从 nsIBinaryInputStream 创建图像
我使用一些 js 技巧创建一个二进制输入流,其中包含 jpeg 或 gif 等压缩图像数据。 我想使用 imgITools::decodeImageData 或其他方式解码和显示此数据,但尚未找到方法。 我应该从哪里开始?
I create a binary input stream using some js trickery which contains compressed image data like jpeg or gif. I want to decode and display this data either using imgITools::decodeImageData or some other way but couldn't find a way yet. Where should I start?
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最简单的方法是将图像数据读入字符串,对字符串进行 Base64 编码,然后将其转换为 data: URL 并将其设置为图像的 src。 不幸的是 stackoverflow 不允许我创建实时 data: 链接,但它看起来像这样:
The easiest way is to read the image data into a string, base64 encode the string, then turn that into a data: URL and set that as the src of your image. Unfortunately stackoverflow won't let me create a live data: link, but it would look like this: