.vssettings 文件的架构?
我想手动编辑 Visual Studio 团队设置文件以进行一些更改。 是否有 .vssettings 文件的文档架构(XSD 或英语散文)?
I would like to hand edit a Visual Studio team settings file to make a few changes. Is there a documented schema anywhere (either XSD or English prose) for .vssettings files?
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您能否详细说明一下您要编辑的内容以及原因? 如果您遇到无法通过 GUI 设置的内容,我会非常感到惊讶。 如果您需要在多台机器上自动化某些 IDE 设置,我建议使用 IDE 宏。
从技术上来说——答案是否定的。 vssettings 文件未针对任何模式(无论是否有记录)进行验证。
如果从元素名称来看如何实现您想要的效果并不明显 - 例如,您可以使用 GUI 设置所需的选项,并将结果 vssettings 与初始选项进行比较。
Could you please elaborate on what you want to edit, and why? I'd be very surprised if you came across something that isn't settable from the GUI. If you need to automate some IDE setup across multiple machines, I'd suggest IDE macros.
Technically - the answer is no. vssettings files are not validated against any schema, documented or not.
In case it isn't obvious from the element names how to achieve what you want - you might, for example, set the desired option with the GUI and diff the resulting vssettings with the initial one.
But, again, why would you want to do that?