MySQL also has a built-in list of stop words, but this is far too comprehensive to my tastes. For example, at our university library we had problems because "third" in "third world" was considered a stop word.
Depending on the subdomain of English you are working in, you may have/wish to compile your own stop word list. Some generic stop words could be meaningful in a domain. E.g. The word "are" could actually be an abbreviation/acronym in some domain. Conversely, you may want to ignore some domain specific words depending on your application which you may not want to ignore in the domain of general English. E.g. If you are analyzing a corpus of hospital reports, you may wish to ignore words like 'history' and 'symptoms' as they would be found in every report and may not be useful (from a plain vanilla inverted index perspective).
Otherwise, the lists returned by Google should be fine. The Porter Stemmer uses this and the Lucene seach engine implementation uses this.
I think I used the stopword list for German from here when I built a search application with a while ago. The site contains a list for English, too, and the lists on the site are apparaently the ones that the lucene project use as default, too.
Typically these words will appear in documents with the highest frequency. Assuming you have a global list of words:
{ Word Count }
With the list of words, if you ordered the words from the highest count to the lowest, you would have a graph (count (y axis) and word (x axis) that is the inverse log function. All of the stop words would be at the left, and the stopping point of the "stop words" would be at where the highest 1st derivative exists.
This solution is better than a dictionary attempt:
This solution is a universal approach that is not bound by language
This attempt learns what words are deemed to be "stop words"
This attempt will produce better results for collections that are very similar, and produce unique word listings for items in the collections
The stop words can be recalculated at a later time (with this there can be caching and a statistical determination that the stop words may have changed from when they were calculated)
This can also eliminate time based or informal words and names (such as slang, or if you had a bunch of documents that had a company name as a header)
放入谷歌的神奇词是“停用词”。 这会出现一个看起来合理的列表。
MySQL 还有一个内置停用词列表 ,但这对我来说太全面了。 例如,在我们的大学图书馆,我们遇到了问题,因为“第三世界”中的“第三”被认为是停用词。
The magic word to put into Google is "stop words". This turns up a reasonable-looking list.
MySQL also has a built-in list of stop words, but this is far too comprehensive to my tastes. For example, at our university library we had problems because "third" in "third world" was considered a stop word.
这些称为 停用词,检查此示例
these are called stop words, check this sample
根据您正在使用的英语子域,您可能已经/希望编译自己的停用词列表。 一些通用停用词在某个领域可能是有意义的。 例如,单词“are”实际上可能是某个域中的缩写/首字母缩略词。 相反,您可能希望忽略一些特定领域的单词取决于您的应用程序,而在通用英语领域您可能不想忽略这些单词。 例如,如果您正在分析医院报告的语料库,您可能希望忽略“历史”和“症状”等词语,因为它们会在每个报告中找到,并且可能没有用(从普通倒排索引的角度来看)。
否则,Google 返回的列表应该没问题。 Porter Stemmer 使用此 和 Lucene 搜索引擎实现 使用这个。
Depending on the subdomain of English you are working in, you may have/wish to compile your own stop word list. Some generic stop words could be meaningful in a domain. E.g. The word "are" could actually be an abbreviation/acronym in some domain. Conversely, you may want to ignore some domain specific words depending on your application which you may not want to ignore in the domain of general English. E.g. If you are analyzing a corpus of hospital reports, you may wish to ignore words like 'history' and 'symptoms' as they would be found in every report and may not be useful (from a plain vanilla inverted index perspective).
Otherwise, the lists returned by Google should be fine. The Porter Stemmer uses this and the Lucene seach engine implementation uses this.
获取大型 txt 语料库中词频的统计信息。 忽略频率>的所有单词 一些数字。
Get statistics about word frequency in large txt corpora. Ignore all words with frequency > some number.
我想我在构建时使用了 此处 的德语停用词列表不久前使用 开发的搜索应用程序。 该站点也包含一个英语列表,并且该站点上的列表显然也是 lucene 项目默认使用的列表。
I think I used the stopword list for German from here when I built a search application with a while ago. The site contains a list for English, too, and the lists on the site are apparaently the ones that the lucene project use as default, too.
对于单词列表,如果您将单词从最高计数到最低计数排序,您将得到一个图表(计数(y 轴)和单词(x 轴),即逆对数)所有停用词都位于左侧,并且“停用词”的停止点将位于最高一阶导数存在的位置。
Typically these words will appear in documents with the highest frequency.
Assuming you have a global list of words:
With the list of words, if you ordered the words from the highest count to the lowest, you would have a graph (count (y axis) and word (x axis) that is the inverse log function. All of the stop words would be at the left, and the stopping point of the "stop words" would be at where the highest 1st derivative exists.
This solution is better than a dictionary attempt:
The dictionary attempt is better: