它们如何帮助您改进编程? 它们可以集成到 IDE 中吗?如果可以,如何集成?
编辑:感谢 altCognito 在命名之前几乎有重复的问题: 您的实用工具包中有什么**。 “几乎”,因为那里的列表没有提供每个工具的具体用途的简短解释 编辑:如果这个问题仍然存在,并且您想添加新工具,请根据工具的受欢迎程度添加
- grep 用于强大的文本搜索
- ArsClip - 它会记住最后一个n 剪贴板中的条目数量。 快捷键组合 Ctrl + Shift + Z , 2 为您提供 Windows 剪贴板中倒数第二个复制的文本(或对象)。 从来没有听说过它在 VS 中以某种方式使用,我也没有错过这样的集成...
- Process Explorer - 用于终止不需要的进程(例如 VS Team Services 帮助)+ 全面掌握 Windows 上的整体系统信息
- Paint.NET - 经常使用它来编写或调整图形(Visual Studio 几乎不提供像样的图形编辑方式)。 Paint.NET 非常适合制作透明的 PNG 或 GIF - 单击“魔棒”工具选择要透明的区域,然后点击删除
您可以找到更广泛的 列表在我的博客上...
And how they help you improve your programming ? Could they be integrated in IDE and if yes how ?
Edit: Thanks to altCognito There has been almost duplicate question before named:
What's in Your Utility Tookit**. "Allmost" since the listings there do not provide short explanations of what exactly each tool does
Edit: If this question stays and you want to add a new tool please please according tool's popularity
A simple tool listing
- grep for powerful text searching
- ArsClip - it remembers the last n amount of entries in the ClipBoard. The shortcut combination Ctrl + Shift + Z , 2 gives you the second last copied text ( or object ) from the Windows Clipboard. Never heard of it being somehow used within VS , neither have I missed such an integration ...
- Process Explorer - for killing unwanted processes ( VS Team Services Help for example ) + vast grip of overall system info on Windows
- Paint.NET - use this often for writing or tweaking graphics (Visual Studio provides little in the way of decent graphics editing). Paint.NET is great for making transparent PNGs or GIFs - click the "Magic wand" tool to select the area you want to make transparent, and then hit Delete
You could find a broader list on my blog ...
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

Expresso: excellent free and stable tool for regular expressions
Paint.NET 和 Notepad++。
Paint.NET - 经常使用它来编写或调整图形(Visual Studio 几乎没有提供像样的图形编辑方式)。 Paint.NET 非常适合制作透明 PNG 或 GIF - 单击“魔棒”工具选择要设为透明的区域,然后单击“删除”。
NotePad++ 能够右键单击任何大小的任何文件并查看其原始内容 - 绕过文件的默认查看器。
Paint.NET and Notepad++.
Paint.NET - use this often for writing or tweaking graphics (Visual Studio provides little in the way of decent graphics editing). Paint.NET is great for making transparent PNGs or GIFs - click the "Magic wand" tool to select the area you want to make transparent, and then hit Delete.
NotePad++ for the ability to right-click any file of any size and view its raw contents - bypassing the default viewer for the file.
Transmit 让我可以在服务器上进行实时编辑,这绝对是天赐之物。
The fact that Transmit will let me edit live on the server is an absolute godsend.
我最喜欢的一个是我编写的一个很小的 Perl 脚本,它删除了文本中的格式,这样我就可以剪切(从电子邮件或 Word 文档中)并粘贴纯文本,而无需任何修饰。
One of my favourites is a teensy perl script I wrote that drops formatting from text so I can cut (from email or word doc) and paste the plain text sans foppery.
And here it is;
Evernote。 主要是因为它的自动同步功能使我可以在办公室、家里或任何有网络连接的地方轻松查看和更改我的所有笔记。
Evernote. Mainly because it's automatic syncorisation allows me to easily view and alter all my notes in the office, at home or anywhere else that I have a web connection.
我正在开发的 Eclipse 重构插件。 希望它能让您轻松地将遭受太多方法/字段困扰的大类分解为更小的类。 理论上,根据单一职责原则,使用相似字段的方法属于一起。
Refactoring Plugin for Eclipse that I am working on. Hopefully it will allow you to easily break up large classes suffering from too many methods/fields into smaller ones. Theory is that methods using similar fields belong together according to the Single Responsibility Principle.
用于那些便签的 Windows 边栏。 适合快速复制和粘贴代码。
Windows Sidebar for those sticky notes. good for quick copy and pasting code.
Firebug 和 Web 开发工具栏(均适用于 Firefox)——任何 Web 开发人员都不应缺少它们。
Firebug 允许您检查文档的结构并动态编辑 HTML/CSS。 它还可以让您查看所涉及的 JavaScript。
Web 开发工具栏允许您禁用 CSS 和缓存。 它可以让您重置 cookie。
Firebug and Web Development Toolbar (both for Firefox)-- no web developer should be without them.
Firebug lets you examine the structure of a document and edit the HTML/CSS on the fly. It also lets you see the JavaScript involved.
Web Development Toolbar lets you disable CSS and the cache. It lets you reset cookies.
Ack:顾名思义,Ack 比 grep 更好。 比 grep 好得多。 比 grep 好太多了,让原来的 grep 看起来脑残。
Ack: As its domain name implies, Ack is better than grep. Mind-numbingly better than grep. So much better than grep that makes the original grep look brain-damaged.
I couldn't live without Ack.
超越比较排名第二。 价格便宜、功能强大并且可用于 Linux。
2nd for BeyondCompare. Inexpensive, powerful and available for Linux.