如何将图像框调整为 Crystal Reports 中的图像尺寸?
如何将图像框调整为 Crystal Reports 中的图像尺寸? 我正在做一个项目,我有 3 种类型的图像,其大小与数据库不同,我如何设置图像
How can I size imageboxes to the image dimensions in Crystal Reports?
i am doing a project in tat i having 3 type of image with different size from db how can i set image
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发现 Crystal Reports 以意外且不可恢复的方式缩放图像。
i found the answer here
To make the image resize properly, you must perform the following steps in order:
If you get these items in the wrong order, or skip an item, you will
find that Crystal Reports scales the image in unexpected and unrecoverable ways.
我有这个问题。我设法通过“文件”>“解决”报告选项>保留原始图像颜色深度。由于某种原因,Crystal 将更改后的背景颜色视为图像的一部分,因此当您调整其大小时,它不会改变背景。在某些情况下,通过删除背景可以解决此问题。
I had this issue. I managed to solve it by File > Report Options > Retain Original Image Color Depth. For some reason Crystal sees the altered background colour as part of the image so when you resize it it doesn't alter the background. By removing the background it gets you around this issue in some instances.