传统“通信”的使用 .NET Framework 中的类

发布于 2024-07-26 02:30:56 字数 251 浏览 2 评论 0原文

我有一个 Web 应用程序,它使用 .NET Remoting 将长时间运行的请求传递到另一台计算机上的 Windows 服务。 有人告诉我 .NET Remoting 是一种过时的技术,不应再使用它。

我应该使用 WCF 重写服务,还是保持原样? 如果我重写它,当微软用其他东西取代WCF时,我是否还得重新重写它?

注意:这不是一个反问句。 微软已经至少三次改变了它的远程故事。 (DCOM、.NET 远程处理、WCF、?...)

I have a web application which passes long-running requests to a Windows Service on another computer, using .NET Remoting. I have been told that .NET Remoting is an obsolete technology, and that it should no longer be used.

Should I rewrite the service using WCF, or leave it as it is? If I rewrite it, am I going to have to rewrite it again when Microsoft replaces WCF with something else?

NOTE: This is not a rhetorical question. Microsoft has changed its remoting story at least three times. (DCOM, .NET Remoting, WCF, ?...)

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捎一片雪花 2024-08-02 02:30:56

鉴于 WCF 和 .NET Remoting 不太容易互换(.NET Remoting 基于远程对象,而 WCF 更多的是面向文档的消息传递),我不会仅仅因为 .NET 就将代码重写为 WCF 的麻烦远程处理不再被视为热门。 当然,您的实际情况可能会有很大差异。

如果 .NET Remoting 适合您并且不需要更改任何内容,请保留它。 在某些时候,您可能必须考虑切换到基于 WCF 的技术来支持更多样化的客户端 - 这种转变现在似乎很常见 - 但在那一天到来之前,请保持简单。 然而,我会从一开始就在 WCF 上编写新的应用程序,主要是为了鼓励自己保持 SOA 思维的文档通信模型。

Given that WCF and .NET Remoting are not very easily interchangable (.NET Remoting is based on remote objects while WCF is more about document-oriented messaging), I wouldn't go to the trouble of rewriting the code to WCF just because .NET Remoting is no longer considered hot. Of course, your actual circumstances may vary heavily.

If .NET Remoting works for you and nothing needs change, keep it. At some point you may have to consider switching to WCF-based technology to support more diverse clients - such transitions seem to be common these days - but until that day comes, keep it simple. I would, however, write new applications on WCF from the start, mostly to encourage myself to keep within the SOA-minded document communications model.

梦醒时光 2024-08-02 02:30:56

我想我们应该清楚Remoting的地位。 它很可能永远不会得到改善。 修复的错误数量很可能会大幅减少。 它可能会达到只修复业务关键错误或安全关键错误的程度。

您可能还需要考虑到 Microsoft 显然并不认为“远程”解决方案是必要的。 也就是说,解决方案中服务器中有一个具有状态的对象,并且远程计算机可以进行方法调用,这些方法调用实际上通过代理跨网络到达该特定对象。

请注意,Remoting 的大部分技术都是 WCF 的一部分。 通道和消息栈的可扩展性; 可配置性的程度; 所有这些都是 WCF 的一部分。

坦率地说,我认为您没有理由更改现有代码。 不过,我建议您花一些时间在您的组织中达到这样的程度:如果您想使用远程处理启动一个新项目,那么您可以轻松地使用 WCF。

最后,Remoting 是否有您认为 WCF 无法适应的部分? 我的意思是,除了 WCF 中行为和数据已分离这一事实之外。

PS 在我看来:

  • WSE 已经过时了。 除非您别无选择,否则不要使用它。 尽快更换。
  • ASMX 现在被公开承认为“遗留技术”。 请参阅 ASMX Web 服务是一项“传统技术”,并发表评论如果你喜欢的话。
  • 在我看来,远程处理与 ASMX 的地位几乎相同,因为它的大部分或全部功能已被 WCF 取代。

I think we should be clear on the status of Remoting. It most likely will never be improved. It most likely will have a sharply reduced number of bugs fixed. It could reach the point where only business-critical bugs, or security-critical bugs, will ever be fixed.

You may also want to consider that Microsoft apparently does not consider a "Remoting" solution to be necessary. That is, the solution where there is an object in a server, complete with state, and a remote machine may make method calls that actually go to that specific object, across the network, via a proxy.

Note that a great deal of the technology of Remoting is part of WCF. The channel and message stack extensibility; the extent of the configurability; all of those things are part of WCF.

Frankly, I see no reason for you to change your existing code. However, I recommend that you take the time to reach the point in your organization where, if you would have started a new project using Remoting, that you can be comfortable using WCF instead.

Finally, is there any part of Remoting that you feel WCF does not accommodate? I mean, other than the fact that behavior and data have been separated in WCF.

P.S. In my opinion:

  • WSE is obsolete. Don't use it unless you have no other choice at all. Replace it as soon as possible.
  • ASMX is now publicly acknowledged to be "legacy technology". See ASMX Web Services are a “Legacy Technology”, and comment if you feel like it.
  • Remoting, in my opinion is pretty much in the same position as ASMX, as having had most, or all, of its features superseded by WCF.
冷心人i 2024-08-02 02:30:56

WCF 只是几种不同方式组合在一起的包罗万象的抽象,其中包括远程处理。 没有性能保证,事实上,在某些情况下,远程处理比 WCF 快得多。

如果您按照 .NET 远程处理指南实施了您的项目。 那么迁移应该不会很简单。


WCF is simply an all-encompassiing abstaction of several different ways put together that includes remoting. There are no performance guarantees, in fact, in some cases, remoting is much faster than WCF.

If you implemented your project as per the .NET remoting guidance. then migration should not be very simple.

My personal suggestion would be to leave it as is, unless you can justify the migration in terms of business needs.

蹲在坟头点根烟 2024-08-02 02:30:56

我想说,除非您当前的解决方案不能满足特定需求,否则不需要重写它。 确实,.NET Remoting 将不再先进,因为理论上已被 WCF 取代,但我的感觉是,如果它没有损坏,为什么要修复它呢?

附: WCF 并不像上面一些人所说的那样是一个纯粹的消息传递解决方案。 MS 将其定位为应用程序和应用程序组件之间所有通信的通用方式。 它是多种技术的整合,例如 MSMQ、.NET Remoting、Web 服务等。

i would say that unless your current solution does not meet a particular need there should be no need to rewrite it. True, .NET Remoting will no longer be advanced bna din theory has been replaced by WCF but my feeling is if it aint broke why fix it?

ps. WCF is not a pure messaging solution as some people above are making it out to be. MS has positioned it as the common way for all COMMUNICATION between applications and application components. it is a consolidation of a variety of technologies like MSMQ, .NET Remoting, Web Services etc.

煮茶煮酒煮时光 2024-08-02 02:30:56

.NET Remoting 并没有过时。 成为过时的技术应该有继任者,但 .NET Remoting 的情况并非如此。 WCF 和.NET Remoting 实际上是做不同的事情。 当 .NET Remoting 是对象分发解决方案时,WCF 是消息传递解决方案(并且是 ASPX 的后继者)。

因此,我的建议是不必费心将实现更新为 WCF,只需使用 .NET Remoting(免责声明,我曾经使用 .NET Remoting 作为消息传递解决方案,现在我的默认选择当然是 WCF)。

.NET Remoting is not obsolete. To become obsolete technology should have successor, this is not the case for .NET Remoting. WCF and .NET Remoting is actually do different things. WCF is messaging solution (and it successor of ASPX) when .NET Remoting is object distribution solution.

So my suggestion is not bother to update your implementation to WCF, just use .NET Remoting (disclaimer, I used to use .NET Remoting as messaging solution and now my default choice is of course WCF).

情绪 2024-08-02 02:30:56

如果您想要真正的长寿,您应该构建自己的远程技术,原因有两个。 首先,将自己与 Microsoft 技术联系得太紧密并不是一个好主意。 正如你所说,他们很快就过时了。 其次,根据您自己的需求进行调整,它应该优于您的应用程序的任何远程处理框架。

我在基准测试中击败了 SOAP 远程处理 10%,但由于某种我不知道的原因,10% 的基准测试调整为 90% 的现场增益。

If you want true longevity, you should build your own remoting technology, for two reasons. First, it is not a good idea to bind yourself too closely to a Microsoft technology. As you said, they obsolete things rather too quickly. Second, tuned to your own needs, it should outperform any remoting framework for your applications.

I beat SOAP remoting by 10% in benchmarking, but for some reason unknown to me, that 10% benchmark tuned into a 90% field gain.

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