我是墨菲定律的狂热爱好者,在编程时我就会牢记它。 各个领域都有很多“应用”版本。 也许(作为堆栈溢出用户)我们可以编制一个应用于互联网安全的列表。 我建议这样做是因为,在网络钓鱼、XSS、CSRF 以及围绕程序员和用户的更多对待的时代,最好有一个预期的列表,以便跟踪您的应用程序中可能存在的漏洞,以及系统。
一个例子是: “漏洞会自发出现,但不会以同样的方式消失”。
请展示您对此的想法。 提前致谢。
I'm a fanatic of Murphy's Law and I have it in mind at programming time. There are a lot of "applied" versions in a variety of fields. Maybe (as stack overflow users) we can compile a list of them applied to Internet Security. I suggest this because in times of phishing, XSS, CSRF and a lot more of treats surrounding the programmer and the users it would be a good idea to have a list of what to expect in order to keep track of possible vulnerabilities in your apps and systems.
An example would be:
"Vulnerabilities appears spontaneously but they don't disappear in the same way".
Please show your ideas about it.
Thanks in advance.
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The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards - and even then I have my doubts.
-- Eugene H. Spafford
Your security system will successfully prevent you from following up on what the crackers did.
摆脱烦人的安全功能的最佳方法是 13 岁的孩子。
The best way past a pesky security feature is a 13-year-old.
Impenetrable security isn't.
"Any time you encounter a security hole, you can only find more."
The more you ask professionals, the more you have security holes.
“期待意想不到的事情。” (里奇鸭8-)
"Expect the unexpected." (Richie ducks 8-)
This is one I have found today:
An "unbreakable" security solution is recognized because once it's broken it lets the system completely open and vulnerable.