IDE 中的格式代码(VS2008)
我知道在 vs2008 xml 查看器中有一个按钮可以将所有代码格式化(缩进)到正确的层次结构
Every once in a while I will paste in some code and it will lose all its tabs and look pretty bad
I know that in the vs2008 xml viewer there is a button to format(indent) all the code to the correct hierarchy
Is there such a function or macro or shortcut key that i could apply this to a section of code (or to all the code in that window)?
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编辑菜单 - 然后高级 - 然后格式选择(如果突出显示)。
快捷键为:Ctrl + E、F(用于选择)和 Ctrl + E、D(用于文档)
Edit Menu - then Advanced - then Format Selection (if you have it highlighted).
Shortcut Key is: Ctrl + E, F (for selection) and Ctrl + E, D (for document)
小心键盘快捷键,我认为它们取决于开发人员环境样式设置,例如我的格式文档是 Ctrl+K、D
Careful on the keyboard shortcuts, I think they are dependent upon the developer environment style settings, e.g. my format document is Ctrl+K, D
Format document
Format selection
项目#42来自 “Pimp My IDE”:101 个 Visual Studio 提示、技巧和插件,作者:Brian Schroer。 其他一些技巧也非常好。
Item #42 from "Pimp My IDE": 101 Visual Studio tips, tricks, and add-ins by Brian Schroer. Some of the other tips are pretty good too.