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Closed 11 years ago.
http://blog.famillecollet。 com/post/2009/07/01/mysql-worbench-5.1.16-1-en
您可以在这里找到适用于 fedora 11 的最新版本 mysql-workbench!
you can find the latest version of mysql-workbench for fedora 11 here!
获取 RPM 包并尝试以下操作:
yum localinstall mysql-workbench-whatever.rpm
也许是依赖问题。 如果是这种情况,上述命令将获取所需的任何其他软件包(如果它们在 Fedora 存储库中可用)。
Get the RPM package and try this:
Maybe it's a dependency problem. If that's the case, the above command will pick up whatever other packages are needed (if they're available in the Fedora repositories).
MySQL Workbench 讨论:http://forums.mysql.com/index.php?151
MySQL Workbench discussions: http://forums.mysql.com/index.php?151
我在此页面上找到了解决方案: http: //blog.famillecollet.com/post/2009/07/01/mysql-worbench-5.1.16-1
- wget http://rpms.famillecollet.com/remi-release-11.rpm - rpm -Uvh remi-release-11.rpm - yum --enablerepo=remi install mysql-workbench
I found the solution on this page : http://blog.famillecollet.com/post/2009/07/01/mysql-worbench-5.1.16-1
文章 0 评论 0
http://blog.famillecollet。 com/post/2009/07/01/mysql-worbench-5.1.16-1-en
您可以在这里找到适用于 fedora 11 的最新版本 mysql-workbench!
you can find the latest version of mysql-workbench for fedora 11 here!
获取 RPM 包并尝试以下操作:
也许是依赖问题。 如果是这种情况,上述命令将获取所需的任何其他软件包(如果它们在 Fedora 存储库中可用)。
Get the RPM package and try this:
Maybe it's a dependency problem. If that's the case, the above command will pick up whatever other packages are needed (if they're available in the Fedora repositories).
MySQL Workbench 讨论:http://forums.mysql.com/index.php?151
MySQL Workbench discussions: http://forums.mysql.com/index.php?151
我在此页面上找到了解决方案: http: //blog.famillecollet.com/post/2009/07/01/mysql-worbench-5.1.16-1
I found the solution on this page : http://blog.famillecollet.com/post/2009/07/01/mysql-worbench-5.1.16-1