GML 使用标准,或者使用 GML(地理 XML)的正确方法是什么
我们想在我们的应用程序中使用 GML; 它是一个基于 GIS 的应用程序,可在虚拟现实环境中模拟真实世界的对象(即管道、道路等)。 目前,我们在 AutoCAD DWG 中绘制和存储几何图形,但将来我们希望更改数据库。 我真的需要找到这些问题的答案。
1- GML 是否适合编码包含超过 100000 个特征的几何文件(CAD、形状等)(数据量和 GML 性能之间的关系是什么,有什么限制吗?)
2- 我们如何检查以下内容的正确性几何数据,例如GML如何理解多边形的2个内部边界彼此相交,(通过模式?通过特殊库?或者它只是通过模式验证GML而不检查内部坐标数据)
3-如果我想使用数据库,我可以将 GML 数据存储在 XML Berkeley 数据库中吗?
We want to use GML in our application; It is a GIS based application which simulates the real word objects (i.e. Pipes, Roads, etc) in a virtual reality environment. Currently we draw and store the geometry in AutoCAD DWGs but in future we want to change the Database. I really need to find the answers of these questions.
1- Is GML proper for encoding Geometry file (CAD,Shape,..) That contains more than 100000 features (What is the relation between data Volume and GML performance, is there any limitation?)
2- how can we check the correctness of geometry data, for example how GML Understand that 2 inner Boundaries of a polygon intersect each other, (by Schema? By special Libraries? Or it just validate GML by Schema without check the inner coordinates data)
3-If I want to use a DB, can I store GML data in XML Berkeley Database?
Thanks for your Attention
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1. GML 可以表示 CAD/GIS 数据 - 例如从形状文件、DWG 获得的数据。 DGN等。GML用于对3D建筑结构进行建模(有一种用GML编写的称为CityGML的语言(参见Google CityGML)。GML也可以表示地形模型和图像(GMLJP2)。GML是XML,因此体积可能很大,然而,现代 XML 数据库可以轻松处理具有 100,000 个甚至更多特征的数据库(例如 Galdos INspector(仅 Google galdosinc)可以轻松处理数十万个特征(例如奥地利的所有道路)以及复杂的建筑模型(请参阅
2。您无法验证几何图形。 (例如多边形边界交叉点)仅通过 XML 模式验证,但有特殊的库,Galdos 很快就会提供一个 GML 验证器,例如为 Google 开发的 KML 验证器(即 Google kmlvalidator),后者确实检查 KML 的几何有效性
。 strong>3.GML可以存储在任何数据库中——Oracle、PostgreSQL等以及XML数据库。 您应该注意到,有一些称为 Web 要素服务 (WFS) 的 Web 服务提供 GML 数据。
1. GML can represent both CAD/GIS data - e.g. data obtained from shape files, DWG. DGN etc. GML is used to model 3D building structures (there is a language called CityGML written in GML (see just Google CityGML). GML can represent terrain models and images (GMLJP2) also. GML is XML so the volume can be large, however, modern XML databases can easily handle databases with 100,000 features and more. GML clients (like Galdos INspector (Just Google galdosinc) can readily deal with hundreds of thousands of features (e.g. all roads in Austria) as well as with complex building models (see
2. You cannot validate geometry (e.g. polygon boundary intersections)just by XML schema validation, but there are special libraries and Galdos will shortly provide a GML validator like the KML validator (just Google kmlvalidator) developed for Google. This latter tool does check for geometric validity of KML.
3. GML can be stored in any database - Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc as well as XML databases. You should note that there are web services called Web Feature Service (WFS) that serve GML data.