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Closed 6 years ago.
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您可能想看看 XCB,以重新开始低级 Xorg 开发:
You may want to have a look at XCB for a fresh start into low-level Xorg developing:
我会推荐 Linux 文档项目中的 HOWTO,特别是 X Window 用户 HOWTO以及 X Window 系统体系结构概述 HOWTO。
I would recommend the HOWTOs from the Linux Documentation project, specifically The X Window User HOWTO and the X Window System Architecture Overview HOWTO.
您可以尝试获取 X Window 系统:完整参考 罗伯特·W·谢弗勒 (Robert W. Scheifler) 和詹姆斯·盖蒂斯 (James Gettys)
You could try getting your hands on a copy of X Window System: The Complete Reference by Robert W. Scheifler and James Gettys
X.Org 去年在其网站上发布了X 新开发者指南。 这不是一个冗长、深入的指南,而是对架构的高级概述以及指向何处的指针
X.Org published The X New Developer’s Guide on their website last year. It's not a long, in-depth guide, but a high level overview of the architecture and pointers to where
to find out more about specific parts of the graphics stack.