带视图的 Drupal 首页
有没有一种方法可以使首页包含 2 个视图,而不使用 Drupal 6.x 中的面板模块?
Is there a way of making front-page containing 2 views, without using panels module in Drupal 6.x?
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如果您不想使用面板,您可以将 2 个视图创建为块(就像侧边栏等一样)。 然后添加到中心内容并使它们只能在首页上查看......
If you don't want to use Panels, you could create the 2 views as blocks (like you can for the side bar etc). Then add then to the centre content and make them only viewable on the front page...
为什么不使用面板? 如果您坚持,只需将其编码到 page-front.tpl.php 中即可。
Why not use panels? If you insist, just code it in page-front.tpl.php.
您可以使用 views_embed_view 函数将视图嵌入模板中的任意位置。
对于您的情况,您可以在 page-front.tpl.php 中使用它来显示首页中的两个视图。
You can use the views_embed_view function to embed a view anywhere in your template.
In your case, you can use it in your page-front.tpl.php to display the two views in the front page.
views_embed_view 是要走的路。 您可以调用任何视图。 如果您启用了 PHP 过滤器,您可以在 page-front.tpl.php 或 jsut 正文中执行此操作。
views_embed_view is the way to go. You can call any view. You can do it in page-front.tpl.php or in jsut he body if you have PHP Filter enabled.
在面板足够稳定以使其可用之前,我已经在 Drupal 6 站点上使用了类似的解决方案。 我还使用了 视图排除先前 模块,使我能够拥有相同内容的多个列表,而无需所有列表中都会显示相同的内容。
Make one View to a page and make the path to that page the frontpage.
Take the other Views you want added to the frontpage and add them as block and make them only visible on the path to the frontpage.
I've used a solution like that on a Drupal 6 site prior to Panels being stable enough for it to be usable. I also used the Views exclude previous module then to enable me to have multiple lists of the same content without having the same content show up in all of the lists.
螺丝面板和多个块! 漂亮的视图附件有什么问题吗? 它是视图原生的(没有额外的模块!!)并且超级简单!
Screw panels and multiple blocks! What's wrong with a nice view attachment? It's native to views (no extra module!!) and super easy!
You can give the attachment a header and footer text etc like you can any type of display.
这是我在 Drupal 7.x 上所做的。
问题是针对 Drupal 6.x,但我想大多数偶然发现此页面的人都会使用 Drupal 7。我是 Drupal 的新手,所以我不知道这是否适用于 Drupal 6。
正如 x3ja 提到的,我也用了块。
我已经为页面创建了视图。 在每个视图上,我使用“+ 添加”按钮添加了一个新显示,并选择了“块”显示。 为您的块选择一个名称“Some block”。 不要忘记保存您的视图;)
转到 example.com/admin/struct/block 并搜索您刚刚创建的块。 它应该位于“禁用”部分。 在下拉区域菜单中选择“内容”。 节省。 然后搜索您的块,它应该位于“内容”部分。 单击操作栏中的“配置”。 在“可见性设置 > 页面 > 在特定页面上显示块”中,选中“仅列出的页面”并写入“”。
Here is what I did on Drupal 7.x.
The question was for Drupal 6.x, but I guess that most people who will stumble on this page would be using Drupal 7. I am new to Drupal, so I have no idea if this could apply to Drupal 6.
As x3ja menitionned I also used blocks.
I already had my views created for pages. On each view I added a new display with "+ Add" button and selected the "Block" display. Select a name for your block "Some block". Don't forget to save your view ;)
Go to example.com/admin/structure/block and search for the block you have just created. It should be in the "Disabled" section. In the drop down Region menu select "Content". Save. Then search for your block which should be in the "Content" section. Click "configure" in the Operation column. In "Visibility settings > Pages > Show block on specific pages" check "Only the listed pages" and write "".