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Closed 9 years ago.
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FANN(快速人工神经网络库) 是一个用 C 编写的出色的通用神经网络库,但具有几乎任何您可能需要的语言(C++、.NET、Python、Mathematica 等)的绑定。 更好的是,它是开源的,并在 LGPL 下获得许可,所以我想这对你来说会很好。
如果您使用 .NET(也是开源的),Neuron.NET 是另一个不错的选择,尽管它是根据 GPL 授权的。
FANN (Fast Artifical Neural Network Library) is a great general-purpose neural-network library written in C but has bindings for just about any language you might want (C++, .NET, Python, Mathematica among others). Even better, it's open-source and licensed under the LGPL, so I'd imagine that would be fine for you.
Neuron.NET is another good alternative if you're using .NET (also open-source), though it's licensed under the GPL.
Hope that helps.
WEKA 包括多层感知器实现。 我自己没有检查过源代码,但我相信它是 GPL。
WEKA includes a multi-layer perceptron implementation. I haven't examined the source code myself but its GPL I believe.
OpenCV 有一个前馈神经网络实现。
OpenCV has a Feedforward neural network implementation.
看看http://neuralensemble.org/trac/PyNN! 它是许多不同的免费模拟器(例如 BRIAN、NEST、NEURON 等)的统一层。
Have a look at http://neuralensemble.org/trac/PyNN! It is a unified layer to a lot of different free simulators such as BRIAN, NEST, NEURON, etc.