We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for software libraries, tutorials, tools, books, or other off-site resources. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 9 years ago.
或继续使用网站,即表示您同意使用 Cookies 和您的相关数据。
Plone 可能会满足您的许多要求,但您可能需要一些插件。
Plone may meet many of your requirements, though you might need to get some plugins.
Zoho.com - 免费托管解决方案(如果您需要比维护自己的协作更简单的解决方案) Portal)
PHPCollab - 开源项目,可扩展。
Dimdim 是简单、开放且经济实惠的网络协作软件,并配备了强大的功能一组不断变得更好的强大功能。 Dimdim 可扩展到数千名与会者,提供世界一流的可用性,并提供多种托管和现场配置,包括可下载的开源版本和免费托管版本。
Mindquarry 是一个用于文件共享(文档、图像、媒体文件等)的开源协作软件平台.)、任务和项目管理、团队协作以及将简单性和功能性结合起来的 Wiki 编辑。 因此,知识型员工无论身在何处都能够与团队成员联系并共享信息,从而有效地改善团队合作并提高公司内部的生产力。
以防万一,这里是 Wikipedia.org 上的协作软件列表
Zoho.com - Free hosted solution (in case you will need a simplier solution than maintaining your own collaboration portal)
PHPCollab - Open source project, extandable.
Dimdim is easy, open and affordable web collaboration software and comes with a robust set of powerful features that just keeps getting better. Dimdim scales to thousands of meeting attendees, provides world class availability and comes in multiple hosted and onsite configurations including downloadable open source and a free hosted version.
Mindquarry is an Open Source collaborative software platform for file sharing (documents, images, media files, etc.), task and project management, team collaboration and Wiki editing that meshes simplicity and functionality. As a result, knowledge workers are able to connect with team members and share information from wherever they are, effectively improving team-work and increasing productivity within the company.
Just in case, here is the List of collaborative software at Wikipedia.org