命比纸薄2024-07-28 06:53:46
- 功能丰富 - 处理大量业务规则
- 灵活 - 通过参数和选项可选择功能 配置
- 稳定 - 很少(如果有的话)会导致崩溃等故障
- 文档齐全 - 用户和技术文档
- 用户友好 - 由用户证明和推荐
- 稳健 - 不会受到电源故障和错误用户输入等事件的影响。
- 安装& “开箱即用”运行。
获取所有标准并将其放入电子表格中,其中的列评级为 0 - 5,并通过勾选与每个标准的评级相对应的列来进行评级。
- 如果总分为 25 分或更高,则该软件成熟。
- 如果分数为 15 到 24,则该软件处于平均水平。
- 如果低于 15,则该软件不成熟。
答案是非常主观的。 但基本上,如果该软件能够满足大多数这些标准(排名不分重要):
值得注意的是,不同的客户会期望不同程度的“成熟度”。 大公司会要求其使用的软件足够安全以保护其敏感数据,并且该软件由支持代表提供 24/7 的支持。 与您自己的小型私人项目相反,您可能不太关心安全性,并且您不需要(也负担不起)包含 24/7 客户支持的服务包。
The answer is very subjective. But basically if the software can answer to most of these criteria (in no order of importance):
Then it can be considered "mature".
It is important to note that different clients would expect different levels of "maturity". A large corporation would demand that the software it uses is secure enough to protect its sensitive data, and that the software is supported by a support rep available 24/7. As opposed to a small private project of your own which you might care much less about security, and you do not need (nor can afford) a service package which includes 24/7 customer support.
So ,maturity differentiates according to the client, but the basic criteria remain the same.