Eclipse 休眠插件
有人可以指导我如何在 Eclipse 中安装 Hibernate 工具吗? 我正在使用 Eclipse 3.3(我可以升级到 3.4)。 我可以使用 Hibernate 3.0 或 2.0。
我无法安装该插件。 它没有被检测到。 更新站点给出错误,指出需要 WTP。 当我尝试安装它时,它再次给出一些依赖错误 EFt 等。
Can somebody guide me how to install Hibernate tools in Eclipse. I am using Eclipse 3.3 ( I can upgrade to 3.4). I can use Hibernate 3.0 or 2.0.
I am not able to install the plugin. Its not getting detected. The update site gives error saying that WTP is required. When I try to install that, it again give some dependency error EFt etc.
I am going crazy, isn't there one package install for all this.
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如果您决定使用 Eclipse Juno (v4.0),那么请选择 JBoss Tools。 Hibernate Tools 插件现在是 JBoss Tools 插件的一部分。 因此,如果您安装 JBoss Tools 插件,那么您将自动获得 Hibernate Tools 插件。
安装 Eclipse Juno 后,打开 Eclipse Marketplace 窗口并搜索“JBoss Tools”,然后单击安装按钮。 安装完成后,系统将提示您重新启动 Eclipse,然后您就完成了...
此链接包含有关安装 JBoss Tools 插件的详细图片,以防您需要... -eclipse-插件/
In case you decide to go for Eclipse Juno (v4.0) then go for JBoss Tools. Hibernate Tools plugin is now a part of JBoss Tools plugin. So, if you install JBoss Tools plugin then you automatically get Hibernate Tools plugin.
After installing Eclipse Juno open the Eclipse Marketplace window and search for "JBoss Tools" and then click on install button. Once the installation is over you will be prompted for a restart of Eclipse and you are done...
This link has a detailed pictorial on installing JBoss Tools plugin just in case you need it...
“要求:Eclipse WTP 3.4 或 Ant,体面的驱动程序和数据库”
所以我可能猜测 3.3 是导致您问题的原因。 祝你好运!
This is what I always do, and it works for me:
It does say on the hibernate tools page:
"Requirements: Eclipse WTP 3.4 or Ant, Decent driver and database"
So I might guess that 3.3 is what is causing your issues. Good luck!