无法通过 MacPorts 安装 Meld
我发现其他人在通过 MacPorts 将 Meld 安装到 Mac 时也遇到了麻烦。
sudo port install meld
sudo port install meld
---> Activating shared-mime-info @0.60_0
Error: Target org.macports.activate returned: Image error: /opt/local/bin/update-mime-database already exists and does not belong to a registered port. Unable to activate port shared-mime-info.
Error: The following dependencies failed to build: py25-gnome gconf gtk2 shared-mime-info orbit2 libidl gnome-vfs desktop-file-utils gnome-mime-data libbonobo libbonoboui libglade2 libgnome esound audiofile libgnomecanvas libart_lgpl libgnomeui gnome-icon-theme hicolor-icon-theme icon-naming-utils p5-xml-simple p5-xml-namespacesupport p5-xml-sax gnome-keyring libtasn1 py25-gtk py25-cairo py25-numpy py25-nose py25-gobject py25-orbit
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
How can you install Meld to Mac?
I found that other people too have had trouble in installing Meld to Mac by MacPorts.
I run
sudo port install meld
I get
sudo port install meld
---> Activating shared-mime-info @0.60_0
Error: Target org.macports.activate returned: Image error: /opt/local/bin/update-mime-database already exists and does not belong to a registered port. Unable to activate port shared-mime-info.
Error: The following dependencies failed to build: py25-gnome gconf gtk2 shared-mime-info orbit2 libidl gnome-vfs desktop-file-utils gnome-mime-data libbonobo libbonoboui libglade2 libgnome esound audiofile libgnomecanvas libart_lgpl libgnomeui gnome-icon-theme hicolor-icon-theme icon-naming-utils p5-xml-simple p5-xml-namespacesupport p5-xml-sax gnome-keyring libtasn1 py25-gtk py25-cairo py25-numpy py25-nose py25-gobject py25-orbit
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
How can you install Meld to Mac?
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正如 rspeed 所说,您可能有一个错误的安装或升级来创建该文件。 或者,您将 macports 之外的某些内容安装到 /opt/local 树中(尽管我不确定您最终会如何执行此操作)。 我建议只强制激活共享 mime 信息端口,然后尝试重新安装 meld。
As rspeed said, you probably had a bad install or upgrade that created that file. Alternately, you installed something outside of macports into the /opt/local tree (though I'm not sure how you would have ended up doing that). I recommend just doing a force activate of the shared-mime-info port, then trying to reinstall meld.
我发现 MacPorts 可以安装 meld,但它并没有像宣传的那样立即工作。
确保我已正确同意 XCode 的许可证
安装 Xcode 命令行工具
安装 rarian (这似乎是 MacPorts 无法识别的依赖项)
http://www.codez。 co.uk/2014/02/meld-on-mac-osx-mavericks-10-9/
I found that MacPorts worked to install meld, but it didn't work straight away as advertised.
After running and installing all the dependencies, it failed, and gave a cryptic log message similar to the one in this question (but not identical).
After a bit of digging around I found I had to do the following:
Make sure I had properly agreed to the license for XCode
Install the Xcode command line tools
Install rarian (it seems to be a dependency that MacPorts failed to recognize)
The latter instructions come from here:
and this was the last step before I was able to get it working.
Somehow that file already exists, probably from a bad uninstall or upgrade.
If you force the install it probably won't break anything.
在 OS X 10.10 上安装 meld。 为了增加难度,必须使用 OS X 的石英显示服务器(而不是 X11 显示服务器):
Installing meld on OS X 10.10. For added difficulty, must use OS X's quartz display server (rather than X11 display server):
Wow, it works!