Visual Studio 2008宏在头文件和源文件之间切换?
有谁知道如何制作宏或在 foo.hpp 和 foo.cpp 之间切换的东西? 我真的很感激有这样的宏。 我想如果它确实打开了相应的文件,但将旧文件保留在选项卡中,将会有所帮助。
Does anyone know how to make a macro or something to switch between foo.hpp and foo.cpp? I would really appreciate having a macro like this. I guess it would help if it actually opened the corresponding file, but kept the old one in a tab.
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Perhaps one (or a combination) of the following will help you:
为什么不使用右键> 前往声明 | 转到定义?
Why not use right click > Go to declaration | Go to definition?
在 Visual Studio 2013 中,它被添加为 Ctrl + K、Ctrl + O
In Visual Studio 2013 it was added as Ctrl + K, Ctrl + O
在大型项目中,某些选项对我来说运行缓慢。 这个不会在其他文件夹中查找,但运行速度更快,并且应该满足大多数需求:
之间切换.cpp 和 .h 文件
Some of the options ran slow for me in large projects. This one doesn't look in other folders but works faster and should cover most needs:
switch between .cpp & .h files
您可以尝试使用“Switch” - 这是一个在源文件和头文件之间切换的插件,但也允许您在其他类型的相关文件之间切换 - XAML 和代码隐藏、设计器和代码等。
You could try using 'Switch' - this is an addin that switches between source and header files, but also lets you switch between other types of related files - XAML and codebehind, designer and code etc etc.