iPhone 应用程序移植到 Palm Pre 或 Android?

发布于 2024-07-30 00:04:33 字数 192 浏览 2 评论 0原文

我有一个非常受欢迎的 Apple iPhone 应用程序,希望移植到另一个移动平台。 Palm Pre 和 Google Android 哪个最好? Android 更受制造商欢迎,但我担心安装问题和不兼容性。 Pre有一个运营商和一个制造商,但我担心它的销量会太低。

我的应用程序使用 SQLite 数据库,内容丰富,超过 200MB。

I have a very popular Apple iPhone app and wish to port to another mobile platform. What is best the Palm Pre or Google Android? The Android has more popularity with manufacturers but I worry about installation issues and incompatibilities. The Pre has one carrier and one mfr but I worry its sales will be too low.

My app uses an SQLite database and is content rich and over 200MB.

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野鹿林 2024-08-06 00:04:44

我正在回答我自己的问题,因为自从我问以来已经很久了,很多事情都发生了变化。 主要是我继续移植到 Android,这要归功于这里的一些非常好的答案以及我的直觉,Palm 作为一家公司不够稳定。 事后看来,这是一个完美的举动……Palm 在最后一刻被惠普收购,差点破产……而 Android 迅速变得比 iPhone 更受欢迎。 我们的产品 iBird Explorer 最终成为我们做过的最赚钱的端口之一。 它也是 Marketplace 参考类别中最畅销的应用程序之一。 尤其是从总收入的角度来看。

I'm answering my own question because its been so long since I asked that a lot has changed. Primarily I went ahead and ported to the Android thanks to some very good answers here and my intuition that Palm was not stable enough as a company. And in hindsight that was the perfect move...Palm almost went out of business having been snapped up at the last minute by HP...and Android rocketed to be more popular than the iPhone. And our product, iBird Explorer, ended up becoming one of the most profitable ports we have ever done. Its also one of the best selling apps in the reference category of the Marketplace. Especially from a grossing income point of view.

萌梦深 2024-08-06 00:04:43

我也会选择 Android,(好吧,与第一次提出问题时相比,我们现在有了更清晰的愿景;))
它就在那里,现在无处不在,所以它不能被忽视。 另外,我更像是一名 Java 开发人员;)。

事实上,我的担忧与你的相反:我是一名 Android 开发人员,我将我的应用程序移植到 iPhone 上。 我以前都是手工做的,但我发现这个产品叫做,iSpectrum ( http://www.flexycore.com)。 有一个视频展示了 Android 3D 应用程序仅用了 2 天就移植到 iPhone 上。 这对您来说可能是一个有趣的选择工具(如果您决定选择 Android 而不是 Palm...)

I'd go for Android too, (ok we now have a clearer vision compared to when the question was first asked ;) )
It's just there, everywhere now, so it can't be ignored. Plus i'm more of a Java developer ;).

Actually my concern is the opposite of yours: I'm an Android developer, and I port my apps to the iPhone. I used to do it by hand, but I found this product called ,iSpectrum ( http://www.flexycore.com ). There a video showing an Android 3D app ported to iPhone in 2 days only. This may be interesting a choice tool for you (if you decided to choose Android against Palm...)

深海夜未眠 2024-08-06 00:04:42

我肯定会选择 Android。 掌上电脑正在取得进步,但就智能手机而言仍然很少见。 如果您的应用程序以任何方式迎合利基市场,您可能会发现这个市场太小了。

不过,对于 Android,只需记住一件事——您无法制作 200MB 的应用程序。 这些手机只允许将应用程序存储在板载内存中,该内存通常约为 512MB,其中操作系统占用 300MB。 200MB是手机上所有应用程序的全部存储空间。 Android 手机配备 SD 卡,可以存储数据,但不能存储应用程序。 您可能需要允许用户在安装较小的无数据应用程序后将应用程序的数据库下载到他们的 SD 卡上。

I'd definitely go with Android. The palm pre is making progress, but is still rare as far as smartphones go. If your app caters to a niche market in any way, you're likely to find the market is just too small.

Just one thing to remember with Android, though -- you can't make a 200MB app. The phones only allow apps to be stored in onboard memory, which is usually about 512MB with the OS taking 300MB. 200MB is the entire storage space for all apps on the phone. Android phones come with SD cards where data, but not applications, can be stored. You'll probably need to allow users to download your app's database to their SD card after they've installed a smaller, data-less application.

邮友 2024-08-06 00:04:41

将 iphone 应用程序移植到 Android 和 Pre 设备上的几点

Android:最近他们推出了本机支持,因此使用 JNI

Palm 将 cpp 代码移植到 android paltform 应该不会太难 Pre:好像现在,开发纯粹是支持使用 Java 脚本,恐怕您将不得不重新编写您的应用程序以支持 Pre。

我的明显选择是首先选择 Android,该平台受到全球许多 OEM 和许多运营商的支持,而 Pre 仅限于一家运营商,目前市场上只有一款设备。 Android 的市场渗透率肯定比 Pre 好得多

Couple of points to port your iphone application on Android and Pre devices

Android: recently they come out with native support, so it should not be too hard to port cpp code to android paltform using JNI

Palm Pre: As if now, development is purely supporting using Java script, and i am afraid you will have to re-write your app to support Pre.

My obvious choice will be go with Android first, this platform is supported by many OEMs and many carriers worldwide while Pre is limited to one carrier and with only one device at the moment in the market. Android definitely has much better market penetration than Pre

故人的歌 2024-08-06 00:04:40

啊啊,伟大的辩论。 很可能会引发一场圣战。 在我看来,Pre 的热度似乎比 Android 还要高。 另一方面,Palm 以前在这方面就失败过一次,我很难把 Google 排除在外。

我想我在预训练营。 早点进去。 风险与回报。

Ahhh, the great debate. Likely to start a holy war. It seems to me that there is a bigger buzz about the Pre than the Android. On the other hand, Palm has failed at this once before, and I have a hard time counting Google out.

I think I'm in the Pre camp. Get in early. Risk versus reward.

违心° 2024-08-06 00:04:39

Android 能够以足够通用的方式用 Java 编写,如果您愿意,您的 J2ME 端口可以在索尼、黑莓、诺基亚和三星上运行,这应该是一个很短的距离。 然而,您的应用程序所做的更多细节是必要的,因为它可能是在 Palm 上短时间内非常容易实现的,

这可能会影响您对 Android 和 Pre 的决定,这可能是一个硬币翻转的决定

Android has the ability to be written in Java a generic enough way that your J2ME ports which can then run on Sonys, Blackberries, Nokias and Samsungs should be a short hop away if you desired. However a lot more detail of what you application did would be necessary as it might be something that is very achievable in a short time frame on the Palm

Which may sway you decision as to Android and Pre thats probably a coin flip decision

如何视而不见 2024-08-06 00:04:39


将所有可用的 RIM 型号合并起来时,售出的总数量超过了 Pre 和 Android 设备售出的总数量。

另外,他们现在已经启动并运行了 App World 服务,可以通过它来销售您的应用程序。


You might want to add BlackBerry to your considerations.

When combining all of the RIM models available, the total number of units sold beats the total units sold for Pre and Android devices combined.

Plus they have their App World service up and running now for selling your app through.


罗罗贝儿 2024-08-06 00:04:37

您没有提及您的应用程序是付费还是免费,以及是否包含广告。 关于 Android 上的这两个问题,情况很清楚。 你还不能出售Pre应用程序,我们甚至不知道Palm将如何处理付费应用程序。 我也不知道 Pre 的广告解决方案。

就用户数量而言,Android 目前轻而易举地击败了 Pre。 作为一个更加开放的平台,我毫不怀疑 Android 也会享受更快的增长。

You did not mention if your app was paid or free, and whether it included ads or not. The story is clear regarding both of those on Android. You can not yet sell Pre applications, and we don't even know how Palm is going to handle paid applications. I am also not aware of advertising solutions for Pre.

As for the number of users, Android beats Pre hands down currently. And being the more open platform, I have no doubt in Android enjoying faster growth as well.

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