谁决定应用程序 UI 的外观?

发布于 2024-07-25 23:27:43 字数 1432 浏览 2 评论 0原文

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落日海湾 2024-08-01 23:27:44

大多数公司都有 GUI 专家和设计前端的人。 有些甚至有完全不同的人在团队中进行接口层编程,从而产生诸如 Expression 之类的工具这应该在这两项工作之间划清界限。


Most companies have GUI experts and who design the front end. Some even have altogether different person(s) in team for interface layer programming, leading to tools like Expression which are supposed to draw a line between both jobs.

It however depends completely on company/person developing the application.

少女的英雄梦 2024-08-01 23:27:44

嗯,UI 设计应该是协作的成果。 作为开发人员,您应该提供技术建议,因为您从内部了解系统。 你的老板确实提供了最终答案,但他/她可以提供你可能没有意识到的不同意见。

但通常情况下,业务合作伙伴会决定最终的 UI。 他们对您的程序要解决的任何问题都有实际经验。 他们有时确实知道用户对解决方案的需求和期望。 如果开发人员和业务合作伙伴合作设计,用户界面将会更加友好。

Well, UI design should be a collaborative effort. You as a developer should provide technical suggestions as you know the system from the inside. Your boss does provide the final answer, but he/she can provide a different opinion that you may not have realized.

Usually though, the business partner decides the final UI. They have have the practical experience with whatever your program is going to solve. They sometimes know for a fact what the user wants and expects from a solution. The UI would be a lot friendlier if the developer and business partner collaborated on the design.

时光匆匆的小流年 2024-08-01 23:27:44

专门的 UI 人员对于开发团队来说很有价值,但多个角色应该参与 UI 开发。 理想情况下,UI 人员应该能够在设计师和程序员之间架起桥梁,以便能够以最少的技术问题实现最终设计。 应与程序员一起审查 UI,以确保它可以转换到网络(或您正在使用的任何平台),并与业务分析师一起审查,以确保准确地表示所有需求。 用户还应该参与设计过程,因为他们可以提供有关可用性的反馈。 有时,您认为很棒的 UI 会因为用户不理解某些功能而失败。 我从来没有让项目经理参与过 UI,但每个团队都是不同的。

就 UI 开发人员的技能而言 - 找到具有开发经验的图形/网页设计师并不罕见,因此他们将能够创建设计并将其集成到应用程序中。 根据项目规模,您可能拥有不同的 UI 角色。 我参与的一个项目有一名图形设计师、一名可用性/508 专家和一名“UI 集成商”(基本上是前端开发人员)。 如果 UI 人员没有钱,我想这个任务就会落到开发人员身上。 我曾与一些声称自己“不做 UI”的程序员合作过,他们甚至不会接触演示代码,但我认为任何在具有 UI 的平台上工作的程序员都需要能够做前端工作。

A dedicated UI person is valuable to a development team, but several roles should have involvement in UI development. Ideally a UI person should be able to bridge between designers and programmers, so that the final design can be implemented with minimal technical problems. UI should be reviewed with programmers to make sure it can be translated to the web (or whatever platform you're working on) and with business analysts to make sure all the requirements were accurately represented. Users should also be involved in the design process, since they can provide feedback on usability. Sometimes what you think is a great UI will fall flat because users don't understand certain features. I've never had a project manager get involved in UI, but every team is different.

As far as the skills of the person developing the UI - It's not unusual to find a graphic/web designer who has development experience, so they will be able to create the designs and integrate them into the application. Depending on the project size you may have different UI roles. One project I worked on had a graphic designer, a usability / 508 expert, and a "UI integrator" (basically a front end developer). If there is no money for UI people, I guess the task would fall to a developer. I've worked with programmers who claim they "don't do UI" and they won't even touch presentation code, but I think any programmer who works on a platform that has UI needs to be able to do front end work.

送你一个梦 2024-08-01 23:27:44

这是针对用户体验团队的。 在您看到设计或最终布局之前,他们应该已经测试了设计、副本(文本)和所有其他内容。

This is for the User Experience Team. They should have tested a design, copy (text) and all of the other stuff well before you see the design or final layout.

饮湿 2024-08-01 23:27:44

根据技术的不同,UI 将由程序员或图形设计师或两者共同根据程序所有者、产品经理或最终用户的草图进行设计。

总是由用户接受或拒绝,从而决定用户界面。 希望不要在发货后忽略应用程序或解决方案。

Depending on the technology, the UI will be designed either by a programmer or a graphical designer or both, based on scetches of the program owner, a product manager or the end user.

It will always be the user that accepts or declines and therefore decides on a user interface. Hopefully not after shipping by just ignoring the application or solution.

写下不归期 2024-08-01 23:27:44

理想情况下,设计 UI 的人应该是受过界面和交互设计正规培训的人。 如今,这本身就是一门学科,其基础是(图形)设计、心理学、人体工程学、通信科学,甚至可能是软件工程等。这并不意味着这个人是唯一的人 一个处理用户界面的问题,因为不同的利益相关者可能会产生影响:

  • 老板可能会根据战略选择或财务考虑强制执行一些决策
  • 营销可能会根据产品管理
  • 客户可能有他要求实现的特殊愿望
  • 开发人员可能有某种风格或偏好
  • 可以设计通用 UI 元素、特定图标、徽标等由图形设计师设计

,但最终应该是 UI 专家结合所有这些输入并设计 UI。

当然在实践中,这很大程度上取决于软件公司的规模。 一个非常大的公司可以有自己的部门来处理用户界面/用户体验问题,而在小公司中,任务通常交给被认为最擅长的人。

Ideally, someone with formal training in interface and interaction design should be the one designing the UI. Nowadays, this is a discipline in its own right, with its basis in (graphic) design, psychology, ergonomics, communication sciences, perhaps even software engineering, etc. This does not mean that this person is the only one that deals with the user interface, as various stakeholders may have influences:

  • The boss may enforce some decisions based on strategic choices or financial considerations
  • Marketing may enforce some decisions based on product management
  • The customer may have peculiar wishes that he demands get implemented
  • The developers may have a certain style or preference
  • Common UI element, specific icons, logos, etc. may be designed by a graphic designer

But ultimately, it should be the UI expert that combines all these inputs and designs the UI.

Of course in practice, it depends very much on the size of the software company. A very large company can have their own department for user interface / user experience issues, whereas in a small company, the task usually goes to whoever is deemed best at it.

昔日梦未散 2024-08-01 23:27:44


在理想的情况下,表示层是分析和设计团队的责任。 UI 有很多理论和实际用途,而一个简单的设计师可能从未学过这些用途。 这并不是说一个有头脑或经验的设计师不会产生足够的结果。

底线:设计没有正确的答案。 即使你有一个好的 UI 应该包含的内容清单,但它始终存在美学方面,这并不是真正定量的。

没有比反复试验更好的方法了。 甚至 Google Adsense/Analytics 也鼓励您进行多种设计,并在收集定量统计数据时交替使用它们。



In any size company, you can take the chain of command and move up, to see who has the last say, and the reverse holds true for who will do it.

In an ideal world the Presentation layer is the responsibility of the analysis and design team. There are a lot of theoretical and practical uses to a UI, which a simple designer may have never been taught. That does not go to say that a designer with a brain - or experience - will not generate more than adequate results.

Bottom line: there is no right answer for a design. Even if you have a checklist of things that a good UI should include, there is always the aesthetic aspect of it, which is not really quantitative.

No better approach than trial and error. Even Google Adsense/Analytics encourages you to make multiple designs, and alternate between them while collecting statistics which are quantitative.

Given your question, I am guessing you do not work in a large company, otherwise your job description would have been well defined.

So: Stop whining and just do it!

好菇凉咱不稀罕他 2024-08-01 23:27:44

UI设计是一个共同的责任。 UI设计不仅仅是平面设计的天赋
它涉及客户、用户、一些具有图形设计天赋的开发人员。 您甚至可以审查由设计师和设计师以外的其他人完成的 UI。 询问 Stack Overflow 用户对特定设计的想法,让我们陷入困境。



应用这些技能的程度因公司和公司而异。 项目规模。


UI design is a joint responisbility. UI Design is not just a flair for graphic design
It involves the clients, users, some with flair for graphic design and developers. You even review the UI which is done by someone other than the designer & asking stack overflow users' thoughts on a specific design brings us into the equation.

Generally, all people are responsible and one or a couple of people should be involved in the process from first contact with the client to final delivery on the system.

communication skills, flair for design (lo-fi or hi-fi), objectivity, being able to take criticism and analytical ability are all required.

The extent of applying these skills will vary by company & project size.

Graphic design flair means you could possibly get a great looking UI that is not usable.

甜点 2024-08-01 23:27:44

我同意 UI 设计是一项协作工作。 根据我的经验,图形设计师或用户交互专家创建了很棒的模型,但最终会被经理和开发人员破坏。 如果有一个想要添加的 UI 概念,请确保证明您设计的每个方面都是合理的。

以下是我的大型软件公司的 UI 发展的基本理念。

  1. 经理规定 1 或 2 句话的要求。
  2. 开发团队开发功能
  3. 图形设计师根据经理蹩脚的描述提出了 UI
  4. 开发团队对图形设计师进行了混蛋 UI
  5. 管理完全改变了他们的想法
  6. 重复步骤 2-5 至少三次
  7. 发布 Beta
  8. Beta 用户和产品审阅者的反馈推动了最终的 UI

执行不要低估一个好的测试版。 你可以让世界上所有的图形或用户交互设计师感到高兴; 最终是消费者购买你的产品。

I agree that UI design is a collaborative effort. In my experience graphic designers or user interaction experts create great mockups which ultimately get bastardized by managers and developers. If you have a UI concept that you want to get added, make sure to justify every aspect of your design.

Here is a basic idea of how the UI evolves in my MASSIVE software company.

  1. Managers dictate a 1 or 2 sentence requirement.
  2. Dev team develops feature
  3. Graphic designer comes up with UI based on managers crappy description
  4. Dev team bastardizes the graphic designers UI
  5. Management completely changes their mind
  6. Repeat step 2-5 at least three times
  7. Release a Beta
  8. Beta users and product reviewers feedback drive the final UI

Do not underestimate a good beta. You could make all the graphic or user interaction designers in the world happy; ultimately it's the consumers that buy your product.

相权↑美人 2024-08-01 23:27:44

UI 的外观应遵循用户界面设计指南。 如果您的组织没有指导方针,那么最好先制定一条指导方针。

理想情况下,UI 指南应由视觉设计师(主题)在交互设计师(行为)的帮助下整理而成。 所以答案是视觉设计师应该回答什么颜色,以及交互设计师应该/不应该做什么。

在现实世界中,各种角色在界面中都有发言权。 我们所说的利益相关者。 从战略人员,到营销人员,再到项目管理人员。 解决这些问题的关键是制定指导方针。

How a UI looks should be guided by the user interface design guidelines. If your organization doesn't have guidelines lines it would be great to start on one.

The UI Guidelines ideally should be put together by a Visual designer (Theme) with help from an Interaction designer (behavior). So the answer is what colors should be there are answered by the Visual designer and what it should/ shouldn't not do by an interaction designer.

In real world all kinds of roles have a say in the interface. What we call stakeholders. From strategy guys, to marketing people, down to project management people. The nest to quite them all is to prepare guidelines that direct.

暖阳 2024-08-01 23:27:43

在小公司,答案是“谁擅长”。 我们一些最好的图形是由一位恰好具有图形设计天赋的技术作者设计的。 不要以为某人必须拥有正确的职位才能从事创造性工作 - 天赋在任何时候都胜过职位!

In a small company, the answer is "whoever is good at it". Some of our best graphics were designed by a technical author who happened to have a flair for graphic design. Don't assume that someone has to have the right job title to do a creative job - innate talent trumps a job title any day!

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