有哪些独立的 JavaScript 压缩工具?
目前,我正在使用 http://javascriptcompressor.com/ 网站来压缩我的 JavaScript。 还有其他独立的 JavaScript 压缩工具吗?
Currently I am using the site at http://javascriptcompressor.com/ to compress my JavaScript.
Is there any other standalone JavaScript compressing tool?
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http://openwaf-js-mini.appspot.com/ 与 YUI JS 压缩器一样好...
http://openwaf-js-mini.appspot.com/ as good as YUI JS Compressor...
The following are standalone:
我正在使用 YUI 压缩机,它对我来说工作得很好。 压缩没有问题,并且不会在输出代码中产生错误,这是其他压缩软件的问题。 它很容易使用,您可以毫无问题地开始。
I'm using YUI Compressor and it works fine for me. No problem with compressing and it does not produces errors in the output code, which was the problem with other compressing software. It's easy to use and you can start with no problem.