The problem you're going to run into is how to test all that reproducibly. Tests that aren't reproducible (i.e. manual tests) are of strictly limited utility.
Take a look at watir (pronounced like "water"); it gives good coverage and is very scriptable.
You first need to know which activities can be performed on your site, and more importantly need some idea of what proportion of your total traffic that activity takes up. For a simple blog you might say it looks like this:
reading index page : 30%
reading post pages: 65%
creating comments: 4%
creating posts: 1%
You can then use some sort of testing framework to simulate this load and understand how many requests per minute second you can sustain. This will give you some hard number on capacity. You can also profile your memory/cpu/network/whatever to see how they are utilised during this time.
However it really is important not to skip on the actual usability testing. In standard dynamic website thinsg will start to feel slow if it takes more than about half a seond to load a page. In an AJAX enabled site you will find that the increased amount of feedback available to the use gives them a higher tolerance for latency and the limits on what is acceptable will need to be investigated by human in order to tell.
您将遇到的问题是如何可重复地测试所有这些。 不可重复的测试(即手动测试)的用途受到严格限制。
看看watir(发音像“water”); 它提供了良好的覆盖范围并且非常可编写脚本。
The problem you're going to run into is how to test all that reproducibly. Tests that aren't reproducible (i.e. manual tests) are of strictly limited utility.
Take a look at watir (pronounced like "water"); it gives good coverage and is very scriptable.
您首先需要知道您的网站上可以执行哪些活动,更重要的是需要了解该活动占总流量的比例。 对于一个简单的博客,您可能会说它看起来像这样:
然后您可以使用某种测试框架来模拟此负载并了解如何进行您可以承受每分钟每秒的多个请求。 这将为您提供一些有关容量的硬数据。 您还可以分析您的内存/CPU/网络/其他内容,以了解它们在此期间的使用情况。
然而,重要的是不要跳过实际的可用性测试。 在标准动态网站中,如果加载页面的时间超过半秒,就会开始感觉很慢。 在启用 AJAX 的站点中,您会发现可供用户使用的反馈量的增加使他们对延迟的容忍度更高,并且需要人工调查才能确定可接受的限制。
You first need to know which activities can be performed on your site, and more importantly need some idea of what proportion of your total traffic that activity takes up. For a simple blog you might say it looks like this:
You can then use some sort of testing framework to simulate this load and understand how many requests per minute second you can sustain. This will give you some hard number on capacity. You can also profile your memory/cpu/network/whatever to see how they are utilised during this time.
However it really is important not to skip on the actual usability testing. In standard dynamic website thinsg will start to feel slow if it takes more than about half a seond to load a page. In an AJAX enabled site you will find that the increased amount of feedback available to the use gives them a higher tolerance for latency and the limits on what is acceptable will need to be investigated by human in order to tell.