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Closed 6 years ago.
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尝试过FxCop? 它作为“代码分析”集成到 VS 中。
在较新版本的 Visual Studio 中,它称为“Microsoft 代码分析”,可以从 Visual Studio Marketplace 下载:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=VisualStudioPlatformTeam.MicrosoftCodeAnalysis2017
Tried FxCop? It's integrated into VS as "Code Analysis"
In the newer versions of Visual Studio, it is called "Microsoft Code Analysis" and can be downloaded from the Visual Studio Marketplace: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=VisualStudioPlatformTeam.MicrosoftCodeAnalysis2017
SonarLint (free, open source) is pretty sweet!
Resharper 执行相当多的静态分析以及做大量其他有用的事情。 自版本 8.0 起,分析可以在命令行模式下运行。 目前,如果没有它,我不会用 C# 编写代码。
除了 FxCop 之外,Gendarme 是另一个值得关注的工具(它是 FxCop 的 Mono 版本,但它们是不同的)方法和他们实际发现的错误)。
Resharper performs a fair bit of static analysis as well as doing a ton of other useful things. Since version 8.0 analysis can run in command line mode. Currently I wouldn't code in C# without it.
As well as FxCop, Gendarme is another tool to look at (it is Mono's version of FxCop but they are different in approach and the errors that they actually find).
Gendarme for Mono 与 FxCop 类似
Gendarme for Mono is similar to FxCop
您可以尝试 Red-Gate 的 .Net Reflector,您可以从此处获取它。 CodePlex 上提供了许多有用的 .Net Reflector 插件,您可以从此处获取。
You can try .Net Reflector by Red-Gate, you can get it from here. Many useful plugins for .Net Reflector are available on CodePlex which you can get it from here.
您可以尝试 PVS-工作室。 这不是免费的,但是,恕我直言,必须有一个。
This question already has an answer, but for reference...
You can try PVS-Studio. That's not free, but, IMHO, must have one.
Quote from their site: