Flex 远程对象性能
我们的 Flex 客户端需要调用服务器端 EJB3 会话 bean。 对于每个模块,我们都有单独的会话 bean。
是否最好为每个会话 bean 提供单独的 Flex 端点(远程对象)来调用方法,或者创建单个外观会话 bean 作为端点并通过此外观 bean 调用其他会话 bean 方法。
Our flex client needs to invoke server side EJB3 session bean. For each module we have seperate session bean.
Whether it is best to have separate flex end point (remote object) to each session bean to invoke methods or to create a single facade session bean as an endpoint and invoke other session bean methods through this facade bean.
Whether creating multiple flex end points increases the performance or its an expensive process?
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创建 RemoteObject 并不是一个昂贵的过程,但拥有许多 RemoteObject 也不会真正提高客户端性能。 通常,所有 RemoteObject 都会引用一个共享 ChannelSet,它基本上表示与服务器端点的连接。 我建议您为每个会话 bean 使用一个 RemoteObject。 您可以通过在 RemoteObject 上指定“destination”属性并确保 FlexFactory 接口的服务器端实现将目标名称解析为适当的会话 bean,将 RemoteObject 与会话 bean 相关联。
Creating a RemoteObject is not an expensive process but having many of them won't really increase client-side performance either. Typically all of your RemoteObjects will reference a shared ChannelSet which basically represents the connection to the server endpoint. I would recommend using one RemoteObject for each session bean you have. You can relate a RemoteObject to a session bean by specifying the "destination" property on the RemoteObject and ensuring that your server side implementation of the FlexFactory interface resolves the destination name to the appropriate session bean.