大家好。 我目前使用 cvs 来控制所有源文件,但希望从 cvs 迁移到 svn。 有人能给我一些指点吗? 我有很多项目,但它们都很相似,因此只想有这样的结构:
主干。 /prj1,2,3 等 分支。 如上 标签。 如上所述,
我将使用 cvs2svn 工具,已阅读文档,但对所有这些仍然陌生。 我的所有项目都可以通过一条命令行指令进行转换吗?
在做这一切之前我必须先设置一个 svn 环境,对吗?
任何有任何提示的人都会有所帮助。 谢谢
Hey guys. I currently use cvs to control all my source files but want to move away from cvs to svn. Could anyone give me some pointers? I have loads of projects but they are all similar therefore would like to just have the structure:
Trunk. /prj1,2,3, etc
Branch. As above
Tag. As above
I am going to be using the cvs2svn tool, have read the documentation but am still new to all of this. Can my projects all be converted with one command line instruction?
Am I right that before doing all this I have to set up an svn environment first?
Anyone with any tips would be helpful. Thanks
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

您是否阅读过 http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/cvs2svn.html 上的文档?
Have you read the documentation at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/cvs2svn.html?
我认为你需要了解 cvs 和 svn 之间的区别/相似之处。 这是一个开始: cvs-crossover-guide< /a> 和 cvs 用户的 svn。
从那里开始,事情可能会变得更加清晰。 cvs2svn 工具本身允许您直接创建 svn 存储库、写入现有存储库或创建 svn 转储文件,具体取决于命令行选项。 cvs2svn 文档对此进行了解释。
I think you need to learn the differences/similarities between cvs and svn. Here's a start: cvs-crossover-guide and svn for cvs users.
From there, things should probably get clearer. The cvs2svn tool itself lets you either directly create a svn repository, write to an existing repository or create a svn dump file, depending on the command line options. This is explained in the cvs2svn docs.
如果您希望项目最终位于单个 SVN 存储库中,那么您必须执行 多项目转换,这要求您使用选项文件方法开始转换。 复制您正在使用的 cvs2svn 版本附带的 cvs2svn-example.options 文件,并按照注释中的说明编辑该文件。 然后运行
您不必首先设置 Subversion 存储库; cvs2svn 可以为您创建它。
If you want the projects to end up in a single SVN repository, then you have to do a multiproject conversion, which requires you to use the options file method to start the conversion. Make a copy of the cvs2svn-example.options file that came with the version of cvs2svn that you are using and edit that file as described in its comments. Then run
You don't necessarily have to set up a Subversion repository first; cvs2svn can create it for you.
不,您不需要先设置 SVN 存储库。 但如果您已经有一个,则可以将其用作目标。 来自文档:
No, you don't need to set up a SVN repository first. But if you already have one you can use it as the target. From the documentation:
I've created a simple "idiot steps" to study and controld each pass of this process.
What is your OS ?
if you need a list of steps to do this, post a comment and I will share.