为什么属性 setter 和 getter 与 get_X 和 set_X 方法发生冲突?
在 .NET
中,属性应该是一等公民,但在 IL
代码中,属性 getter 和 setter 被实现为 get_
PropertyName< /em> 和 set_
class Property
int Value { get { return 42; } }
int get_Value() { return 6 * 9; }
void set_Value(int i) { } // Error even though Value is a read only property
为什么<的设计者code>.NET 决定使用可能与用户代码冲突的名称? 他们可能使用了非法字符(因为 Java 使用 $
properties are supposed to be first class citizens however in the IL
code property getters and setters are implemented as get_
PropertyName and set_
class Property
int Value { get { return 42; } }
int get_Value() { return 6 * 9; }
void set_Value(int i) { } // Error even though Value is a read only property
error CS0082: Type 'SO.Property' already reserves a member called 'get_Value' with the same parameter types
error CS0082: Type 'SO.Property' already reserves a member called 'set_Value' with the same parameter types
Why did the designers of .NET
decide to use a name that may clash with user code? They could have used an illegal character (as Java uses $
for inner class stuff).
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对于没有属性概念的语言,例如 J#(这很可能影响了设计决策),仍然需要有一个简单的名称来调用它们。
For languages that don't have the concept of properties, such as J# (which may very well have influenced that design decision), it's still necessary to have a simple name to call them.
通用语言规范 (CLS) 要求使用 get_ 和 set_实现属性时,IL 中的方法(用特殊位修饰)。 这是必要的,以便不同的编译器(C#、托管 C++、VB.NET、J#、IronPython 等)创建可互操作的字节码。
因此,下划线不是广义上的“合法”字符。 它们不符合 CLS,因此不应在非私有接口中使用。
另请参阅 MSDN 上的这篇关于编写符合 CLS 的代码的文章。
The Common Language Specification (CLS) requires the use of get_ and set_ methods in the IL (decorated with special bits) when implementing Properties. This is necessary so that different compilers (C#, managed C++, VB.NET, J#, IronPython, etc.) create interoperable bytecodes.
Thus underscores are not "legal" characters in the broader sense. They are not CLS-compliant and therefore should not be used in non-private interfaces.
Also, see this article about writing CLS-compliant code on the MSDN.
Because they may need to be called from external code.
好问题 - 大多数编译器生成的成员(匿名类型和方法)使用的名称保证不会与类中的任何成员冲突。 我认为这个特定的实例(以及事件方法的生成名称)是微软犯了一点错误的情况。
Good question - most of the compiler-generated members (anonymous types and methods) use names that are guaranteed to not clash with any members in your class. I think this particular instance (as well as the generated names for event methods) is a case where Microsoft made a little bit of a mistake.
The only reason I can think of that would justify the decision is that Microsoft may have been hoping to allow other languages to call these methods that do not themselves have a "property" concept or syntax.