OpenVMS 上的 Java?

发布于 2024-07-16 01:51:34 字数 179 浏览 3 评论 0原文

我们在 OpenVMS Alpha 和 Integrity 服务器上运行批处理文件。 到目前为止,它们都是用 COBOL 编写的。 正如您可以想象的那样,有很多原因导致无法维持该流程。

同时我们有一个使用Eclipse并且非常了解Java的开发团队。 有没有办法将 Eclipse 与 OpenVMS 一起使用?

We run batch files on our OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers. Up until now they have been written in COBOL. As you can imagine there are many reasons why will not be able to maintain that process.

At the same time we have a team of developers that use Eclipse and know Java very well. Is there away to use Eclipse with OpenVMS?

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鯉魚旗 2024-07-23 01:51:34

也许是因为我没有跟上 COBOL 的步伐,但我不确定为什么你确信你必须放弃它。 我意识到这不是“流行”的事情,但如果你已经有一个很大的代码库,我会在切换到另一种语言之前至少三思而后行。 如果是缺乏开发人员,我认为你不会很快用完。

也就是说,谷歌搜索 Eclipse & OpenVMS 给出了这个链接:
因此,您似乎仍然可以从 eCube 获取 Eclipse for OpenVMS。 如果我正确地阅读该文章,HP 似乎希望您遵循 NetBeans 的指导。 就我个人而言,我仍在使用 Emacs(目前没有使用任何 Java),所以不会提出推荐; 我只是想指出,除了 Eclipse 之外,还有其他方法来开发 Java。

我在 Sun 的网站上没有找到 Java for VMS(如果您找到了,请随时纠正我),但看起来您可以从 HP/Compaq 获取 JDK,网址为: ovms/1.5.0/index.html

编辑:我的意思是,但忘了说:假设您在 VMS 端使用 JVM,您应该能够在另一个平台上使用 Eclipse 进行开发,然后复制Alpha 的字节码。

Maybe it's because I don't keep up with COBOL, but I am not sure why you're convinced you have to abandon it. I realize it's not the "in" thing, but if you already have a large code base I'd think at least twice before switching to another language. If it's a lack of developers, I don't think you're going to run out that soon.

That said, googling Eclipse & OpenVMS gave this link:
So it looks like you can still get Eclipse for OpenVMS from eCube. If I'm reading that article correctly, HP seems to want you to go the NetBeans directions. Personally, I'm still using Emacs (and not currently doing any Java), so won't make a recommendation; I just wanted to point out that there are other ways to develop Java than Eclipse.

I didn't find Java for VMS on Sun's site (someone feel free to correct me if you find it), but it looks like you can get the JDK from HP/Compaq at:

Edit: I meant, but forgot to say: Assuming you're using a JVM on the VMS side, you should be able to development with Eclipse on another platform, and copy the byte code to the Alphas.

善良天后 2024-07-23 01:51:34

根据经验,如果您决定用 Java 重写批处理过程,我建议您使用第三方批处理框架,例如 Spring Batch 而不是“自己种植”。


我们使用本地框架(重新)构建了从各种技术到 Java 的许多批处理流程,我发现我们最终花费了时间来修复/优化框架,而不是仅仅关注业务逻辑。

Speaking from experience, if you do decide to rewrite your batch processes in Java I'd suggest you use a third party batching framework like Spring Batch instead of 'growing your own'.

Using a framework also constrains you to work within a standard and should provide non-functional requirements like re-runability, transactions and error handling.

We've (re)built a number of batch processes from various technologies to Java using a home-grown framework and I find we end up spending time on fixing/optimizing the framework rather than just focusing on the business logic.

作死小能手 2024-07-23 01:51:34

不要离开 Cobol - 致电 a-cobol-程序员思考如何转向现代世界并进行交易:你教他 Java,他保留你的遗产。

Don't leave Cobol yet - call a-cobol-programmer-thinking-about-switching-to-the-modern-world and make a trade: you teach him Java, He maintains your legacy.

随梦而飞# 2024-07-23 01:51:34

shell 脚本和java 通常不是一个很好的组合。 您可能需要考虑在 VMS 服务器上安装 JVM,并使用一种能够更好地处理这种情况的 JVM 托管语言 - jython、jruby 或 groovy 可能是值得考虑的候选者。

Shell scripts and java usually aren't a great mix. You may want to consider installing a JVM on your VMS servers, and using one of the JVM-hosted languages that handle that case better- jython, jruby, or groovy might be candidates to consider.

南风几经秋 2024-07-23 01:51:34

Eclipse 依赖于似乎尚未移植到 OpenVMS 的本机 Java 扩展。 但不要放弃。 Java 在 OpenVMS 上运行(根据 Google 搜索至少为 1.5)。

NetBeans 有一个纯 Java 版本,可以在 OpenVMS 上运行。 在 NetBeans 下载页面 上,选择平台的 OS Independent Zip 选项。

Eclipse relies on native Java extensions that do not appear to have been ported to OpenVMS. Don't give up though. Java runs on OpenVMS (at least 1.5 according to a Google search).

NetBeans has a Java only edition that should work on OpenVMS. On the NetBeans Download Page select the OS Independent Zip option for the platform.

南街九尾狐 2024-07-23 01:51:34

您是否在 OpenVMS 系统上运行批处理文件? 如果是这样,HP 将为 OpenVMS 提供 Java,而不是 SUN; 你必须看看他们的网站。 您可以在 Windows/Linux 机器上开发 Java 代码,并在您的 VMS 系统上测试它; 您必须了解不能在 Java 的 VMS 实现上使用的本机扩展。

Are you running the batch files on your OpenVMS system? If so, HP makes Java available for OpenVMS, not SUN; you will have to look at their site. You can develop your java code on a windows/linux machine and test it on your VMS system; you must be aware of the native extensions that you cannot use on the VMS implementation of Java.

衣神在巴黎 2024-07-23 01:51:34

就该领域的一些经验而言,我建议在 Windows/Linux/Mac 桌面上使用 Eclipse 进行开发,并将代码推送到 OpenVMS 进行测试/部署。 由于其 GUI 的一些特定于平台的组件,Eclipse 无法在 OpenVMS 上运行。


  • 确保您在桌面上使用与 OpenVMS 上相同版本的 JVM。
  • 当使用本质上区分大小写的 Java .class 文件时,OpenVMS 中的不区分大小写可能会成为一个问题。 将所有内容打包在 .jar 中并以这种方式部署。
  • .jar 文件的属性必须正确设置,否则 OpenVMS JVM 无法打开它们。 以下命令应该可以解决问题:
  • HP 提供“快速”JVM 和“经典”JVM。 除非您的内存需求变化很大,否则请使用快速虚拟机。

Speaking with some experience in this area, I suggest developing with Eclipse on your Windows/Linux/Mac desktop, and pushing the code out to OpenVMS for testing/deployment. Eclipse won't run on OpenVMS because of some platform-specific components of its GUI.

Some caveats:

  • Make sure that you are using the same version JVM on your desktop as on OpenVMS.
  • The case insensitivity in OpenVMS can be a problem when using inherently case-sensitive Java .class files. Package everything in a .jar and deploy it that way.
  • The attributes on .jar files have to be set correctly or the OpenVMS JVM can't open them. The following command should do the trick:
  • HP provides both a "fast" JVM and a "classic" JVM. Use the fast VM unless your memory needs are highly variable.
情深缘浅 2024-07-23 01:51:34

我意识到这个问题相当老了,但我很惊讶没有人提到这本书,涵盖 OpenVMS 上的 Java。

使用 x86 时真正重要的是什么OpenVMS 源上的编辑器是您的文件传输软件。 OpenVMS(以及许多其他基于 ASCII 的中端平台)使用即使大多数 PC 开发人员都使用换行回车,数据文件通常以其他顺序存储它。

您可以在这里阅读更多相关内容: /wordpress/information-technology/most-text-editors-get-tabs-wrong/

您的文件传输软件将需要执行文本模式文件传输,更改行结束字符您的编辑器需要使用并尊重更好的系统行结束字符。 我认为 Eclipse 中有一些东西(通过插件)可以处理这个问题。 Notepadqq声称有东西。

注意这一点:他们使用 Eclipse 进行开发,而不仅仅是编辑。

这意味着他们在自己的基于 PC 的 Eclipse 世界中运行和调试,而这并不是 OpenVMS 上的工作方式。 他们需要一个进入 VMS 系统的终端,并且它需要是一个REAL VT-100终端仿真器,而不是毫无价值的免费东西。 您可以在这里阅读更多相关信息:

https: //


取决于您的系统的年龄,您可能已安装并运行 Pathworks。 然后,系统管理员可以为每个用户创建一个目录,他们可以将其映射为网络驱动器到 PC。 这使得 PC 用户可以像任何其他网络磁盘一样使用该目录,并且通常可以将其配置为处理文本文件的行结束问题。

他们无法使用 Eclipse 在 OpenVMS 上进行开发。 他们可以编辑文件然后在 OpenVMS 上进行测试,但他们无法在 IDE 中进行开发,我怀疑这是他们真正想做的事情。

OpenVMS 唯一存在的 GUI 是 DECWindows。 您必须在 VAXStation 或 DS 型号 Alpha 工作站上运行它。 我从来没有听说过 Eclipse 被移植到它上面。 在 OpenVMS 到 x86 的最新端口中,没有 GUI。 它是仅服务器操作系统。


I realize this question is rather old, but I was shocked nobody mentioned this book covering Java on OpenVMS.

What really matters when using an x86 editor on OpenVMS source is your file transfer software. OpenVMS (and many other midrange ASCII based platforms) use even though most PC developers say LineFeed Carriage Return, the data files typically store it in the other order.

You can read much more about that here:

Your file transfer software will need to perform text mode file transfer changing the line ending characters OR your editor needs to both use and respect the better systems line ending characters. I thought there was something in Eclipse (via plug-in) to handle this. Notepadqq claims to have something.

Note this: They use Eclipse for development, not just editing.

That means they are running and debugging in their own PC based Eclipse universe and that ain't how it's going to work on OpenVMS. They are going to need a terminal into the VMS system and it needs to be a REAL VT-100 terminal emulator, not the worthless free stuff. You can read a little bit more about that here:

and here

Depending on how old your system is, you might have Pathworks installed and running. Then a system manager can create a directory for each user that they can map as a network drive to the PC. This lets the PC user use the directory like any other network disk and it generally could be configured to handle the line ending issues with text files.

There is no way they can develop on OpenVMS using Eclipse. They can edit files then test on OpenVMS, but they cannot develop within the IDE which I suspect is what they really want to do.

The only GUI that ever existed for OpenVMS was DECWindows. You had to run it on either a VAXStation or a DS model Alpha workstation. I never heard of Eclipse being ported to it. In the latest port of OpenVMS to x86 there is no GUI. It is a server only OS.

Yeah, I spent two decades on the platform and even wrote this book for it.

安静 2024-07-23 01:51:34

是的,有一个支持 OpenVMSEclipse 版本,称为 NXTware Remote。 它支持JavaCOBOL语言以及FortranBasicPascal >。

Yes, there is a version of Eclipse that supports OpenVMS called NXTware Remote. It has support for Java and COBOL languages as well as Fortran, Basic and Pascal.

勿挽旧人 2024-07-23 01:51:34

您可以使用几乎任何编辑器(包括 Eclipse)编辑 OpenVMS 文件 - 只需使用 Samba 即可使 OpenVMS 目录和文件对网络上的桌面可见。 如果您为 OpenVMS 安装 Java,那么您就会有人使用 Eclipse,并在 OpenVMS 上编译和运行。

至于放弃 Cobol——为什么? 仍有大量公司在运营它,而且它肯定还会持续几十年。

You can edit OpenVMS files using pretty much any editor, including Eclipse - just use Samba to make OpenVMS directories and files visible to desktops on the network. If you install Java for OpenVMS, then you've got folks using Eclipse, and compiling and running on OpenVMS.

As for ditching Cobol - why? There's still a ton of companies running it, and it will certainly last for decades more.

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