我正在学习一门主要基于 jflap 的课程的自动机测试。 问题是我们没有太多文档和我在 jlap 上找到的示例自动机,例如 这个和这个,不足以为即将到来的测试做准备。
我在哪里可以找到更多? 具有以带有转换的图表显示的示例图灵机的任何其他资源也会有所帮助。
I'm studying for an automata test on a course that's heavily based on jflap. Trouble is we don't have much documentation and the sample automata that I've found on jlap like this and this, are insufficient to prepare for the upcoming test.
Where can I find more? Any other resource with sample turing machines shown as graphs with transitions would also be helpful.
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《自动机、语言和复杂性中的问题解决》是一本很棒的教科书,适合与标题中的任何内容相关的内容。 除此之外,您还可以找到许多适用于各种事物的 DFA/NFA/PDA/TM 示例,并且它们会教您许多构建它们的技术。
编辑:你的第一个链接一直在谈论“非确定性 NPDA”和“确定性 NPDA”。 我写这篇文章只是为了满足我谴责这种重复和矛盾的冲动:)
"Problem solving in automata, languages and complexity" is a fantastic textbook for anything related to... anything in its title. Among other things, you can find a bunch of examples of DFAs/NFAs/PDAs/TMs for all sorts of things, and they teach you a lot of techniques for building them.
Edit: that first link of yours keeps talking about "nondeterministic NPDAs" and "deterministic NPDAs". I'm writing this edit just to satisfy my urge to denounce such pleonasms and oxymora :)
尝试一下 Michael Sipser 的优秀著作 “Introduction to the Theory of计算”。 自动机和图灵机都以状态图的形式表达,并有足够的文字解释来帮助你解释和实现它们。
这是大约 4 年前我们在大学的课程教材,就在第二版出版之前; 这是一块真正的岩石,我衷心推荐它!
Try Michael Sipser's excellent book "Introduction to the Theory of Computation". The automata and Turing machines are all expressed as state diagrams, with sufficient text explanation to help you interpret and implement them.
This was our course text at Uni about 4 years ago, just before the 2nd edition came out; it was a real rock, I heartily recommend it!