如何重新映射“上下文菜单” Mac OS X 中的密钥?

发布于 2024-07-24 08:22:49 字数 1827 浏览 14 评论 0原文

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盗心人 2024-07-31 08:22:49

使用 KeyRemap4MacBook (Karabiner 适用于 osx 10.9、10.10)。 正如 Mecki 指出的,XML .keylayouts / Ukelele 无法解决您的问题。

尽管名称如此,KeyRemap4MacBook 可在任何 Mac(OS X 10.4 或更高版本)上运行。

您想要的设置位于“对于 PC 用户”»“更改 PC 应用程序密钥”。


Use KeyRemap4MacBook (Karabiner for osx 10.9, 10.10). As Mecki pointed out, XML .keylayouts / Ukelele can't solve your problem.

In spite of the name, KeyRemap4MacBook works on any Mac (OS X 10.4 or later).

The settings you want are under "For PC Users" » "Change PC Application Key".

enter image description here

九公里浅绿 2024-07-31 08:22:49

使用KeyRemap4Macbook。 像这样编辑 private.xml 文件:

    <name>Change Windows context menu key to Right option key</name>
    <autogen>--KeyToKey-- KeyCode::PC_APPLICATION, KeyCode::OPTION_R</autogen>


Use KeyRemap4Macbook. Edit private.xml file like this:

    <name>Change Windows context menu key to Right option key</name>
    <autogen>--KeyToKey-- KeyCode::PC_APPLICATION, KeyCode::OPTION_R</autogen>

This code will remap right option key to the context menu key.

独守阴晴ぅ圆缺 2024-07-31 08:22:49

最新的 MacOS 版本由 Karabiner Elements 12.1 提供服务。
键到键的重新映射是在“简单修改”选项卡中完成的,并可以在 2 行下拉菜单中方便地选择(参见:屏幕截图)。

此首选项面板选项卡中的复杂修改必须通过从互联网(Karabiner-E. 站点)或用户的~/.config/karabiner/assets/ 导入来添加Complex_modifications 文件夹。
来自网络的“复杂”实际上也被复制到那里并在选项卡中“打开”(= [+ Enable])。

所有修改最终都存储(并因此“激活”)在 ~/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json 中。

一个务实的程序(这也有助于避免自己编写复杂模块时出现错误)是复制并复制它。 重命名& 改变一个“导入的”模组。
一旦您有经验(例如:不同的括号类型),直接编辑 json 文件可能会更容易......


不再像其他一些功能那样限制重新映射到特定窗口(可以通过 osascript AppleScript 模拟)。
Karabiner 的非 Element 版本正在开发中。

两个获取信息和信息的网站 问题(已回答) - 但请搜索以前的“双打”!:

github.com >> ; Karabiner-Elements

The latest MacOS versions are served by Karabiner Elements 12.1.
Key-to-key remapping are done in the Simple Modifications tab and conveniently selected in 2 rows of drop-down-menus (see: screenshot).

Complex Modifications in this Preferences Panel's tab have either to be added by importing them from the internet (Karabiner-E.'s site) or from the user's ~/.config/karabiner/assets/ complex_modifications folder.
"Complex" ones from the net actually are also copied there and switched "on" (= [+ Enable]) in the tab.

ALL modifications are finally stored (& thus "activated") in ~/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json.

A pragmatic procedure (that also helps avoid mistakes while writing complex-mods yourself) is to copy & rename & alter one "imported" mod.
Once you are experienced (e.g.: different bracket types) it may be easier to edit the json file directly…

(Inline graphic shows part of drop-down-menu)

There is no longer the option to constrict remaps to specific windows (can be simulated by an osascript AppleScript) as some other features.
A non-Element version of Karabiner is being developed.

Two sites to get information & questions (answered) – but please search for previous "doubles" !:

github.com >> Karabiner-Elements
groups.google.com/forums/ osx-karabiner

变身佩奇 2024-07-31 08:22:49

您可以使用 Karabiner 将 App 映射到 Command+Option

然后您可以使用 Keyboard Maestro 映射 Command+Option+Letter,其中 Letter< /kbd> 是表示应用程序的键,用于聚焦应用程序:

例如,您可以执行 < kbd>App+C 聚焦 Chrome,App+T 聚焦终端,App+ S 聚焦 Slack 等(如果应用程序尚未打开,Keyboard Maestro 首先打开它)。


如果您使用的是 Apple 键盘,则必须按住 CommandOption,但它们彼此相邻,并出现在空格键的两侧:

请记住,OS X 已经使用 Command+Option+ Esc 打开强制退出应用程序对话框,因此您现在可以使用 App+Esc 来执行此操作。 同样,OS X 使用 Command+Option+W 关闭焦点应用程序中的所有窗口(Chrome 中的选项卡)。


  • Karabiner 是一个开源内核扩展,用于修改 OS X 处理键盘输入的方式。
  • Keyboard Maestro 是一款用于在 OS X 中创建键盘快捷键的专有应用程序。它有 30 天免费试用期,成本为 36 美元。

You can use Karabiner to map App to Command+Option:

You can then use Keyboard Maestro to map Command+Option+Letter, where Letter is a key that denotes an application, to focus the application:

For example, you can then do App+C to focus Chrome, App+T to focus Terminal, App+S to focus Slack etc. (if an app isn't already open, Keyboard Maestro opens it first).

If you're using a generic keyboard, then you have a dedicated App key:

If you're using an Apple keyboard, you have to hold Command and Option, but they are next to each other, and appear on both sides of the spacebar:

Keep in mind that OS X already uses Command+Option+Esc to open the Force Quit Applications dialogue, so you could now use App+Esc for that. Likewise, OS X uses Command+Option+W to close all of the windows in the focus application (tabs in Chrome).


  • Karabiner is an open source kernel extension for modifying the way keyboard input is handled by OS X.
  • Keyboard Maestro is a proprietary application for creating keyboard shortcuts in OS X. It has a free 30 day trial, and costs $36.
温柔女人霸气范 2024-07-31 08:22:49


条目:适用于 PC 用户 -> 更改 PC 应用程序密钥 -> Option_L 的应用程序密钥


Entry: For PC Users -> Change PC Application Key -> Application Key to Option_L

_蜘蛛 2024-07-31 08:22:49

不幸的是,最新的 macOS Sierra 尚不支持 Karabiner。 一个简单的解决方案是将capslock键转换为command键。

Unfortunately the latest macOS Sierra doesn't support Karabiner yet. An easy solution is to convert capslock key with command key.

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