Spring roo VS (Wicket 和 Spring)
Spring roo 是一个新框架,我发现它非常有趣。 过去 3-4 年我一直致力于 Web 应用程序,并且始终发现,如果每个人都没有足够遵守标记和服务器端逻辑分离的规定,那么 JSP 很难跨团队维护。 我在上一个项目中使用了 JackBe/BackBase,并且喜欢将 xml 模板用作视图。 这比 JSP 好得多。 但我无法通过 selenium 进行后台自动化网络测试。
我肯定会在后端使用 Spring MVC (-view)、Hibernate。 我发现 Wicket 是一个不错的选择。 您是否将 wicket 与 Spring 一起使用过?您的体验如何?
Spring roo is new framework and I found it very interesting. I have been working on web application for last 3-4 years and Always found JSPs are hard to maintain across teams if everyone is not disciplined enough about separation of markup and serverside logic. I have used JackBe/BackBase in last projects and I enjoyed xml templates working as views. This was much better than JSPs. But I couldnt automate webtests through selenium for backbase.
I would be surely using Spring MVC (-view), Hibernate on the backend. I found Wicket as good alternative. Have you used wicket along with Spring and what was your experience?
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几个月前我看过 Roo 的演示。 它看起来很像 Grails(另一种 Spring 技术),只不过您不是为 Groovy 语言创建工件,而是为 Java 创建它们。
尽管如此,它仍然强制执行良好的实践,并使您以干净的方式应用 MVC 模式。
就我个人而言,该演示并没有让我改变我的首选工具包(Grails),但那是因为我可以使用 Groovy 获得更快的结果(例如,在 Java 中解析 xml 比在 Groovy 中“痛苦”得多)。 此外,使用 Grails,我可以立即看到所做的更改,而无需在每次想要查看结果时重新编译整个项目并重新启动应用程序。
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,在 Grails 中,您有大量插件可以用来制作精美的 Ajax 网站(例如 ZK,如果您想避免使用 Javascript,但也有适用于 GWT、Yahoo、Dojo 等的插件...)。
因此,如果您不想学习 Groovy(如果您已经了解 Java,那么这并不太难),Roo 是利用 Hibernate 和 Spring 的所有功能构建干净的 Web 项目的方法。
I've seen a demo of Roo a few months ago. It looks a lot like Grails (another spring technology), except that instead of creating artifacts for the Groovy language, you create them for Java.
Still it enforces good practice and makes you apply the MVC pattern in a clean way.
Personally, the demo didn't make me change my preferred toolkit (Grails), but that's because I can achieve faster results with Groovy (parsing xml for example is much more "painful" in Java than in Groovy). Also, with Grails I can see the changes I make instantly without having to recompile my entire project and relaunch the application each time I want to see the results.
Last but not least, in Grails you have tons of plugins to make fancy Ajax websites (ZK for example, if you want to avoid Javascript, but there are plugins for GWT, Yahoo, Dojo, etc...).
So, if you don't want to learn Groovy (which is not too difficult if you already know Java), Roo is the way to go to build clean web projects with all the power of Hibernate and Spring.
I hope this helps...
当人们可以使用 GWT 构建一些东西并最终获得更丰富、更好的结果并且不受 Roo 及其架构的限制时,为什么要使用 Roo。 Spring Web Flow 已经是昨天的技术了。
Why use Roo when one can build something w/ GWT and end up w/ a far richer better outcome and without the constraints of Roo and its architecture. Spring Web Flow is yesterdays technology.
这完全取决于您的要求。 如果它是一个小站点,那么像 GWT 或 Wicket 这样的面向组件的框架是必须的,因为它们使事情真正变得简单。
It completely depends on what your requirements are. If it's a small site then Component Oriented frameworks like GWT or Wicket are a must as they make things really easy.
Roo 多久支持 GWT? 我认为 Roo 使用 GWT 对 GWT 和 Roo 来说是一个巨大的胜利!
How soon with Roo support GWT? I think that the use of GWT by Roo makes it a huge win for GWT and Roo!
Roo 和 GWT 现已推出今天< /a> 以预发布形式。 在我看来,绝对没有准备好迎接黄金时段。
Roo and GWT are available today in pre-release form. In my opinion, definitely not ready for prime time.
首先,Spring Roo是一个代码生成器工具(类似于Grails命令 系统):
其次,Spring Roo 应用程序当前使用 Spring Web Flow 作为视图,使用 Spring 作为粘合剂。
因此,虽然您可以比较(Spring Web Flow + Spring)和(Wicket + Spring),但后面的组合并没有提供任何与 Roo 开箱即用的功能(可能 AppFuse 或 AppFuse Light 但你没有提到它们,它们是第三方项目)。
换句话说,我认为“Spring Roo vs(Wicket 和 Spring)”没有意义。
First, Spring Roo is a code generator tool (similar to Grails commands system):
(source: springsource.com)
Second, Spring Roo applications currently use Spring Web Flow for the view and Spring for the glue.
So, while you can compare (Spring Web Flow + Spring) and (Wicket + Spring), the later combo doesn't offer anything comparable to Roo out of the box (maybe AppFuse or AppFuse Light but you didn't mention them and they are third-party projects).
In other words, I don't think that "Spring Roo vs (Wicket and Spring)" makes sense.
我们当前的项目使用 Spring 和 Wicket,我们一直使用 Spring,但一年前切换到 Wicket。 几点建议:
Spring Roo 仍处于测试阶段(1.0 M2),所以可能有点早。
我们也考虑过 Tapestry 5,但一年前我们认为它还很年轻。
Our current project uses Spring and Wicket, we have always used Spring but switched to Wicket a year ago. Few advices:
Spring Roo is still in beta (1.0 M2), so it may be a little early.
We also considered Tapestry 5 but we thought it was a bit young a year ago.
Spring Roo 1.0.0 (GA) 现已发布,包含大约 100 页的文档。
如果您想知道 Roo 是什么,并且 为什么使用它,我建议您阅读参考指南的介绍性章节。 它涵盖了这一点以及更多内容。
@Antony,GWT 支持是 Roo 的首要任务,也是我目前正在努力的工作。 预计在不久的将来会看到一些有趣的集成。
Spring Roo 1.0.0 (GA) has now been released, complete with around 100 pages of documentation.
If you're wondering about what Roo is and why use it, I recommend you take a read of the introductory chapter of the reference guide. It covers this and more.
@Antony, GWT support is a major priority for Roo and something I am currently working on. Expect to see some interesting integration in the very near future.
今年早些时候,我正在阿姆斯特丹参加 SpringOne 会议,当时他们宣布了 Roo。 我的印象(以及我在场的同事的印象)是,如果您每隔几周生成一个基于 Web 的 CRUD 应用程序,Roo 会很好 - 他们将其定位为 Grails 的纯 Java 版本(即 Java 的 RoR)。
对于其他人来说看起来并不有趣 - 但这只是一个意见。
I was at the SpringOne conference in Amsterdam earlier this year when they announced Roo. My impression (and that of my colleague who was there) was that Roo was good if you were generating a web-based CRUD application every few weeks - they pitched it as the pure Java version of Grails (which is RoR for Java).
Didn't look interesting for anyone else - but that's just an opinion.