SharePoint 开发与 Lotus Connections 开发

发布于 2024-07-19 08:04:17 字数 279 浏览 4 评论 0原文

我正在 SharePoint 和 Lotus Connections 之间进行选择,我希望专家们给我一些建议。 我想要的功能是,门户/内容管理/工作流程/各种沟通方式(IM/音频/视频/多方会议),最好有个人博客或团队博客。

我要考虑的另一个关键问题是扩展平台(SharePoint 或 Connections)以实现/自定义我上面提到的功能的灵活性/易用性。



提前致谢, 乔治

I am selecting between SharePoint and Lotus Connections, and I want gurus give me some advice. The functions I want to have is, portal/content management/workflow/various ways of communication (IM/audio/video/multi-party conference), better to have personal blog or team blog.

Another key issue I want to consider is the flexibility/ease to extend the platform (either SharePoint or Connections) to implement/customize the functions I mentioned above.

Any advice or referred documents are welcome.

EDIT1: Does anyone have any good published documents to refer?

thanks in advance,

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甜妞爱困 2024-07-26 08:04:17

根据您的功能列表,您想要的 Lotus 产品不是 Connections,而是 Quickr。 我也有偏见,对 Sharepoint 或 Connections 都没有直接经验,但您应该查看:http:// /

Based on your function list, the Lotus product you want is not Connections but Quickr. I'm biased, too, and have no direct experience of either Sharepoint or Connections, but you should check out:

吝吻 2024-07-26 08:04:17

作为一名 SharePoint 顾问,我可能有点偏见,但我会选择 SharePoint - 它拥有一系列开箱即用的功能,并且开发实践也相当成熟。

我还要指出的是,我看到很多组织从 Notes 迁移到 SharePoint - 这在技术方面并不相关,但在未来可能很重要。

最终,平台的选择并不重要,重要的是你用它做什么,特别是在基础设施和开发实践方面。 我见过一些组织得很糟糕的 SharePoint 系统,但如果一开始就考虑周全,这些问题总是可以避免的。

As a SharePoint consultant I'm probably a little biased, but I'd go with SharePoint - it's got a good range of out of box capabilities and development practices are getting reasonably mature.

I would also note that I've seen a lot of organizations moving from Notes to SharePoint - it's not relevant in technical terms, but may be important in the future.

Ultimately the choice of platform doesn't matter so much as what you do with it, particularly in terms of infrastructure and development practices. I've seen some really badly organized SharePoint systems, but the issues are always something that could have been avoided if it was all thought through properly at the start.

灯下孤影 2024-07-26 08:04:17

这里是另一位 SharePoint 管理员(意味着没有使用 Lotus 产品的经验),但作为 SharePoint 之前的另一个平台的管理员,我可以给您一些关于我们切换的原因以及我们认为 SP 平台的一些优势的想法。 可能适用也可能不适用于您的情况。

  1. 与其他 MS 产品集成。 我在以 MS 为中心的环境中工作,我们刚刚升级到 Exchange 2007 和 Office 2007。这 3 个平台之间的集成程度对于推动用户采用非常有帮助。 特别是从 Word 创建和签入文档的能力 - 直接到 SP 文档库等。如果您使用的是旧版本的 Office,集成仍然存在,但不太干净。 MS 在其网站上有一篇论文,概述了 SP 2007 和不同版本的 Office 的功能差异。

  2. 在您的帖子中,您提到了 IM/视频等 - 只是为了澄清 - SharePoint 不提供此功能 - 但它确实与提供此功能的 MS 产品(Office Communication Server)很好地集成。 这是一个非常强大的工具,可提供聊天、共享桌面、基于 IP 的视频和音频会议以及 SP 的在线感知。 这意味着,如果您深入到文档库 - 并看到我写的或刚刚更新的白皮书 - 我的名字将是一个小点,它将显示绿色(可用)黄色(空闲)红色(忙碌)以及为您提供给我发电子邮件、发短信、设置预约等选项。这促进的协作量确实对我们的团队有帮助。 我对您的白皮书、提案等有疑问,我看到您在线,我可以立即联系您。 非常酷。

  3. 与其他平台的连接。 我们以前的文档管理系统非常小众 - 连接多功能打印机/扫描仪并将文档直接扫描到系统中的想法是不存在的。 然而,对于 SP,它是一个标准,您可以连接到几乎任何系统。

  4. 可扩展性。 在我们的旧平台上,我们必须针对该系统专门培训开发人员。 在大多数情况下,我们最终聘请外部顾问来开发和维护平台,但这并不便宜。 有了 SP,我们想要做的 85% 的事情都是开箱即用的,或者无需编码。 对于所请求的一小部分真正的定制,我们的 .Net 开发人员可以处理它(因为代码库相同)。这意味着我们可以更有效地管理资源并在内部进行全面开发。

这些是我想到的一些事情。 就您要求的文档而言 - MS 在其网站上确实有一些非常好的白皮书,其中记录了公司从其他系统迁移、节省成本等方面的经验。那里有一些宣传 - 但也有一些很好的信息。 我的理解是,SharePoint 是 MS 增长最快的应用程序 - 他们投入了大量资金使其成为一个强大的平台。 现在它已经有了第 3 版——第 4 版将在今年年底前发布——所以它也正在变成一个非常成熟的平台。

这至少给了你硬币的一面。 希望您能对Lotus有所了解。

Another SharePoint Admin here (means NO experience w/ Lotus products) but as the admin of another platform before SharePoint, I can give you some thoughts on why we switched, and what we've seen as some advantages of the SP platform. May or may not apply to your situation.

  1. Integration w/ other MS products. I work in a MS centric environment, and we had just upgraded to Exchange 2007 as well as Office 2007. The degree of integration between those 3 platforms has been very helpful in driving user adoption. Specifically the ability to create and check in documents from Word - straight to an SP doc library etc. If you are using an older version of Office, the integration still exists, but it's not quite as clean. MS has a paper on their site which outlines the differences in functionality w/ SP 2007 and the different versions of Office.

  2. In your post you mentioned IM / Video etc - just to clarify - SharePoint does not provide this functionality - but it does integrate well w/ the MS product that does - Office Communication Server. This is a very powerful tool which provides chat, shared desktop, IP based video and audio conferencing - and for SP - presence awareness. What this means is, if you drill into a document library - and see a white paper that I wrote, or just updated - by my name will be a small dot, which will show green (available) yellow (idle) red (busy) as well as give you options to email me, text, set an appt etc. The amount of collaboration this has facilitated has really helped our teams. I have a question about your white paper, proposal etc, I see you are online, and I can ping you immediately. Very cool.

  3. Connectivity to other platforms. Our previous document management system was very niche - and the idea of connecting a multi-function printer / scanner to is and scan documents directly into the system was non-existant. With SP, however, its such a standard, that you can connect to pretty much any system out there.

  4. Extendability. On our old platform, we had to train developers specifically on that system. In most cases we ended up hiring outside consultants to develop and maintain the platform which was not cheap. With SP, 85% of what we want to do is available out of the box, or with no coding available. For the small percentage of true customization that is requested, our .Net developers can handle it (since the code base is the same) This means we can manage resources much more effectively and do all out development in house.

Those are a few things that come to mind. In terms of the documentation you ask for - MS does have some pretty good whitepapers on their site which document company's experiences with migration from other systems, cost savings etc. Some propaganda there - but also some good information. My understanding is that SharePoint is MS's fastest growing application - and they have put a lot of money into making it a robust platform. Its on version 3 now - with 4 due out before the end of the year - so it's turning into a very mature platform as well.

That at least gives you one side of the coin. Hope you can get some insight on Lotus.

黒涩兲箜 2024-07-26 08:04:17

我还没有编制一份文件清单来支持我的回应——只是与您有关更多我从利基产品转向另一个主流产品的经验。 所以我的回答更多的是个人观点和经验——而不是事实或记录的研究。 希望我提出了一些您以前没有考虑过的问题。

在处理圣言问题时。 可以创建一个使用 Word 文档模板作为新文档基础的文档库。

那么,假设我的公司在 Word 中定义了一个提案模板。 该模板对要使用的字体有预设的定义,首页有我公司的徽标,有标准的法律免责声明页面,说明该提案仅在收到后 48 小时内有效,有一个标准表格或网格,其中包含产品编号、说明,数量和价格等等。

现在,我公司要求所有的提案都基于这个模板。 所有提案都存储在 SharePoint 上的 Pursuits 库中。

所以我可以做两件事之一。 我可以将此模板分发给所有销售人员及其助理。 让他们在自己的计算机上本地安装它,当他们需要编写提案时,他们会根据该提案在 Word 中创建一个新文档,并相信他们会将其上传到 Pursuits 库。 当我对模板进行更改时,我会进行更改,并且必须向使用它的每个人发送一个新的、更新的模板,希望他们能够正确安装它等等。


我可以创建 Pursuits 库- 并将提案模板上传到该库,作为新文档所基于的模板。 这样,当需要编写新提案时,您将导航到库,单击库工具栏中的[新建],然后将根据该模板创建一个新文档。 提案已完成,并且作为保存过程的一部分,提案会自动上传到 Pursuits 库中。

如果我对模板进行了更改或更新,我会进行更改或更新,然后将新的团队板版本上传到 SharePoint - 确保在该库中创建新提案的每个人都将使用新模板。

同样的场景也适用于其他办公产品的标准模板。 事实上,我们有一个标准的 Powerpoint 模板,带有版权、标准字体、公司品牌和预定义的颜色 - 使用相同的场景。 如果有人想要制作新的 Powerpoint 演示文稿 - 从文档库中加载的模板开始,可以确保他们保持我们的品牌要求。

SP 与 Office 应用程序集成的另一个例子 - 当您创建电子邮件,然后将文档附加到其中时 - Outlook 将为您提供发送附件的选项,或者仅将文件的链接放在电子邮件 - 这样收件人就可以转到 SharePoint 上该文件所在的相应网站。

我们的电子邮件负载已显着下降,并且由于链接的工作方式,您在单击该链接时始终可以确保获得该文档的最新版本。 不再需要对电子邮件进行排序 - 尝试通过电子邮件的发送日期实施版本控制。

现在,只有当所有收件人都是内部同事时,这才有效。 如果您向客户发送电子邮件,他们很可能无权通过包含的链接访问您的内部网。


I haven't compiled a list of documents to support my response - just relating to you more my experience having switched from a niche product to one more main stream. So my response was more personal opinion and experience - not fact or documented research. Hopefully I raised some issues you hadn't thought about before.

In dealing w/ the Word questions. It is possible to create a document library that uses a Word document template as it's foundation for new documents.

So - let's say my company has defined a proposal template in Word. This template has a preset definition for the font to be used, has my company logo on the front page, has the standard legal disclaimer page saying the proposal is only valid for 48 hours from receipt, a standard table or grid where product number, description, quantity and price are layed out etc.

Now, my company requires that all proposals be based on this template. And that all proposals be stored in a Pursuits library on SharePoint.

So I could do one of 2 things. I could distribute this template to all sales staff and their assistants. Have them install it locally on their machine, and when it's time for them to write a proposal, the create a new document in Word, based off that proposal and trust that they will upload it to the Pursuits library. When I have changes to the template, I would make them, and have to send out a new, updated template to everyone who uses it, hoping that they are able to install it correctly etc.


I could create the Pursuits library - and upload the Proposal template to that library as the template new documents are based off of. Doing that, when a new proposal needs to be written, you would navigate to the library, click [New] in the library toolbar, and a new document would be created based off that template. The proposal is completed, and as part of the save process, the proposal is uploaded automagically into the Pursuits libary.

If I have a change or update to the template, I would make it, and then upload the new teamplate version to SharePoint - secure in the knowledge that everyone creating new proposals in that library would be using the new template.

This same scenario would apply to a standard template for other office products as well. In fact, we have a standard Powerpoint template, w/ copyrights, standard fonts, company brand and colors predefined - using the same scenario. If someone wants to make a new powerpoint presentation - starting w/ the template loaded in a document library ensures that they maintain our brand requirements.

Another example of the kind of integration SP has w/ Office applications - when you create an email, and then go to attach a document to it - Outlook will give you the option of sending the attachment, or just placing a link to the file in the email - so recipients can just go to the appropriate site on SharePoint where the file exists.

Email load for us has dropped significantly, and - because of the way the link works - you are always assured of getting the most current version of the document when you click on it. No more sorting through your emails - trying to impose version control via the sent date on an email message.

Now this only works if all recipients are internal associates. If you are emailing to a client, chance are they won't have the permissions to access your intranet via the included link.

Hope that helps.

另类 2024-07-26 08:04:17

这完全取决于您的要求。 如果您的需求更多的是社交协作而不是文档管理和工作流程(也包括开发),那么您应该选择连接。 我是一名共享点架构师,但我看过 IBM 顾问提供的连接演示。 它更像是一个完全为您的组织定制的“facebook”。
社交协作功能更多的是相互联系,但文档管理、工作流程等其他功能是 SharwPOint 更好的工具。

this completely depends on your requirement. if your requirement is more of social collaboration than document management and workflows (development too), then conections is what you should go with. i am a sharepoint architect but hace seen a demo of connections given my IBM consultants. it is more like a "facebook" completely customized for your organization.
Social collaboration features are more in connections but the other features of document management, workflows, etc is what SharwPOint would be a better tool for.

长安忆 2024-07-26 08:04:17

哦来吧! 问题太简单了。 当然是SharePoint! 您有完整的 C# 服务器代码来支持您,还有 HTML5 或 Silverlight 来支持一些高级客户端内容。 除此之外还有一个完整的框架。 业界接受。 C# 甚至是多平台的。 但是Lotus Connection 呢? 一些小的专有解决方案可能几年后就没有人能够记住。

Oh come on! Questions is too simple. Of course SharePoint! You have a whole C# server code to back you up and HTML5 or Silverlight for some advanced client stuff. Besides that is a whole framework. Industry accepted. C# is even multi-platform. But Lotus Connections? Some small proprietary solution that is probably even no one will be able to remember in a few years.

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