Textmate 2 发生了什么?

发布于 2024-07-17 05:06:49 字数 24 浏览 4 评论 0原文

Textmate 2 发生了什么?

What ever happened to Textmate 2?

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愁以何悠 2024-07-24 05:06:49

我几乎确信过去 4 个月内邮件列表中曾有一篇帖子强烈暗示(或直接声明)到 2009 年夏季至少会有一个测试版,但我一直没能深入了解。起来了,所以我不确定。

说实话,我并不是很关心 TextMate。 当然,我很想看到它,因为新东西总是很酷; 但在我看来,TextMate 只缺少 2 个大功能——分割窗格查看和更好的撤消支持——而且我发现没有这些功能我也能生活。 TextMate 2 可能会很棒,但当前的 TextMate 是一个非常棒的编辑器,我并不急于 TM2 的出现。

更新:公开 Alpha 版将于 2011 年圣诞节到期

更新:公开 alpha 版本现已可用

I was almost positive that there was a post to the mailing list within the last 4 months that strongly implied -- or outright stated -- that there'd at least be a beta by summer 2009, but I haven't been able to dig it up, so I'm not sure.

To be honest, I'm not really that concerned about TextMate. Sure, I'd love to see it, because new stuff is always cool; but in my opinion there are only 2 big features missing from TextMate -- split-pane viewing and better undo support -- and I've found I can live without those. TextMate 2 will probably be awesome, but the current TextMate is such a great editor that I'm not anxious for TM2 to come out.

Update: A public alpha is due out by Christmas 2011.

Update: A public alpha is now available

伤感在游骋 2024-07-24 05:06:49

来自 wiki

问:TextMate 2 仍在开发中,还是已被放弃?

TM2 正在积极开发中。 如果这段文字还在这里,情况仍然如此。 (最后更新时间为 2009 年 4 月 7 日。Allan 强调目前还没有任何版本“即将发布”。)

作者 Allan Odgaard 已将 TextMate 博客更新为 这篇文章


在过去的两年里,该博客上的帖子已变得稀少,许多 TextMate 用户询问了 TextMate 的状态,或公开担心其未来。 这篇博文是我很长一段时间以来在这里写的第一篇博文,旨在缓解这些担忧并回答一些最常见的问题。

简而言之,TextMate 的开发正在强劲进行:TextMate 2 尚未完成,但进展稳定,已初具规模,结局已在望。 重写是一个缓慢而仔细的过程,但其背后的想法令人兴奋。 我希望在未来几周和几个月内公开描述一些新的抽象。 此外,社区继续为 TextMate 1.5 推出新的捆绑包和功能,我也一直在积压积压的描述它们的帖子。 虽然我写信不是为了宣布 TextMate 2 的发布日期,但我确实希望这篇文章将是系列文章中的第一篇,展示更多的透明度。

对 TextMate 1 的请求主要是增量添加,例如分割视图、分块撤消和通过 SFTP 进行编辑。 但 TextMate 2 不仅仅是新的表面功能。 每个部分都经过完全重写,以利用从版本 1 中吸取的经验教训。不仅选择了低级数据结构来提高灵活性,而且还选择了 TextMate 构建的抽象——片段、基于范围的语言语法、上下文相关的设置——经过重新思考,比以往更强大。 在接下来的几个月中,我将尝试描述其中一些新的抽象,但现在,我对所涉及的新想法感到兴奋。

那么2.0的开发代表什么? 我觉得大多数模块都已经接近了,比如 90%。 但正如他们所说,在地平线上,山脉看起来很小。 虽然我在自己的日常工作中使用 2.0,而且基础设施相当可靠,但前端的大部分内容仍然需要改进,而且目前还缺乏成品应用程序的打磨和完善。 希望 alpha 版本很快就能准备好,但我不能对日期做出任何承诺。

为什么我没有更好地让世界了解情况? 这确实是很多事情的结合,但主要问题是我不擅长为大量读者写作。 我更喜欢非正式的对话,例如通过邮件列表或 IRC。 因此,虽然我开始了很多帖子,但我最终对它们不满意,而且它们没有完成或发布。 我正在采取措施:我已经聘请了一位技术作家来帮助让这个博客重新焕发活力,我将尝试通过他更多地传达 TextMate 的现状和方向。

正如我所提到的,比这些问题更严重的是 TextMate 2 并不是一个小改动。 这是一项耗时较长的重大工程,其最终形式尚未完全确定。 我不想炒作汽件,也不想在我知道自己能够满足他们的期望之前让任何人抱有希望。

此外,我不想在自己没有机会实现想法的情况下将想法扔到互联网上。 我很荣幸 TextMate 为许多其他产品提供了灵感,我希望它在未来继续成为其他开发人员的典范,但我希望看到我的想法首先以我的方式实现,然后再将它们提供给竞争。

我正在努力慢慢转动这艘船。 通过这篇文章,我希望向大家展示,有一只手在掌控方向盘。 我知道我对自己的计划沉默太久了。 我无法弥补这一点,但展望未来,我的目标是做得更好。

这是官方博客文章,称公共 alpha 版本将于 2011 年圣诞节前发布。

From the wiki:

Q: Is TextMate 2 still in development, or has it been abandoned?

TM2 is being actively developed. If this text is still here, that is still the case. (Last updated April 7, 2009. Allan stresses that no release is "around the corner" yet.)

The author, Allan Odgaard, has updated the TextMate blog with this post:

Working on It

Over the past two years, posts on this blog have slowed to just a trickle, and a number of TextMate users have asked about TextMate’s status, or publicly worried about its future. This blog post, the first I’ve written here in a long time, is an attempt to assuage those concerns and answer some of the most frequent questions.

In short, TextMate development is going strong: TextMate 2 isn’t done yet, but progress is steady, it is starting to take shape, and the end is in sight. The rewrite has been a slow and careful process, but the ideas behind it are exciting. I hope to publicly describe some new abstractions in the coming weeks and months. Moreover, the community continues to churn out new bundles and features for TextMate 1.5, and I’ve been building up a backlog of posts describing them. While I am not writing to announce a release date for TextMate 2, I do hope that this post will be the first in a series showing a bit more transparency.

The requests for TextMate 1 have mostly been incremental additions such as split views, chunked undo, and editing over SFTP. But TextMate 2 is about more than new surface features. Every part has been completely rewritten to take advantage of the lessons learned from the years of version 1. Not only are the low-level data structures chosen for increased flexibility, but the abstractions on which TextMate is built—snippets, scope-based language grammars, context-dependent settings—have been rethought and are more powerful than ever. In the coming months, I’ll try to describe some of these new abstractions, but for now, know that I am excited about the new ideas involved.

So where does development stand for 2.0? It feels to me like most of the modules are getting close, say 90%. But as they say, on the horizon, mountains look small. While I use 2.0 for my own work, day-to-day, and the basic infrastructure is pretty solid, much of the front-end still needs work, and for now it’s all lacking the spit and polish of a finished app. Hopefully an alpha version will be ready before too long, but I can’t make any promises about dates.

And why haven’t I been better about keeping the world informed? It is a combination of many things really, but the main issue is that I am not good at writing for a large audience. I am more into informal conversations, for instance over mailing lists or on IRC. So while I started a lot of posts, I end up unhappy with them halfway through, and they don’t get finished or published. I am taking measures: I have enlisted a technical writer to help bring this blog back to life, and I’ll try to communicate more of TextMate’s status and direction through him.

Bigger than either of those problems though, as I mentioned, is that TextMate 2 is no minor facelift. It’s a major undertaking with a long timeline and its final form isn’t fully settled. I don’t want to hype vaporware, and I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up before I know I can meet their expectations.

Furthermore, I haven’t wanted to throw ideas onto the internet without having a chance to implement them myself. I’m humbled that TextMate has served as inspiration for many other products, and I hope that it continues to be a model for other developers in the future, but I want to see my ideas done my way first, before I feed them to the competition.

I am trying to slowly turn this boat. With this post, I hopefully am showing that a hand is at the wheel. I know I’ve been quiet too long about my plans. I can’t make up for that, but going forward, I aim to do better.

And Here's the official blog post, saying the public alpha version will be release before Christmas 2011.

笑,眼淚并存 2024-07-24 05:06:49

艾伦·奥德加德(2007 年 10 月 24 日):

精神疲惫。 所以把TM 2.0放上去

最后我听说,它是私人阿尔法。 请记住:耐心是一种美德。 :)

Allan Odgaard (Oct 24, 2007):

[...] there is no ETA, and I won’t speak
about timing before I am certain I can
provide an (alpha/beta) release within
the next month – because really, the
more I say, the more people ask, and
having to answer the same questions
over and over again is (for me)
mentally exhausting. So put TM 2.0 up
there with Duke Nukem Forever and be
positively surprised the day it is
released :)

Last I heard, it was in private alpha. Just remember: patience is a virtue. :)

慈悲佛祖 2024-07-24 05:06:49

这是作者 Allan Odgaard 的邮件列表上的最新帖子。 它为当前的发展状况提供了一些线索。


Here is a recent post on a mailing list from author Allan Odgaard. It sheds a little light on the current state of development.

In short, don't expect anything soon.

寄居者 2024-07-24 05:06:49

距离这个问题已经过去 1 1/2 年了。 并且没有更新。 并且没有消息。

我将从短信中继续。 真的很遗憾,因为它是 Mac 上最好的编辑器。 但是,天哪,连 Dreamweaver 都放弃了它。

Well it's been 1 1/2 years since this question. And no update. And no news.

I'm moving on from textmate. Shame really, cause it was the best editor on Mac. But, hell, even dreamweaver has passed it up.

生来就爱笑 2024-07-24 05:06:49

TextMate 作者被 MacRabbit(Espresso 编辑器背后的公司)聘用,因此 Espresso 可能会成为下一个 TextMate(真是太遗憾了..)

文章中的任何地方都没有这么说。 此外,这根本不是事实。 MacRabbit 和 MacroMates 一样也是一家 1 人公司。 Textmate 的开发者居住在丹麦; MacRabbit 住在比利时。

Expresso 是一个不同的编辑器,而不是 Textmate 2。

TextMate author was hired by MacRabbit (company behind the Espresso editor) so it could be that Espresso will be the next TextMate (it's a real shame..)

It doesn’t say that anywhere in the article. Besides, this is simply not true. MacRabbit is also a 1 person company like MacroMates. Textmate's developer lives in Denmark; MacRabbit's lives in Belgium.

Expresso is a different editor, not Textmate 2.

痴情 2024-07-24 05:06:49

我简直不敢相信这是真的,但我刚刚读到它计划于 2010 年 10 月底发布。


I can scarcely believe this is true, but I just read that it is scheduled for release at the end of October, 2010.


不再见 2024-07-24 05:06:49

不完全是这个问题的直接答案,但由于我刚刚注册了一个帐户,并且没有代表点对答案发表评论(或者事实证明包含多个超链接),所以我将留下我的回复Paul 和 Vasil:

您绝对应该查看 Ciarán 的 ReMate Update 插件TextMate 在我使用 NFS 时对我来说非常宝贵。

我还强烈推荐 Ciarán 的另一个 TextMate 插件 ProjectPlus (ciaranwal.sh/projectplus)

Ciarán 的最后一个插件...很可能是因为他为 TM1 开发了一些很棒的插件,他也被 Allan (wiki) 雇用.macromates.com/FAQ/TextMate2) 在 TextMate 2 上工作

not exactly a direct answer to this question, but since I just signed up for an account and don't have the rep points to comment on an answer (or as it turns out include more than one hyperlink), I'll leave my response here for Paul and Vasil:

You should definitely check out Ciarán's ReMate Update plugin for TextMate as it has been invaluable for me while working with NFS.

I also highly recommend Ciarán's other TextMate plugin, ProjectPlus (ciaranwal.sh/projectplus)

One last plug for Ciarán...most likely due to the fact that he has developed some great plugins for TM1, he has also been hired by Allan (wiki.macromates.com/FAQ/TextMate2) to work on TextMate 2

后知后觉 2024-07-24 05:06:49

世界上确实没有任何借口可以证明 Textmate 2 不是蒸汽软件。


不幸的是,textmate 1 看起来像是侥幸,而 texmate 2 则是软件世界中国民主.. 。

There's really no excuse in the world that could convince that textmate 2 isn't vaporware.

Even if he was secretly coding the editor to demolish all other editors, the amount of years that have passed and lack of any real evidence of anything solid whatsoever, point toward poor development practices and lack of experience producing a product.

Unfortunately it looks like textmate 1 was a fluke, and texmate 2 is the software worlds chinese democracy...

不及他 2024-07-24 05:06:49

我认为令人遗憾的是,在寻找 TextMate 2 信息时,这个问题仍然是 Google 搜索最多的项目之一,但它却充满了谣言和暗示。

他们正在努力工作,而且他们正在努力做的事情非常非常努力。 让他们休息一下。 我什至就此写了一篇文章:On TextMate 2

I think its sad that this question remains one of the top Google search items when looking for TextMate 2 information yet it is filled with rumors and insinuations.

They are working diligently on it and what they are trying to do is so very very hard. Give them a break. I even wrote an article on this: On TextMate 2

南街九尾狐 2024-07-24 05:06:49

今天,MacroMates 官方博客上发布了一篇标题为 下一步是什么 的新帖子(粗体强调为我):

最近对于 TextMate 的未来有很多猜测和担忧,主要是关于是否还会有另一个重大版本。 2.0 的工作已经开始,虽然我们希望它能够更快地完成,但我们对它的结果感到非常满意。 开发终于到了可以发布公告的地步:

今年圣诞节前将针对注册用户发布公开 alpha 版本。

A new post today with title What's Next on MacroMates official blog states (bold emphasis by me):

There has been a lot of speculation and trepidation about the future of TextMate recently, mostly about whether there will be another major release. Work on 2.0 began and while we wish it could have been completed faster we are very pleased with how it is turning out. Development has reached a point finally where we can make an announcement:

There will be a public alpha release this year, before Christmas, for registered users.

萌酱 2024-07-24 05:06:49



记住我的话。 10天。

I am predicting, right now, that he is going to surprise everyone and give us a gift on Christmas of this year.

How perfect of an opportunity would it be for him release a relatively polished non-beta on Christmas and watch everybody in the world go ape shit.

Mark my words. 10 days.

迷路的信 2024-07-24 05:06:49

TextMate 作者被 MacRabbit 聘用 (Espresso 编辑器背后的公司)所以 Espresso 可能会成为下一个 TextMate(这真是太遗憾了..)

TextMate author was hired by MacRabbit (company behind the Espresso editor) so it could be that Espresso will be the next TextMate (it's a real shame..)

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