普通旧 CLR 对象与数据传输对象

发布于 2024-07-17 02:32:53 字数 285 浏览 5 评论 0原文

POCO = 普通旧式 CLR(或更好:类)对象

DTO = 数据传输对象

在此 post 是有区别的,但坦率地说,我读过的大多数博客都以 DTO 的定义方式描述 POCO:DTO 是简单的数据容器,用于在各层之间移动数据。一个应用程序。


POCO = Plain Old CLR (or better: Class) Object

DTO = Data Transfer Object

In this post there is a difference, but frankly most of the blogs I read describe POCO in the way DTO is defined: DTOs are simple data containers used for moving data between the layers of an application.

Are POCO and DTO the same thing?

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坠似风落 2024-07-24 02:32:53

POCO 遵循 OOP 规则。 它应该(但不一定)具有状态和行为。 POCO 源自 POJO,由 Martin Fowler 创造[这里有轶事]。 他使用 POJO 一词来让拒绝框架重的 EJB 实现变得更加性感。 POCO 应该在 .Net 中的相同上下文中使用。 不要让框架决定对象的设计。

DTO 的唯一目的是传输状态,并且不应该有任何行为。 有关使用此模式的示例,请参阅 Martin Fowler 的DTO 说明

区别如下:POCO 描述了一种编程方法(良好的老式面向对象编程),其中 DTO 是一种用于使用对象“传输数据”的模式

虽然您可以像对待 DTO 一样对待 POCO,但如果出现以下情况,您就会面临创建贫乏域模型的风险:你这样做。 此外,结构上也存在不匹配,因为 DTO 应该被设计为传输数据,而不是代表业务域的真实结构。 这样做的结果是 DTO 往往比您的实际域更加扁平。

在任何合理复杂性的域中,创建单独的域 POCO 并将其转换为 DTO 几乎总是更好。 DDD(域驱动设计)定义了反腐败层(另一个链接此处,但最好的办法是 购买这本书),这是一个很好的结构,可以使隔离清晰。

A POCO follows the rules of OOP. It should (but doesn't have to) have state and behavior. POCO comes from POJO, coined by Martin Fowler [anecdote here]. He used the term POJO as a way to make it more sexy to reject the framework heavy EJB implementations. POCO should be used in the same context in .Net. Don't let frameworks dictate your object's design.

A DTO's only purpose is to transfer state, and should have no behavior. See Martin Fowler's explanation of a DTO for an example of the use of this pattern.

Here's the difference: POCO describes an approach to programming (good old fashioned object oriented programming), where DTO is a pattern that is used to "transfer data" using objects.

While you can treat POCOs like DTOs, you run the risk of creating an anemic domain model if you do so. Additionally, there's a mismatch in structure, since DTOs should be designed to transfer data, not to represent the true structure of the business domain. The result of this is that DTOs tend to be more flat than your actual domain.

In a domain of any reasonable complexity, you're almost always better off creating separate domain POCOs and translating them to DTOs. DDD (domain driven design) defines the anti-corruption layer (another link here, but best thing to do is buy the book), which is a good structure that makes the segregation clear.

信愁 2024-07-24 02:32:53


所以,总而言之,学会热爱 POCO,并确保你不喜欢 POCO。不要传播任何关于它与 DTO 相同的错误信息。 DTO 是简单的数据容器,用于在应用程序的各层之间移动数据。 POCO 是成熟的业务对象,唯一的要求是它们是持久性无知的(没有获取或保存方法)。 最后,如果您还没有读过吉米·尼尔森的书,请从当地大学书库中获取。 它有 C# 示例,读起来很棒。

顺便说一句,帕特里克,我将 POCO 作为一篇生活方式文章来阅读,我完全同意,这是一篇很棒的文章。 这实际上是我推荐的吉米·尼尔森(Jimmy Nilsson)书中的一个部分。 我不知道它可以在网上找到。 他的书确实是我发现的有关 POCO / DTO / Repository / 和其他 DDD 开发实践的最佳信息来源。

It's probably redundant for me to contribute since I already stated my position in my blog article, but the final paragraph of that article kind of sums things up:

So, in conclusion, learn to love the POCO, and make sure you don’t spread any misinformation about it being the same thing as a DTO. DTOs are simple data containers used for moving data between the layers of an application. POCOs are full fledged business objects with the one requirement that they are Persistence Ignorant (no get or save methods). Lastly, if you haven’t checked out Jimmy Nilsson’s book yet, pick it up from your local university stacks. It has examples in C# and it’s a great read.

BTW, Patrick I read the POCO as a Lifestyle article, and I completely agree, that is a fantastic article. It's actually a section from the Jimmy Nilsson book that I recommended. I had no idea that it was available online. His book really is the best source of information I've found on POCO / DTO / Repository / and other DDD development practices.

白云不回头 2024-07-24 02:32:53

POCO 只是一个不依赖于外部框架的对象。 它很简单。

POCO 是否有行为并不重要。

DTO 可以是 POCO,也可以是域对象(通常具有丰富的行为)。

通常,DTO 更有可能出于序列化目的而依赖于外部框架(例如属性),因为它们通常存在于系统边界。

在典型的洋葱风格架构中(通常在广泛的 DDD 方法中使用),域层位于中心,因此此时其对象不应该具有该层之外的依赖项。

POCO is simply an object that does not take a dependency on an external framework. It is PLAIN.

Whether a POCO has behaviour or not it's immaterial.

A DTO may be POCO as may a domain object (which would typically be rich in behaviour).

Typically DTOs are more likely to take dependencies on external frameworks (eg. attributes) for serialisation purposes as typically they exit at the boundary of a system.

In typical Onion style architectures (often used within a broadly DDD approach) the domain layer is placed at the centre and so its objects should not, at this point, have dependencies outside of that layer.

青柠芒果 2024-07-24 02:32:53

我为该主题写了一篇文章: DTO 与值对象与 POCO 相比。


  • DTO != 值对象
  • DTO ⊂ POCO
  • 值对象 ⊂ POCO

I wrote an article for that topic: DTO vs Value Object vs POCO.

In short:

  • DTO != Value Object
  • DTO ⊂ POCO
  • Value Object ⊂ POCO
混吃等死 2024-07-24 02:32:53


DTO 描述了状态传输的模式。 POCO 没有描述太多东西,只是没有什么特别之处。 这是 OOP 中“对象”的另一种表达方式。 它来自 POJO (Java),由 Martin Fowler 创造,他实际上只是将其描述为“对象”的一个更奇特的名称,因为“对象”不是很性感,人们因此避免使用它。


好吧,以我认为需要的更加高雅的方式解释这一点,从您关于 DTO 的原始问题开始:

DTO 是一种用于在关注层之间传输状态的对象模式。 它们可以有行为(即技术上可以是 poco),只要该行为不会改变状态。 例如,它可能有一个将自身序列化的方法。 要成为一个合适的 DTO,它需要是一个简单的属性包; 需要明确的是,该对象不是一个强模型,它没有隐含的语义含义,并且它不强制执行任何形式的业务规则或不变量。 它实际上只是为了移动数据而存在。

POCO 是一个普通对象,但“普通”的意思是它并不特殊,没有任何特定的要求或约定。 它只是意味着它是一个没有隐含模式的 CLR 对象。 通用术语。 我还听说它被扩展来描述这样一个事实:它也不能与其他框架一起使用。 因此,例如,如果您的 POCO 在其属性上有一堆 EF 装饰,那么我认为它不是一个简单的 POCO,它更多地属于 DAO 领域,我将其描述为以下内容的组合: DTO 和其他数据库问题(例如映射等)。 POCO 是免费且不受阻碍的,就像您在学校学习创建的对象一样。


  • 视图模型:用于对视图的数据进行建模。 通常有数据注释来协助特定视图(即通常不是共享对象)的绑定和验证,或者在当今时代,特定视图组件(例如React)。 在MVVM中,它还充当控制器的角色。 它不仅仅是一个 DTO; 它不是传输状态,而是呈现状态,或者更具体地说,以对 UI 有用的方式形成该状态。
  • 值对象:用于表示值,应该是不可变的
  • 聚合根:用于管理状态和不变量。 不应允许引用除 ID
  • 处理程序之外的内部实体:用于响应事件/消息。
  • 属性:用作装饰来处理横切关注点。 可能只允许在某些对象级别上使用(例如,属性但不是类、方法但不是属性等)
  • 服务:用于执行复杂的任务。 通常是某种形式的立面。
  • 控制器:用于控制请求和响应的流程。 通常仅限于特定协议或充当某种中介; 它负有特殊的责任。
  • 工厂:用于配置和/或组装复杂对象,以便在构造函数不够好时使用。 还用于决定需要在运行时创建哪些对象。
  • Repository/DAO:用于访问数据。 通常公开 CRUD 操作或者是表示数据库模式的对象; 可以用特定于实现的属性来标记。 事实上,这些模式 DAO 对象之一实际上是另一种 DTO...
  • API 契约:可能用序列化属性进行标记。 通常需要有公共 getter 和 setter,并且应该是轻量级的(不是过于复杂的图); 与序列化无关的方法不典型且不鼓励。

这些可以被视为只是对象,但请注意,它们中的大多数通常与模式相关或具有隐含的限制。 因此,您可以将它们称为“对象”,或者您可以更具体地说明其意图并按其本质来称呼它。 这也是我们有设计模式的原因; 用几句话描述复杂的概念。 DTO 是一种模式。 聚合根是一种模式,视图模型是一种模式(例如MVC和MVVM)。

POCO 不描述模式。 它只是 OOP 中引用类/对象的一种不同方式,可以是任何东西。 将其视为一个抽象概念; 他们可以指任何事物。 在我看来,这是一种单向关系,因为一旦一个对象达到只能完全服务一个目的的地步,它就不再是 POCO。 例如,一旦您用装饰标记您的类以使其与某些框架一起工作(即“检测”它),它就不再是 POCO。 因此,我认为存在一些逻辑关系,例如:

  • 是 POCO(直到它被检测)
  • POCO 可能不是 DTO
  • 视图模型是 POCO(直到它被检测)
  • POCO 可能不是视图模型

DTO 区分两者是为了保持模式清晰和一致,以避免交叉关注并导致紧密耦合。 例如,如果您有一个业务对象,它具有改变状态的方法,但也使用 EF 装饰来保存到 SQL Server 和 JsonProperty,以便可以通过 API 端点发送回。 该对象无法容忍更改,并且可能会散布各种属性的变体(例如 UserId、UserPk、UserKey、UserGuid,其中一些标记为不保存到数据库,另一些标记为不序列化到API 端点处的 JSON)。

因此,如果您告诉我某个东西是 DTO,那么我可能会确保它除了移动状态之外从未用于任何其他用途。 如果你告诉我某个东西是视图模型,那么我可能会确保它没有保存到数据库中,并且我知道可以将“hacky”东西放在那里以确保数据可用通过用户界面。 如果你告诉我某个东西是领域模型,那么我可能会确保它不依赖于域之外的任何内容,当然也不依赖于任何技术实现细节(数据库、服务等),仅依赖于抽象。 但是,如果你告诉我某个东西是 POCO,那么除了它不是也不应该被检测之外,你根本就不会告诉我太多。



可能是 POCO,也可能是 DTO。 它只是一个对象; 没什么特别的。 看起来像一个弱类型的属性包,但没有什么值得注意的地方。

public class CreateUserRequest
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Email { get; set; }

这不再是 POCO

public class CreateUserRequest
    [JsonPropertyName(Name = "name")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [JsonPropertyName(Name = "email")]
    public string Email { get; set; }

为什么不再是 POCO? 因为它显然是一个数据协定,旨在与 System.Text.Json 序列化程序一起使用。 它现在更接近 DTO,但针对特定框架进行了检测。


public class CreateUserRequest
    public string Id { get; set; }

    [JsonPropertyName(Name = "name")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [JsonPropertyName(Name = "email")]
    public string Email { get; set; }

    public int LoginCount { get; set; }

    public void IncrementLogin() => LoginCount++;

所以现在这绝对不再是 POCO 了。 它看起来像是某种 DTO,但它的用途是超载的。 是 API 合约还是 DAO? 它似乎既可以作为 JSON 合约,又可以与数据库 ORM 一起使用。 需要额外的工具来防止它从 REST API 中泄漏数据库 PK。 它还具有一种改变状态的方法,就好像有人将其用作域实体一样。 甚至不清楚开发人员是否希望将 LoginCount 作为 JSON 合约或数据库架构的一部分。

我从开发人员那里看到很多这样的类,他们认为通过重用类可以节省时间。 他们认为这是干的。 我想你可能会说它是 DRY,但实际上,它是人为的、紧密耦合的,可能违反了其他 5 个设计理念,并且最终会在未来把你搞砸。


福勒解释的 :在一个对象很奇特的世界中(例如遵循特定的模式,有仪器等),它在某种程度上鼓励人们避免使用不奇特的对象来捕获业务逻辑。 所以他们给它起了一个好听的名字POJO。 如果你想要一个例子,他指的是“Entity Bean”,它是具有非常具体的约定和要求等的对象之一。如果你不知道那是什么 -->; Java Bean

相比之下,POJO/POCO 只是您在学校学习如何创建的常规 ole 对象。


A DTO describes the pattern of state transfer. A POCO doesn't describe much of anything except that there is nothing special about it. It's another way of saying "object" in OOP. It comes from POJO (Java), coined by Martin Fowler who literally just describes it as a fancier name for 'object' because 'object' isn't very sexy and people were avoiding it as such.


Okay to explain this in a far more high-brow way that I ever thought would be needed, beginning with your original question about DTOs:

A DTO is an object pattern used to transfer state between layers of concern. They can have behavior (i.e. can technically be a poco) so long as that behavior doesn't mutate the state. For example, it may have a method that serializes itself. For it to be a proper DTO, it needs to be a simple property bag; it needs to be clear that this object is not a strong model, it has no implied semantic meaning, and it doesn't enforce any form of business rule or invariant. It literally only exists to move data around.

A POCO is a plain object, but what is meant by 'plain' is that it is not special and does not have any specific requirements or conventions. It just means it's a CLR object with no implied pattern to it. A generic term. I've also heard it extended to describe the fact that it also isn't made to work with some other framework. So if your POCO has a bunch of EF decorations all over it's properties, for example, then it I'd argue that it isn't a simple POCO and that it's more in the realm of DAO, which I would describe as a combination of DTO and additional database concerns (e.g. mapping, etc.). POCOs are free and unencumbered like the objects you learn to create in school

Here some examples of different kinds of object patterns to compare:

  • View Model: used to model data for a view. Usually has data annotations to assist binding and validation for particular view (i.e. generally NOT a shared object), or in this day and age, a particular view component (e.g. React). In MVVM, it also acts as a controller. It's more than a DTO; it's not transferring state, it's presenting it or more specifically, forming that state in a way that is useful to a UI.
  • Value Object: used to represent values, should be immutable
  • Aggregate Root: used to manage state and invariants. should not allow references to internal entities other than by ID
  • Handlers: used to respond to an event/message.
  • Attributes: used as decorations to deal with cross-cutting concerns. May only be allowed to be used on certain objects levels (e.g. property but not class, method but not property, etc.)
  • Service: used to perform complex tasks. Typically some form of facade.
  • Controller: used to control flow of requests and responses. Typically restricted to a particular protocol or acts as some sort of mediator; it has a particular responsibility.
  • Factory: used to configure and/or assemble complex objects for use when a constructor isn't good enough. Also used to make decisions on which objects need to be created at runtime.
  • Repository/DAO: used to access data. Typically exposes CRUD operations or is an object that represents the database schema; may be marked up with implementation specific attributes. In fact, one of these schema DAO objects is actually another kind of DTO...
  • API Contracts: Likely to be marked up with serialization attributes. Typically needs to have public getters and setters and should be lightweight (not an overly complex graph); methods unrelated to serialization are not typical and discouraged.

These can be seen as just objects, but notice that most of them are generally tied to a pattern or have implied restrictions. So you could call them "objects" or you could be more specific about its intent and call it by what it is. This is also why we have design patterns; to describe complex concepts in a few words. DTO is a pattern. Aggregate root is a pattern, View Model is a pattern (e.g. MVC & MVVM).

A POCO doesn't describe a pattern. It is just a different way of referring to classes/objects in OOP which could be anything. Think of it as an abstract concept; they can be referring to anything. IMO, there's a one-way relationship though because once an object reaches the point where it can only serve one purpose cleanly, it is no longer a POCO. For example, once you mark up your class with decorations to make it work with some framework (i.e. 'instrumenting' it), it is no longer a POCO. Therefore I think there are some logical relationships like:

  • A DTO is a POCO (until it is instrumented)
  • A POCO might not be a DTO
  • A View Model is a POCO (until it is instrumented)
  • A POCO might not be View Model

The point in making a distinction between the two is about keeping patterns clear and consistent in effort to not cross concerns and lead to tight coupling. For example if you have a business object that has methods to mutate state, but is also decorated to hell with EF decorations for saving to SQL Server AND JsonProperty so that it can be sent back over an API endpoint. That object would be intolerant to change, and would likely be littered with variants of properties (e.g. UserId, UserPk, UserKey, UserGuid, where some of them are marked up to not be saved to the DB and others marked up to not be serialized to JSON at the API endpoint).

So if you were to tell me something was a DTO, then I'd probably make sure it was never used for anything other than moving state around. If you told me something was a view model, then I'd probably make sure it wasn't getting saved to a database, and I'd know that it's ok to put 'hacky' things in there to make sure the data is usable by a UI. If you told me something was a Domain Model, then I'd probably make sure it had no dependencies on anything outside of the domain and certainly no dependencies on any technical implementation details (databases, services etc.), only abstractions. But if you told me something was a POCO, you wouldn't really be telling me much at all other than it is not and should not be instrumented.


This is a weak but accurate example that should be easy to follow.

This could be a POCO, it could also be a DTO. It's just an object; nothing special about it. Looks like a weakly typed property bag, but there's nothing notable about it.

public class CreateUserRequest
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Email { get; set; }

This is no longer a POCO

public class CreateUserRequest
    [JsonPropertyName(Name = "name")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [JsonPropertyName(Name = "email")]
    public string Email { get; set; }

Why isn't a POCO anymore? Because it is clearly a data contract that is instrumented to work with the System.Text.Json serializer. It's closer to a DTO now, but instrumented for a specific framework.

This next one is what happens when you don't make these distinctions

public class CreateUserRequest
    public string Id { get; set; }

    [JsonPropertyName(Name = "name")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [JsonPropertyName(Name = "email")]
    public string Email { get; set; }

    public int LoginCount { get; set; }

    public void IncrementLogin() => LoginCount++;

So now this is definitely not a POCO anymore. It looks to be a DTO of some sort, but it's purpose is overloaded. Is it an API contract or a DAO? It appears to be made to work as both a JSON contract AND with a database ORM. Additional instrumentation is required just to prevent it from leaking database PKs out of the REST API. It also has a method that mutates state as if someone is using this as a domain entity. It's not even clear if the developer intended the LoginCount to be part of the JSON contract or the database schema.

This class is something I see a lot from developers that think they're saving time by reusing classes. They think this is DRY. I suppose you could argue that it's DRY, but in reality, it's contrived, tightly coupled, probably violates 5 other design philosophies, and is just eventually going to screw you in the future.


Paraphrased from Fowler's explanation: In a world where objects were fancy (e.g. followed a particular pattern, had instrumentation etc.), it somehow encouraged people to avoid using not-fancy objects to capture business logic. So they gave it a fancy name POJO. If you want an example, the one he refers to is an "Entity Bean" which is one of those kinds of objects that have very specific conventions and requirements, etc.. If you don't know what that is --> Java Beans.

In contrast, a POJO/POCO is just the regular ole object that you'd learn how to create in school.

寂寞清仓 2024-07-24 02:32:53

我认为 DTO 可以是 POCO。 DTO 更多的是关于对象的使用,而 POCO 更多的是对象的风格(与架构概念解耦)。

POCO 与 DTO 不同的一个例子是当您在域模型/业务逻辑模型中谈论 POCO 时,这是问题域的一种很好的 OO 表示。 您可以在整个应用程序中使用 POCO,但这可能会产生一些不良的副作用,例如知识泄漏。 例如,DTO 从与 UI 通信的服务层使用,DTO 是数据的平面表示,并且仅用于向 UI 提供数据,并将更改传达回服务层。 服务层负责将DTO的双向映射到POCO域对象。

更新 Martin Fowler 这种方法是一条艰难的道路仅当域层和用户界面之间存在显着不匹配时才应采取。

I think a DTO can be a POCO. DTO is more about the usage of the object while POCO is more of the style of the object (decoupled from architectural concepts).

One example where a POCO is something different than DTO is when you're talking about POCO's inside your domain model/business logic model, which is a nice OO representation of your problem domain. You could use the POCO's throughout the whole application, but this could have some undesirable side effect such a knowledge leaks. DTO's are for instance used from the Service Layer which the UI communicates with, the DTO's are flat representation of the data, and are only used for providing the UI with data, and communicating changes back to the service layer. The service layer is in charge of mapping the DTO's both ways to the POCO domain objects.

Update Martin Fowler said that this approach is a heavy road to take, and should only be taken if there is a significant mismatch between the domain layer and the user interface.

陌若浮生 2024-07-24 02:32:53

DTO 的主要用例是从 Web 服务返回数据。 在这种情况下,POCO 和 DTO 是等效的。 POCO 中的任何行为在从 Web 服务返回时都会被删除,因此它是否具有行为并不重要。

A primary use case for a DTO is in returning data from a web service. In this instance, POCO and DTO are equivalent. Any behavior in the POCO would be removed when it is returned from a web service, so it doesn't really matter whether or not it has behavior.

晨曦慕雪 2024-07-24 02:32:53

DTO 对象用于将数据反序列化为来自不同源的对象。 这些对象不是您的模型 (POCO) 对象。 您需要将这些对象转换为模型 (POCO) 对象。 转换主要是复制操作。 如果是内部源,则可以直接从源填充这些 POCO 对象,但如果是外部源,则不建议这样做。 外部源具有 API 以及它们所使用的架构的描述。 在 DTO 中加载请求数据,然后在 POCO 中转换这些数据要容易得多。 是的,这是一个额外的步骤,但有原因。 规则是将源中的数据加载到对象中。 它可以是 JSON、XML 等。 加载后,然后将该数据转换为模型中所需的数据。 所以大多数时候 DTO 是外部源的对象图像。 有时您甚至可以获得源提供者的架构,然后您可以更轻松地反序列化,XML 的工作方式与 XSD 类似。

DTO objects are used to deserialize data into objects from different sources. Those objects are NOT your Model (POCO) objects. You need to transform those objects into your Model (POCO) objects. The transformation is mostly a copy operation. You can fill those POCO objects directly from the source if its an internal source, but its not adviceable if its an external source. External sources have API's with descriptions of the Schema they use. Its much easier then to load the request data in an DTO and after that transform those in your POCO's. Yes its an extra step, but with a reason. The rule is to load the data from your source in an object. It can be JSON, XML whatever. When loaded then transform that data in what you need in your model. So most of times the DTO is an object image of the external source. Sometimes you even get the Schema's of the source providers then you can deserialize even easier, XML works like that with XSD's.

恰似旧人归 2024-07-24 02:32:53

这是一般规则:DTO==邪恶,是过度设计软件的指标。 POCO==好。 “企业”模式已经摧毁了 Java EE 世界中很多人的大脑。 请不要在.NET 领域重蹈覆辙。

here is the general rule: DTO==evil and indicator of over-engineered software. POCO==good. 'enterprise' patterns have destroyed the brains of a lot of people in the Java EE world. please don't repeat the mistake in .NET land.

温柔嚣张 2024-07-24 02:32:53

甚至不要称它们为 DTO。 他们被称为模型......时期。 模型从来没有行为。 我不知道是谁想出了 DTO 这个愚蠢的术语,但我只能想到它一定是 .NET 的东西。 想想 MVC 中的视图模型,同样的东西,模型用于在服务器端层之间或通过线路传输状态,它们都是模型。 带有数据的属性。 这些是您通过网络传递的模型。 模型,模型模型。 就是这样。

我希望 DTO 这个愚蠢的术语能够从我们的词汇中消失。

Don't even call them DTOs. They're called Models....Period. Models never have behavior. I don't know who came up with this dumb term DTO but it must be a .NET thing is all I can figure. Think of view models in MVC, same dam** thing, models are used to transfer state between layers server side or over the wire period, they are all models. Properties with data. These are models you pass ove the wire. Models, Models Models. That's it.

I wish the stupid term DTO would go away from our vocabulary.

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