; ## multiplication factor for greater line height
        leg.join.w.in <- max(strheight(joinTypes,'in',leg.cex))*1.5; ## ditto
        leg.join.h.in <- max(strwidth(joinTypes,'in',leg.cex));
        leg.main.w.in <- leg.join.w.in*length(joinTypes);
        leg.main.h.in <- leg.sol.h.in*length(solTypes);
        leg.x2.user <- grconvertX(leg.x.in+leg.outpad.w.in*2+leg.main.w.in+leg.midpad.w.in+leg.sol.w.in,'in');
        leg.y2.user <- grconvertY(leg.y.in+leg.outpad.h.in*2+leg.main.h.in+leg.midpad.h.in+leg.join.h.in,'in');
        leg.cols.x.user <- grconvertX(leg.x.in+leg.outpad.w.in+leg.join.w.in*(0.5+seq(0L,length(joinTypes)-1L)),'in');
        leg.lines.y.user <- grconvertY(leg.y.in+leg.outpad.h.in+leg.main.h.in-leg.sol.h.in*(0.5+seq(0L,length(solTypes)-1L)),'in');
        leg.sol.x.user <- grconvertX(leg.x.in+leg.outpad.w.in+leg.main.w.in+leg.midpad.w.in,'in');
        leg.join.y.user <- grconvertY(leg.y.in+leg.outpad.h.in+leg.main.h.in+leg.midpad.h.in,'in');
        text(leg.cols.x.user,leg.join.y.user,joinTypes,cex=leg.cex,pos=4L,offset=0,srt=90); ## srt rotation applies *after* pos/offset positioning
        for (i in seq_along(joinTypes)) {
            joinType <- joinTypes[i];
        }; ## end for
        readline(sprintf('overlap %.02f',overlap));
    }; ## end for
}; ## end plotRes()

titleFunc <- function(overlap) sprintf('R merge solutions: single-column integer key, 0..1:0..1 cardinality, %d%% overlap',as.integer(overlap*100));




Here's a second large-scale benchmark that's more heavy-duty, with respect to the number and types of key columns, as well as cardinality. For this benchmark I use three key columns: one character, one integer, and one logical, with no restrictions on cardinality (that is, 0..*:0..*). (In general it's not advisable to define key columns with double or complex values due to floating-point comparison complications, and basically no one ever uses the raw type, much less for key columns, so I haven't included those types in the key columns. Also, for information's sake, I initially tried to use four key columns by including a POSIXct key column, but the POSIXct type didn't play well with the sqldf.indexed solution for some reason, possibly due to floating-point comparison anomalies, so I removed it.)

makeArgSpecs.assortedKey.optionalManyToMany <- function(size,overlap,uniquePct=75) {

    ## number of unique keys in df1
    u1Size <- as.integer(size*uniquePct/100);

    ## (roughly) divide u1Size into bases, so we can use expand.grid() to produce the required number of unique key values with repetitions within individual key columns
    ## use ceiling() to ensure we cover u1Size; will truncate afterward
    u1SizePerKeyColumn <- as.integer(ceiling(u1Size^(1/3)));

    ## generate the unique key values for df1
    keys1 <- expand.grid(stringsAsFactors=F,
        ##idPOSIXct=as.POSIXct('2016-01-01 00:00:00','UTC')+sample(u1SizePerKeyColumn)

    ## rbind some repetitions of the unique keys; this will prepare one side of the many-to-many relationship
    ## also scramble the order afterward
    keys1 <- rbind(keys1,keys1[sample(nrow(keys1),size-u1Size,T),])[sample(size),];

    ## common and unilateral key counts
    com <- as.integer(size*overlap);
    uni <- size-com;

    ## generate some unilateral keys for df2 by synthesizing outside of the idInteger range of df1
    keys2 <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=F,
        ##idPOSIXct=as.POSIXct('2016-01-01 00:00:00','UTC')+u1SizePerKeyColumn+sample(uni)

    ## rbind random keys from df1; this will complete the many-to-many relationship
    ## also scramble the order afterward
    keys2 <- rbind(keys2,keys1[sample(nrow(keys1),com,T),])[sample(size),];

    ##keyNames <- c('idCharacter','idInteger','idLogical','idPOSIXct');
    keyNames <- c('idCharacter','idInteger','idLogical');
    ## note: was going to use raw and complex type for two of the non-key columns, but data.table doesn't seem to fully support them
    argSpecs <- list(
            df1 <- cbind(stringsAsFactors=F,keys1,y1=sample(c(F,T),size,T),y2=sample(size),y3=rnorm(size),y4=replicate(size,paste(collapse='',sample(letters,sample(4:12,1L),T)))),
            df2 <- cbind(stringsAsFactors=F,keys2,y5=sample(c(F,T),size,T),y6=sample(size),y7=rnorm(size),y8=replicate(size,paste(collapse='',sample(letters,sample(4:12,1L),T)))),
    ## prepare sqldf
    sqldf(paste0('create index df1_key on df1(',paste(collapse=',',keyNames),');')); ## upload and create an sqlite index on df1
    sqldf(paste0('create index df2_key on df2(',paste(collapse=',',keyNames),');')); ## upload and create an sqlite index on df2


}; ## end makeArgSpecs.assortedKey.optionalManyToMany()

sizes <- c(1e1L,1e3L,1e5L); ## 1e5L instead of 1e6L to respect more heavy-duty inputs
overlaps <- c(0.99,0.5,0.01);
solTypes <- setdiff(getSolTypes(),'in.place');
system.time({ res <- testGrid(makeArgSpecs.assortedKey.optionalManyToMany,sizes,overlaps,solTypes); });
##     user   system  elapsed
## 38895.50   784.19 39745.53

The resulting plots, using the same plotting code given above:

titleFunc <- function(overlap) sprintf('R merge solutions: character/integer/logical key, 0..*:0..* cardinality, %d%% overlap',as.integer(overlap*100));




眼眸 2024-08-09 11:31:24

在连接两个数据框,每个数据框约有 100 万行,一个有 2 列,另一个有约 20 列时,我惊讶地发现 merge(..., all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)< /code> 比 dplyr::full_join() 更快。这是 dplyr v0.4

合并需要约 17 秒,full_join 需要约 65 秒。

不过,有些食物,因为我通常默认使用 dplyr 来执行操作任务。

In joining two data frames with ~1 million rows each, one with 2 columns and the other with ~20, I've surprisingly found merge(..., all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE) to be faster then dplyr::full_join(). This is with dplyr v0.4

Merge takes ~17 seconds, full_join takes ~65 seconds.

Some food for though, since I generally default to dplyr for manipulation tasks.

雨的味道风的声音 2024-08-09 11:31:24
  1. 使用merge函数我们可以选择左表或右表的变量,就像我们熟悉SQL中的select语句一样(例如:Select a.* ...或Select b.* from . ....)
  2. 我们必须添加额外的代码,这些代码将从新加入的表中提取子集。

    • SQL :- 从 df1 a 内连接 df2 b 中选择 a.* a.CustomerId=b.CustomerId

    • R :- merge(df1, df2, by.x = "CustomerId", by.y = "CustomerId")[,names(df1)]

      < /里>


  • SQL :- select b.* from df1 a inside join df2 b on a.CustomerId=b.CustomerId

  • R :- merge(df1, df2, by.x = "CustomerId", by.y =

  1. Using merge function we can select the variable of left table or right table, same way like we all familiar with select statement in SQL (EX : Select a.* ...or Select b.* from .....)
  2. We have to add extra code which will subset from the newly joined table .

    • SQL :- select a.* from df1 a inner join df2 b on a.CustomerId=b.CustomerId

    • R :- merge(df1, df2, by.x = "CustomerId", by.y = "CustomerId")[,names(df1)]

Same way

  • SQL :- select b.* from df1 a inner join df2 b on a.CustomerId=b.CustomerId

  • R :- merge(df1, df2, by.x = "CustomerId", by.y =

吃兔兔 2024-08-09 11:31:24

更新联接。 另一种重要的 SQL 样式联接是“更新联接”,其中一个列中的列使用另一个表更新(或创建)表。

修改 OP 的示例表...

sales = data.frame(
  CustomerId = c(1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 6), 
  Year = 2000:2005,
  Product = c(rep("Toaster", 3), rep("Radio", 3))
cust = data.frame(
  CustomerId = c(1, 1, 4, 6), 
  Year = c(2001L, 2002L, 2002L, 2002L),
  State = state.name[1:4]

# CustomerId Year Product
#          1 2000 Toaster
#          1 2001 Toaster
#          1 2002 Toaster
#          3 2003   Radio
#          4 2004   Radio
#          6 2005   Radio

# CustomerId Year    State
#          1 2001  Alabama
#          1 2002   Alaska
#          4 2002  Arizona
#          6 2002 Arkansas

假设我们要将客户的状态从 cust 添加到购买表 sales,忽略年份列。使用基本 R,我们可以识别匹配行,然后复制值:

sales$State <- cust$State[ match(sales$CustomerId, cust$CustomerId) ]

# CustomerId Year Product    State
#          1 2000 Toaster  Alabama
#          1 2001 Toaster  Alabama
#          1 2002 Toaster  Alabama
#          3 2003   Radio     <NA>
#          4 2004   Radio  Arizona
#          6 2005   Radio Arkansas

# cleanup for the next example
sales$State <- NULL

如此处所示,match 从客户表中选择第一个匹配行。


正如 @bgoldst 的回答所提到的,matchinteraction 可能是这种情况的一个选项。更直接地,可以使用 data.table:

setDT(sales); setDT(cust)

sales[, State := cust[sales, on=.(CustomerId, Year), x.State]]

#    CustomerId Year Product   State
# 1:          1 2000 Toaster    <NA>
# 2:          1 2001 Toaster Alabama
# 3:          1 2002 Toaster  Alaska
# 4:          3 2003   Radio    <NA>
# 5:          4 2004   Radio    <NA>
# 6:          6 2005   Radio    <NA>

# cleanup for next example
sales[, State := NULL]

滚动更新联接。 或者,我们可能希望获取客户发现的最后状态:

sales[, State := cust[sales, on=.(CustomerId, Year), roll=TRUE, x.State]]

#    CustomerId Year Product    State
# 1:          1 2000 Toaster     <NA>
# 2:          1 2001 Toaster  Alabama
# 3:          1 2002 Toaster   Alaska
# 4:          3 2003   Radio     <NA>
# 5:          4 2004   Radio  Arizona
# 6:          6 2005   Radio Arkansas

上面的三个示例都侧重于创建/添加新列。有关更新/修改现有列的示例,请参阅相关的 R 常见问题解答

Update join. One other important SQL-style join is an "update join" where columns in one table are updated (or created) using another table.

Modifying the OP's example tables...

sales = data.frame(
  CustomerId = c(1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 6), 
  Year = 2000:2005,
  Product = c(rep("Toaster", 3), rep("Radio", 3))
cust = data.frame(
  CustomerId = c(1, 1, 4, 6), 
  Year = c(2001L, 2002L, 2002L, 2002L),
  State = state.name[1:4]

# CustomerId Year Product
#          1 2000 Toaster
#          1 2001 Toaster
#          1 2002 Toaster
#          3 2003   Radio
#          4 2004   Radio
#          6 2005   Radio

# CustomerId Year    State
#          1 2001  Alabama
#          1 2002   Alaska
#          4 2002  Arizona
#          6 2002 Arkansas

Suppose we want to add the customer's state from cust to the purchases table, sales, ignoring the year column. With base R, we can identify matching rows and then copy values over:

sales$State <- cust$State[ match(sales$CustomerId, cust$CustomerId) ]

# CustomerId Year Product    State
#          1 2000 Toaster  Alabama
#          1 2001 Toaster  Alabama
#          1 2002 Toaster  Alabama
#          3 2003   Radio     <NA>
#          4 2004   Radio  Arizona
#          6 2005   Radio Arkansas

# cleanup for the next example
sales$State <- NULL

As can be seen here, match selects the first matching row from the customer table.

Update join with multiple columns. The approach above works well when we are joining on only a single column and are satisfied with the first match. Suppose we want the year of measurement in the customer table to match the year of sale.

As @bgoldst's answer mentions, match with interaction might be an option for this case. More straightforwardly, one could use data.table:

setDT(sales); setDT(cust)

sales[, State := cust[sales, on=.(CustomerId, Year), x.State]]

#    CustomerId Year Product   State
# 1:          1 2000 Toaster    <NA>
# 2:          1 2001 Toaster Alabama
# 3:          1 2002 Toaster  Alaska
# 4:          3 2003   Radio    <NA>
# 5:          4 2004   Radio    <NA>
# 6:          6 2005   Radio    <NA>

# cleanup for next example
sales[, State := NULL]

Rolling update join. Alternately, we may want to take the last state the customer was found in:

sales[, State := cust[sales, on=.(CustomerId, Year), roll=TRUE, x.State]]

#    CustomerId Year Product    State
# 1:          1 2000 Toaster     <NA>
# 2:          1 2001 Toaster  Alabama
# 3:          1 2002 Toaster   Alaska
# 4:          3 2003   Radio     <NA>
# 5:          4 2004   Radio  Arizona
# 6:          6 2005   Radio Arkansas

The three examples above all focus on creating/adding a new column. See the related R FAQ for an example of updating/modifying an existing column.

深巷少女 2024-08-09 11:31:24

对于所有列的内部联接,您还可以使用 data.table 包中的 fintersectdplyr< 中的 intersect /em>-package 作为 merge 的替代方案,无需指定 by-列。这将给出两个数据帧之间相等的行:

merge(df1, df2)
#   V1 V2
# 1  B  2
# 2  C  3

dplyr::intersect(df1, df2)
#   V1 V2
# 1  B  2
# 2  C  3

data.table::fintersect(setDT(df1), setDT(df2))
#    V1 V2
# 1:  B  2
# 2:  C  3


df1 <- data.frame(V1 = LETTERS[1:4], V2 = 1:4)
df2 <- data.frame(V1 = LETTERS[2:3], V2 = 2:3)

For an inner join on all columns, you could also use fintersect from the data.table-package or intersect from the dplyr-package as an alternative to merge without specifying the by-columns. This will give the rows that are equal between two dataframes:

merge(df1, df2)
#   V1 V2
# 1  B  2
# 2  C  3

dplyr::intersect(df1, df2)
#   V1 V2
# 1  B  2
# 2  C  3

data.table::fintersect(setDT(df1), setDT(df2))
#    V1 V2
# 1:  B  2
# 2:  C  3

Example data:

df1 <- data.frame(V1 = LETTERS[1:4], V2 = 1:4)
df2 <- data.frame(V1 = LETTERS[2:3], V2 = 2:3)
尽揽少女心 2024-08-09 11:31:24

collapse 2.0 提供了另一个连接框架 join它明显比任何其他选项更快


  how = c("left", "right", "inner", "full", "semi", "anti")

collapse 2.0 provides another join framework with join. It is noticeably faster than any other option.


  how = c("left", "right", "inner", "full", "semi", "anti")
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