我需要在列表中找到一个用户来设置分配给任务属性,这些信息都在列表中。 所以我使用这个方法:
public static SPUser GetSPUser(SPListItem item, string key){
SPFieldUser field = item.Fields[key] as SPFieldUser;
if (field != null)
SPFieldUserValue fieldValue = field.GetFieldValue(item[key].ToString()) as SPFieldUserValue;
if (fieldValue != null)
return fieldValue.User;
return null;
问题是,当我使用这个方法或这部分代码时,我的工作流程停止了,什么也没说。 这是我使用它时的代码示例:
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(adress_of_my_site))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPList list = web.Lists["Acteurs du projet"];
SPView view = cobj_ListeDesActeursDuProjet.DefaultView;
SPListItemCollection itemcollection = list.GetItems(view);
foreach (SPListItem item in itemcollection)
SPUser lobj_acteur = Utilities.GetSPUser(item,"acteur");
// Dictionary<string,class>
ActeursDuProjet[item["Rôle"].ToString()] =
new ActeursDuProjet()
Login = lobj_acteur.LoginName,
Email = lobj_acteur.Email
如果我评论 foreach 的内容,我的工作流程也会继续...
问候, Loïc
I need to find an user in a list to set the assignedto task property, these informations are in a list. So i use this method :
public static SPUser GetSPUser(SPListItem item, string key){
SPFieldUser field = item.Fields[key] as SPFieldUser;
if (field != null)
SPFieldUserValue fieldValue = field.GetFieldValue(item[key].ToString()) as SPFieldUserValue;
if (fieldValue != null)
return fieldValue.User;
return null;
The problem is that when i use this method or this part of code, my workflow stop without saying anything. Here an exemple of code when i use it :
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(adress_of_my_site))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPList list = web.Lists["Acteurs du projet"];
SPView view = cobj_ListeDesActeursDuProjet.DefaultView;
SPListItemCollection itemcollection = list.GetItems(view);
foreach (SPListItem item in itemcollection)
SPUser lobj_acteur = Utilities.GetSPUser(item,"acteur");
// Dictionary<string,class>
ActeursDuProjet[item["Rôle"].ToString()] =
new ActeursDuProjet()
Login = lobj_acteur.LoginName,
Email = lobj_acteur.Email
If i comment the content of my foreach my workflow continue as well...
If anybody have an idea it will be cool.
edit: problem in the code
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ULS 日志
对所有 .NET 代码启用调试
这将导致每当 SharePoint 以及您的代码中发生异常时调试器就会中断。 缺点是调试器会因“正常”异常而中断,而不会导致任何副作用。 所以不要被误导!
要启用:转到“调试”、“异常”并勾选“公共语言运行时异常”。 另请转到“工具”、“选项”、“调试”并取消选中“仅启用我的代码”。 然后附加到 w3wp.exe。
您还可以注释掉所有代码。 如果工作流程步骤失败,您就知道其他地方存在问题。 如果工作流程步骤通过,则开始取消注释代码,直到失败 - 然后您就知道在哪里查找。
Here are some debugging tips that might help:
ULS logs
Any exceptions should be reported here in some detail.
Enable debugging for all .NET code
This will cause the debugger to break whenever an exception occurs in SharePoint as well as your code. The downside is that the debugger will break on 'normal' exceptions that cause no side effects. So don't be misled!
To enable: Go to Debug, Exceptions and tick Common Language Runtime Exceptions. Also go to Tools, Options, Debugging and untick Enable Just My Code. Then attach to w3wp.exe.
Commenting code
You could also comment out all of your code. If the workflow step fails, you know there is a problem elsewhere. If the workflow step passes, then start uncommenting code until it fails - then you know where to look.
I tried commenting this above but it didn't format nicely so here it is.
It probably is fine, but this looks fishy to me:
I would think it would be something like: