是 C++ 上下文无关还是上下文相关?

发布于 2024-07-29 03:10:16 字数 652 浏览 5 评论 0 原文

我经常听到这样的说法:C++ 是一种上下文相关语言。 举个例子:

a b(c);

这是变量定义还是函数声明? 这取决于符号c的含义。 如果 c 是一个变量,则 ab(c); 定义一个名为 b 且类型为 的变量一个。 它是直接用c初始化的。 但是,如果 c类型,则 ab(c); 声明一个名为 b 的函数,该函数采用 < code>c 并返回一个 a

如果您查找上下文无关语言的定义,它基本上会告诉您所有语法规则都必须具有仅由一个非终结符组成的左侧。 另一方面,上下文相关语法允许左侧有任意的终结符和非终结符字符串。

浏览《C++ 编程语言》的附录 A,我找不到一条语法规则除了左侧有一个非终结符之外还有其他任何内容。 这意味着 C++ 是上下文无关的。 (当然,每种上下文无关语言也是上下文相关的,因为上下文无关语言构成上下文相关语言的子集,但这不是重点。)

那么,C++ 是上下文无关的还是上下文相关的? -敏感的?

I often hear claims that C++ is a context-sensitive language. Take the following example:

a b(c);

Is this a variable definition or a function declaration? That depends on the meaning of the symbol c. If c is a variable, then a b(c); defines a variable named b of type a. It is directly initialized with c. But if c is a type, then a b(c); declares a function named b that takes a c and returns an a.

If you look up the definition of context-free languages, it will basically tell you that all grammar rules must have left-hand sides that consist of exactly one non-terminal symbol. Context-sensitive grammars, on the other hand, allow arbitrary strings of terminal and non-terminal symbols on the left-hand side.

Browsing through Appendix A of "The C++ Programming Language", I couldn't find a single grammar rule that had anything else besides a single non-terminal symbol on its left-hand side. That would imply that C++ is context-free. (Of course, every context-free language is also context-sensitive in the sense that the context-free languages form a subset of the context-sensitive languages, but that is not the point.)

So, is C++ context-free or context-sensitive?

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倥絔 2024-08-05 03:10:16

下面是我(当前)最喜欢的演示,说明为什么解析 C++(可能)图灵完备,因为它显示了一个程序,当且仅当给定的整数是素数时,该程序在语法上是正确的。

所以我断言C++ 既不是上下文无关的也不是上下文敏感的

如果您允许在任何产生式的两侧使用任意符号序列,则会在 乔姆斯基层次结构,比上下文相关语法更强大; 无限制语法是图灵完备的。 上下文相关(Type-1)语法允许在产生式的左侧出现多个上下文符号,但相同的上下文必须出现在产生式的右侧(因此称为“上下文相关”)。 [1] 上下文相关语法相当于线性有界图灵机

在示例程序中,素数计算可以由线性有界图灵机执行,因此它不能完全证明图灵等价,但重要的是解析器需要执行计算才能执行句法分析。 它可以是任何可表示为模板实例化的计算,并且有充分的理由相信 C++ 模板实例化是图灵完备的。 例如,请参阅Todd L. Veldhuizen 2003 年的论文

不管怎样,C++可以被计算机解析,所以它当然可以被图灵机解析。 因此,不受限制的语法可以识别它。 实际上编写这样的语法是不切实际的,这就是标准不尝试这样做的原因。 (见下文。)

某些表达的“歧义”问题主要是转移注意力。 首先,歧义是特定语法的特征,而不是语言的特征。 即使一种语言可以被证明没有明确的语法,如果它可以被上下文无关语法识别,那么它就是上下文无关的。 类似地,如果它不能被上下文无关语法识别,但可以被上下文相关语法识别,那么它就是上下文相关的。 歧义是不相关的。

但无论如何,就像下面程序中的第 21 行(即 auto b = foo>::typen<1>();)一样,表达式一点也不含糊; 它们只是根据上下文进行不同的解析。 在问题的最简单表达中,某些标识符的语法类别取决于它们的声明方式(例如类型和函数),这意味着形式语言必须认识到以下事实:两个任意长度的字符串相同的程序是相同的(声明和使用)。 这可以通过“复制”语法来建模,“复制”语法是识别同一单词的两个连续的精确副本的语法。 使用泵引理很容易证明这种语言不是上下文无关的。 这种语言的上下文相关语法是可能的,并且在这个问题的答案中提供了 Type-0 语法:https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/163830/context-sensitive-grammar-for-the-copy-language

如果尝试编写一种上下文相关(或不受限制)的语法来解析 C++,那么很可能会充满乱七八糟的内容。 编写一台图灵机来解析 C++ 同样是一项不可能完成的任务。 即使编写 C++ 程序也很困难,而且据我所知,没有一个程序被证明是正确的。 这就是为什么该标准不尝试提供完整的形式语法,以及为什么它选择用技术英语编写一些解析规则。

C++ 标准中看似形式化的语法并不是 C++ 语言语法的完整形式化定义。 它甚至不是预处理后语言的完整形式定义,这可能更容易形式化。 (不过,这不是这种语言:标准定义的 C++ 语言包括预处理器,并且预处理器的操作是通过算法描述的,因为它很难用任何语法形式来描述。它在该部分中描述词法分解的标准,包括必须多次应用它的规则。)

各种语法(用于词法分析的两种重叠语法,一种发生在预处理之前,另一种发生在预处理之前,如果需要,则发生在预处理之后,加上“句法”语法)收集在附录 A 中,并附有以下重要说明(强调已添加):

此 C++ 语法摘要旨在帮助理解。 这不是语言的精确陈述。 特别是,此处描述的语法接受有效 C++ 结构的超集。 必须应用消歧规则(6.8、7.1、10.2)来区分表达式和声明。 此外,必须使用访问控制、歧义和类型规则来清除语法上有效但无意义的构造。

最后,这是承诺的计划。 当且仅当 IsPrime 中的 N 是素数时,第 21 行在语法上才是正确的。 否则,typen 是一个整数,而不是模板,因此 typen<1>() 被解析为 (typen<1)>() 这在语法上是不正确的,因为 () 不是语法上有效的表达式。

template<bool V> struct answer { answer(int) {} bool operator()(){return V;}};

template<bool no, bool yes, int f, int p> struct IsPrimeHelper
  : IsPrimeHelper<p % f == 0, f * f >= p, f + 2, p> {};
template<bool yes, int f, int p> struct IsPrimeHelper<true, yes, f, p> { using type = answer<false>; };
template<int f, int p> struct IsPrimeHelper<false, true, f, p> { using type = answer<true>; };

template<int I> using IsPrime = typename IsPrimeHelper<!(I&1), false, 3, I>::type;
template<int I>
struct X { static const int i = I; int a[i]; }; 

template<typename A> struct foo;
template<>struct foo<answer<true>>{
  template<int I> using typen = X<I>;
template<> struct foo<answer<false>>{
  static const int typen = 0;

int main() {
  auto b = foo<IsPrime<234799>>::typen<1>(); // Syntax error if not prime
  return 0;

[1] 从技术上讲,上下文相关语法中的每个产生式都必须采用以下形式:

αAβ → αγβ

,其中 A 是非终结符,β可能是语法符号的空序列,而γ是非空序列。 (语法符号可以是终结符或非终结符)。

仅在上下文[α, β] 中才可以读作A → γ。 在上下文无关(类型 2)语法中,αβ 必须为空。


α → β 其中 |α| ≥|β| > 0  (|α|表示“α的长度”)

可以证明单调文法识别的语言集合正是与上下文相关语法所识别的语言集相同,并且通常情况下,基于单调语法更容易进行证明。 因此,“上下文相关”的用法很常见,就好像它的意思是“单调的”。

Below is my (current) favorite demonstration of why parsing C++ is (probably) Turing-complete, since it shows a program which is syntactically correct if and only if a given integer is prime.

So I assert that C++ is neither context-free nor context-sensitive.

If you allow arbitrary symbol sequences on both sides of any production, you produce a Type-0 grammar ("unrestricted") in the Chomsky hierarchy, which is more powerful than a context-sensitive grammar; unrestricted grammars are Turing-complete. A context-sensitive (Type-1) grammar allows multiple symbols of context on the left hand side of a production, but the same context must appear on the right hand side of the production (hence the name "context-sensitive"). [1] Context-sensitive grammars are equivalent to linear-bounded Turing machines.

In the example program, the prime computation could be performed by a linear-bounded Turing machine, so it does not quite prove Turing equivalence, but the important part is that the parser needs to perform the computation in order to perform syntactic analysis. It could have been any computation expressible as a template instantiation and there is every reason to believe that C++ template instantiation is Turing-complete. See, for example, Todd L. Veldhuizen's 2003 paper.

Regardless, C++ can be parsed by a computer, so it could certainly be parsed by a Turing machine. Consequently, an unrestricted grammar could recognize it. Actually writing such a grammar would be impractical, which is why the standard doesn't try to do so. (See below.)

The issue with "ambiguity" of certain expressions is mostly a red herring. To start with, ambiguity is a feature of a particular grammar, not a language. Even if a language can be proven to have no unambiguous grammars, if it can be recognized by a context-free grammar, it's context-free. Similarly, if it cannot be recognized by a context-free grammar but it can be recognized by a context-sensitive grammar, it's context-sensitive. Ambiguity is not relevant.

But in any event, like line 21 (i.e. auto b = foo<IsPrime<234799>>::typen<1>();) in the program below, the expressions are not ambiguous at all; they are simply parsed differently depending on context. In the simplest expression of the issue, the syntactic category of certain identifiers is dependent on how they have been declared (types and functions, for example), which means that the formal language would have to recognize the fact that two arbitrary-length strings in the same program are identical (declaration and use). This can be modelled by the "copy" grammar, which is the grammar which recognizes two consecutive exact copies of the same word. It's easy to prove with the pumping lemma that this language is not context-free. A context-sensitive grammar for this language is possible, and a Type-0 grammar is provided in the answer to this question: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/163830/context-sensitive-grammar-for-the-copy-language .

If one were to attempt to write a context-sensitive (or unrestricted) grammar to parse C++, it would quite possibly fill the universe with scribblings. Writing a Turing machine to parse C++ would be an equally impossible undertaking. Even writing a C++ program is difficult, and as far as I know none have been proven correct. This is why the standard does not attempt to provide a complete formal grammar, and why it chooses to write some of the parsing rules in technical English.

What looks like a formal grammar in the C++ standard is not the complete formal definition of the syntax of the C++ language. It's not even the complete formal definition of the language after preprocessing, which might be easier to formalize. (That wouldn't be the language, though: the C++ language as defined by the standard includes the preprocessor, and the operation of the preprocessor is described algorithmically since it would be extremely hard to describe in any grammatical formalism. It is in that section of the standard where lexical decomposition is described, including the rules where it must be applied more than once.)

The various grammars (two overlapping grammars for lexical analysis, one which takes place before preprocessing and the other, if necessary, afterwards, plus the "syntactic" grammar) are collected in Appendix A, with this important note (emphasis added):

This summary of C++ syntax is intended to be an aid to comprehension. It is not an exact statement of the language. In particular, the grammar described here accepts a superset of valid C++ constructs. Disambiguation rules (6.8, 7.1, 10.2) must be applied to distinguish expressions from declarations. Further, access control, ambiguity, and type rules must be used to weed out syntactically valid but meaningless constructs.

Finally, here's the promised program. Line 21 is syntactically correct if and only if the N in IsPrime<N> is prime. Otherwise, typen is an integer, not a template, so typen<1>() is parsed as (typen<1)>() which is syntactically incorrect because () is not a syntactically valid expression.

template<bool V> struct answer { answer(int) {} bool operator()(){return V;}};

template<bool no, bool yes, int f, int p> struct IsPrimeHelper
  : IsPrimeHelper<p % f == 0, f * f >= p, f + 2, p> {};
template<bool yes, int f, int p> struct IsPrimeHelper<true, yes, f, p> { using type = answer<false>; };
template<int f, int p> struct IsPrimeHelper<false, true, f, p> { using type = answer<true>; };

template<int I> using IsPrime = typename IsPrimeHelper<!(I&1), false, 3, I>::type;
template<int I>
struct X { static const int i = I; int a[i]; }; 

template<typename A> struct foo;
template<>struct foo<answer<true>>{
  template<int I> using typen = X<I>;
template<> struct foo<answer<false>>{
  static const int typen = 0;

int main() {
  auto b = foo<IsPrime<234799>>::typen<1>(); // Syntax error if not prime
  return 0;

[1] To put it more technically, every production in a context-sensitive grammar must be of the form:

αAβ → αγβ

where A is a non-terminal and α, β are possibly empty sequences of grammar symbols, and γ is a non-empty sequence. (Grammar symbols may be either terminals or non-terminals).

This can be read as A → γ only in the context [α, β]. In a context-free (Type 2) grammar, α and β must be empty.

It turns out that you can also restrict grammars with the "monotonic" restriction, where every production must be of the form:

α → β where |α| ≥ |β| > 0  (|α| means "the length of α")

It's possible to prove that the set of languages recognized by monotonic grammars is exactly the same as the set of languages recognized by context-sensitive grammars, and it's often the case that it's easier to base proofs on monotonic grammars. Consequently, it's pretty common to see "context-sensitive" used as though it meant "monotonic".

莫相离 2024-08-05 03:10:16

首先,您正确地观察到 C++ 标准末尾的语法中没有上下文相关规则,因此语法是上下文无关的。

然而,该语法并没有精确地描述 C++ 语言,因为它生成非 C++ 程序,例如

int m() { m++; }

typedef static int int;

定义为“格式良好的 C++ 程序集”的 C++ 语言不是上下文无关的(可以证明仅仅要求声明变量使得它如此)。 理论上,您可以在模板中编写图灵完备的程序,并根据其结果使程序格式错误,它甚至不是上下文相关的。


  • 歧义
  • 不能用 Bison 解析
  • ,而不是 LL(k)、LR(k)、LALR (k) 或他们选择的任何解析器定义的语言类

标准后面的语法不满足这些类别(即它是不明确的,而不是 LL(k)...),因此 C++ 语法“不是上下文无关的” ”对于他们来说。 从某种意义上说,他们是对的,生成一个可用的 C++ 解析器非常困难。

请注意,这里使用的属性仅与上下文无关语言有弱关联 - 歧义与上下文敏感性没有任何关系(事实上,上下文相关规则通常有助于消除产生式的歧义),其他两个仅仅是上下文的子集-自由语言。 解析上下文无关语言不是一个线性过程(尽管解析确定性语言是)。

First, you rightly observed there are no context sensitive rules in the grammar at the end of the C++ standard, so that grammar is context-free.

However, that grammar doesn't precisely describe the C++ language, because it produces non-C++ programs such as

int m() { m++; }


typedef static int int;

The C++ language defined as "the set of well-formed C++ programs" is not context-free (it's possible to show that merely demanding variables to be declared makes it so). Given you can theoretically write Turing-complete programs in templates and make a program ill-formed based on their result, it's not even context-sensitive.

Now, (ignorant) people (usually not language theorists, but parser designers) typically use "not context-free" in some of the following meanings

  • ambiguous
  • can't be parsed with Bison
  • not LL(k), LR(k), LALR(k) or whatever parser-defined language class they chose

The grammar at the back of the standard doesn't satisfy these categories (i.e. it is ambiguous, not LL(k)...) so C++ grammar is "not context-free" for them. And in a sense, they're right it's damn well hard to produce a working C++ parser.

Note that the properties here used are only weakly connected to context-free languages - ambiguity doesn't have anything to do with context-sensitivity (in fact, context-sensitive rules typically help disambiguate productions), the other two are merely subsets of context-free languages. And parsing context-free languages is not a linear process (although parsing deterministic ones is).

故人的歌 2024-08-05 03:10:16

是的。 以下表达式具有不同的操作顺序,具体取决于类型解析上下文

编辑:当实际操作顺序发生变化时,使用“常规”变得非常困难编译器在修饰它之前解析未修饰的 AST(传播类型信息)。 与此相比,提到的其他上下文相关的事情“相当容易”(并不是说模板评估很容易)。

   template<bool B>
   class foo
   { };
   static const int foo = 0;
   static const int bar = 15;


static int foobar( foo < 2 ? 1 < 1 : 0 > & bar );

Yes. The following expression has a different order of operations depending on type resolved context:

Edit: When the actual order of operation varies, it makes it incredibly difficult to use a "regular" compiler that parses to an undecorated AST before decorating it (propagating type information). Other context sensitive things mentioned are "rather easy" compared to this (not that template evaluation is at all easy).

   template<bool B>
   class foo
   { };
   static const int foo = 0;
   static const int bar = 15;

Followed by:

static int foobar( foo < 2 ? 1 < 1 : 0 > & bar );
夜深人未静 2024-08-05 03:10:16


  1. 几乎每种编程语言的语法都是上下文无关的。 通常,它以扩展的巴科斯-诺尔形式或上下文无关语法的形式给出。

  2. 但是,即使程序符合编程语言定义的上下文无关语法,它也不一定是有效程序。 程序必须满足许多非上下文无关的属性才能成为有效的程序。 例如,最简单的此类属性是变量的范围。

总而言之,C++ 是否是上下文无关的取决于您提出的问题。

To answer your question, you need to distinguish two different questions.

  1. The mere syntax of almost every programming language is context-free. Typically, it is given as an extended Backus-Naur form or context-free grammar.

  2. However, even if a program conforms to the context-free grammar defined by the programming language, it is not necessarily a valid program. There are many non-context-free pperties that a program has to satisfy in order to be a valid program. E.g., the most simple such property is the scope of variables.

To conclude, whether or not C++ is context-free depends on the question you ask.

放手` 2024-08-05 03:10:16

您可能想看看设计与设计。 C++ 的演变,作者:Bjarne Stroustrup。 在其中,他描述了尝试使用 yacc(或类似的)解析早期版本的 C++ 时遇到的问题,并希望他使用递归下降来代替。

You might want to take a look at The Design & Evolution of C++, by Bjarne Stroustrup. In it he describes his problems trying to use yacc (or similar) to parse an early version of C++, and wishing he had used recursive descent instead.

千鲤 2024-08-05 03:10:16

是的,C++ 是上下文敏感的,非常上下文敏感的。 您无法通过使用上下文无关解析器简单地解析文件来构建语法树,因为在某些情况下,您需要根据先前的知识了解符号才能做出决定(即在解析时构建符号表)。





这是将 B 变量声明为 A 类型的指针吗?

如果 A 是变量,则它是表达式;如果 A 是类型,则它是指针声明。


A B(bar);

这是一个采用 bar 类型参数的函数原型吗?


这是否声明 A 类型的变量 B 并使用 bar 常量作为初始值设定项调用 A 的构造函数?

您需要再次知道 bar 是变量还是符号表中的类型。


class Foo
    void fn(){x*y;}
    int x, y;

这种情况是在解析时构建符号表没有帮助,因为 x 和 y 的声明位于函数定义之后。 因此,您需要首先扫描类定义,然后在第二遍中查看方法定义,以告诉 x*y 是一个表达式,而不是指针声明或其他内容。

Yeah C++ is context sensitive, very context sensitive. You cannot build the syntax tree by simply parsing through the file using a context free parser because in some cases you need to know the symbol from previous knowledge to decide (ie. build a symbol table while parsing).

First example:


Is this a multiplication expression?


Is this a declaration of B variable to be a pointer of type A?

If A is a variable, then it's an expression, if A is type, it's a pointer declaration.

Second example:

A B(bar);

Is this a function prototype taking an argument of bar type?


Is this declare variable B of type A and calls A's constructor with bar constant as an initializer?

You need to know again whether bar is a variable or a type from symbol table.

Third example:

class Foo
    void fn(){x*y;}
    int x, y;

This is the case when building symbol table while parsing does not help because the declaration of x and y comes after the function definition. So you need to scan through the class definition first, and look at the method definitions in a second pass, to tell x*y is an expression, and not a pointer declaration or whatever.

剑心龙吟 2024-08-05 03:10:16

我有一种感觉,“上下文相关”的正式定义和“上下文相关”的非正式使用之间存在一些混淆。 前者有明确的含义。 后者用于表示“您需要上下文才能解析输入”。



<a> ::= <b> | <c>
<b> ::= "x"
<c> ::= "x"

它是不明确的,因此为了解析输入“x”,您需要一些上下文(或者接受歧义,或者发出“警告:E8271 - 输入在第 115 行不明确”)。 但它肯定不是上下文相关的语法。

I have a feeling that there's some confusion between the formal definition of "context-sensitive" and the informal use of "context-sensitive". The former has a well-defined meaning. The latter is used for saying "you need context in order to parse the input".

This is also asked here:
Context-sensitivity vs Ambiguity.

Here's a context-free grammar:

<a> ::= <b> | <c>
<b> ::= "x"
<c> ::= "x"

It's ambiguous, so in order to parse the input "x" you need some context (or live with the ambiguity, or emit "Warning: E8271 - Input is ambiguous in line 115"). But it's certainly not a context-sensitive grammar.

小糖芽 2024-08-05 03:10:16

C++ 使用 GLR 解析器进行解析。 这意味着在解析源代码期间,解析器可能遇到歧义,但它应该继续并决定稍后使用哪个语法规则。


为什么 C++ 不能用 LR(1) 进行解析解析器?

请记住,上下文无关语法不能描述编程语言语法的所有规则。 例如,属性语法用于检查表达式类型的有效性。

int x;
x = 9 + 1.0;


C++ is parsed with GLR parser. That means during parsing the source code, the parser may encounter ambiguity but it should continue and decide which grammar rule to use later.

look also,

Why C++ cannot be parsed with a LR(1) parser?

Remember that context-free grammar can not describe ALL the rules of a programming language syntax. For example, Attribute grammar is used to check the validity of an expression type.

int x;
x = 9 + 1.0;

You can not describe the following rule with context-free grammar :
The Right Side of the assignment should be of the same type of the Left Hand side.

云淡风轻 2024-08-05 03:10:16

没有一种类似 Algol 的语言是上下文无关的,因为它们具有限制标识符可以根据其类型出现的表达式和语句的规则,并且因为声明和使用之间可以出现的语句数量没有限制。


由于其图灵完备的模板系统,C++ 远远超出了这一点。 请参阅堆栈溢出问题 794015

No Algol-like language is context-free, because they have rules that constrain expressions and statements that identifiers can appear in based on their type, and because there's no limit on the number of statements that can occur between declaration and use.

The usual solution is to write a context-free parser that actually accepts a superset of valid programs and put the context-sensitive portions in ad hoc "semantic" code attached to rules.

C++ goes well beyond this, thanks to its Turing-complete template system. See Stack Overflow Question 794015.

假装爱人 2024-08-05 03:10:16


J.斯坦利·沃福德。 计算机系统。 第 341-346 页。

True :)

J. Stanley Warford. Computer systems. Pages 341-346.

宁愿没拥抱 2024-08-05 03:10:16

它是上下文相关的,因为 ab(c); 有两个有效的解析 - 声明和变量。 当您说“如果 c 是一种类型”时,这就是上下文,并且您已经准确地描述了 C++ 如何对其敏感。 如果您没有“什么是 c?”的上下文 你无法明确地解析这个。

这里,上下文通过标记的选择来表达——如果它命名了一个类型,则解析器将标识符读取为类型名标记。 这是最简单的解决方案,并且避免了上下文相关的大部分复杂性(在本例中)。

编辑:当然,还有更多上下文敏感性问题,我只关注您所展示的一个。 模板对此尤其讨厌。

It is context-sensitive, as a b(c); has two valid parses- declaration and variable. When you say "If c is a type", that's context, right there, and you've described exactly how C++ is sensitive to it. If you didn't have that context of "What is c?" you could not parse this unambiguously.

Here, the context is expressed in the choice of tokens- the parser reads an identifier as a typename token if it names a type. This is the simplest resolution, and avoids much of the complexity of being context-sensitive (in this case).

Edit: There are, of course, more issues of context sensitivity, I have merely focused on the one you've shown. Templates are especially nasty for this.

把时间冻结 2024-08-05 03:10:16

C++ 标准中的产生式是上下文无关的,但众所周知,并没有真正精确地定义该语言。 大多数人认为当前语言中的一些歧义可以(我相信)通过上下文相关语法来明确解决。

对于最明显的例子,让我们考虑最令人烦恼的解析:int f(X);。 如果 X 是一个值,则将 f 定义为将使用 X 初始化的变量。 如果 X 是一种类型,则它将 f 定义为采用 X 类型的单个参数的函数。


A variable_decl ::= <type> <identifier> '(' initializer ')' ';'

B function_decl ::= <type> <identifier> '(' param_decl ')' ';'

A ::= [declaration of X as value]
B ::= [declaration of X as type]

当然,为了完全正确,我们需要添加一些额外的“东西”来考虑其他类型(即 A 和 B)介入声明的可能性两者都应该真正是“声明,包括 X 声明为...”,或类似的内容)。

不过,这与典型的 CSG 仍然有很大不同(或者至少是我记忆中的)。 这取决于正在构造的符号表 - 专门将 X 识别为类型或值的部分,而不仅仅是在此之前的某种类型的语句,而是正确符号/标识符的正确语句类型。

因此,我必须做一些检查才能确定,但​​我的直接猜测是,这并不真正符合 CSG 的资格,至少按照通常使用的术语来看是这样。

The productions in the C++ standard are written context-free, but as we all know don't really define the language precisely. Some of what most people see as ambiguity in the current language could (I believe) be resolved unambiguously with a context sensitive grammar.

For the most obvious example, let's consider the Most Vexing Parse: int f(X);. If X is a value, then this defines f as a variable that will be initialized with X. If X is a type, it defines f as a function taking a single parameter of type X.

Looking at that from a grammatical viewpoint, we could view it like this:

A variable_decl ::= <type> <identifier> '(' initializer ')' ';'

B function_decl ::= <type> <identifier> '(' param_decl ')' ';'

A ::= [declaration of X as value]
B ::= [declaration of X as type]

Of course, to be entirely correct we'd need to add some extra "stuff" to account for the possibility of intervening declarations of other types (i.e., A and B should both really be "declarations including declaration of X as...", or something on that order).

This is still rather different from a typical CSG though (or at least what I recall of them). This depends on a symbol table being constructed -- the part that specifically recognizes X as a type or value, not just some type of statement preceding this, but the correct type of statement for the right symbol/identifier.

As such, I'd have to do some looking to be sure, but my immediate guess is that this doesn't really qualify as a CSG, at least as the term is normally used.

悲歌长辞 2024-08-05 03:10:16




   a < expr > ()
      /   \
     b     c


 /   \
a   template
     b < expr > ()

两个 AST 只能通过检查 'a' 的声明来消除歧义 - 如果 'a' 是模板,则使用前一个 AST,如果不是,则使用后者。

The simplest case of non-context-free grammar involves parsing expressions involving templates.


This can parse as either

   a < expr > ()
      /   \
     b     c


 /   \
a   template
     b < expr > ()

The two ASTs can only be disambiguated by examining the declaration of 'a' -- the former AST if 'a' is a template, or the latter if not.

多像笑话 2024-08-05 03:10:16

C++ 模板已被证明具有图灵功能。 虽然不是正式参考,但可以在这方面查看一下:


我将大胆猜测(就像民间和简洁的 CACM 证明一样古老,表明 ALGOL 60 年代无法用 CFG 表示)并说 C++ 因此不能仅由 CFG 正确解析。 CFG 与树遍历中或还原事件期间的各种 TP 机制相结合 - 这是另一个故事。 一般来说,由于停机问题,存在一些无法证明是正确/不正确但仍然是正确/不正确的C++程序。

{PS- 作为 Meta-S 的作者(上面几个人提到过)——我可以肯定地说 Thothic 既没有消失,也不是免费的软件。 也许我已经用了这个版本的回应,这样我就不会被删除或被投票给-3。}

C++ templates have been shown to be Turing Powerful. Although not a formal reference, here's a place to look in that regard:


I will venture a guess (as old as a folkoric and concise CACM proof showing that ALGOL in the 60's could not be reprsented by a CFG) and say that C++ cannot therefore be correctly parsed only by a CFG. CFGs, in conjunction with various TP mechanisms in either a tree pass or during reduction events -- this is another story. In a general sense, due to the Halting Problem, there exists some C++ program that cannot be shown to be correct/incorrect but is nonetheless correct/incorrect.

{PS- As the author of Meta-S (mentioned by several people above) -- I can most assuredly say that Thothic is neither defunct, nor is the software available for free. Perhaps I have worded this version of my response such that I do not get deleted or voted down to -3.}

思慕 2024-08-05 03:10:16

C++ 不是上下文无关的。 我前段时间在编译器讲座中学到了它。 快速搜索给出了此链接,其中“语法或语义”部分解释了为什么 C 和 C++ 不是上下文无关的:



C++ is not context free. I learned it some time ago in compilers lecture. A quick search gave this link, where the "Syntax or semantics" section explains why C and C++ are not context free:

Wikipedia Talk: Context-Free grammar


鹿! 2024-08-05 03:10:16


我们需要知道标识符是否是类型名称(类名称、typedef 引入的名称、typename 模板参数)、模板名称或其他名称,以便能够正确使用标识符。 例如:

x = (name)(expression);

如果 name 是类型名称,则为强制转换;如果 name 为函数名称,则为函数调用。 另一种情况是所谓的“最令人烦恼的解析”,其中无法区分变量定义和函数声明(有一条规则说它是函数声明)。

这一困难引入了带有依赖名称的 typenametemplate 的需求。 据我所知,C++ 的其余部分不是上下文敏感的(即可以为其编写上下文无关语法)。

Obviously, if you take the question verbatim, nearly all languages with identifiers are context sensitive.

One need to know if an identifier is a type name (a class name, a name introduced by typedef, a typename template parameter), a template name or some other name to be able to correctly some of the use of identifier. For instance:

x = (name)(expression);

is a cast if name is a type name and a function call if name is a function name. Another case is the so called "most vexing parse" where it isn't possible to differentiate variable definition and function declaration (there is a rule saying it is a function declaration).

That difficulty has introduced the need of typename and template with dependent names. The rest of C++ isn't context sensitive as far as I know (i.e. it is possible to write a context free grammar for it).

耳钉梦 2024-08-05 03:10:16

Meta-S”是 Quinn Tyler Jackson 开发的上下文相关解析引擎。我没有使用过它,但他讲述了一个令人印象深刻的故事。查看他在 comp.compilers 中的评论,并参见 rnaparse.com/MetaS% 20define.htm – 艾拉·巴克斯特 (Ira Baxter) 7 月 25 日 10:42

正确的链接是 解析引擎

Meta-S 是我可以将 Meta-S 的免费副本发送给任何感兴趣的人,并且我已将其用于 rna 解析研究。请注意,示例文件夹中包含的“伪结语法”是由非人员编写的。 -生物信息学,成熟的程序员,基本上不起作用。我的语法采用不同的方法并且工作得很好。

Meta-S" is a context-sensitive parsing engine by Quinn Tyler Jackson. I've not used it, but he tells an impressive story. Check out his comments in comp.compilers, and see rnaparse.com/MetaS%20defined.htm – Ira Baxter Jul 25 at 10:42

The correct link is parsing enigines

Meta-S was the property of a defunct company called Thothic. I can send a free copy of the Meta-S to anyone interested and I've used it in rna parsing research. Please note the "pseudoknot grammar" included in the examples folders was written by an non-bioinformatics, amature programmer and basically doesn't work. My grammars take a different approach and work quite well.

酒绊 2024-08-05 03:10:16

这里的一个大问题是术语“上下文无关”和“上下文敏感”在计算机科学中有点不直观。 对于 C++,上下文敏感看起来很像歧义,但在一般情况下不一定如此。

在 C/++ 中,if 语句只允许在函数体内使用。 这似乎使它变得上下文相关,对吧? 嗯,不。 上下文无关语法实际上不需要您可以提取某行代码并确定其是否有效的属性。 这实际上并不是上下文无关的含义。 它实际上只是一个标签,隐约暗示着某种与其听起来相关的东西。

现在,如果函数体内的语句根据直接语法祖先外部定义的内容(例如标识符是否描述类型或变量)进行不同的解析,如 a * b; 情况,那么它事实上,是上下文相关的。 这里并没有什么实际的歧义; 如果 a 是类型,则它将被解析为指针声明,否则将被解析为乘法。

上下文相关并不一定意味着“难以解析”。 C 实际上并不难,因为臭名昭著的 a * b; “歧义”可以通过包含之前遇到的 typedef 的符号表来解决。 它不需要任何任意的模板实例化(已被证明是图灵完备的)来解决这种情况,就像 C++ 有时所做的那样。 实际上不可能编写出无法在有限时间内编译的 C 程序,即使它具有与 C++ 相同的上下文敏感性。

Python(和其他空白敏感语言)也是上下文相关的,因为它需要词法分析器中的状态来生成缩进和缩进标记,但这并不意味着它比典型的 LL(1) 语法更难解析。 3.9 版本之前的 Python 实际上使用了 LL(1) 解析器生成器,这就是它具有此类无信息语法错误消息的部分原因(自从切换到 PEG 解析器以来,其中许多错误消息已得到修复)。 这里还需要注意的是,Python 中不存在像 a * b; 那样的“歧义”问题,给出了一个没有“歧义”语法的上下文相关语言的良好具体示例(如第一段)。

A big issue here is that the terms "context-free" and "context-sensitive" are a little unintuitive within computer science. For C++, context-sensitivity looks a lot like ambiguity, but that's not necessarily true in the general case.

In C/++, an if statement is only allowed inside a function body. That would seem to make it context-sensitive, right? Well, no. Context-free grammars don't actually need the property where you can pluck out some line of code and determine whether it's valid. That's not actually what context-free means. It's really just a label that vaguely implies something kind of related to what it sounds like.

Now, if a statement within a function body is parsed differently depending on something defined outside immediate grammatical ancestors (e.g. whether an identifier describes a type or variable), as in the a * b; case, then it is, in fact, context-sensitive. There is no actual ambiguity here; it will be parsed as a declaration of a pointer if a is a type and a multiplication otherwise.

Being context-sensitive does not necessarily mean "hard to parse". C is actually not that hard because the infamous a * b; "ambiguity" can be resolved with a symbol table containing typedefs encountered previously. It doesn't require any arbitrary template instantiations (which have been proven to be Turing Complete) to resolve that case like C++ does on occasion. It's not actually possible to write a C program that will not compile in a finite amount of time even though it has the same context-sensitivity that C++ does.

Python (and other whitespace-sensitive languages) is also context-dependent, as it requires state in the lexer to generate indent and dedent tokens, but that doesn't make it any harder to parse than a typical LL(1) grammar. Python prior to version 3.9 actually used a LL(1) parser generator, which is part of why it has/had such uninformative syntax error messages (Many of which have been fixed since switching to a PEG parser). It's also important to note here that there is no "ambiguity" like the a * b; problem in Python, giving a good concrete example of a context-sensitive language without "ambiguous" grammar (as mentioned in the first paragraph).

以歌曲疗慰 2024-08-05 03:10:16

这个答案说 C++ 不是上下文无关的... 有一个暗示(不是由回答者)它不能被解析,答案提供了一个困难的代码示例,如果某个常量不是素数,该示例将生成无效的 C++ 程序。


为了解决有关可解析性的问题,我提供了经验证据,表明 C++ 存在上下文无关语法,可以使用
生成用于源文本的上下文无关解析的 AST
事实上,使用由显式语法驱动的现有基于 GLR 解析器的工具来解析它。

是的,它的成功在于“接受太多”; 并非它接受的所有内容都是有效的 C++ 程序,这就是为什么它会进行额外的检查(类型检查)。 是的,类型检查器可能会遇到可计算性问题。 实际上工具不存在这个问题; 如果人们编写这样的程序,则没有人可以编译。 (我认为该标准实际上对展开模板可以进行的计算量进行了限制,因此实际上计算量实际上是有限的,但可能相当大)。

有效的 C++ 源程序集
问题要困难得多。 但解析并不是问题所在。

解析后的程序。 (有多种解释的地方
在具有多种可能解析的解析树中; 方式
子树)。 您可以在下面的示例中看到一个(部分)解析树; 整棵树太大,无法容纳如此答案。 请注意,无论使用值 234797 还是 234799,您都会得到一个解析树。

使用原始值 234799 在 AST 上运行工具的名称/类型解析器会成功。 当值为 234797 时,名称解析器失败(如预期),并显示错误消息“typen 不是类型”。 因此该版本不是有效的 C++ 程序。

967 tree nodes in tree.
15 ambiguity nodes in tree.
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   |(template_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=2079#6b04960^1#6b04980:1 Line 1 Column 1 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   | (template_parameter_list@Cpp~GCC5=2082#6afbde0^1#6b04960:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |  (template_parameter@Cpp~GCC5=2085#6afbd80^1#6afbde0:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   (parameter_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1611#6afbd40^1#6afbd80:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |(basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6afb880^1#6afbd40:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6afb840^1#6afb880:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6afb7e0^1#6afb840:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1138#6afb7a0^1#6afb7e0:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |  )trailing_type_specifier#6afb7e0
   |   | )decl_specifier#6afb840
   |   |)basic_decl_specifier_seq#6afb880
   |   |(ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6afbc40^1#6afbd40:2 Line 1 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6afbba0^1#6afbc40:1 Line 1 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6afbb80^1#6afbba0:1 Line 1 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6afbaa0^1#6afbb80:1 Line 1 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6afb9c0^1#6afbaa0:1 Line 1 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6afb780^1#6afb9c0:1[`V'] Line 1 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   |)unqualified_id#6afb9c0
   |   |   )id_expression#6afbaa0
   |   |  )declarator_id#6afbb80
   |   | )noptr_declarator#6afbba0
   |   |)ptr_declarator#6afbc40
   |   )parameter_declaration#6afbd40
   |  )template_parameter#6afbd80
   | )template_parameter_list#6afbde0
   | (declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1033#6b04940^1#6b04960:2 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |  (block_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1050#6b04920^1#6b04940:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   (simple_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1060#6b04900^1#6b04920:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |(basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6b048e0^1#6b04900:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6b048c0^1#6b048e0:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1110#6b048a0^1#6b048c0:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (class_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1761#6b04880^1#6b048a0:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(class_head@Cpp~GCC5=1763#6afb980^1#6b04880:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (class_key@Cpp~GCC5=1791#6afbca0^1#6afb980:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)class_key
   |   |   | (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6afbcc0^1#6afb980:2[`answer'] Line 1 Column 25 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   | (optional_base_clause@Cpp~GCC5=1872#6afba60^1#6afb980:3 Line 1 Column 32 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)optional_base_clause
   |   |   |)class_head#6afb980
   |   |   |(member_specification@Cpp~GCC5=1794#6b042e0^1#6b04880:2 {2} Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (member_declaration_or_access_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1806#6b04060^1#6b042e0:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |  (member_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1822#6b04040^1#6b04060:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   (function_definition@Cpp~GCC5=1632#6b04020^1#6b04040:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |(function_head@Cpp~GCC5=1673#6afbec0^1#6b04020:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   | (ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6afbfe0^1#6afbec0:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |  (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1422#6afbf80^1#6afbfe0:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6afbf60^1#6afbf80:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |(declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6afbea0^1#6afbf60:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   | (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6afbb40^1#6afbea0:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |  (unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6afbc80^1#6afbb40:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6afbc20^1#6afbc80:1[`answer'] Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   |   |   |  )unqualified_id#6afbc80
   |   |   |   |   | )id_expression#6afbb40
   |   |   |   |   |)declarator_id#6afbea0
   |   |   |   |   )noptr_declarator#6afbf60
   |   |   |   |   (parameter_declaration_clause@Cpp~GCC5=1559#6afbd00^1#6afbf80:2 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |(pp_parameter_declaration_list@Cpp~GCC5=1570#6afb940^1#6afbd00:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   | (pp_parameter_declaration_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1574#6afb800^1#6afb940:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |  (parameter_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1610#6afb9a0^1#6afb800:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   (basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6afbf40^1#6afb9a0:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   |(decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6afbfa0^1#6afbf40:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   | (trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6afbfc0^1#6afbfa0:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   |  (simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1140#6afb860^1#6afbfc0:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |   |   |   |   | )trailing_type_specifier#6afbfc0
   |   |   |   |   |   |)decl_specifier#6afbfa0
   |   |   |   |   |   )basic_decl_specifier_seq#6afbf40
   |   |   |   |   |  )parameter_declaration#6afb9a0
   |   |   |   |   | )pp_parameter_declaration_seq#6afb800
   |   |   |   |   |)pp_parameter_declaration_list#6afb940
   |   |   |   |   )parameter_declaration_clause#6afbd00
   |   |   |   |   (function_qualifiers@Cpp~GCC5=1438#6afbce0^1#6afbf80:3 Line 1 Column 46 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)function_qualifiers
   |   |   |   |  )noptr_declarator#6afbf80
   |   |   |   | )ptr_declarator#6afbfe0
   |   |   |   |)function_head#6afbec0
   |   |   |   |(function_body@Cpp~GCC5=1680#6b04000^1#6b04020:2 Line 1 Column 46 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   | (compound_statement@Cpp~GCC5=888#6afbee0^1#6b04000:1 Line 1 Column 46 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)compound_statement
   |   |   |   |)function_body#6b04000
   |   |   |   )function_definition#6b04020
   |   |   |  )member_declaration#6b04040
   |   |   | )member_declaration_or_access_specifier#6b04060
   |   |   | (member_declaration_or_access_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1806#6b042c0^1#6b042e0:2 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |  (member_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1822#6b04820^1#6b042c0:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   (function_definition@Cpp~GCC5=1632#6b04280^1#6b04820:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |(function_head@Cpp~GCC5=1674#6b04220^1#6b04280:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   | (basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6b040e0^1#6b04220:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |  (decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6b040c0^1#6b040e0:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   (trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6b040a0^1#6b040c0:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |(simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1138#6b04080^1#6b040a0:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |   |   |   )trailing_type_specifier#6b040a0
   |   |   |   |  )decl_specifier#6b040c0
   |   |   |   | )basic_decl_specifier_seq#6b040e0
   |   |   |   | (ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6b04200^1#6b04220:2 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |  (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1422#6b041e0^1#6b04200:1 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6b041a0^1#6b041e0:1 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |(declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6b04180^1#6b041a0:1 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   | (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6b04160^1#6b04180:1 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |  (unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=320#6b04140^1#6b04160:1 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   (operator_function_id@Cpp~GCC5=2027#6b04120^1#6b04140:1 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   |(operator@Cpp~GCC5=2070#6b04100^1#6b04120:1 Line 1 Column 62 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)operator
   |   |   |   |   |   )operator_function_id#6b04120
   |   |   |   |   |  )unqualified_id#6b04140
   |   |   |   |   | )id_expression#6b04160
   |   |   |   |   |)declarator_id#6b04180
   |   |   |   |   )noptr_declarator#6b041a0
   |   |   |   |   (parameter_declaration_clause@Cpp~GCC5=1558#6afba40^1#6b041e0:2 Line 1 Column 65 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)parameter_declaration_clause
   |   |   |   |   (function_qualifiers@Cpp~GCC5=1438#6b041c0^1#6b041e0:3 Line 1 Column 66 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)function_qualifiers
   |   |   |   |  )noptr_declarator#6b041e0
   |   |   |   | )ptr_declarator#6b04200
   |   |   |   |)function_head#6b04220
   |   |   |   |(function_body@Cpp~GCC5=1680#6b04300^1#6b04280:2 Line 1 Column 66 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   | (compound_statement@Cpp~GCC5=889#6b04760^1#6b04300:1 Line 1 Column 66 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |  (pp_statement_seq@Cpp~GCC5=894#6b04780^1#6b04760:1 Line 1 Column 67 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   (statement@Cpp~GCC5=857#6b04440^1#6b04780:1 Line 1 Column 67 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |(jump_statement@Cpp~GCC5=1011#6afba80^1#6b04440:1 Line 1 Column 67 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   | (pm_expression@Cpp~GCC5=551#6b04380^1#6afba80:1 Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |  (cast_expression@Cpp~GCC5=543#6b04360^1#6b04380:1 Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   (unary_expression@Cpp~GCC5=465#6b04340^1#6b04360:1 Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   |(primary_expression@Cpp~GCC5=307#6b04320^1#6b04340:1 Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   | (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6b042a0^1#6b04320:1 Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   |  (unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6b04260^1#6b042a0:1 Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   |   (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6b04240^1#6b04260:1[`V'] Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   |   |   |   |  )unqualified_id#6b04260
   |   |   |   |   |   | )id_expression#6b042a0
   |   |   |   |   |   |)primary_expression#6b04320
   |   |   |   |   |   )unary_expression#6b04340
   |   |   |   |   |  )cast_expression#6b04360
   |   |   |   |   | )pm_expression#6b04380
   |   |   |   |   |)jump_statement#6afba80
   |   |   |   |   )statement#6b04440
   |   |   |   |  )pp_statement_seq#6b04780
   |   |   |   | )compound_statement#6b04760
   |   |   |   |)function_body#6b04300
   |   |   |   )function_definition#6b04280
   |   |   |  )member_declaration#6b04820
   |   |   | )member_declaration_or_access_specifier#6b042c0
   |   |   |)member_specification#6b042e0
   |   |   )class_specifier#6b04880
   |   |  )type_specifier#6b048a0
   |   | )decl_specifier#6b048c0
   |   |)basic_decl_specifier_seq#6b048e0
   |   )simple_declaration#6b04900
   |  )block_declaration#6b04920
   | )declaration#6b04940
  (pp_declaration_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1022#6b06620^1#6b06640:2 Line 3 Column 1 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   (declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1036#6b06600^1#6b06620:1 Line 3 Column 1 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |(template_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=2079#6b065e0^1#6b06600:1 Line 3 Column 1 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   | (template_parameter_list@Cpp~GCC5=2083#6b05460^1#6b065e0:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |  (template_parameter_list@Cpp~GCC5=2083#6b05140^1#6b05460:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   (template_parameter_list@Cpp~GCC5=2083#6b04ee0^1#6b05140:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |(template_parameter_list@Cpp~GCC5=2082#6b04cc0^1#6b04ee0:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (template_parameter@Cpp~GCC5=2085#6b04ca0^1#6b04cc0:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (parameter_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1611#6b04c80^1#6b04ca0:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6b04a40^1#6b04c80:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6b04a20^1#6b04a40:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6b04a00^1#6b04a20:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |  (simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1138#6b049e0^1#6b04a00:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |   | )trailing_type_specifier#6b04a00
   |   |   |)decl_specifier#6b04a20
   |   |   )basic_decl_specifier_seq#6b04a40
   |   |   (ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6b04c40^1#6b04c80:2 Line 3 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6b04be0^1#6b04c40:1 Line 3 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6b04bc0^1#6b04be0:1 Line 3 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |  (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6b04b60^1#6b04bc0:1 Line 3 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   (unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6b04ac0^1#6b04b60:1 Line 3 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |(IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6b049c0^1#6b04ac0:1[`no'] Line 3 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   |   )unqualified_id#6b04ac0
   |   |   |  )id_expression#6b04b60
   |   |   | )declarator_id#6b04bc0
   |   |   |)noptr_declarator#6b04be0
   |   |   )ptr_declarator#6b04c40
   |   |  )parameter_declaration#6b04c80
   |   | )template_parameter#6b04ca0
   |   |)template_parameter_list#6b04cc0
   |   |(template_parameter@Cpp~GCC5=2085#6b04ec0^1#6b04ee0:2 Line 3 Column 19 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (parameter_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1611#6b04ea0^1#6b04ec0:1 Line 3 Column 19 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6b04b40^1#6b04ea0:1 Line 3 Column 19 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6b04ba0^1#6b04b40:1 Line 3 Column 19 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6b04c60^1#6b04ba0:1 Line 3 Column 19 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1138#6b04580^1#6b04c60:1 Line 3 Column 19 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |   |)trailing_type_specifier#6b04c60
   |   |   )decl_specifier#6b04ba0
   |   |  )basic_decl_specifier_seq#6b04b40
   |   |  (ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6b04e60^1#6b04ea0:2 Line 3 Column 24 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6b04e40^1#6b04e60:1 Line 3 Column 24 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6b04de0^1#6b04e40:1 Line 3 Column 24 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6b04d80^1#6b04de0:1 Line 3 Column 24 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |  (unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6b04ce0^1#6b04d80:1 Line 3 Column 24 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6b04560^1#6b04ce0:1[`yes'] Line 3 Column 24 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   |  )unqualified_id#6b04ce0
   |   |   | )id_expression#6b04d80
   |   |   |)declarator_id#6b04de0
   |   |   )noptr_declarator#6b04e40
   |   |  )ptr_declarator#6b04e60
   |   | )parameter_declaration#6b04ea0
   |   |)template_parameter#6b04ec0
   |   )template_parameter_list#6b04ee0
   |   (template_parameter@Cpp~GCC5=2085#6b05120^1#6b05140:2 Line 3 Column 29 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |(parameter_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1611#6b05100^1#6b05120:1 Line 3 Column 29 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6b04d20^1#6b05100:1 Line 3 Column 29 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6b04dc0^1#6b04d20:1 Line 3 Column 29 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6b04e80^1#6b04dc0:1 Line 3 Column 29 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1140#6b046e0^1#6b04e80:1 Line 3 Column 29 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |   )trailing_type_specifier#6b04e80
   |   |  )decl_specifier#6b04dc0
   |   | )basic_decl_specifier_seq#6b04d20
   |   | (ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6b05080^1#6b05100:2 Line 3 Column 33 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6b05020^1#6b05080:1 Line 3 Column 33 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6b05000^1#6b05020:1 Line 3 Column 33 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6b04fa0^1#6b05000:1 Line 3 Column 33 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6b04f00^1#6b04fa0:1 Line 3 Column 33 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |  (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6b046c0^1#6b04f00:1[`f'] Line 3 Column 33 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   | )unqualified_id#6b04f00
   |   |   |)id_expression#6b04fa0
   |   |   )declarator_id#6b05000
   |   |  )noptr_declarator#6b05020
   |   | )ptr_declarator#6b05080
   |   |)parameter_declaration#6b05100
   |   )template_parameter#6b05120
   |  )template_parameter_list#6b05140
   |  (template_parameter@Cpp~GCC5=2085#6b05440^1#6b05460:2 Line 3 Column 36 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   (parameter_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1611#6b05420^1#6b05440:1 Line 3 Column 36 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |(basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6b05160^1#6b05420:1 Line 3 Column 36 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6b04fe0^1#6b05160:1 Line 3 Column 36 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6b050e0^1#6b04fe0:1 Line 3 Column 36 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1140#6b050c0^1#6b050e0:1 Line 3 Column 36 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |  )trailing_type_specifier#6b050e0
   |   | )decl_specifier#6b04fe0
   |   |)basic_decl_specifier_seq#6b05160
   |   |(ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6b053e0^1#6b05420:2 Line 3 Column 40 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6b053c0^1#6b053e0:1 Line 3 Column 40 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6b05360^1#6b053c0:1 Line 3 Column 40 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6b05280^1#6b05360:1 Line 3 Column 40 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6b051a0^1#6b05280:1 Line 3 Column 40 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6b046a0^1#6b051a0:1[`p'] Line 3 Column 40 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   |)unqualified_id#6b051a0
   |   |   )id_expression#6b05280
   |   |  )declarator_id#6b05360
   |   | )noptr_declarator#6b053c0
   |   |)ptr_declarator#6b053e0
   |   )parameter_declaration#6b05420
   |  )template_parameter#6b05440
   | )template_parameter_list#6b05460

This answer says C++ is not context-free... there's an implication (not by the answerer) that it can't be parsed, and the answer offers a difficult code example which produces an invalid C++ program if a certain constant is not a prime number.

As others have observed, the question about whether the language is context-sensitive/free is different than the same question about a specific grammar.

To set the question about parseability to rest, I offer empirical evidence that there are context-free grammars for C++, that can be used
to produce an AST for a context-free parse of the source text
by in fact parsing it with an existing GLR-parser-based tool that is driven by an explicit grammar.

Yes, it succeeds by "accepting too much"; not everything it accepts is a valid C++ program, which is why it's followed up with additional checks (type checks). And yes, the type checker may run into computability problems. In practice tools don't have this problem; if people wrote programs like that, none of them would compile. (I think the standard actually puts a limit on the amount of computation you can do unfolding a template, so in fact the computation is actually finite but probably pretty big).

If what you mean is, determine if the source program is a member
of the set of valid C++ source programs
, then I will agree the
problem is a lot harder. But it isn't parsing that is the problem.

The tool resolves this issue by isolating parsing from type-checking
the parsed program. (Where there are multiple interpretations
in the absence of context, it records an ambiguity node
in the parse tree with several possible parses; the type
checking decides which one is correct and eliminates the invalid
subtrees). You can see a (partial) parse tree in the example below; the whole tree is too large to fit in an SO answer. Note you get a parse tree whether the value 234797 or 234799 is used.

Running the tool's name/type resolver over the AST with the original value 234799 succeeds. With the value 234797 the name resolver fails (as expected) with the error message, "typen is not a type." and thus that version is not a valid C++ program.

967 tree nodes in tree.
15 ambiguity nodes in tree.
(translation_unit@Cpp~GCC5=2#6b11a20^0 Line 1 Column 1 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
 (declaration_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1021#6b06640^1#6b11a20:1 {10} Line 1 Column 1 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
  (pp_declaration_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1022#6b049a0^1#6b06640:1 Line 1 Column 1 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   (declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1036#6b04980^1#6b049a0:1 Line 1 Column 1 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |(template_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=2079#6b04960^1#6b04980:1 Line 1 Column 1 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   | (template_parameter_list@Cpp~GCC5=2082#6afbde0^1#6b04960:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |  (template_parameter@Cpp~GCC5=2085#6afbd80^1#6afbde0:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   (parameter_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1611#6afbd40^1#6afbd80:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |(basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6afb880^1#6afbd40:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6afb840^1#6afb880:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6afb7e0^1#6afb840:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1138#6afb7a0^1#6afb7e0:1 Line 1 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |  )trailing_type_specifier#6afb7e0
   |   | )decl_specifier#6afb840
   |   |)basic_decl_specifier_seq#6afb880
   |   |(ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6afbc40^1#6afbd40:2 Line 1 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6afbba0^1#6afbc40:1 Line 1 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6afbb80^1#6afbba0:1 Line 1 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6afbaa0^1#6afbb80:1 Line 1 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6afb9c0^1#6afbaa0:1 Line 1 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6afb780^1#6afb9c0:1[`V'] Line 1 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   |)unqualified_id#6afb9c0
   |   |   )id_expression#6afbaa0
   |   |  )declarator_id#6afbb80
   |   | )noptr_declarator#6afbba0
   |   |)ptr_declarator#6afbc40
   |   )parameter_declaration#6afbd40
   |  )template_parameter#6afbd80
   | )template_parameter_list#6afbde0
   | (declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1033#6b04940^1#6b04960:2 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |  (block_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1050#6b04920^1#6b04940:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   (simple_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1060#6b04900^1#6b04920:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |(basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6b048e0^1#6b04900:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6b048c0^1#6b048e0:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1110#6b048a0^1#6b048c0:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (class_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1761#6b04880^1#6b048a0:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(class_head@Cpp~GCC5=1763#6afb980^1#6b04880:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (class_key@Cpp~GCC5=1791#6afbca0^1#6afb980:1 Line 1 Column 18 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)class_key
   |   |   | (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6afbcc0^1#6afb980:2[`answer'] Line 1 Column 25 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   | (optional_base_clause@Cpp~GCC5=1872#6afba60^1#6afb980:3 Line 1 Column 32 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)optional_base_clause
   |   |   |)class_head#6afb980
   |   |   |(member_specification@Cpp~GCC5=1794#6b042e0^1#6b04880:2 {2} Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (member_declaration_or_access_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1806#6b04060^1#6b042e0:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |  (member_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1822#6b04040^1#6b04060:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   (function_definition@Cpp~GCC5=1632#6b04020^1#6b04040:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |(function_head@Cpp~GCC5=1673#6afbec0^1#6b04020:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   | (ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6afbfe0^1#6afbec0:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |  (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1422#6afbf80^1#6afbfe0:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6afbf60^1#6afbf80:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |(declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6afbea0^1#6afbf60:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   | (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6afbb40^1#6afbea0:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |  (unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6afbc80^1#6afbb40:1 Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6afbc20^1#6afbc80:1[`answer'] Line 1 Column 34 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   |   |   |  )unqualified_id#6afbc80
   |   |   |   |   | )id_expression#6afbb40
   |   |   |   |   |)declarator_id#6afbea0
   |   |   |   |   )noptr_declarator#6afbf60
   |   |   |   |   (parameter_declaration_clause@Cpp~GCC5=1559#6afbd00^1#6afbf80:2 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |(pp_parameter_declaration_list@Cpp~GCC5=1570#6afb940^1#6afbd00:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   | (pp_parameter_declaration_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1574#6afb800^1#6afb940:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |  (parameter_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1610#6afb9a0^1#6afb800:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   (basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6afbf40^1#6afb9a0:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   |(decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6afbfa0^1#6afbf40:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   | (trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6afbfc0^1#6afbfa0:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   |  (simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1140#6afb860^1#6afbfc0:1 Line 1 Column 41 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |   |   |   |   | )trailing_type_specifier#6afbfc0
   |   |   |   |   |   |)decl_specifier#6afbfa0
   |   |   |   |   |   )basic_decl_specifier_seq#6afbf40
   |   |   |   |   |  )parameter_declaration#6afb9a0
   |   |   |   |   | )pp_parameter_declaration_seq#6afb800
   |   |   |   |   |)pp_parameter_declaration_list#6afb940
   |   |   |   |   )parameter_declaration_clause#6afbd00
   |   |   |   |   (function_qualifiers@Cpp~GCC5=1438#6afbce0^1#6afbf80:3 Line 1 Column 46 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)function_qualifiers
   |   |   |   |  )noptr_declarator#6afbf80
   |   |   |   | )ptr_declarator#6afbfe0
   |   |   |   |)function_head#6afbec0
   |   |   |   |(function_body@Cpp~GCC5=1680#6b04000^1#6b04020:2 Line 1 Column 46 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   | (compound_statement@Cpp~GCC5=888#6afbee0^1#6b04000:1 Line 1 Column 46 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)compound_statement
   |   |   |   |)function_body#6b04000
   |   |   |   )function_definition#6b04020
   |   |   |  )member_declaration#6b04040
   |   |   | )member_declaration_or_access_specifier#6b04060
   |   |   | (member_declaration_or_access_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1806#6b042c0^1#6b042e0:2 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |  (member_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1822#6b04820^1#6b042c0:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   (function_definition@Cpp~GCC5=1632#6b04280^1#6b04820:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |(function_head@Cpp~GCC5=1674#6b04220^1#6b04280:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   | (basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6b040e0^1#6b04220:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |  (decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6b040c0^1#6b040e0:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   (trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6b040a0^1#6b040c0:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |(simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1138#6b04080^1#6b040a0:1 Line 1 Column 49 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |   |   |   )trailing_type_specifier#6b040a0
   |   |   |   |  )decl_specifier#6b040c0
   |   |   |   | )basic_decl_specifier_seq#6b040e0
   |   |   |   | (ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6b04200^1#6b04220:2 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |  (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1422#6b041e0^1#6b04200:1 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6b041a0^1#6b041e0:1 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |(declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6b04180^1#6b041a0:1 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   | (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6b04160^1#6b04180:1 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |  (unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=320#6b04140^1#6b04160:1 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   (operator_function_id@Cpp~GCC5=2027#6b04120^1#6b04140:1 Line 1 Column 54 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   |(operator@Cpp~GCC5=2070#6b04100^1#6b04120:1 Line 1 Column 62 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)operator
   |   |   |   |   |   )operator_function_id#6b04120
   |   |   |   |   |  )unqualified_id#6b04140
   |   |   |   |   | )id_expression#6b04160
   |   |   |   |   |)declarator_id#6b04180
   |   |   |   |   )noptr_declarator#6b041a0
   |   |   |   |   (parameter_declaration_clause@Cpp~GCC5=1558#6afba40^1#6b041e0:2 Line 1 Column 65 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)parameter_declaration_clause
   |   |   |   |   (function_qualifiers@Cpp~GCC5=1438#6b041c0^1#6b041e0:3 Line 1 Column 66 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)function_qualifiers
   |   |   |   |  )noptr_declarator#6b041e0
   |   |   |   | )ptr_declarator#6b04200
   |   |   |   |)function_head#6b04220
   |   |   |   |(function_body@Cpp~GCC5=1680#6b04300^1#6b04280:2 Line 1 Column 66 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   | (compound_statement@Cpp~GCC5=889#6b04760^1#6b04300:1 Line 1 Column 66 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |  (pp_statement_seq@Cpp~GCC5=894#6b04780^1#6b04760:1 Line 1 Column 67 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   (statement@Cpp~GCC5=857#6b04440^1#6b04780:1 Line 1 Column 67 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |(jump_statement@Cpp~GCC5=1011#6afba80^1#6b04440:1 Line 1 Column 67 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   | (pm_expression@Cpp~GCC5=551#6b04380^1#6afba80:1 Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |  (cast_expression@Cpp~GCC5=543#6b04360^1#6b04380:1 Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   (unary_expression@Cpp~GCC5=465#6b04340^1#6b04360:1 Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   |(primary_expression@Cpp~GCC5=307#6b04320^1#6b04340:1 Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   | (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6b042a0^1#6b04320:1 Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   |  (unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6b04260^1#6b042a0:1 Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |   |   (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6b04240^1#6b04260:1[`V'] Line 1 Column 74 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   |   |   |   |  )unqualified_id#6b04260
   |   |   |   |   |   | )id_expression#6b042a0
   |   |   |   |   |   |)primary_expression#6b04320
   |   |   |   |   |   )unary_expression#6b04340
   |   |   |   |   |  )cast_expression#6b04360
   |   |   |   |   | )pm_expression#6b04380
   |   |   |   |   |)jump_statement#6afba80
   |   |   |   |   )statement#6b04440
   |   |   |   |  )pp_statement_seq#6b04780
   |   |   |   | )compound_statement#6b04760
   |   |   |   |)function_body#6b04300
   |   |   |   )function_definition#6b04280
   |   |   |  )member_declaration#6b04820
   |   |   | )member_declaration_or_access_specifier#6b042c0
   |   |   |)member_specification#6b042e0
   |   |   )class_specifier#6b04880
   |   |  )type_specifier#6b048a0
   |   | )decl_specifier#6b048c0
   |   |)basic_decl_specifier_seq#6b048e0
   |   )simple_declaration#6b04900
   |  )block_declaration#6b04920
   | )declaration#6b04940
  (pp_declaration_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1022#6b06620^1#6b06640:2 Line 3 Column 1 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   (declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1036#6b06600^1#6b06620:1 Line 3 Column 1 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |(template_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=2079#6b065e0^1#6b06600:1 Line 3 Column 1 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   | (template_parameter_list@Cpp~GCC5=2083#6b05460^1#6b065e0:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |  (template_parameter_list@Cpp~GCC5=2083#6b05140^1#6b05460:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   (template_parameter_list@Cpp~GCC5=2083#6b04ee0^1#6b05140:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |(template_parameter_list@Cpp~GCC5=2082#6b04cc0^1#6b04ee0:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (template_parameter@Cpp~GCC5=2085#6b04ca0^1#6b04cc0:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (parameter_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1611#6b04c80^1#6b04ca0:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6b04a40^1#6b04c80:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6b04a20^1#6b04a40:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6b04a00^1#6b04a20:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |  (simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1138#6b049e0^1#6b04a00:1 Line 3 Column 10 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |   | )trailing_type_specifier#6b04a00
   |   |   |)decl_specifier#6b04a20
   |   |   )basic_decl_specifier_seq#6b04a40
   |   |   (ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6b04c40^1#6b04c80:2 Line 3 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6b04be0^1#6b04c40:1 Line 3 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6b04bc0^1#6b04be0:1 Line 3 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |  (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6b04b60^1#6b04bc0:1 Line 3 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   (unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6b04ac0^1#6b04b60:1 Line 3 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   |(IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6b049c0^1#6b04ac0:1[`no'] Line 3 Column 15 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   |   )unqualified_id#6b04ac0
   |   |   |  )id_expression#6b04b60
   |   |   | )declarator_id#6b04bc0
   |   |   |)noptr_declarator#6b04be0
   |   |   )ptr_declarator#6b04c40
   |   |  )parameter_declaration#6b04c80
   |   | )template_parameter#6b04ca0
   |   |)template_parameter_list#6b04cc0
   |   |(template_parameter@Cpp~GCC5=2085#6b04ec0^1#6b04ee0:2 Line 3 Column 19 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (parameter_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1611#6b04ea0^1#6b04ec0:1 Line 3 Column 19 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6b04b40^1#6b04ea0:1 Line 3 Column 19 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6b04ba0^1#6b04b40:1 Line 3 Column 19 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6b04c60^1#6b04ba0:1 Line 3 Column 19 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1138#6b04580^1#6b04c60:1 Line 3 Column 19 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |   |)trailing_type_specifier#6b04c60
   |   |   )decl_specifier#6b04ba0
   |   |  )basic_decl_specifier_seq#6b04b40
   |   |  (ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6b04e60^1#6b04ea0:2 Line 3 Column 24 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6b04e40^1#6b04e60:1 Line 3 Column 24 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6b04de0^1#6b04e40:1 Line 3 Column 24 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6b04d80^1#6b04de0:1 Line 3 Column 24 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |  (unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6b04ce0^1#6b04d80:1 Line 3 Column 24 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |   (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6b04560^1#6b04ce0:1[`yes'] Line 3 Column 24 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   |  )unqualified_id#6b04ce0
   |   |   | )id_expression#6b04d80
   |   |   |)declarator_id#6b04de0
   |   |   )noptr_declarator#6b04e40
   |   |  )ptr_declarator#6b04e60
   |   | )parameter_declaration#6b04ea0
   |   |)template_parameter#6b04ec0
   |   )template_parameter_list#6b04ee0
   |   (template_parameter@Cpp~GCC5=2085#6b05120^1#6b05140:2 Line 3 Column 29 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |(parameter_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1611#6b05100^1#6b05120:1 Line 3 Column 29 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6b04d20^1#6b05100:1 Line 3 Column 29 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6b04dc0^1#6b04d20:1 Line 3 Column 29 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6b04e80^1#6b04dc0:1 Line 3 Column 29 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1140#6b046e0^1#6b04e80:1 Line 3 Column 29 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |   )trailing_type_specifier#6b04e80
   |   |  )decl_specifier#6b04dc0
   |   | )basic_decl_specifier_seq#6b04d20
   |   | (ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6b05080^1#6b05100:2 Line 3 Column 33 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6b05020^1#6b05080:1 Line 3 Column 33 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6b05000^1#6b05020:1 Line 3 Column 33 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6b04fa0^1#6b05000:1 Line 3 Column 33 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6b04f00^1#6b04fa0:1 Line 3 Column 33 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |  (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6b046c0^1#6b04f00:1[`f'] Line 3 Column 33 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   | )unqualified_id#6b04f00
   |   |   |)id_expression#6b04fa0
   |   |   )declarator_id#6b05000
   |   |  )noptr_declarator#6b05020
   |   | )ptr_declarator#6b05080
   |   |)parameter_declaration#6b05100
   |   )template_parameter#6b05120
   |  )template_parameter_list#6b05140
   |  (template_parameter@Cpp~GCC5=2085#6b05440^1#6b05460:2 Line 3 Column 36 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   (parameter_declaration@Cpp~GCC5=1611#6b05420^1#6b05440:1 Line 3 Column 36 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |(basic_decl_specifier_seq@Cpp~GCC5=1070#6b05160^1#6b05420:1 Line 3 Column 36 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (decl_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1073#6b04fe0^1#6b05160:1 Line 3 Column 36 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (trailing_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1118#6b050e0^1#6b04fe0:1 Line 3 Column 36 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (simple_type_specifier@Cpp~GCC5=1140#6b050c0^1#6b050e0:1 Line 3 Column 36 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)simple_type_specifier
   |   |  )trailing_type_specifier#6b050e0
   |   | )decl_specifier#6b04fe0
   |   |)basic_decl_specifier_seq#6b05160
   |   |(ptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1417#6b053e0^1#6b05420:2 Line 3 Column 40 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   | (noptr_declarator@Cpp~GCC5=1421#6b053c0^1#6b053e0:1 Line 3 Column 40 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |  (declarator_id@Cpp~GCC5=1487#6b05360^1#6b053c0:1 Line 3 Column 40 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   (id_expression@Cpp~GCC5=317#6b05280^1#6b05360:1 Line 3 Column 40 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   |(unqualified_id@Cpp~GCC5=319#6b051a0^1#6b05280:1 Line 3 Column 40 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp
   |   |   | (IDENTIFIER@Cpp~GCC5=3368#6b046a0^1#6b051a0:1[`p'] Line 3 Column 40 File C:/temp/prime_with_templates.cpp)IDENTIFIER
   |   |   |)unqualified_id#6b051a0
   |   |   )id_expression#6b05280
   |   |  )declarator_id#6b05360
   |   | )noptr_declarator#6b053c0
   |   |)ptr_declarator#6b053e0
   |   )parameter_declaration#6b05420
   |  )template_parameter#6b05440
   | )template_parameter_list#6b05460
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