是否可以使用会员 API 更改用户名
我正在 ASP.NET 中使用默认的 sql 成员资格提供程序,并且我想提供一个页面来更改用户的用户名。 我相信我确信我可以使用自定义提供程序来完成此操作,但是可以使用默认提供程序来完成此操作吗?
我的问题的第二部分是: 我是否应该允许用户在创建帐户后更改用户名?
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确实,默认的 SQL 成员身份提供程序不允许更改用户名。 但是,如果您的网站上有有效的参数允许用户更改用户名,则没有内在原因阻止用户更改用户名。 SQL数据库中的所有表都没有用户名作为键,一切都基于用户的ID,因此从实现的角度来看,这将相当容易。
It's true that the default SQL Membership Provider does not allow username changes. However, there's no intrinsic reason to prevent users from changing their usernames if you have a valid argument, on your site, to allow it. None of the tables in the SQL database have the username as a key, everything is based on the user's ID, so from an implementation perspective it would be fairly easy.
,您可以扩展它 - 它也与 这个问题。Roadkill 是一个 wiki 引擎,而不是我的编码风格的描述。
If you use
, you can extend it - it also relates to this question.Roadkill is a wiki engine not a description of my coding style.
Scott Mitchell 有一篇很棒的文章描述了如何处理这种情况:https://web.archive.org/web/20210927191559/http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/070109-1.aspx
不幸的是,理想主义和实用主义很少有交叉。 在某些情况下(例如允许用户更改用户名),我们别无选择,只能直接使用底层数据存储。
Scott Mitchell has a great article describing how to handle this situation here: https://web.archive.org/web/20210927191559/http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/070109-1.aspx
Important quote from his article:
Unfortunately, idealism and pragmatism only rarely intersect. In some cases - such as allowing a user to change their username - we have no choice but to work directly with the underlying data store.
He also shows how to re-authenticate the user after changing their username/email.
如果您想使用会员 API 来做到这一点,正确的方法似乎是这样的:
http://omaralzabir.com /how_to_change_user_name_in_asp_net_2_0_membership_provider/
If you want to do that with the Membership API, it seems the right way would be like this:
Basically, you have to do the following (I copied from the above link, for sake of completeness):
由于 Membershiop API 不允许直接修改用户名,因此您可以直接访问数据库中的
表。Since Membershiop API does not allow username modification directly, you can access directly the
table in your database.这是一个包含企业库 DAB 和其他一些细微更改的版本。 另外,我认为返回布尔值没有意义,因为它要么成功,要么抛出异常。
Here's a version that incorporates the Enterprise Libraries DAB and a couple other minor changes. Also, I don't see a point in returning a Boolean, since it's either going succeed or throw an exception.
不可以,MembershipUser 类不允许修改 Username 属性,因此您无法执行此操作。
实际上,您不应该允许更改用户名。 如果你允许以某种方式这样做,那么它将失去其目的和性质。
No, the MembershipUser class does not allow to modify the Username property so you cannot do it.
Practically you should not allow the username to change. If you allow to do so somehow then it will lose its purpose and nature.