优化 2D Flash 游戏的过渡/移动平滑度

发布于 2024-08-01 12:58:37 字数 12566 浏览 3 评论 0原文

更新 6

Fenomenas 建议我尽可能简单地重新创建一切。 我怀疑这会产生任何影响,因为算法保持不变,而且性能似乎不是问题。 无论如何,这是我得到的唯一建议,所以这里是:

  1. 30 FPS: http ://www.feedpostal.com/test/simple/30/SimpleMovement.html
  2. 40 FPS:http://www.feedpostal.com/test/simple/40/SimpleMovement.html
  3. 60 FPS:http://www.feedpostal.com/test/simple/60/SimpleMovement.html
  4. 100 FPS:http://www.feedpostal.com/test/simple/100/SimpleMovement.html


package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;

    [SWF(width="800", height="600", frameRate="40", backgroundColor="#000000")]

    public class SimpleMovement extends Sprite
        private static const TURNING_SPEED:uint = 180;
        private static const MOVEMENT_SPEED:uint = 400;
        private static const RADIAN_DIVIDE:Number = Math.PI/180;
        private var playerObject:Sprite;
        private var shipContainer:Sprite;
        private var moving:Boolean = false;
        private var turningMode:uint = 0;
        private var movementTimestamp:Number = getTimer();
        private var turningTimestamp:Number = movementTimestamp;

        public function SimpleMovement()
            //step 1: create player object
            playerObject = new Sprite();
            playerObject.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x000000);
            playerObject.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 25, 50);
            //make it rotate around the center
            playerObject.x = 0 - playerObject.width / 2;
            playerObject.y = 0 - playerObject.height / 2;
            shipContainer = new Sprite();
            shipContainer.x = 100;
            shipContainer.y = 100;
            shipContainer.rotation = 180;

            //step 2: install keyboard hook when stage is ready
            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, stageReady, false, 0, true);

            //step 3: install rendering update poll
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updatePoller, false, 0, true);

        private function updatePoller(event:Event):void
            var newTime:Number = getTimer();

            if (turningMode != 0)

                var turningDeltaTime:Number = newTime - turningTimestamp;
                turningTimestamp = newTime;
                var rotation:Number = TURNING_SPEED * turningDeltaTime / 1000;
                if (turningMode == 1) shipContainer.rotation -= rotation;
                else shipContainer.rotation += rotation;

            if (moving)
                var movementDeltaTime:Number = newTime - movementTimestamp;
                movementTimestamp = newTime;
                var distance:Number = MOVEMENT_SPEED * movementDeltaTime / 1000;
                var rAngle:Number = shipContainer.rotation * RADIAN_DIVIDE; //convert degrees to radian
                shipContainer.x += distance * Math.sin(rAngle);
                shipContainer.y -= distance * Math.cos(rAngle);

        private function stageReady(event:Event):void
            //install keyboard hook
            stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDown, false, 0, true);
            stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUp, false, 0, true);

        private final function keyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void
            if ((event.keyCode == 87) && (!moving))  //87 = W
                movementTimestamp = getTimer();
                moving = true;
            if ((event.keyCode == 65) && (turningMode != 1)) //65 = A
                turningTimestamp = getTimer();
                turningMode = 1;
            else if ((event.keyCode == 68) && (turningMode != 2)) //68 = D
                turningTimestamp = getTimer();
                turningMode = 2;

        private final function keyUp(event:KeyboardEvent):void
            if ((event.keyCode == 87) && (moving)) moving = false; //87 = W
            if (((event.keyCode == 65) || (event.keyCode == 68)) && (turningMode != 0)) turningMode = 0; //65 = A, 68 = D

:结果正如我所料。 完全没有任何改善。 我真的希望有人能提出另一个建议,因为这件事需要修复。 另外,我怀疑这是我的系统,因为我有一个相当好的系统(8GB RAM、Q9550 QuadCore intel、ATI Radeon 4870 512MB)。 另外,到目前为止我问过的其他人也和我的客户有同样的问题。

更新5:另一个流畅的Flash游戏例子,只是为了证明我的动作绝对是不同的! 请参阅http://www.spel.nl/game/bumpercraft.html


rendering took: 14 ms
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rendering took: 232 ms
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rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 16 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 12 ms

范围是12-16毫秒。 在这些差异期间,震撼/扭曲/闪烁的运动已经在进行。 还有1个峰值232ms,此时出现了比较大的warp。 但这还不是最大的问题,最大的问题是正常运动时不断出现的小变形。 这给任何人一个线索吗?


  • 位图的质量 -> 用 Photoshop 更改为更丑陋的 8 色优化图形,没有任何改进。
  • 转动时图像不断旋转 -> 禁用它,浏览器渲染没有任何改进
  • -> 尝试独立使用 Flash 播放器,没有任何改进

我 100% 确信问题出在我的代码或算法中。 请帮帮我。 现在已经快两周了(我在 SO 上问这个问题已经一周了),我仍然需要得到我的黄金答案。

更新 1:请参阅底部的完整 Flex 项目源代码和演示我的问题的现场演示。

我正在开发一款 2d Flash 游戏。 玩家飞船被创建为一个对象:

ships[id] = new GameShip();


ships[id].setMovementMode(1); //move forward

现在,在此 GameShip 对象中,使用“Event.ENTER_FRAME”事件进行移动:

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, movementHandler);


private final function movementHandler(event:Event):void
            var newTimeStamp:uint = UtilLib.getTimeStamp(); //set current timeStamp
            var distance:Number = (newTimeStamp - movementTimeStamp) / 1000 * movementSpeed; //speed = x pixels forward every 1 second
            movementTimeStamp = newTimeStamp; //update old timeStamp
            var diagonalChange:Array = getDiagonalChange(movementAngle, distance); //the diagonal position update based on angle and distance
            charX += diagonalChange[0];
            charY += diagonalChange[1];
            if (shipContainer)
            { //when the container is ready to be worked with
                shipContainer.x = charX;
                shipContainer.y = charY;

private final function getDiagonalChange(angle:Number, distance:Number):Array
            var rAngle:Number = angle * Math.PI/180; //convert degrees to radian
            return [Math.sin(rAngle) * distance, (Math.cos(rAngle) * distance) * -1];

当对象不再移动时,事件监听器将被删除。 同样的方法也用于旋转。 一切都近乎完美。

我已将项目的目标 FPS 设置为 100 并创建了一个 FPS 计数器。 根据 FPS 计数器,firefox 中的平均 FPS 约为 100,而顶部为 1000,底部为 22。我认为底部和顶部 FPS 仅在客户端初始化(启动)期间发生。

问题在于,这艘船看起来几乎是完全光滑的,而它应该只是没有“几乎”部分。 就好像船在非常非常快地“闪烁”,您实际上看不到它,但当它随着您的眼睛移动时很难将注意力集中在物体上。 另外,时不时地,似乎会出现一些帧速率峰值,就好像客户端跳过了几帧一样,然后您会看到它快速扭曲。

很难解释真正的问题是什么,但总的来说,运动并不完全顺畅。 那么,对于如何使对象的移动或过渡完美平滑,您有什么建议吗?

更新 1:

我重新创建了客户端来演示我的问题。 请检查一下。

客户端: http://feedpostal.com/test/MovementTest.html< /a>

Actionscript 项目(完整源代码): http://feedpostal. com/test/MovementTest.rar

一个流畅的 Flash 游戏示例(不是我创建的):http://www.gamesforwork.com/games/swf/Mission%20Racing_august_10th_2009.swf


请注意:是的,它实际上非常顺利。 但绝对不够顺利。

Update 6:

Fenomenas suggested me to re-create everything as simple as possible. I had my doubts that this would make any difference as the algorithm remains the same, and performance did not seem to be the issue. Anyway, it was the only suggestion I got so here it is:

  1. 30 FPS: http://www.feedpostal.com/test/simple/30/SimpleMovement.html
  2. 40 FPS: http://www.feedpostal.com/test/simple/40/SimpleMovement.html
  3. 60 FPS: http://www.feedpostal.com/test/simple/60/SimpleMovement.html
  4. 100 FPS: http://www.feedpostal.com/test/simple/100/SimpleMovement.html

The code:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;

    [SWF(width="800", height="600", frameRate="40", backgroundColor="#000000")]

    public class SimpleMovement extends Sprite
        private static const TURNING_SPEED:uint = 180;
        private static const MOVEMENT_SPEED:uint = 400;
        private static const RADIAN_DIVIDE:Number = Math.PI/180;
        private var playerObject:Sprite;
        private var shipContainer:Sprite;
        private var moving:Boolean = false;
        private var turningMode:uint = 0;
        private var movementTimestamp:Number = getTimer();
        private var turningTimestamp:Number = movementTimestamp;

        public function SimpleMovement()
            //step 1: create player object
            playerObject = new Sprite();
            playerObject.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x000000);
            playerObject.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 25, 50);
            //make it rotate around the center
            playerObject.x = 0 - playerObject.width / 2;
            playerObject.y = 0 - playerObject.height / 2;
            shipContainer = new Sprite();
            shipContainer.x = 100;
            shipContainer.y = 100;
            shipContainer.rotation = 180;

            //step 2: install keyboard hook when stage is ready
            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, stageReady, false, 0, true);

            //step 3: install rendering update poll
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updatePoller, false, 0, true);

        private function updatePoller(event:Event):void
            var newTime:Number = getTimer();

            if (turningMode != 0)

                var turningDeltaTime:Number = newTime - turningTimestamp;
                turningTimestamp = newTime;
                var rotation:Number = TURNING_SPEED * turningDeltaTime / 1000;
                if (turningMode == 1) shipContainer.rotation -= rotation;
                else shipContainer.rotation += rotation;

            if (moving)
                var movementDeltaTime:Number = newTime - movementTimestamp;
                movementTimestamp = newTime;
                var distance:Number = MOVEMENT_SPEED * movementDeltaTime / 1000;
                var rAngle:Number = shipContainer.rotation * RADIAN_DIVIDE; //convert degrees to radian
                shipContainer.x += distance * Math.sin(rAngle);
                shipContainer.y -= distance * Math.cos(rAngle);

        private function stageReady(event:Event):void
            //install keyboard hook
            stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDown, false, 0, true);
            stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUp, false, 0, true);

        private final function keyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void
            if ((event.keyCode == 87) && (!moving))  //87 = W
                movementTimestamp = getTimer();
                moving = true;
            if ((event.keyCode == 65) && (turningMode != 1)) //65 = A
                turningTimestamp = getTimer();
                turningMode = 1;
            else if ((event.keyCode == 68) && (turningMode != 2)) //68 = D
                turningTimestamp = getTimer();
                turningMode = 2;

        private final function keyUp(event:KeyboardEvent):void
            if ((event.keyCode == 87) && (moving)) moving = false; //87 = W
            if (((event.keyCode == 65) || (event.keyCode == 68)) && (turningMode != 0)) turningMode = 0; //65 = A, 68 = D

The results were as I expected. Absolutely no improvement. I really hope that someone has another suggestion as this thing needs fixing. Also, I doubt it's my system as I have a pretty good one (8GB RAM, Q9550 QuadCore intel, ATI Radeon 4870 512MB). Also, everyone else I asked so far had the same issue with my client.

Update 5: another example of a smooth flash game just to demonstrate that my movement definitely is different! See http://www.spel.nl/game/bumpercraft.html

Update 4: I traced the time before rendering (EVENT.RENDER) and right after rendering (EVENT.ENTER_FRAME), the results:

rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 16 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 16 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
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rendering took: 16 ms
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rendering took: 12 ms
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rendering took: 16 ms
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rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 16 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
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rendering took: 16 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
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rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
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rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 16 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
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rendering took: 16 ms
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rendering took: 14 ms
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rendering took: 16 ms
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rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 16 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 24 ms
rendering took: 18 ms
rendering took: 16 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
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rendering took: 16 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 16 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 232 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 16 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
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rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 16 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 16 ms
rendering took: 12 ms
rendering took: 14 ms
rendering took: 12 ms

The range is 12-16 ms. During these differences, the shocking/warping/flickering movement was already going on. There is also 1 peak of 232ms, at this time there was a relatively big warp. This is however not the biggest problme, the biggest problem are the continuous small warps during normal movement. Does this give anyone a clue?

Update 3: After testing, I know that the following factors are not causing my problem:

  • Bitmap's quality -> changed with photoshop to an uglier 8 colours optimized graphic, no improvement at all.
  • Constant rotation of image while turning -> disabled it, no improvement at all
  • Browser rendering -> tried to use the flash player standalone, no improvement at all

I am 100% convinced that the problem lies in either my code or in my algorithm. Please, help me out. It has been almost two weeks (1 week that I asked this question on SO) now and I still have to get my golden answer.

Update 1: see bottom for full flex project source and a live demo demonstrating my problem.

I'm working on a 2d flash game. Player ships are created as an object:

ships[id] = new GameShip();

When movement and rotation information is available, this is being directed to the corresponding ship:

ships[id].setMovementMode(1); //move forward

Now, within this GameShip object movement works using the "Event.ENTER_FRAME" event:

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, movementHandler);

The following function is then being run:

private final function movementHandler(event:Event):void
            var newTimeStamp:uint = UtilLib.getTimeStamp(); //set current timeStamp
            var distance:Number = (newTimeStamp - movementTimeStamp) / 1000 * movementSpeed; //speed = x pixels forward every 1 second
            movementTimeStamp = newTimeStamp; //update old timeStamp
            var diagonalChange:Array = getDiagonalChange(movementAngle, distance); //the diagonal position update based on angle and distance
            charX += diagonalChange[0];
            charY += diagonalChange[1];
            if (shipContainer)
            { //when the container is ready to be worked with
                shipContainer.x = charX;
                shipContainer.y = charY;

private final function getDiagonalChange(angle:Number, distance:Number):Array
            var rAngle:Number = angle * Math.PI/180; //convert degrees to radian
            return [Math.sin(rAngle) * distance, (Math.cos(rAngle) * distance) * -1];

When the object is no longer moving, the event listener will be removed. The same method is being used for rotation. Everything works almost perfect.

I've set the project's target FPS to 100 and created a FPS counter. According to the FPS counter, the average FPS in firefox is around 100, while the top is 1000 and the bottom is 22. I think that the bottom and top FPSs are only happening during the initialization of the client (startup).

The problem is that the ship appears to be almost perfectly smooth, while it should be just that without the "almost" part. It's almost as if the ship is "flickering" very very fast, you can't actually see it but it's hard to focus on the object while it's moving with your eyes. Also, every now and then, there seems to be a bit of a framerate spike, as if the client is skipping a couple of frames, you then see it quickly warp.

It is very difficult to explain what the real problem is, but in general it's that the movement is not perfectly smooth. So, do you have any suggestions on how to make the movement or transition of objects perfectly smooth?

Update 1:

I re-created the client to demonstrate my problem. Please check it out.

The client: http://feedpostal.com/test/MovementTest.html

The Actionscript Project (full source): http://feedpostal.com/test/MovementTest.rar

An example of a smooth flash game (not created by me): http://www.gamesforwork.com/games/swf/Mission%20Racing_august_10th_2009.swf

It took me a pretty long time to recreate this client side version, I hope this will help with solving the problem.

Please note: yes, it is actually pretty smooth. But it is definitely not smooth enough.

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你如我软肋 2024-08-08 12:58:37

这是一个很好的问题。 我扫描了代码并提出了一些建议,尽管我的建议可能不是那么好。

我认为你可以做很多事情来优化代码。 显然,还不是在这个早期阶段。 但是您可以使用该代码进行测试,并查看优化后的代码运行速度,然后您就会知道是否值得继续。


  • 你使用了很多划分。 分配


    var distance:Number = (newTimeStamp - movingTimeStamp) / 1000 * movingSpeed;


var distance:Number = (newTimeStamp - movementTimeStamp) * .001 * movementSpeed;
  • 你有很多参考资料

    诸如 fixAngle() 之类的东西可以位于同一个函数内,而无需频繁地来回运行调用。 ,这适用于对外部类和 Math.PI 或 Math.sin 等的引用。

我已经测试过方法正弦和余弦,速度非常快。 当然,它会让代码变得肮脏,但这就是为什么你不尽快优化它,直到你让大部分代码按照它需要的方式工作,优化只会让你发疯,因为代码会变得更难阅读。 根据我的经验,正弦和余弦是相当昂贵的操作。

正如其他人已经提到的,您可能在这一步担心太多。 请记住,有很多事情可以提高速度,直到所有逻辑都能正常工作之前,甚至不要考虑优化。

This is a pretty good question. I've scanned the code and I have a few suggestions, although my advice might not be that good.

I'm thinking you can do a lot to optimize the code. Obviously, not at this early stage. But you can have a test with that code and see fast it runs with the optimized code, then you'll know if it's worth continuing.

Here are my 'objections':

  • You use a lot of divisions. Division
    is more expensive than

    var distance:Number = (newTimeStamp - movementTimeStamp) / 1000 * movementSpeed;

can be easily written as

var distance:Number = (newTimeStamp - movementTimeStamp) * .001 * movementSpeed;
  • You have a LOT of references to a lot
    of functions.

    Stuff like fixAngle() and so on can be inside the same function, without having calls running back and forth that often. This applies to references to external classes and Math.PI or Math.sin and so on, as fenomas and Allan pointed out.

I've tested this method for sine and cosine and it's bloody fast. Sure it makes the code dirty, but that's why you don't optimize this soon, until you got most of it working the way it needs to work, optimizing will only make you go nuts as the code will get harder to read. From my experience sin and cos are pretty expensive operations.

As the others already mentioned, you might be worring too much at this step. Keep in mind there are a lot of things you can gain speed on, until you got all your logic working properly, don't even think about optimizing.

仅一夜美梦 2024-08-08 12:58:37

我认为这几乎可以肯定是因为你的帧率达到了 80 fps。 Flash 根本无法提供如此快的一致帧速率。 降低至 30fps 并继续测试。 另外,尝试在实际背景前驾驶飞船,我想你会注意到这一点。

I think this is almost certainly because you're up at 80fps. Flash simply can't give a consistent frame rate that fast. Drop down to 30fps and keep testing. Also, try flying the ship in front of an actual background, and I think you'll notice this less.

只是一片海 2024-08-08 12:58:37

要下载的文件不存在 (http://feedpostal.com/test/MovementTest.rar)。

The files to download is not exist (http://feedpostal.com/test/MovementTest.rar).

浅唱ヾ落雨殇 2024-08-08 12:58:37


我感受到您的痛苦,因为我目前正在开发自己的游戏。 在默认设置下,无论您生成什么代码,Flash 渲染器都会产生可怕的屏幕撕裂/垂直同步问题。

这就是为什么我很高兴找到了最简单、最优雅的答案,这不是重构代码(这没有任何帮助,问题在于 Flash 播放器,而不是代码)。

只需在发布设置中启用硬​​件加速。 有两种不同的选项:

级别 1:直接; 和级别 2:GPU

有关详细信息,请参阅官方文档:指定 SWF 文件的发布设置,并决定哪个选项最适合您的游戏。

目标市场确实在这里发挥着重要作用,如果这对游戏玩家来说是一款严肃的游戏,则无需担心可能的性能问题,因为大多数游戏玩家都有 GPU。

这篇文章< /a> 没有具体为我提供解决方案,但引导我走向正确的方向。 但是,如果您的游戏要在浏览器窗口中运行,您可能还必须使用相同的技术将 wmode 设置为 direct 或 gpu。

I've answered another question relating to this issue, read below:

I feel your pain as I'm currently in the trenches developing my own game. At default settings, the Flash renderer produces horrible screen tearing / v-sync issues, regardless of what code you produce.

This is why I was pleased to have found the most simple, elegant answer, that wasn't re-factoring code (which doesn't help a single bit, the problem is the Flash player, not code).

Just enable Hardware Acceleration in your Publish Settings. There's two different options:

Level 1: Direct; and Level 2: GPU.

Read more about it at the official documentation: Specify publish settings for SWF files, and decide what option is best for your game.

Target market does play a factor here, if it's a serious game for gamers, you don't need to worry about possible performance issues, as most gamers have GPU's.

This article did not provide me with the solution specifically, but lead me in the right direction. BUT, if your game is going to be in a browser window, you might have to use the same technique of setting wmode to direct or gpu as well.

短暂陪伴 2024-08-08 12:58:37


如果您仔细查看链接到的“完美流畅”的 Flash 游戏,您会发现它用流畅运动的“错觉”来欺骗您。

汽车的移动速度根本不快——可能每隔几帧移动一个像素。 大部分动作都是由背景完成的。 仔细看看:有一点抖动和您试图修复的相同“难以聚焦”效果,但由于它是背景,所以看起来很正常。 即使汽车确实显示出这些效果,背景和游戏玩法也会分散您的注意力,使您无法注意到它们。

我认为您注意到了抖动,因为您现在所拥有的只是一艘在纯黑背景上移动的船。 一旦游戏的其余部分就位,玩家可能不会有多余的注意力去注意到一点抖动。 至于“难以聚焦”的效果,当你降低船舶的移动速度时,它就会消失。

你为什么不先处理游戏的其余部分呢? 如果问题仍然存在,您可以稍后回来调整动作。 您在动画工件上花费了大量时间。 游戏性不是更重要吗?

May I suggest that you're worrying prematurely?

If you look carefully at the "perfectly smooth" flash game you linked to, you'll notice that it's tricking you with the ''illusion'' of smooth movement.

The car isn't moving very fast at all -- probably a pixel every few frames. It's the background that does most of the movement. Take a close look: there's a little bit of jitter and the same "hard to focus" effect you're trying to fix, but since it's the background, it seems normal. And even when the car does show those effects, the background and gameplay distract you from noticing them.

I think you're noticing the jitter because all you have right now is a ship moving on a perfectly black background. Once the rest of the game is in place, a player probably won't have the spare attention to notice a little jitter. As for the "hard to focus" effect, it goes away as you reduce the ship's movement speed.

Why don't you work on the rest of the game first? You can always come back and tweak the motion later, if it's still a problem. You're spending a lot of time on an animation artifact. Isn't the gameplay more important?

乞讨 2024-08-08 12:58:37

我认为问题的根源是“垂直同步”与屏幕的那个。 这与在 60hz 屏幕上观看 24fps 电影时出现的问题相同。 更新不会完全匹配(在您的情况下为 100/60),当它们发生更大的跳跃时,它看起来像是运动中的小抖动。

这可以通过降低帧速率来解决,任何高于屏幕速率的东西都只是浪费处理能力。 虽然 用于 flash 嵌入的更新的 wmodes 可能是一个可能的解决方案。

I think the root of your problem is that the "vertical sync" isn't the same as that of the screen. This is the same problem that occurs when looking at a 24fps movie on a, say, 60hz screen. The updates won't perfectly match up (in your case 100/60) and when they hit a bigger jump it will look like a small jitter in movement.

This can be somewhat remedied by lowering your frame rate, anything above that of the screen is just waste of processing power anyway. It can't really be avoided entirely, although the newer wmodes for flash embedding might be a possible solution.

离旧人 2024-08-08 12:58:37

你的代码对我来说运行顺利。 没有任何尖峰。
使用 updatePoller 函数末尾添加的以下代码对其进行了测试。

var shadow:Sprite = new Sprite();
shadow.graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF, 0.01);
shadow.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFFFFFF, 0.8);
shadow.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 25, 50);
this.addChildAt(shadow, 0);
shadow.x = shipContainer.x;
shadow.y = shipContainer.y;
shadow.rotation = shipContainer.rotation;

100 fps 版本往往会出现不均匀的模式,但这很正常,因为根据您的计算,如果计算一帧需要超过 10 毫秒,则不可能在一秒钟内渲染 100 帧。
所以,至少对我来说,最后的代码运行流畅,帧速率为 30fps。

即使 LCD 显示器的响应时间为 10 毫秒,在静态黑色背景上施加快速移动的白色物体也往往会显得模糊。

Your code runs smooth to me. No spikes whatsoever.
Tested it with the following code added at the end of the updatePoller function.

var shadow:Sprite = new Sprite();
shadow.graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF, 0.01);
shadow.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFFFFFF, 0.8);
shadow.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 25, 50);
this.addChildAt(shadow, 0);
shadow.x = shipContainer.x;
shadow.y = shipContainer.y;
shadow.rotation = shipContainer.rotation;

The 100 fps version tends to get non-uniform patterns, but it's normal because based on your calculation, it can't be possible to render 100 frames in a second, if calculating a frame takes more than 10 ms.
So, for me at least, the last code runs smoothly, on 30fps.

As for the fuzzy part, a major dooh, and hopefully you won't get mad with me asking:
Is there any chance that the fuzzy / blurry effect is because your Monitor?
Even at 10 ms response time on an LCD Monitor, a white rapidly moving something imposed on a static black background, tends to look blurry.

爱你是孤单的心事 2024-08-08 12:58:37


首先,我不会对优化 Math.PI/180 等问题进行任何询问。 通常较高的帧速率应该清楚地表明,简单的计算不会减慢任何速度。

其次,解决偶尔出现的显示延迟峰值:在我看来,这些非常像垃圾收集器运行得非常频繁。 非常简单地浏览一下您的代码,我没有看到频繁 GC 的任何明显原因,但我确实有两个建议。 首先,如果您可以访问 Flash IDE,我会尝试在不使用 Flex 框架的情况下重新创建您的项目。 Flash 项目不包含除您输入的内容之外的任何代码,但 Flex 使用了许多自己的诡计,这些诡计可能并不总是显而易见,并且您的代码和框架之间的某些交互可能会导致 GC。

如果这没有帮助,另一件事就是尝试制作一个大大简化的代码版本(如果可能的话,在 Flash 中),希望它足够简单,不会触发相同的峰值。 我的意思是,例如,附加到图形的单个类,它只有一个用于关键事件的侦听器和第二个用于帧(或计时器)事件的侦听器,其中不创建任何变量。 如果最小版本不显示这些峰值,那么应该可以在该版本和完整客户端之间进行三角测量,以找出导致峰值的原因。

最后,关于总体平滑度,我唯一的评论是 Flash 的屏幕更新本质上有点不均匀,而且实际上只有两种方法可用。 要么根据帧更新移动演员,这使得他们的运动随着帧速率的变化而稍微不均匀,要么根据经过的时间移动它们,这使得它们的整体运动平滑(以每秒像素为单位),但它们的显示稍微不均匀(以移动的像素为单位)每帧)。 FPS 较高时,差异会放大。

另外,请务必记住,Flash 进行更新后,它们在屏幕上的显示方式很大程度上受视频卡的影响。 特别是,您会发现剪切和垂直同步问题在一种环境中可能非常明显,而在另一种环境中则不存在。 开发人员没有真正的方法可以解决这个问题,除非通常避免非常高的 FPS 动画并尽可能降低整体处理器负担。

编辑:有关帧更新时间“本质上不均匀”的更多信息,请参阅这篇博文。 屏幕更新之间的延迟在 12-16 毫秒之间变化,您对此无能为力; 这是操作系统和浏览器影响 Flash 计时工作方式的结果。 (即使在一部空电影中,这也是你会看到的东西,这就是为什么这个线程中关于优化数学等的许多评论对你没有帮助。)你无法避免这种变化,但正如我如上所述,您可以定制视觉效果以唤起您想要的效果。 不管怎样,我认为尖峰更值得担心。 你看到的变化是微妙的,在发生很多事情的游戏中很难注意到,但峰值是惊人的。


答案是,我认为他们正在做一些简单得多的事情。 他们几乎肯定会执行以下操作之一:

function onEnterFrame() { // move at a constant speed per frame
    ship.angle += dtheta;
    ship.x += speed * Math.cos( ship.angle );
    ship.y += speed * Math.sin( ship.angle );

function onEnterFrame2() { // move at a constant speed per second
    var dt:Number = getTimeSinceLastFrame();
    ship.angle += anglePerSecond * dt/1000;
    var dist:Number = speedPerSecond * dt/1000;
    ship.x += dist * Math.cos( ship.angle );
    ship.y += dist * Math.sin( ship.angle );

换句话说,要么每帧移动恒定的距离,要么每秒移动恒定的距离。 这是实现此目的的两种最简单的方法,也是将在 Flash 中实现最流畅外观的两个选项。 它们在恒定的帧速率下看起来是相同的,而后一种方法在稍微变化的帧速率下看起来会更平滑,原因类似于您链接的文章中提到的“时间锯齿”。 但这些方法之间的选择实际上取决于,如果发生 CPU 峰值,结束后您是否希望船继续移动? 这实际上是一个游戏设计问题。 我过去做过的一件事是使用第二种方法,同时将 dt 限制在理想帧持续时间 (1/fps) 的最多 2 或 3 倍。

您可能已经注意到,我刚刚推荐的两种方法正是“修复您的时间步长!”中的方法。 文章说不做。 这是因为那篇文章是关于数值集成物理引擎的,而这不是您正在做的事情。 如果您开始实现弹簧和重力,那么是的,每当时间步长变大时,都会引入很多误差,因为对于这种模拟,为了过度简化事情,误差取决于时间步长的大小。 在您正在做的事情中,事实并非如此,因此偶尔的大时间步长不会影响模拟的正确性。


首先,我没有告诉你你的问题是性能,我特意说的是相反的。 我建议进行最小化复制,因为我相信你的问题要么出在项目的其他地方,要么是不可避免的,我仍然这样做。 其次,我现在可以很轻松地说,您所做的事情与任何其他 Flash 游戏相同,无论您看到什么问题,除了感知之外都无法解决。 在您发布的新链接中,如果我在独立的 SWF 播放器中查看动画,它看起来非常流畅,并且在浏览器中的前后边缘有细微的闪烁(在 Firefox 中比在 IE 中更是如此)。 从技术上讲,我认为它无法改进(尤其是当它在独立播放器中基本完美时,这意味着浏览器中的任何不稳定都会受到容器的影响。)

当然,感知性能仍然可以改进。 例如,如果船与背景的对比不那么明显,闪烁就会不那么明显。 此外,简单地让船移动得更慢会让运动看起来更平滑,并且可以与移动背景结合起来给人一种速度更快的错觉(正如你的一个例子所做的那样)。

作为完整性检查,这是我在 IDE 中制作的类似的最小版本。
在我的机器上,性能与你的性能相当,正如我所说,我真的没有看到任何问题。 (除了偶尔出现的峰值,我现在注意到这种情况只在 Firefox 中发生。)同样,尤其是两个版本在独立播放器中对我来说基本上都是完美的这一事实进一步让我相信这里没有黄金算法。 我知道这不是你想要的答案,但这就是我得到的答案。

I don't know if there's any golden answer here, but I do have a couple of suggestions.

First, I'd dispense with any inquiries into things like optimizing Math.PI/180, and so on. The generally high framerate should make it clear that simple calculations are not slowing anything down.

Second, to address the occasional spikes of display lag: These look to me very much like the garbage collector is running very frequently. On a very brief look through your code I didn't see any obvious causes of frequent GCs, but I do have two suggestions. First, if you have access to the Flash IDE, I'd try recreating your project without using the Flex framework. A Flash project doesn't include any code except what you put in, but Flex employs a lot of its own arcanery, which may not always be obvious, and some interaction between your code and the framework might be causing GCs.

If that doesn't help, the other thing to try would be to make a greatly simplified version of your code (in Flash if possible), which would hopefully be simple enough not to trigger the same spikes. I mean, for example, a single class attached to the graphic, which merely has one listener for key events and a second listener for frame (or timer) events, within which no variables are created. If a minimal version doesn't display these spikes, then it ought to be possible to triangulate between that and your full client, to figure out what's causing the spikes.

Finally, regarding the general smoothness, my only comment would be that Flash's screen updates are inherently slightly uneven, and realistically you only have two approaches available. Either you move your actors according to frame updates, which makes their movement slightly uneven as framerates vary, or you move them according to elapsed time, which makes their overall movement smooth (in pixels per second) but their display slightly uneven (in pixels moved per frame). The difference is magnified at higher FPS.

Also, it's important to remember that after Flash has made its updates, how they appear on your screen is heavily influenced by your video card. Especially you'll find that shearing and vsync issues can be highly noticeable in one environment and absent in another. There's no real way the developer can address this, except to generally avoid very high-FPS animations and keep the overall processor burden as low as possible.

edit: For more on what I mean about frame update timing being "inherently uneven", please see this blog post. The delay between screen updates varying between 12-16ms is not something you can do anything about; it's a result of the fact that the OS and the browser influence the way Flash's timing works. (It's also something you'll see even in an empty movie, which is why the many comments in this thread about optimizing math and so on are not going to help you.) You can't avoid this kind of variation, but as I said above, you can tailor you visual effects to evoke the effect you want. Either way, I think the spikes are much more worth worrying about. The variation you're looking at is subtle, and will be hard to notice in a game with lots of stuff going on, but the spikes are egregious.

edit 2
You ask: "Do you really think that those smooth games use the same movement algorithm as I do?"

The answer is, I think they're doing something much simpler. They're almost certainly doing one of the following:

function onEnterFrame() { // move at a constant speed per frame
    ship.angle += dtheta;
    ship.x += speed * Math.cos( ship.angle );
    ship.y += speed * Math.sin( ship.angle );

function onEnterFrame2() { // move at a constant speed per second
    var dt:Number = getTimeSinceLastFrame();
    ship.angle += anglePerSecond * dt/1000;
    var dist:Number = speedPerSecond * dt/1000;
    ship.x += dist * Math.cos( ship.angle );
    ship.y += dist * Math.sin( ship.angle );

In other words, either move a constant distance per frame, or a constant distance per second. Those are the two simplest ways you can approach this, and are the two options that are going to result in the smoothest appearance in Flash. They'll look identical at a constant framerate, and the latter method will look smoother at slightly varying framerates for reasons similar to the "temporal aliasing" mentioned in the article you linked. But the choice between these methods really comes down to, if a CPU spike occurs, after it's over do you want the ship to have kept moving or not? Which is really a game design question. One thing I've done in the past is to use the second method, while clamping dt to at most 2 or 3 times the duration of an ideal frame (1/fps).

As you've probably noticed, the two methods I just recommended are exactly what the "Fix your timestep!" article says not to do. This is because that article is about numerically integrated physics engines, and that's not what you're doing. If you start implementing springs and gravity, then yes, whenever the timesteps get large it will introduce a lot of error, because for that kind of simulation, to oversimplify things, the error depends on the size of the timestep. In what you're doing, it doesn't, so occasional large timesteps don't affect the correctness of the simulation.

Reply to update 6

First, I didn't tell you your problem was performance, I specifically said the opposite. I suggested a minimal reproduction because I believed your problem was either somewhere else in your project, or unavoidable, and I still do. Second, I now feel pretty comfortable saying that you're doing things the same as any other Flash game, and whatever problems you see cannot be solved other than in perception. In the new links you posted, the animation looks perfectly smooth if I view it in the standalone SWF player, and has subtle flickering at the front and back edges in browsers (moreso in Firefox than in IE). Technically, I don't think it can improve (especially when it's basically perfect in the standalone player, implying that any choppiness in browsers is influenced by the container.)

Of course, the perceived performance can still improve. If the ship didn't contrast so sharply with the background, for example, the flicker would be much less noticeable. Also, simply making the ship move more slowly would make the movement appear much smoother, and could be combined with a moving background to give an illusion of greater speed (as one of your examples did).

As a sanity check, here's a similar minimal version I made in the IDE.
The performance is comparable to yours on my machine, and as I said, I really don't see any problem. (Except the occasional spike, which I now notice only occurs for me in Firefox.) Again, especially the fact that both versions appear basically perfect to me in the standalone player further convinces me that there's no golden algorithm here. I know that's not the answer you want, but it's the one I got.

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