我在 Windows 窗体应用程序中创建了一个文本框,该文本框以用于在单行中输入文本的高度开始。 但我希望如果用户输入包含在控件内的文本,文本框会自动增加其高度。
目前,对于此文本框,我将属性 multiline 和 wordwrap 设置为 true。 我尝试使用 TextChanged 事件来确定文本何时被换行,但我找不到任何可以帮助我解决此问题的属性。 Lines 属性对换行文本不提供任何帮助; 仅适用于用户按 Enter 键开始新行的文本。
I have created a textbox in a Windows Forms application that starts out at a height for entering text in a single line. But I would like the textbox to automatically increase its height if the user enters text that is wrapped within the control.
Currently, for this textbox, I have the properties multiline and wordwrap set to true. I've tried using the TextChanged event to determine when the text has been wrapped but I'm unable to find any property that will help me with this. The Lines property does not provide any help with wrapped text; only for text that the user has hit enter to begin a new line.
How can I get my textbox to expand its height each time the text wraps past the width of the textbox?
与其他人发布的想法相同,请将其放入您的 textChanged 事件中:
Same kind of idea as others have posted, put this in your textChanged event:
You will need some kind of minimum height, and possibly to specify some padding, but this does work.
我只是为另一个项目的标签控件编写了这个。 我认为我从代码项目的某个地方获取了代码。 将其更改为文本框应该与更改底座一样简单。
I just wrote this for a label control for a different project. I got the code off of code project somewhere I think. Changing it to a Textbox should be as simple as changing the base.
如果您愿意改用 RichTextBox(根据我的经验,这是一种脾气暴躁的控件,带有很多怪癖),您可以使用 ContentsResized 事件,它为您提供新的所需大小:
If you're willing to use a RichTextBox instead (which, in my experience, is kind of a grumpy control that comes with lots of quirks), you can use the ContentsResized event, which gives you the new required size:
AdamSane 的帖子很有帮助,但文本框没有增长。 我想做一些修改。 我的模组如下:
AdamSane's post was helpful but the textbox didn't grow. I'd to make some modifications. My mods are below:
我成功地使用了下面的代码,直到大约第 10 行,然后它减少了 1 个字符,但这对我有用。 不要问我关于 - 7 和 - 12 之类的随机数,它们与填充有关
I'm using the code below with success until about the 10th line, then it gets 1 character off, but this works for me. Don't ask me about the random numbers like - 7 and - 12, they have something to do with padding
这似乎也与您正在寻找的内容相关: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winforms/thread/11dfb280-b113-4ddf-ad59-788f78d2995a
Unfortunately, I can't provide specifics but you are going to need to probably do a custom implementation.
I'd derive a new text box type -- ExpandableTextBox -- and then you'll need to implement it by hand.
This also seems relevant to what you are looking for: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winforms/thread/11dfb280-b113-4ddf-ad59-788f78d2995a