Personally I find that I need a substantial project to implement in a new interesting language. You can read a book at become familiar with syntax, and be exposed to interesting features, but a nothing gets you thinking in a new language like a project.
I don't set out to merely learn a new language. I find a project that requires (or would be a good fit for) the new language and start coding.
The resources depend on the language, but either an online tutorial or a good "learning the language" book is very helpful. I don't try to memorize anything, just keep the documentation close and search for the solution to each piece of code I need to write. Algorithms don't change much between languages, so most of the time it's just a matter of looking up the syntax for the particular structure I need.
Also, I may never KNOW everything about a language. I just keep consulting the documentation on things that I need and eventually I don't need to look most things up anymore. However, even on the language that I've worked with every day for years, there are still things I have to look up on occasion because I've never used them before.
I usually start off with a few basic programs. Typically samples from the book I'm reading and then modifying them slightly to be more complex and round off the rough edges.
After that, I head over to Project Euler and start rattling off problems. It's a great way to get comfortable with a new language and the basic constructs.
但我不想陷入(例如)像 C 代码一样编写 Python 代码的陷阱,因此我阅读了新语言为我提供的所有内容,而更熟悉的语言则没有。
It's a mad dash.
First I have to make sure I know how to do things the "old" way, meaning the way I'm used to in other languages.
But I don't want to fall into the trap of (for example) writing my Python code as if it were C code, so I read up on all the stuff the new language gives me that more familiar languages don't.
I would create something I've already done before, so I can focus on the language itself, and not the design or the subject of the project. I would also put some time in searching for (this place is a good starter ;-) and reading a good book about the language.
For the rest it's practice practice practice (like about everything out there isn't it).
The basics of programming require very few constructs - A good programmer will be able to write great code with only a small fraction of the available language features.
A book is often a good way to learn the basics of a new language and get an overview so you know what areas of that language could help you when you need them later, but then the best approach is to just write programs to do the things you need to do, and learn what you need to know as you go.
The great thing about this is that you know where to look when you want to do something new, and you do things well, but you don't bother to learn loads of junk that you'll never actually use.
然后我会尝试找到我已经知道的语言之间的比较,以避免在语言 X 中应用语言 Y 中使用的概念。每种语言作为完成任务的方式,你不应该混合它们,即使它们看起来相似乍一看。
从长远来看,我会关注论坛或 SO 上专门讨论这种语言的部分。 这些天我会阅读许多帖子的答案,以便掌握高级概念、技巧和最常用的库。 这也将帮助我注意到我何时开始流利地使用该语言:当你开始能够回答有关特定语言的许多随机问题时,这意味着你已经非常擅长它了。
I would read some FAQ/book about the big concepts of the langage.
Then i would try to find comparisons between the langages I already know so as to avoid applying in langage X a concept used in langage Y. Each langage as its way to get things done, you shouldn't mix them even if they look similar at first glance.
This would be the first steps.
On a longer basis, I would follow the section dedicated to this langage on a forum or SO. I would read the answers to many threads over the days, so as to grab advanced concepts, tips and most commonly used librairies. This would also helps me to notice when I'm starting to get fluent in the langage : when you start being able to answer to many random questions on a specific langage that means you're getting quite good at it.
I assume you learn a new high-level programming language which supports OOP. Examples of such langages are: Java, Typescript, Perl, C#, C++ etc. You are an experienced programmer as well, so you already know some other object-oriented langage.
I wish I had an efficient method or a to-do list that I could follow to make the learning process more streamlined.
You should create a project covering the following topics.
if else
switch case
functions and classes
include / import / use
override methods
create interface and implement
nested class
Data structures
map, queue, stack
operations on them:
You can manipulate with strings in many ways:
Assignment operator = is tricky sometimes. You have to check, if it creates shallow or deep copy.
How does == works? Maybe there is an alternative like obj.equals(other)?
Concatenation: s1 . s2 or s1 + s2?
Can you overload operators?
Programming techniques
exception handling
interaction with user (read, write)
unit tests
What are simple types like int, bool, char? Are they immutable? If this is weakly typed language, there might be difference between scalars, array and hash tables.
Is a parameter passed by value or reference?
data formats:
files and streams
HTTP methods
dates and hours
You should get familiar with popular libraries like Math, algorithm.
I usually install the runtime. Then I run some common commands from the command line at the compiler or interpreter. I look online for forums to find out what other think about it. Then I investigate how to work with external parameters such as psvm(String[] args) in java. I guess to sum it up, I am always interested in the languages power on the command line due to my sys admin background in solaris.
If you do not have a chance to join a project and learn it and apply it from scratch. You can get help from open online courses. "" is a great platform for instance. There are plenty of courses about computer science and software development. i.e. Here is a course for Data Structures and Software Design.
就我个人而言,我发现我需要一个实质性的项目来用一种新的有趣的语言来实现。 您可以阅读一本书来熟悉语法,并接触有趣的功能,但没有什么能让您像项目这样的新语言进行思考。
Personally I find that I need a substantial project to implement in a new interesting language. You can read a book at become familiar with syntax, and be exposed to interesting features, but a nothing gets you thinking in a new language like a project.
我的目的不仅仅是学习一门新语言。 我找到一个需要(或非常适合)新语言的项目并开始编码。
资源取决于语言,但在线教程或一本好的“学习语言”书籍都非常有帮助。 我不会尝试记住任何东西,只是将文档放在身边并搜索我需要编写的每一段代码的解决方案。 不同语言之间的算法变化不大,因此大多数时候只需查找我需要的特定结构的语法即可。
而且,我可能永远不会了解一门语言的一切。 我只是不断查阅有关我需要的东西的文档,最终我不需要再查找大多数东西了。 然而,即使对于我多年来每天都使用的语言,仍然有一些东西我必须偶尔查找,因为我以前从未使用过它们。
I don't set out to merely learn a new language. I find a project that requires (or would be a good fit for) the new language and start coding.
The resources depend on the language, but either an online tutorial or a good "learning the language" book is very helpful. I don't try to memorize anything, just keep the documentation close and search for the solution to each piece of code I need to write. Algorithms don't change much between languages, so most of the time it's just a matter of looking up the syntax for the particular structure I need.
Also, I may never KNOW everything about a language. I just keep consulting the documentation on things that I need and eventually I don't need to look most things up anymore. However, even on the language that I've worked with every day for years, there are still things I have to look up on occasion because I've never used them before.
Here's what I normally do:
language syntax
I am interested in
我通常从一些基本程序开始。 通常是我正在阅读的书中的示例,然后稍微修改它们以使其更加复杂并修整粗糙的边缘。
之后,我前往 Project Euler 并开始快速解决问题。 这是适应新语言和基本结构的好方法。
I usually start off with a few basic programs. Typically samples from the book I'm reading and then modifying them slightly to be more complex and round off the rough edges.
After that, I head over to Project Euler and start rattling off problems. It's a great way to get comfortable with a new language and the basic constructs.
但我不想陷入(例如)像 C 代码一样编写 Python 代码的陷阱,因此我阅读了新语言为我提供的所有内容,而更熟悉的语言则没有。
It's a mad dash.
First I have to make sure I know how to do things the "old" way, meaning the way I'm used to in other languages.
But I don't want to fall into the trap of (for example) writing my Python code as if it were C code, so I read up on all the stuff the new language gives me that more familiar languages don't.
我阅读了一本很好的手册,并将其与我已经了解的语言进行了比较。 所以我只是了解它们之间的区别。
I read a good manual, and compare it to a language I already know. So i just learn the diff between them.
a very popular way to learn a new language is to create a simple project for yourself and implement it in your new target language.
I would create something I've already done before, so I can focus on the language itself, and not the design or the subject of the project.
I would also put some time in searching for (this place is a good starter ;-) and reading a good book about the language.
For the rest it's practice practice practice (like about everything out there isn't it).
编程的基础知识需要很少的构造 - 优秀的程序员只需使用一小部分可用的语言功能即可编写出色的代码。
The basics of programming require very few constructs - A good programmer will be able to write great code with only a small fraction of the available language features.
A book is often a good way to learn the basics of a new language and get an overview so you know what areas of that language could help you when you need them later, but then the best approach is to just write programs to do the things you need to do, and learn what you need to know as you go.
The great thing about this is that you know where to look when you want to do something new, and you do things well, but you don't bother to learn loads of junk that you'll never actually use.
然后我会尝试找到我已经知道的语言之间的比较,以避免在语言 X 中应用语言 Y 中使用的概念。每种语言作为完成任务的方式,你不应该混合它们,即使它们看起来相似乍一看。
从长远来看,我会关注论坛或 SO 上专门讨论这种语言的部分。 这些天我会阅读许多帖子的答案,以便掌握高级概念、技巧和最常用的库。 这也将帮助我注意到我何时开始流利地使用该语言:当你开始能够回答有关特定语言的许多随机问题时,这意味着你已经非常擅长它了。
I would read some FAQ/book about the big concepts of the langage.
Then i would try to find comparisons between the langages I already know so as to avoid applying in langage X a concept used in langage Y. Each langage as its way to get things done, you shouldn't mix them even if they look similar at first glance.
This would be the first steps.
On a longer basis, I would follow the section dedicated to this langage on a forum or SO. I would read the answers to many threads over the days, so as to grab advanced concepts, tips and most commonly used librairies. This would also helps me to notice when I'm starting to get fluent in the langage : when you start being able to answer to many random questions on a specific langage that means you're getting quite good at it.
我假设您学习了一门新的支持 OOP 的高级编程语言。 此类语言的示例有:Java、Typescript、Perl、C#、C++ 等。您也是一位经验丰富的程序员,因此您已经了解一些其他面向对象的语言。
有时很棘手。 您必须检查它是否创建浅复制或深复制。==
是如何工作的? 也许有像 obj.equals(other) 这样的替代方案?连接:
s1 。 s2 或
s1 + s2
? 它们是一成不变的吗? 如果这是弱类型语言,标量、数组和哈希表之间可能存在差异。Functions.
。I assume you learn a new high-level programming language which supports OOP. Examples of such langages are: Java, Typescript, Perl, C#, C++ etc. You are an experienced programmer as well, so you already know some other object-oriented langage.
You should create a project covering the following topics.
if else
switch case
Data structures
You can manipulate with strings in many ways:
Assignment operator
is tricky sometimes. You have to check, if it creates shallow or deep copy.How does
works? Maybe there is an alternative likeobj.equals(other)
s1 . s2
ors1 + s2
?Can you overload operators?
Programming techniques
)What are simple types like
? Are they immutable? If this is weakly typed language, there might be difference between scalars, array and hash tables.Functions.
Is a parameter passed by value or reference?
dates and hours
You should get familiar with popular libraries like
然后我研究如何在 java 中使用外部参数,例如 psvm(String[] args)。
我想总而言之,由于我在Solaris 中的系统管理背景,我一直对命令行上的语言功能感兴趣。
I usually install the runtime.
Then I run some common commands from the command line at the compiler or interpreter.
I look online for forums to find out what other think about it.
Then I investigate how to work with external parameters such as psvm(String[] args) in java.
I guess to sum it up, I am always interested in the languages power on the command line due to my sys admin background in solaris.
如果您没有机会加入一个项目并从头开始学习并应用它。 您可以从开放的在线课程获得帮助。 例如,“”就是一个很棒的平台。 有很多关于计算机科学和软件开发的课程。 IE
If you do not have a chance to join a project and learn it and apply it from scratch. You can get help from open online courses. "" is a great platform for instance. There are plenty of courses about computer science and software development. i.e.
Here is a course for Data Structures and Software Design.