分析 MySQL DB 中的电话记录
上次我在这里问问题时,我得到了很多关于如何解决特定问题的好主意。 就像我上次解释的那样,编程只是我喜欢做的事情,但它不是我在学校学过的东西,所以我没有正确的做事方法。 我是一名电气工程师,正在经济衰退中挣扎,到处做一些编程工作。
目前我在一家做VoIP 的公司工作。 他们购买的软件缺乏其他系统所具有的许多重要功能,因此我决定开始构建一些工具来完成这些缺失的事情。
我认为非常重要的事情之一是找出特定给定时间内呼叫的最大负载(同时呼叫的最大数量)。 例如,我想知道 8 月 3 日的最大同时通话数。
现在,对我来说幸运的是,该软件将所有信息存储在 MySQL 数据库中,因此我有一个表,其中包含自系统首次开始运行以来的所有调用。
“Calls”表有 2 个文件,名为“call_start”和“call end”,它们的类型为“datetime”。
我主要使用 C#,因此使用 C# 的想法将受到欢迎。 我不确定它是否可以专门在 MySQL 中完成,但这也可以。
Last time I asked a question here, I got tons of great ideas on how to solve a particular problem. Like I explained last time, programming is just something I love to do, but it's not something I studied in school, so I have no proper methods of doing things. I'm an Electrical Engineer struggling through a recession doing some programming gigs here and there.
Currently I'm working for a company doing VoIP. The software they bought lacks in many important features other system have, so I decided to start building a few tools that will allow me to do these missing things.
One of the things I consider to be very important is finding out the MAX LOAD of CALLS in a particular given time (maximum number of simultaneous calls). For example, I want to know the maximum simultaneous phone calls on August 3rd.
Now, luckyly for me, this software stores all it's information on a MySQL database, so I have a table with ALL the calls since the system first started running.
The "Calls" table has 2 files called "call_start" and "call end", and they are type "datetime".
Based on this information, I would like to figure out how I could query the database and find out what was the highest number of active calls simultaneously in a time frame specified by me.
I'm working with C# mostly, so ideas using C# would be welcomed. I'm not sure if it could be done exclusively in MySQL, but that would also work.
Thanks everyone for the help.
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Not the most efficient way to do it, but this will give you a count per hour (for today), including all calls that start and end within that hour.
查找 SQL 记录中的并发用户数< /a>
我希望这也适用于 Mysql。
There was a similar question posed on SO a while ago, take a look:
Find number of concurrent users in a SQL records
I hope this works on Mysql too.
我查看了类似问题并没有看到一个简单的答案。 基本上,您想知道每次通话开始时有多少个通话。 以下内容可行
如果您只想要最大负载,则 ,只需将“LIMIT 1”添加到最终查询即可。 如果您想用图表显示结果,只需按开始时间排序即可。
I looked at the similar question and didn't see a simple answer. Basically, you want to know how many calls there are every time a call starts. The following would work
If you only wanted the max load, just add "LIMIT 1" to the final query. If you want to graph the results, just sort by start time instead.