如何使用 PHP 处理邮件发送错误
我正在构建一个用于发送新闻通讯的 symfony 模块。 这个想法是建立一个地址队列列表来接收邮件,然后使用 cron 作业,一次发送 50 个邮件。
我现在不知道如何做是阅读当电子邮件地址不存在或邮件已满时服务器发回的邮件传送报告。 这个想法是存储这些错误报告并清理地址列表。
I am building a symfony module for sending newsletters. the idea is to build a queue list of adreeses to receice the mail and then ,with a cron job, send let's say 50 at a time.
What i don't now how to do is to read the Mail Delivery reports that are sent back by the server when an email adress doesn't exist or the mail is full. The idea is to store these error reports an clean the adress list.
Any ideea how to implement that?
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When reading the "bounced inbox", you can use a class like this to actually parse the mail and see what status was returned (e.g. permanent or temporary error):
To really parse a mail accurately will give you a hard time, as not all mailservers are alike and some will send you a "mailbox full"-error marked with a "permanent" flag while others may tell you that the error "user doesn't exist" is "temporary".
I tried a solution for this once and ended up setting up my own parser connected to a huge database containing possible server replies (and their "real" meaning :).
您可以在发送时使用回复地址。 因此,绑定的电子邮件将发送到此 ID。 您还可以创建另一个 PHP 脚本,该脚本将 阅读此“回复”电子邮件收件箱并从中获取 ID。 然后您可以从您拥有的列表中删除该 ID。
You can use a reply to address while sending. So bouned emails will be sent to this id. You can also create another PHP script which will read this "reply to" email inbox and get the id from it. You can then remove this id from the list you have.