我正在考虑是否应该在我的项目中使用 Turbogears 还是 Pylons。 我知道 Turbogears2 是基于 Pylons 的。 Turbogears 提供了哪些 Pylon 没有提供的功能? 谢谢。
I am considering whether I should use Turbogears or Pylons for my project. I know Turbogears2 is based on Pylons. What does Turbogears provide that Pylon doesn't?
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Turbogears 强调集成,而 Pylons 强调模块化——使用 TG2,您将获得诸如 genshi、toscawidgets 和 sqlalchemy,一切综合协调。 当然,您可以将它们中的每一个(或其他模板系统、小部件系统、ORM 等)与 Pylons 集成和协调,但毫无疑问,许多人会更喜欢获得完整的包(并且因为了解一切而感到安心)在特定版本和配置中进行了测试),而不是单独获取每个部分并进行自己的集成。
Turbogears emphasises integration, while Pylons emphasises modularity -- with TG2, you're getting such components as genshi, toscawidgets, and sqlalchemy, all integrated and coordinated. Of course you could integrate and coordinate each of them (or other templating systems, widget systems, ORMs, etc) with Pylons, but no doubt many people will prefer to get the complete package (and the peace of mind that comes from knowing everything has been tested in that specific version and configuration) rather than getting each piece separately and doing their own integration.
不久前,我在 IRC 上想到了这个:
使用 Pylons,您将开始查看所有这些蓝色碎片,并将它们放在一起,有时会弄乱,因为您不知道它们是天空还是海洋。
有了 TurboGears,所有的蓝色工作都已经完成,您只需去船上工作即可。 但如果你有兴趣做一些蓝色的事情,你可以撤销拼图的那部分,然后重新构建它*。
Some time ago I came up with this on IRC:
Imagine you have a puzzle and the picture in the box is a boat out on the sea (yes one of those hard ones).
With Pylons you will start looking at all those blue pieces and putting them together sometimes messing up because you don't know if they are sky or sea.
With TurboGears all the blue is already done and you simply go and work on the ship. But if you are interested in doing some of the blue you go and undo that part of the puzzle and build it again*.
*here the analogy breaks a little as the replacement component doesn't needs to be build out of the same set of pieces :)
neil balkey-milner 有一个有价值的分析/比较 pylons tg 和 django。
neil balkey-milner has a valuable analysis/comparison of pylons tg and django.