Concordion 有 .NET 版本吗?
除了 Fitnesse 之外,还有像 .NET 的协奏曲这样的东西吗?
Concordion 是一个开源框架 对于 Java 来说,它可以让你把一个简单的 需求的英文描述 进入自动化测试
David Peterson(Concordion 的作者)告诉我,据他所知,Concordion 没有 .net 端口。 不过他说我应该看看 Nbehave (和 此处)以及 FitNesse。
我还发现 Twist Thoughtworks Studios 刚刚发布,价格不便宜。 它声称支持开箱即用的 Selenium 和 Frankenstein,快速浏览一下,它的领域特定语言看起来很像 Concordion。 但是它是 Java,而不是 .NET Thoughtworks 声称..
Twist 是下一代 软件测试自动化工具。 它 提供了丰富的环境 创作、执行和维护 测试。
Apart from Fitnesse is there anything like concordion for .NET?
Concordion is an open source framework
for Java that lets you turn a plain
English description of a requirement
into an automated test
David Peterson (the author of Concordion) has told me that there is no .net port of Concordion that he knows of. However he says I should look at Nbehave (and here) as well as FitNesse.
I have also found Twist that Thoughtworks Studios has just released, it is not cheep. It claims to support Selenium and Frankenstein out of the box, on a quick look, its Domain Specific Languages look a lot like Concordion. However it is Java, not .NET Thoughtworks claims..
Twist is the next generation of
software test automation tools. It
provides a rich environment for
authoring, executing, and maintaining
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StoryTeller 可以满足您的需求。 它实际上比 Concordion 更进一步,提供了一个 UI,允许在不了解 HTML 或测试装置结构的情况下创建测试。 这使得 BA、TPM 和 QA 等人员可以轻松编写和执行测试。
新版本的 Concordion.NET 已发布。 请在这里找到一些文档:
现在 Concordion.NET 有一个 NUnit 集成来运行 Concordion.NET测试: /v1.0.0
concordion-net 是 Concordion 的 .net 端口,显然“它仍然相当 alpha” ”。
另请考虑 SpecFlow。
concordion-net is a .net port of Concordion, apparently "its still pretty alpha".
Also consider SpecFlow.