是否有任何 .NET 内容管理系统注重可用性并避免臃肿?

发布于 2024-07-25 09:23:49 字数 937 浏览 5 评论 0原文

我在一家主要基于 .NET 的商店工作,我们正在尝试挑选一个要使用的内容管理系统。 这意味着我们很可能无法使用任何常见的开源 CMS 项目(Plone、phpNuke、不基于 .NET 的项目等)。

由于我是一个可用性极客(刚刚读完诺曼的《日常事物的设计》),所以我一直从这个角度来看待它们。 坦白说,我并没有留下太深刻的印象。 这句话总结道:

大多数开源内容管理软件都是无用的。 唯一更糟糕的是我使用过的所有商业 CMS。 - 杰弗里·维恩


  • 必须是 .NET基于
  • 喜欢开源或便宜的一面
  • 有限的功能集(我们不需要太多功能,它们使事情变得更难使用)
  • 是否需要 Active Directory 集成和强大的权限
  • 应该专注于 Web 标准和可用性




  • 我将努力争取 N2。 我的 Active Directory 集成运行良好(我什至编写了一个自定义角色提供程序)。 唯一缺少的是工作流程功能。 希望我能解决这个问题,因为这是最后一个症结所在。 如果我能弄清楚的话,N2Contrib 项目可能会提供一个起点。

  • 如果/当 Stencil CMS 启动时,我仍然很乐意查看它。

  • 我的一位同事试图让 Umbraco 运转起来,但运气不佳。


I work in a shop that is mostly .NET based, and we're trying to pick out a content management system to use. This means we mostly likely won't be able to use any of the common open source CMS projects (Plone, phpNuke, anthing not based on .NET, etc.).

Since I'm a huge usability nerd (just finished reading The Design of Everyday Things by Norman), I've been looking at them from that point of view. Frankly, I haven't been too impressed. This quote sums it up:

Most open source content management software is useless. The only thing worse is every commercial CMS I’ve used. - Jeffrey Veen

Here's a short list of our requirements:

  • Has to be .NET based
  • Prefer open source or on the inexpensive side
  • Limited feature set (we don't need too many features and they make things harder to use)
  • Does need Active Directory integration and robust permissions
  • Should be focused on web standards and usability

I know it's probably an impossible feature list, but are there any content management systems that kinda sorta look like they might not suck more than a Dyson?


Here's the current situation:

  • I'm going to push for N2. I've got Active Directory integration working well (I even wrote a custom role provider). The only thing missing is workflow functionality. Hopefully I can get something going with that since it's the last sticking point. The N2Contrib project might provide a starting point if I can figure it out.

  • I would still love to check out Stencil CMS if/when it gets off the ground.

  • One of my co-workers was trying to get Umbraco going but wasn't having much luck.

Thanks for the help!

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红玫瑰 2024-08-01 09:23:49

自插是蹩脚的,但你所描述的几乎完全我所得到的准备发布,售价为每支 79 美元。 如果您几周后仍在寻找,请看一眼。 如果您愿意,请给我发一封电子邮件([电子邮件受保护]) 。

我听到过关于 Umbraco 的正面和负面反馈。 很多人喜欢 Graffiti,但它比成熟的 CMS 更面向博客。

Self-plug is lame, but what you're describing is pretty much exactly what I am getting ready to release for $79 a pop. If you're still looking in a few weeks, take a peek. If you'd like, shoot me an email ([email protected]).

I've heard both positive and negative feedback about Umbraco. A lot of people like Graffiti, but it's more blog-oriented than a full-blown CMS.

不忘初心 2024-08-01 09:23:49

查看 N2 (http://n2cms.com/)。 我认为它满足了您的大部分(如果不是全部)需求(我认为它目前不具有 Active Directory 功能)。 我们正在使用 N2,我真的很喜欢它的灵活性。

Check out N2 (http://n2cms.com/). I think that it covers most, if not all, of your requirements (I don't think it has Active Directory capability at this time). We are using N2 and I have really enjoyed how flexible it has been.

梦幻之岛 2024-08-01 09:23:49

我的公司刚刚完成了对几个基于 .NET 的商业 CMS/门户平台的审查,虽然我无法透露谁在其中(谢谢,保密协议!),但我可以告诉您,在我看来,它们都非常非常糟糕。

希望你能很快找到。 我会密切关注这条线索,希望我们错过了一些东西。

My company just completed a review of several commercial .NET-based CMS/portal platforms and, while I can't reveal who was in them (thanks, NDAs!), I can tell you that IMO they all sucked very, very badly.

Good luck on your search. I'll keep an eye on this thread in the hopes that there's something we missed.

林空鹿饮溪 2024-08-01 09:23:49

我们有一组类似的要求,并选择了 Telerik Sitefinity。 它有一些缺点,但总的来说,到目前为止我对它很满意。

We had a similar set of requirements and chose Telerik Sitefinity. It's got it's faults but overall I've been happy with it so far.

虐人心 2024-08-01 09:23:49

不幸的是杰弗里说的是实话。 这可能就是为什么我每隔几年就从头开始构建一个新的定制 cms 的原因。 基本上,“盒装”CMS 软件包的动机是拥有地球上的所有功能,并为每个人提供一切,因此没有为任何人做任何特别好的事情。 随着功能的膨胀,可用性的噩梦也随之而来。 除非你开始定制,然后你通常最终会分叉项目并失去社区更新的优势。

Unfortunately Jeffery speaks the truth. Which is probably why I build a new custom cms from the ground up every few years. Basically, the motivation for "boxed" CMS packages is to have every feature on earth and be everything to everyone and therefore do nothing particularly well for anyone. With the feature bloat comes the usability nightmares. Unless you start customizing and then you usually end up forking the project and losing the advantage of community updates.

南七夏 2024-08-01 09:23:49

Kentico CMS 根据您的列表:

  • 必须基于 .NET 基于

.NET,.NET Framework 2.0 或更高版本

  • 更喜欢开源或便宜的版本

提供可用于商业目的的免费版本,付费许可证起价为 750 美元,源代码代码是一个选项

  • 有限的功能集(我们不需要太多的功能,它们使事情变得更难使用)

许多内置模块/功能,无论如何它们可以轻松禁用以保持 UI 简单易用

  • 是否需要 Active Directory 集成以及强大的权限

AD、表单和 Live Id! 集成

  • 应关注 Web 标准和可用性



Kentico CMS according your list:

  • Has to be .NET based

It's .net based, .NET Framework 2.0 or later

  • Prefer open source or on the inexpensive side

Free edition which can be used for commercial purposes is available, paid license starts at $750, source code is an option

  • Limited feature set (we don't need too many features and they make things harder to use)

Many built-in modules/features, anyway they can be easily disabled to keep the UI simple to use

  • Does need Active Directory integration and robust permissions

AD, Forms and Live Id! Integration

  • Should be focused on web standards and usability

UTF-8 Support including RTL languages, WAI Compliant, XHTML Compliant, XML, XHTML, HTML, XSLT, CSS.

Instant on-line demo or download available at:

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